The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A...

بواسطة Dannyce_Ann

29.3K 441 65

To say that the Gladers were extremely confused once they realized who was sent up in the lift this time, was... المزيد

1. Where's the Greenie?
2. This Ain't A Dream
3. Not a Fan of Parties
4. Hand Scars
5. I Am Clumsy
6. Subject A8
8. Familiar Feeling
9. Shirtless Distraction
10. Slight Premonition
11. Watch Gone Wrong
12. Fiery
13. Literally Falling
14. Memories: Underground
15. Blame the Goat
16. Chubby Newbie
17. The Map Room
18. Runner? Not Really
19. Better this Way
20. Not so Lucky
21. Memories: Before Trials
22. This is Nice
23. Axe and Egg Head
24. Scared Greenie
25. His Last Night
26. On Broad Daylight
27. He's Dangerous
28. Something Stupid
29. We Shucked Up
30. Night Chase
31. I'm Here Now
32. An Early Delivery
33. Glade Carnage
34. The Shut Down
35. Memories: Maria Mitchell
Sequel? (A/N)

7. George's Arrival

907 12 3
بواسطة Dannyce_Ann

A month had already passed. My mind was still troubled but I tried to remain as placid as I could. It was a slow process yet I was improving. Although I still didn't talk that much, but I had small interactions with others besides Erin and Winston. The nightmares were not as often as before which helped me sleep better.

The glade progressed as well. The gardens had a large variety of crops thanks to the extra supplies that came in with me when I got sent here. The builders and slicers had more tools which were newer and sturdier. The runners had more things to aid in whatever they were doing. The med-jacks had more than they could handle, and not to mention, a bunch of extra clothing as well.

Winston and I were feeding the animals when the siren of the box coming up, blared. I just stood and observed how everyone came sprinting towards the box, including Erin. The gladers didn't need extra supplies yet since last month's supplies weren't fully consumed.

"It's greenie time! Don't you wanna watch?" Winston shouted excitedly although I never understood what the fuss was about having a newcomer. I shook my head and continued feeding the chickens; clucking noisily as I absentmindedly tossed the feeds all over the coop.

It was the same routine. But it was now Alby who gave the greenie the tour and luckily he didn't pass out like me before. Part of me wished it was another girl that got sent up.

"Maya!" Alby called as soon as he arrived at the Blood house, the newbie beside him, looking lost and confused. His arms were buffed and his skin was a little lighter than Erin's.

"I want you to meet George," Alby introduced as he rested his hand on my shoulder, "This is Maya; came up last month and 2nd girl in the glade."

George didn't flinch and neither did I.

"Can you show him around the Homestead?" Alby requested.

"YOU show him around the, the homestead." I suddenly realized what I just said and covered my mouth.



"It's your turn. That's tradition."

"Well I don't want to."

Alby narrowed his eyes on me, causing me to fidget my foot.

"Sorry. Uuum, George, eerm-" I motioned for the greenie to follow me while trying to avoid Alby's death glare.


"Well, this is where you'll be ummm, sleeping. Or you can nap here. It's yours. You decide."

Not only was I terrible at giving tours, but I also could not manage to tie his hammock properly.

"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?"

That was my first time hearing George speak. His deep voice matched his tall form which towered over my scrubby physique.

He walked towards me. "Those vines, they're tall enough aren't they?"

"Uuggh, Winston told me that one of the boys did. His head, uhhmm, his head exploded before he could reach the top."

"Then what about the box? Can't one of you sneak inside before it goes back down?"

"That won't really work." I answered direly. George took the hammock and tied it's ropes in place, seeing how helpless I was with knots, embarrassing myself infront of a newbie.

"How long are we supposed to live here?" He crossed his arms. "Why isn't anyone finding other ways to get out?"

"They are. We just need to wait."

"Wait? For how long?"

I huffed discretely. "Soon? I don't... I don't even know."

"Well-" He looked out the window- "the dudes here look like they enjoy living as prisoners."

"We're not prisoners, George."

"Oh yeah?" He crossed his arms. "So what do you call yourselves then?"

"I dunno. Prisoners sounds kinda ugly."

The bonfire celebrating George's arrival was more boisterous than mine. I sat beside Winston while chatting with the other slicers, with Gally's concoction in my left hand. I've gotten used to the taste of this stupid drink for some reason.

