Afire Love

By Circeswitch

38.4K 1.3K 118

[02/07/17] Nora meets Charlie Weasley and he teaches her about dragons. How could she not catch feelings? 18... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

1.8K 65 4
By Circeswitch

Two days had passed. I accompanied Charlie to work and met some of his colleagues. One of them was clearly into him. I could not blame her. Watching him work was like looking at an actual piece of art. He was so passionate, so focussed, so careful, he knew what to do at all times, he was in charge. It was really impressive.

I also had the pleasure to see other dragons, I was surprised by how many there were in the sanctuary. Once, Charlie asked which dragon species was my favourite, and I replied without hesitation, that it was the Welsh Green. Charlie smiled and looked up. A giant and majestic emerald was flying above our head. It roared and I was surprised by how melodious it was, despite having read about it. Every time I set foot at the reserve; I grew more amazed by dragons. I understood why Charlie and his colleagues chose this work. Nothing seemed half as interesting as this.

I came back utterly exhausted every day, and it soon became obvious I lacked sleep, and my arms and legs ached like never before. Hopefully, my fifth day was a fay off for Charlie. I took the liberty to sleep for as long as I needed to. I woke up around 1pm and saw Charlie sitting around the table, working. I watched him a little, he was so focussed he did not hear me coming in, which made me smile. He eventually noticed me.

"Why hello, sleeping beauty. Was your slumber much invigorating?"

"Shut up. I really needed to sleep," I said, still sleepy.

"Of course, you did. Do you want anything for breakfast?"

"I'll take car of it, but thanks."

I sat around the table with a plate and a glass of juice, facing Charlie. We both remained silent, when an owl flew through the opened window. Charlie signified it was for me. I took the letter and recognised the handwriting. I opened the letter with a smile.

"Your boyfriend?" Charlie eventually asked, still working.

"Perhaps," I answered, arching an eyebrow.

"There's no need to hide it–"

"It's not my boyfriend. I tend to like older guys who aren't going to like me back," I interrupted, looking at him with an ironic smile.

He blushed a little and made no answer. I read the letter from a good friend from Beauxbâtons. I took a quill, answered her, and sent the owl back. I finished eating and asked Charlie for his plans for today.

"I have no idea, is there anything you want to do?"

"Chilling at home?" I suggested.

"Good idea."

We spent the rest of the day in the living room, reading and talking. I noticed the picture taken during Christmas on the shelf, next to a picture that was dating from march. The photo seemed to have been taken at a sort of garden party with some colleagues. Charlie was making a weird sign with his arm, followed by another man. That's when I noticed he was wearing the bracelet. I could not conceal the small smile that appeared on my face. On the photo was Charlie's colleague, Alexandra, who clearly liked him. Did he like her too? She was pretty and was really good at her job, she was as passionate as he was about dragons.

"What are you about to tell me?"

"Uh?" I asked, stopped in the middle of my thoughts.

"You've been silent for the past five minutes and you look like you're going to say something, but then you don't. What is it?"

"I was thinking about Alexandra."

"What about her?"

"Well, I don't mean to be intrusive, but are you two, like, dating?"

"No, we're not," He answered, surprised. "Why are you asking?"

"I just thought you might. I mean, you work together and share the same passion. And... well, she's into you."

"Nora, what are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed; I won't believe you."

He stopped looking at me and focussed on his book for a moment, remaining silent. I thought he was done talking, but he sighed and shut his book.

"Okay. I know. But what can I do?"

"You should do something about it. Help her," I exclaimed.

"Helping her how?" He asked, annoyed.

"It's not rocket science. You should tell her either you like her or not."

"I'm not good at managing these kinds of things."

"I had no idea," I said with irony. "Charlie, you said I was too young, I got that. She's not too young, you have no already-made-up excuses to avoid the situation this time."

He looked at me, thoughtful, and stayed silent. I could not help looking at him, like I was waiting for his reaction. There was something about him, I could not tell what, but I could not stop watching him.

"Fuck," he said, leaving to his room.

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