By Call_Me_BaiYun

87.1K 2.7K 179

Suffered from amnesia, Mimi woke up to a fully grown body when she was convinced that she was only ten. She e... More

Chapter 2 - She's Staying With Me
Chapter 3 - We're Married
Chapter 4 - Getting Closer
Chapter 5 - Friend
Chapter 6 - Obviously Mine
Chapter 7 - Black Aura
Chapter 8 - Because You're My Wife
Chapter 9 - Beautiful Eyes
Chapter 10 - New Friend and Regret
Chapter 11 - Gai's POV
Chapter 12 - Cute Little Doll
Chapter 13 - Annoying Old Lady
Chapter 14 - Whys
Chapter 15 - He Want What?!
Chapter 16 - Mummy
Chapter 17 - She Hates Me
Chapter 18 - Family
Chapter 19 - Bath
Chapter 20 - Bed
Chapter 21 - Gai's POV
Chapter 22 - Meeting My Sister
Chapter 23 - Dream
Chapter 24 - Magic
Chapter 25 - I Don't Need It
Chapter 26 - He Cared
Chapter 27 - Morning Spat
Chapter 28 - Our Son
Chapter 29 - Let Me Think!
Chapter 30 - It Was Him?
Chapter 31 - Gai's POV
Chapter 32 - Possible
Chapter 33 - First Kiss
It's Alec!
Chapter 34 - Wronged
Chapter 35 - Sweet
Chapter 36 - Cunning Fox
Chapter 37 - Sorry
Chapter 38 - Romantic
Chapter 39 - Ignorance, Regret

Chapter 1 - Waking Up

7.7K 178 2
By Call_Me_BaiYun

🎊Welcome to my world!!!🎊

👉This work is written by me only for my own pleasure and for those who think that this story is their cups of teas.

👉The first few chapters might be boring, well yeah it is I admit, but it will get better I promise. 🤧

👉But if you think that you just couldn't wait for the excitement and think that you wouldn't find what you're looking for here, I sadly wouldn't force you to stay. 😭

But if you do like it, then let us begin our journey together with Mimi to reveal the memories she lost:

"I couldn't find it in myself to ever regret everything I did when having you close to me is my greatest joy." - Gai





Mimi's POV

I couldn't remember the last time I spoke to someone else other than my family. I also had forgotten the joy of meeting my friends in school, most probably for I didn't have one.

Yet one day, as I barely realized I was actually asleep, I remembered that once, when everybody else ignored me for who I was; he came up to me, telling me that he was a friend.

That boy called Gai, he sat behind me in class, but we never talk much. Strangely enough, that boy who I never thought was close enough to be call a friend, actually happily admitted that he was my friend.

He was the last person I remembered talking to as I regained my consciousness, my head was foggy and I scarcely recognized my surroundings as a hospital room full of strange machines.

Laid hopelessly on the bed, I tried to raise my hand to give my aching head a good massage only to be held down by a strange wire on the back of my palm.

The needle connected to the wire stabbed into my skin, forcing a slight screech to come out of my dried, patched lips. A tiny buds of tears formed under my eyes as the pain annoyed me greatly.

But instantly after a few seconds of whinning myself in pain, I grew completely silence.

With my eyes fixed on my left arm, I was overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity that I saw. The slender white hands connected to my body were supposedly belonged to me but it was slightly larger than what I was used to.

Sweat began to form on my forehead as I examined my arms with my heart pounded against my chest. And before long, realization hit me.

Not only did my hands grew larger and even longer, even my legs were no longer the short legs that I used to hate.

The body that was supposed to be mine doesn't feel like it belonged to me. With my mouth hung opened, I was about to shout in terror but was forced to a halt when the door to my hospital room suddenly burst ajar.

Stood in front of me was a tall man in a grey suit. His eyes solely fixed on me the very moment he pushed open the door but he made no attempt to walk closer to my side.