Gladers gathered around the Fight circle as Scott and Jeff were wrestling with each other. Poor Jeff, face planting on the sand. I noticed George among the crowd, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"What do you say, greenie? Up for a fight?" Scott challenged. And for a moment, I thought he was referring to me. I forgot I was no longer the greenie.

George's smile widened and he rolled his sleeves up as he stepped on the sand. Scott stated the rules and the match was on.

I got bored and left the place, heading to the lookout tower. As I neared my favorite spot, a firm hand gripped my shoulders.


I yelped and almost smacked Newt's shoulders.

"Sorry, my bad." He laughed. "Where you going?"

I pointed to the tower and Newt held my arm as we climbed up. He was holding a drink in his opposite hand and his scent was the same as it. He almost slipped on one of the steps and giggled.

"How you doing so far?" Newt broke the silence as we sat on the tower, my eyes fixed on the stone walls.

"Great? I don't.... I don't know."

Newt took another sip of Gally's drink and I surprisingly copied his actions, although his glass was not as full as mine.

"Glade isn't bad as you thought it would be, right? Although I bloody hoped you'd be a track-hoe. The gardens are a much better place to work at."

"Yeah. Sure." I said as I looked at him and his face lit up. His brown eyes glistened despite the dim place.

Our eyes were still locked together and I could feel my heart beating faster, for some reason. The night was cold but my cheeks felt warm. The sensation was unusual. Maybe it was because of Gally's drink? How did that bastard even come up with this recipe? Newt broke the gaze as he gulped the rest of his remaining concoction.

"Maya, you like Winston, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You shanks are very close."

"So is Erin," I answered peevishly, "Your point?"

"You're by his side every buggin' day!"

"I'm a slicer, of course I'm always with him."

"You don't talk to anyone else other than them!"

"What's wrong with that?"

Newt exhaled heavily as he plopped his jar to his side. He noticed that his comments already irritated me.

"Newt," I began softly, "do you think we, we know each other, before waking up in the box?"

"Maybe?" He paused for a few seconds. "So you also get that familiar sense, huh?"

"It's so hard. Not being able to remember anything."

"I do hope we were friends before all of this. Or maybe you're still just as exclusive as you are now." He chuckled and I playfully punched his shoulder, almost spilling Gally's recipe on his clothes.

"I thought you didn't like Gally's recipe?" Newt asked.

"Just because it's in my mouth, doesn't mean I like it."

(A/N:haha that's what she said!😂)

He laughed and I felt his warm skin brushing my arm. Slowly, Newt reached for my hand and they interlocked. I hesistantly looked up to him as the whirl of emotions left me lightheaded.

Before I could ponder any further, Newt yanked me to him and slammed my lips with his in a hungry kiss, nearly knocking all wind from my lungs. I dropped the jar, letting it roll away. My eyes widened as our lips pressed together, feeling both fear and desire. I splayed my hand against Newt's chest, intending to push him away, but instead I left it there. The kiss was slow and sloppy, but fiery in ways that words would never be. For a moment, my worries vanished and I forgot where I was. He began nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses. I had to stop before I could loose control of myself.

"Stop. What....Wait, stop..." I stammered while pulling away. Newt inhaled sharply as he untangled his sweaty hand from mine, leaning away.

"I'm sorry," He muttered under his breath, "I didn't mean to."

I licked my lips anxiously. "What the hell was that for?"

"It's just, I feel something different when I see you. You make me make me feel safe."

"Different? I don't even talk to you. What, what, what does feeling safe have to do with me?"

Newt sighed as he shifted his gaze towards the gladers around the bonfire, sadness evident on his face. Feeling guilty at how my words affected him, I patted his shoulder.

Newt sighed heavily. "I hated this place. I hated it so much that I-"

"You, you tried killing yourself just to escape?" I interrupted before he could finish, my tone slightly raised.

"What? How di-"

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to. Sorry."

Realizing how silent the place became, I stood up and made my way downstairs.

Honestly, I was so conflicted. I wanted to talk to him but the hurt in his eyes was unbearable. Was I really supposed so save him? Or was he the reason why I ended up here in this hell hole? My head felt like exploding and everything began spinning. I staggered backwards, my mind swirling, breaths shallow. Before I could take another step, I fell and landed on a log.

Everything became fuzzy. I could hear voices coming from different directions and my pounding heartbeats echoing in my ears. My consciousness was floating through an empty space. Feelings in my body drained away, until finally, all was black.

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