Responsible for survival

By hufflepuffrules

27K 400 27

BELLARKE AU Bellamy and Clarke were together on the Ark, forced apart by Clarke's arrest. Will Earth leave th... More

Still floating
Screaming pt1
Screaming pt2
Hiding Pt1
Hiding Pt2
Coming home


241 2 2
By hufflepuffrules


We wait for Harper, Clarke and Fox to come back. The minutes tick past and Maya gets more and more agitated, whispering furiously under her breath. The door opens softly, and they walk in. Maya leaps up, and hugs them. Clarke blinks, arms pinned by Maya, before twisting to awkwardly pat her back, eyes wide and darting. She smiles. 'What's going on?' she mouths. I shrug. Maya closes the door, and Jasper turns the radio up a little louder, as relieved as Maya is. He looks at her, a wordless conversation rapidly streaming between them. Clarke looks at the mountains of pillows thrown onto beds, and Scott's pen covered face. Fox snorts when she sees him, and walks over. "You have..." she points at his face. He turns red, and the yellow shines brighter.
"I know." He groans through clenched teeth. Fox laughs, and walks him over to the bathroom.
"Wait!" Jasper calls, "We need to discuss what just happened." I look at Miller out of the corner of my eye.
"What aren't you two telling us?" I ask. Maya's bottom lip wobbles. Harper comes over and stands behind me, arms folded. Clarke sits on the floor and Amaya shuffles over to her for a guilty looking hug. Jasper stands up and hugs Maya from behind, rubbing her shoulder. My gut twists suddenly, reminded of Clarke and Bellamy. I look over at her and she's not really here. Clarke's eyes shine glassy and hollow, no light. Maya eventually spills out the words.
"They want your bone marrow." She whispers. "When you were unconscious, they performed blood tests. Your blood ionises and protects from radiation almost 200x better than the outsiders, with positive results in minutes... They want to use you to get out of here." Everyone opens their mouths to shout, but she glares them to silence. "Dante holds enough power to stop Cage from doing the operations. However, Cage has, in secret, been enlisting people to try. The people know it as 'The Truth'. They don't know the truth until it happens. People think the truth is special, something we can provide as a faculty following the increase of births of children who can survive low level of radiation. It's not. It's outsider bone marrow, normally from children." Her voice shakes. No one comments this time, we just stare in utter horror, words not quite hitting us. "They want to start as soon as possible." The radio is all the noise in the room, no one speaks. Then Graham laughs eyes wild as he glances at the cameras.
"Great lecture Maya, they totally won't hang me upside down again." He snorts. Everyone laughs, severely uneasy. Maya laughs.
"I make no promises..." her voice quietens again. "Monty and Miller have set up the radio. I should be able to access unseen connection to your friends. I'll pass the message on, try and get them to come here... Get you out... Because if we don't do it before they start then by the time they realise you'll all be dead." Graham and Harper laugh fakely, and Harper turns, fake smiling at the little kids.
"No more silly games that'll get you injured." She laughs. She squeezes my shoulder with a shaking hand as she walks away, pretty Pied Piper to a train of children.