Frowning, he quietly talked to the people who followed in behind him.

It was obvious that he somehow was irritated right upon seeing me and yet he seemed to vent the anger to those people wearing their white long coats. They were a group of doctors that seemed to cower away when faced with the tall man.

Not knowing how to react to the unusual situation, I tried to slowly sit up on the bed which also causes me to freeze in the next few seconds.

A lock of ash colored hair filled my line of sight and I watched them, completely stunned.

Touching the long hair furiously, I noticed that even my bobbed-cut hair had grew longer to the point of reaching my waist.

I was not fond of long hair and why, why was my hair suddenly grew longer? Was it even possible for it to grew overnight in the first place?

"Mimi? This is great! You're awake..." a gentle feminine voice called out to me as I was freaking out over my own self.

When I looked up, my eyes were met with a familiar kind face which instantly made the tears I held started to slide down my cheeks.

Though her appearance was entirely different, I knew for sure that the gentle voice could only belong to my sister, Yuna.

Seeing I suddenly started to cry, the people present there was so shocked that they stood still like a statue.

Even the furious tall man who was scolding the doctors went wholely silent as he watched me crying my eyes out. His jaw tighten as he went completely rigid.






"Mimi's physical condition has improves fairly better but apparently, her memories is in a mess. I'm afraid that I have to say, Mimi can only remember things up until she was ten. This condition could be regards as amnesia. Could be temporary, or even long-term."

Yuna stood beside me as I looked upon myself in the body length mirror, still couldn't believe the sight I hold. She was talking to the cold looking man, explaining things as my doctor.

It turned out that my older sister had successfully become a doctor. But as far as I could remember, she was still in a boarding school and often time would just brag about how she would become a doctor.

I had a body of a fully grown woman - though I was a lot shorter than even my sister - with my ash colored hair grew so much longer than the length I usually had.

Though I could still see my old self mingling with the unfamiliar image, my image had changed so much that I had a hard time processing things in my head. Sighing, I stared deeply into the face inside the mirror.

I kept staring and staring as time passed by with no one tried to break the silence my condition had caused.

At first I was only looking through the right and left side and even the back of my body. But eventually, I started pouting, and without a care for the world, I cried and whined like a child.

"Mi-Mimi calm down. It's alright. Don't panic." Yuna pulled me into her embrace to ease me down but somehow it only made me cried louder.

I mean, I was basically a ten-year-old kid in a body of a twenty-two-year-old woman!

I didn't remember growing tall, I didn't remember going through high school and I certainly didn't remember how I ended up like this. Everything...everything was just in a mess.

"Mr. Clarkson, I think, we really need to talk." Yuna suddenly called for the person who stood silently by the window as he watched the messy me crying so miserably.

With a deep frown, he quietly walked out of the room, hurriedly followed by my sister.

After a few more soothing words from Yuna, I then was left alone, sitting on the bed with my head tilted up high to look at the white ceiling above me.

My head was blank as I tried to look for any remaining memories of the latest event in my life but to no avail, not a single image of my current life did come back.

The last thing that I seemed to remember was...that boy, that Gai, did we became friends? They said I was already twenty-two, so for all these years, did we became close somehow?

Or, did that time when he willingly talked to me, was only a one time moment? And, what happened to me that I ended up like this?

Why couldn't I remember?

I needed to remember.

But was it true that years had already past?

I couldn't remember even as I forced myself to try harder and squeezed out the buried memories that I thought might be somewhere hidden in my head.

I only managed to gain some annoying pain in my head though, as I tried to make them work too much apparently which resulted to me crying again.

The room suddenly felt huge with me alone on the bed, as the depth of my heart crept with the coldness of a loner. In my life, I had never felt so vulnerable, so alone...and so empty.

Why did things became this way? Why?





BTW, I really appreciate the fact that you're willing to read my humble work, so yeah, thanks a bunch!

Please vote and comment and continue to read if you find this story worth your time. 😁

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