By MayMayuu_

61.1K 1.8K 48

He always walk in front of me. The scent of his body make me happy. His smile and his voice are my favorite... More

The way we met ❤
You give me a warm hug ❤
Graduated ❤
Jealousy ❤
Heartbroken ❤
Give me a chances ❤
Be mine ❤
The past ❤
i love you ❤
Dont leave❤
Let me go ❤
Trouble ❤
bad at love ❤
come back ❤
come back (2) ❤
the truth ❤
Its fine ❤
A goodbye ❤
Author's notes ❤
A goodbye (2)
mine ❤
Thank you ♥
the cast ;


2.6K 113 13
By MayMayuu_


I kissed him back

"I'm waited for this to happen for so long jasmine."

He start to rub of my back
"Uh kelvin.. I–" me
He look at me and smirk.
"I know everything about you" kelvin

And i fall to my sense, this is wrong !
"K-kelvin stop, this is wrong." Me
He glared at me and grab my waist to his body
"Theres nothing wrong here. Love " kelvin
What is he talking about ? This is wrong ! I dont even know him, i just know him over 5hours
"Stop this ! You're drunk ! Before I scream please let me g—"
He crashed over my lips hard
He push his tongue inside my mouth.
I can't breath.
Sy Cuba lawan, tolak tp x dapat ..

Somebody help me ..


Kelvin fall on the road n mengerang kesakitan

"Stay away from what's mine you jerk ! "
Im shocked , jordan is here to save me
"Jor—" me
"Are you okay baby ? Are you hurt anywhere ? I'm so sorry baby" jordan
He cup my face and our forehead met. He kiss my temple n hug me tight.
"You —" me
"No i will explain everything to you baby" jordan

I nod

Kelvin lap darah yg mengalir di tepi bibir dia n feelings hurt.
Seeing this two still together make his hope fall break into pieces.

Kelvin's POV

"Sara please tolong dulu sy kasi nih surat ba sma c jasmine. Penting nih" kelvin
Sara sigh —
"Apa juga nih ? Buruk juga tulisan kau nih. P buat balik. Buruk" sara
Kitai nih perempuan ah
"Aiyah tulung ja ba hntr bkn susah" kelvin
"Panggil sy kakak dulu hahah" sara
"Ish indamau sy, geli sy mau pnggil kau kakak yuckk" kelvin
"Kurang asam kau cicak kubing. Sy tua dua tahun bah sma kau. Kau budak pmr bgus jgn becinta² p bljr bgus² kmi mau spm suda nih." Sara
Baru kelvin mau buka mulut, sara jalan sja kasi tinggl dia.

Sllu kelvin stalk si jasmine dri dia form one lagi. Masa tu masi lg dia kurus mcm cicak 😂 kelvin mmg suka si jasmine smpai dia bejanji akan bljr bgus utk spm nnti supaya dpt kejar si jasmine.

At last
lepas spm dia dpat keputusan yg cemerlang !
Masa tu dia jdi budak hot suda.
Pndai suda pigang anak org.
Bawa naik atas katil.
Every time dia make love mesti dia bayang Si jasmine .

And of course dgn kputusan begitu dia berjaya bina masa depan dia yg cerah.
Dia jdi CEO sebuah syarikat di kota kinabalu. Dia ambil alih kerja abang dia.

Last week —

"Shit I saw her !" Kelvin
"Who baby ?" Girl
"My queen" kelvin
Besinar² mata dia nmpk Si jasmine .
Makin hot n seksi !
"Ahh how I wish to have her all my own." Kelvin

Lepas hari tu kelvin ambil no phone c sara n called her.
"Hello pretty"
"Whore ! Who is this ?" Sara
"You never change 'kakak sara' "
he smirk.
"Wait ! Kelvin ?!" Sara
"Yes sis hahah" kelvin

Dri sna kelvin tahu cerita si jasmine and feeling bad towards her .
'But thats my chance to get her !'

Sara jemput dia p party, harapan supaya jasmine dpat kasi lupa c jordan if Kelvin dtg jdi pengganti

But its wasted —

Jasmine love is already with someone


Lepas kena tumbuk
Kelvin cannot stand to watch them be a lovey dovey ..

Ahhh I'm such an idiot
He chuckled n stand up

"Well I think its over now. I'm sorry bro, i just loving her for so long but now for her own good n your child im leaving. Be happy."

I leaving with a big hole in my heart ..

It's hurt —

Seriously ?! Is this how people got a broken heart ?!

Damnn —

Jasmine's POV

Kelvin leaving us ..
What's wrong with that guy ?!
"Come baby we go home.  I missed you two so much " jordan.

I stop n cried
"Shhh why baby?" Jordan
I hug him tightly. I love this man for the rest of my life !
He chuckled n kiss my temple.

