Finally (A Paul Lahote love s...

By Havea_gooday32

50.3K 1K 69

The year was 1844, Naiyah was just a normal Apache girl. Living in her homeland with her family. But that all... More

2. The Call
3. The Journey
4. Surprise
5. The Cullen Clan
6. Training
7. Boarder
8. The Phone Call
9. Home
10. Bella Swan
11. Lean on me
12. The Bonfire
13. The Clearing
14. Make the Jump
15. Run
16. I Promise
17. Rest

1. The Beginning

3.8K 69 1
By Havea_gooday32

  (Naiyah's POV)


    Fire is calming. It's warmth. It's life.

   I've always enjoyed it, the fire that is. It has never caused me any harm before.

   I watched as the flames danced into the night sky. Night has always been my favorite part of the day, even when I was younger, my mother would tell me that I lived to love the night. And I do.

   It's ironic really, I love the night so much that now I'm destined to forever roam it. Cause of what a monster I am. Cause of the monster I've become.

   I looked up at the sky, the stars are as bright as ever. I sighed, "Another night alone." I whispered to myself. I looked up and saw what the white eyes call the milky way. But my people had called it something else, it told a story of how we came to be. How the sacred one came down to earth and how he left his white paint in the sky for us to see every night.

   A small smile came upon my lips as I remembered my life before all this wondering. I remembered my family and friends, the stories the medicine men would tell us younger ones. Just my life in general.

   "Nzhune', Soonts..." I whispered my sister's names as I look at the stars. I couldn't tell you how many times I named the stars after my family, I do it so I will never forget. I don't want to forget them. I don't know what I would do if I did.

   My thoughts were broken when I heard a twig snapped. I quickly turned, my hand automatically going to my belt where my knife was. Though it was dark I still saw the three figures in the distance, my golden eyes narrowing slightly as I saw them walking towards me.

   I could tell that they were white eyes, but they weren't normal. Most would be afraid to walk this far in the woods at night. 

   Then I noticed it. No heartbeats. No warmth coming from them at all.

   Cold ones

   My defensive stance disappeared as they stood only a few feet away. That's when their red eyes looked into mine. A female and two males.

   "Your eyes, " the woman spoke, though she couldn't be older than 18 or 19, "they are different from ours." The southern accent very noticeable as she spoke. I noticed she held hands with one of the men on her right. The other man was on her left with no emotion on his face what so ever.

   I nod, "And yours are red." I say calmly. My voice strong and clear, like every Apache woman should sound. Over the years I perfected my english so I spoke it effortlessly.

   I smiled to myself as I saw her eyes widen slightly in shock. I wouldn't blame them for being surprised, I was in my traditional camp dress, my long skirt came to my ankles, the designs on the material were sewed on by hand, the turquoise and yellow standing out against the black. The top a beautiful turquoise material, the sleeve coming down to just below my elbow, like a traditional dress should be. The design simple but beautiful at the same time. My traditional moccasins were made of buckskin hide and a curved tip on the toe, like all Apache boots had. The rest of the boot was double layered, with traditional designs paint in black, but most of it was hidden by my skirt. My belt was made of leather, with real silver in it for design, it hung on my waist showing that I had a figure. And on my belt hung my medicine bag, also made from buckskin, on the right side. It was full of yellow pollen, it was only used to bless things in your life, whether it be food or the people you love. But on my left held me knife, it was given to me by my father when I turned 13. My hair was down, it came down to my waist. It was straight and long, healthy looking. My hair was like the night sky, that's how dark it was.

   My appearance screamed that I was Native American. And that's what I was. It must have really shocked them that I spoke their language. Heck it would shock anyone really.

   "You know English." The one with no emotion said. His blood red eyes taking in my appearance.

   I scoffed and turned to sit on the ground again, "of course I do, that is what you white eyes speak, is it not? " I gesture to them sit also. They do.

   "I didn't think Indians spoke English at all." said the girl, as she sat by what I presume was her mate.

   I chuckled, "you white eyes assume to little of my people. But then again, " I say as I pull my pack closer to me as I look in it, "I have been around for a long time," I say quietly before looking up to them, "I'm Naiyah by the way. "

   "My name is Charlotte, and this Peter, " she points to her mate, "and this is Jasper." She gestures to the other. I nod.