Lexa sets up a grounder camp on the second floor of the ship, and as the thick blanket of night falls, she sends her guards from the empty tents into the dropship. Octavia and Lincoln curl together at the base of the ladder. Monroe's with her prisoner, weaselling anything she can out of him, any tiny droplet of information. Photos mean his friends are near, but she can't let that be too obvious. She also doesn't want grounders to come in. She's somehow earnt Roan's trust, but doesn't quite trust them.
I lie on the foot of the dropship and stare at the distant blue stars, flashing in a sky Clarke can't see. They're clear tonight, bright and blue against the cold black abyss. They shimmer. Almost to perfect for just me alone.
Someone comes, and lays down next to me. They're warm, and their breath clouds in the air above us. "She'll be alright Bellamy." Raven's voice floats over us. "If she's able to talk about sex on the radio, I don't think they're prisoners." The logic reminds me of why she's speaking, not us.
"Probably..." I mutter, "But they're been trapped in a tin can in space, and now they're trapped under a mountain. They're as good as prisoners."
"We'll get them out." The click of a camera causes her to tense, and I realise quite how close we are, but I don't move. I'll fall off the ramp. But she doesn't move either. She sighs. "I wish Finn had had the balls to tell me himself about Wells. Like I found out everything about their relationship through Charlotte... Like do you know how hard it is to hear about your boyfriend having sex willy nilly with a guy he's known days, and know you can't go and sucker punch him back to the Ark because his new boyfriend's already dead, and you're hearing it from a TWELVE year old." She spits. "Like it's STUPID." She almost screams the word.
"Shhh." I hiss. But Raven's on a roll.
"AND sending 8, 9 and 10 year olds down?" She growls. "Like Octavia and Clarke and Monroe were at least teenagers, able to defend themselves, but there are 8 under 12s in that mountain and loads out here. Over 25% of the people they sent down in what they thought was a maiden voyage to earth haven't even hit puberty! It's STUPID!"
"It's because they were expendable..." I whisper, Jaha's video echoing in my head. "If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable." I quote, voice high pitched and fake. "They expected them to die. And it's easy, you know..."my voice begins to rise to, "Over half these kids are orphans." I spit the word, forcing the deep tone of the council tannoy. "No one will miss them." I laugh. "Their lives mean nothing to them. GOD. I mean Jaha tried to get Wells off the ship down!" I growl, slamming a hand against the metal. It shakes our spines, and the stars shake, vibrating with the anger burning in us.
"I know! Abby told me. I was making my normal visit after a shift, and she's FLAMING mad. Like I had a cushion thrown at me mad. That was how I found out they were coming down."
"Was it really you who shot the chancellor?"
"Yeah..." I sigh, softly. "I needed a distraction, something to make a different guard hurrying to the dropship seem logical."
"Jesus... You could've killed him."
"Not really." I whisper, voice barely reaching my ears. "I shot him in the bottom edge of his intestines. Abby would be able to save him."

"Bellamy?" A quiet voice, familiar voice whispers through the drowsiness. "Bell?" My backs cold, she's stolen the blanket off me. I pull the fabric nearest to me.
"OW! BELLAMY?" A loud, different voice yells. I flinch, and fall backwards. I crash into mud. And it all comes flooding back.
"I'm awake. Sorry." I groan, pushing myself to standing.
"Bell?" The voice whispers again. I shake my head, she needs to leave, she's not here. Raven sits up.
"You okay?" she frowns.
"Can you hear that?" I ask. She's only been gone two weeks. I lasted almost a year without her without going insane. What's wrong with me?
"Hear what?"
"Bellamy? Bell please..."
"That." Raven looks at me like I'm mad but doesn't say a word.
"Bellamy please it's urgent and dangerous." Raven looks to me, wide eyed. She hears it to. I'm not going mad. Raven stands up, and turns with a jump back onto the ramp and runs into the dropship. I clamber onto the ramp and follow her. The radio flashes green.
"Bellamy? Please I haven't got long." Raven nods, shoving me towards it, before hurtling up the ladder.
"Clarke?" I whisper, clutching the microphone tightly.
"Bell?" She breathes out in relief. "Are you OK?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"I'm OK. I need you to listen, alright?"
"Yeah." Monroe and Raven creep back down the ladder, shaking their heads at the grounders who peer down.
"Our first kiss, where was it?"
"No, don't interrupt, I don't know how long I've got." Her voice cracks a little.
"Our first kiss, where was it? Where we first met, what day was it? When we first had sex what time did Monroe walk in? The first date, the proper one in the solar fields, who interrupted it? I'm done." Her tone is hard suddenly. I blush slightly as I remember each of those moments.
"Trust me Bell." She says.
"I always do princess." I wish she was here.
"I have to go now." Her voice shakes. "I love you." She calls.
"I love you to." The light stops flashing. Raven opens her mouth to talk, but I shake my head, and point upwards. It's not safe to talk here. Monroe snaps the trapdoor shut.

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