He drive me home.
"Uhm who u living with ?" Jordan
"My maid n jason" me
"Can i come in to see my child ?" Jordan
He look nervous
"Our child jordan" me
He smiles n kiss my cheek.
"Im so sorry about that day. You dont deserve to get that. I can't even sleep or eat thinking I already hurt my love one, goshhh why I am like that. The girl is my cousin honestly. Actually she doesn't know about us yet, I'm really sorry to leave you two. I just need time. But I did in a wrong way. I'm trying to contact you but it's hurt to know you love someone.  I—"

I kiss him passionately

"I love you, i love you jordan. You're my love , my life, forever. Sorry for hurting you. I'm the one who wrong here.
Lets built our  family together, slowly." Me

He kiss my cheek and hug me tight.

"I love you too jasmine. Forever in my heart. My queen. My life. My everything." Jordan

We kissed one last time n goin in to the house.

"Aih puan ?" Maid
Dia tingu sy baru si jordan
"Hi" jordan
And dorang shake hand.
"Uhm bapa si jason nih unty. Baru kana jumpa di longkang" me
"Ahaha jahat juga puan." Maid
"Well, even you found me in that place, you still love me right" jordan
"Yucks but true Hahah." Jasmine.
"Saya p masuk tidur dulu la ah. Jgn laju² mau balik sir." maid 
"Bah hehe" jordan
Sy tngu jam tangan sy
Mau masuk jam 5am suda.

Kami naik atas n masuk bilik baby jason
"He's asleep." Me
Jordan walk slowly to baby Jason n looking at him
"I want to carry him" Jordan
I smiled n angkat baby Jason letak di tangan jordan.
Jordan tngu ja ni baby jason.
"He have my face." Jordan cried softly
"I'm sorry son. I love you." Jordan kiss baby jason d forehead .
And for the first time jason open his eyes
"Look ! He opened his eyes ! Hi buddy , im your daddy." Jordan smiled widely.
Looking at them makes my heart melt.
My love of life.
Both of them.

My everything —

8years later

"Come to mommy jason ! Now !" Me
"Nooo, i hate jenny !" Jason

Yes jason my 7years old son.

"Why are you hate your own little sister jason ?! She just take your cookies and u push her that hard ?! Gosh kids nowdays " me

"Noo ! Jenny bite my hand mommy. See this ?" Jason
He show me bekas gigitan
Alala kesian ..
" now jenny explain ! What's wrong with you two ? Huh ?" Me
"Tembirang tu mummy ! Tunggu kau ah sy kasi tau daddy! Cowards !" Jenny
Yups my 5years old daughter
She's quite  like to use sabahan slang sbb selalu juga sa guna sabahan punya prckpn sma dia n siok mau guna, but she's really genius

"What's happen here ?" Jordan
"Daddyyyyy" jason and jenny run to jordan
"What kids ?" Jordan
"Daddy jenny bite me ! See ?!" Jason
Jenny give a shot glare at her brother
"Taik kau sna ! Sy tida sengaja ba tu daddy" jenny
"Ahhh enough you two. Mari kita p beli barang yang kamu suka." Jordan
Yups jordan pun pandai suda 😌
Bepelukan suda tu anak anak
Lupa suda durang begaduh

Jordan pull my waist n kissing my neck
"Mau tambah anak lagi ?" Jordan smirk
I bite my lips
"I want it " me
"Okay we will. Tonight my love" jordan
"Cannot wait for it hubby"
I kiss him passionately
"Ewww" jenny n jason closed their eyes.
"Dont forget here kids, kiss is only for someone you love, you really love. Especially  on the foreheads okay kids ?" Jordan
"Daddy and mommy kissed us on our forehead every night! Right brother !"  Jenny
"Yeah ! "
Jason jump and kissed jenny on the head
"I love you sis " jason
"Awww love you too brother" jenny

"Bah besiap ! Cepat." Me

"Oh mummy ! Don't forget today is Anastasia 3years birthday !" Jason while he grab his towel n run
"Don't run ! You'll fall !" Me
"Love you mom !" Jason

I look at jordan
"I almost forget today's sara daughter birthday ugh" me
Jordan push me gently on the kitchen counter.
He kissing my neck and his hand grabbing my butt
"While our kids not around, want to do something naughty baby, you're mine baby"
Jordan smirk

I roll my eyes n crashes my lips on him

Our little family is my happiness❤


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Tamat suda 😭 thank you guys ! Walaupun inda seberapa bagus sy punya jalan cerita n penulisan sy pun yg inda berapa bagus 😖

Sy harap kamu suka ending dia.

Thank you so much you all  😘

Kalau ada silap sorry ah 🙏

I put my effort suda nih. Sy publish nih pun pukul 1pagi suda sbb masa tu sj  free . yg guna maxis tau la tuh 😂 sim Burung hantu kan .

Just enjoy it ❗❗

Jangan lupa vote ah !!


Maymayuu _

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