   "Your not from around here, are you? " I dig in my pack and find the jars, I look up to see that their eyes are slightly black, they mustn't have fed in a while. I then pull out the jar full of animal blood. "You must be thirsty here, " I holding the jar out to Charlotte. "It's not human, but it will keep you strong."

   She takes it and looks at me confused, "why are you giving us this? "

   I shrug, "I already fed, so I'm good for another couple days. But it looks like you haven't fed in weeks."

   She slowly nods and opens it and takes a drink before handing it to Peter then Jasper. "Thank you, " Jasper says. He continues to stare at me like he has a question.

   "Whatever you have to say, just say it." I bring my legs up to my chest and look into the fire.

   "Why are your eyes different than ours?" I look up to meet his eye. A small smile on my face.

   "Because I'm different, we may be the same... being, but we are very different." I look back at the fire. "You're not the only travelers I've seen, they ask me the same thing. I guess you can say my diet is different than yours. I only drink blood from animals. I've never had blood from humans, and I never plan too. "

   "How old are you?" Peter asks.

   "In the white eyes eyes, I'm 20 years old. But I was born in 1824." I say calmly. A twinkle in my eye as I remember my home and my life before this. "But I've been told I look really well for my age." A small grin on my face.

   "Are you from around here? " Charlotte asks.

   I shake my head, "no, I come from the mountains of Arizona. That was my home before I became this."

   It was quiet for a while, but I didn't mind. I liked silence. But sadly it didn't last long. "Your fire is going down, let me go get you more wood," Jasper says and he goes to rise. I hold out my hand to stop him.

   "Don't bother, I got it. " I say before I show them the tips of my fingers. Then suddenly, fires appears on them. I hear Charlotte gasps as I make the fire into a ball and throws it into the pit. A small smile on my lips as the fire comes back into life once more.

   "That was amazing! How did you do that? " she half yells. Excitement in her eyes.

   I laugh slightly, "I always loved fire, even when I was a child. I would always tend to it. It really wasn't a surprise to my people when I found out my gift." A smile made its way to my face as I look back to that day. I look towards Jasper, "and you," I nod towards him, "what is your gift?"

   He blinked, "how did you know I have one? "

   "Just a feeling I had when you showed up, you are really calm, too calm I suppose . Is that what gift you have, something about emotion right? "

   He nods slowly, "yeah, that's exactly what it is. But how? "

   I smile, "I don't really know, I just...know I guess ." I shrug.

   He smiles also and chuckles.

   "Now, how about you tell me a story, I'm sure you must have one right? "

   The rest of the night our little group share some interesting stories to one another. But when dawn came I packed up my belongings, getting ready to head out.

   "Are you leaving?" Charlotte asks. I nod, "But isn't that dangerous, the humans will be asking questions on why you shine."

   I grin, "maybe for you white eyes, but I barely shine since I'm dark skinned. It's not so noticeable with me. Plus traveling by day makes me seem somewhat normal." I place another jar of blood on the ground. "For you, a parting gift. But who knows maybe we will meet someday. " I say with a small smile, my pack on the back.

   "It was really nice to meet you Naiyah," says Jasper, "I have a feeling that we'll see each other again. "

   I smile brightly at the three of them as they returned the gesture. "yeah, I have a same feeling also. But for now, my friends, this is goodbye. "

   I turned and started to walk north, towards Canada. It's been awhile since I last been there.

(3rd POV)

   They watched as the young women walked away from the little campsite. The nomads weren't expecting to make a new friend on the journey. But it was more than just a simple friendship. 

   Even years later they kept in touch, always meeting or helping each other if someone needed help.

   They didn't know it at the time but they made a friendship that would literally last a lifetime.

{And that's the end of chapter one! Sorry for the long wait, been busy with the family. I'm actually really proud of this and I'm excited to see what I write next. Bye!}
This is what the names mean in Apache
   Naiyah - traveler/ one who moves a lot
   Nzhune'- pretty
   Soonts - star


   {This is what the camp dress looks like. Just ignore the banner the girl is wearing. }

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