Stronger Then I've Ever Been

By Bella___XD__

230K 6.3K 1.7K

Street fighting is something Layla Fischer has been doing half of her life time to pay bills and provide for... More

Chapter 1- The New Kid
Chapter 2- That Dream
Chapter 3- Ms. Grumpy
Chapter 4- I'd Rather Make-Out With A Hairless Cat
Chapter 5- I'm Smokin' Hot
Chapter 6- Fight Gone Deadly
Chapter 7- Party Fighting
Chapter 8- Life Goes On
Chapter 9- Late Night Run
Chapter 10- 20 Questions
Chapter 11- Shoot Out
Chapter 12- Movie Time
Chapter 14- Kind of the Truth
Chapter 15- Liar
Chapter 16- Pipsqueak
Chapter 17- Fighting Agian
Chapter 18- Family Talk
Chapter 19- Babysitting
Chapter 20- I'm Broken
Chapter 21- Bigger and More Viscuos
Chapter 22- Wolfy
Chapter 23- Welcome to your First High Speed Chase
Chapter 24- Tipsy
Chapter 25- Figments of my Memory
Chapter 26- Rivalry
Chapter 27- Warehouse
Chapter 28- Through a Bathroom Window
Chapter 29- Punishment
Chapter 30- The Cliff
Chapter 31- Caramel Frappuccino and Two Donuts
Chapter 32- The Phone Call
Chapter 33- Cliché
Chapter 34- Weird Looking Fruit Bowl Like Thing
Chapter 35- Ellie
Chapter 36- First Kiss
Chapter 37- Breakfast for Dinner
Chatpter 38- Shipped away
Chapter 39- Bug
Chapter 40- Cooking
Chapter 41- Ice Cream Parlor
Chapter 42- Calm
Chapter 43- Friends
Chapter 44- Sweetie Pie
Chapter 45- Why are you here?
Chapter 46- Halloween
Chapter 47- Beer Pong
Chapter 48- Tipsy
Chapter 49- Detention
Chapter 50- Diego & Lizzie
Chapter 51- Up and Down
Chapter 52- A Little Drunk
Chapter 53- Making Amends
**Quick Authors Note**
Chapter 54- Pizza
Chapter 55- Lunch Room
Chapter 56- Broken Liquor
Chapter 57- Again
Chapter 58- Night
Chapter 59- Scars and Wounds
Chapter 60- Take Me Back
Chapter 61- Groceries
Chapter 62- Just my Luck
Chapter 63- The Club
Chapter 64- Leaving
Chapter 65- Reliving
Chapter 66- Doctors Office
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 13- He's Lying

4.2K 115 11
By Bella___XD__

I wake up to my alarm and get up dreading this day. I take a quick shower and then I blow dry my hair and get it in the perfect messy bun. I do a quick makeup look and go to my room to put on the outfit I am dreading to wear. I decide to put on the thong and bra because I don't know if Bo has X-ray vision or something and will see if I have on the undergarments. I go down stairs and grab a pop tart and put it in the toaster. Once it pops out I eat it and grab the shoes Bo told me to wear. I go out to my car and get in it. I drive to school and go the long way and wait until the bell rings to get out of my car.

After awhile, the bell finally rings and I get out of my car and walk up to the school.

I hear somebody wolf whistle at me and I turn around and see Jackson with Mason, "Wow, dress to impress."

I roll my eyes and continue to walk into the school ignoring Jackson's comment. As soon as I walk in anybody who is in the hallway is looking at me but I ignore them and their comments.

"Looks like somebody really doesn't want to watch fifty shades of grey with me," I hear Bo come next to me.

"I hate that movie and will probably never watch it again," I say not looking at him.

"You wore the undergarments to correct?" He ask me.

"Yes, I actually did," I reply.

"I might have to check later but I got to get to class," he whispers in my ear and I shiver.

He walks in a different direction to his class and I walk to mine and surprisingly Mason is there before me.

"Oh, look a new slut," I hear Mason say and all of the girls laugh.

I ignore him, "I know you can hear don't try to act like you can't."

"I'm ignoring you so I don't damage your ego unless you want me to," I smirk back at him and some people 'ooooo' at that.

"Nothing can damage my ego but I think yours would be easier to crush into smithereens," he smirks back at me.

"By the time I'm done with you you'll be crying to your grandma," some people laugh.

"Wow so original. Why don't you just drop it or do I have to be the bigger person," he crosses his arm and some people laugh at what he said.

"Well, I don't think the 'bigger person' is in a gang and kills people and sells drugs so...," I shrug my shoulder looking innocent and people laugh.

"Who said I was talking about that kind of big," he smirks devilishly.

"Your dick definitely isn't big because the last person who had sex with was complaining about you being to small," pretty much everybody laughs at that.

"At least I've had sex," everybody stops laughing and looks at me in disbelief.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I don't believe that any hot person I see is fuckable," I say and people laugh again.

The teacher walks in and everybody calms down.

"Mr. Olson Layla was disturbing me before you got here and she hit me and gave me this mark," he lifts up his shirt to show a scratch that is obviously from a knife.

"Ms. Fischer, to the principles office! Immediately!" the teacher yells at me.

"I didn't do that I swe-" the teacher cuts me off.

"I don't want the hear your excuses, leave!" He points towards the door and I get up and grab my stuff and leave to the principles.

Before I'm about to leave I hear the teacher say, "Mason go with her to talk to the principle."

I can hear Mason behind me but I try to ignore his loud walking. We arrive at the principles office and sit down in the waiting chairs.

The principle walks out of his office and calls us both in.

"So, why are you guys here?" Mr. Patricke asks.

"Ms. Layla here cut my arm for no reason," he pulls up his sleeve to show the principle.

"Is this true Layla," he asks me.

"No it is not sir," I say as formally as possible.

"Mason can you tell me what happened please?" he looks at Mason saying he only wants Mason to talk.

"I walked into class and had gotten there early to work on my project because I needed to do some finishing touches. Then she walked in and claimed that I wrecked her project. Next she took my scissors and cut me with them," Mason lies to the principle.

"Now, Layla what is your side of the story?" He questions me.

"I got to school a little later then usual and walked into class. Mason was there before me and went to go sit down in my usual seat. Then Mason started making fun of me so I stood up for myself. In no way, shape, or form did I ever cut him. He doesn't even have any scissors and that cut looks like it is from at most 2 days ago," I say kind of telling the truth.

"I will ask some of your classmates and I'll talk to both of you during your last period. You are dismissed but I expect to see you before the end of the school day or consequences will be a lot more harsh," the principle points to the door and we both walk out and go back to class.

"Now you know what happens when you try to mess with me," he smirks.

"Sorry, STD man that I was threatening you so you had to result to lying," I say it in a baby voice and he snarls at me.

"I don't have a STD you bitch," he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Sure you don't," I look at him not convinced and walk into our classroom and sit down in my seat.


Sorry for not really posting this week. I was spending time with my family. Hope you guys had a great Fourth of July if you celebrate it.

I'll see y'all later! Bye BYEEEEE!

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