Afire Love

By Circeswitch

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[02/07/17] Nora meets Charlie Weasley and he teaches her about dragons. How could she not catch feelings? 18... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

2.3K 77 9
By Circeswitch

Couple of days had past, and I had learnt so much about dragons. It was such an interesting subject, and Charlie never seemed to have enough of talking about these beasts. We spent a whole afternoon talking on the subject, and Ginny joined us to listen to some adventures her brother has had during his years of working with dragons. I was absolutely amazed by his work.

At the end of the week, after dinner, Ginny and I decided to go to the garden, we liked casting enchantments outside. She asked Charlie if he wanted to come along with us, which he accepted. We lied on the grass and waved our wands. We cast spells on the grass and on the leaves, making them twirl around us. We played like that for a while, with Charlie's exceptional participation.

When we came back inside the house, Mrs Weasley was sitting in the arm chair, knitting. Charlie sat next to her and they started talking. Ginny seemed interested in their conversation, so we both sat on the couch and listened. After a while, Mrs Weasley enquired for my family.

"I didn't plan on coming home for the holidays, my parents are traveling together, and my brothers will probably have dinner together with their girlfriends," I explained.

"Would you like to send them a letter? You can borrow our owl if' you'd like."

"It's very nice, thank you. I called them before the holidays, and I'll probably call them again sometime later."

"Are your parents Muggles?"

"Yes, they are," I answered.

"Surprisingly, she's half-blood." Ginny added.

"How comes?"

"There are no wizards on my mother's side. And I never knew my biological father."

"I'm sorry dear," Mrs Weasley kindly said.

"Don't be. If he had died my mum would have told me, so I suppose he just left. I don't know who he was."

"But, if you don't know who he was, how can you be sure?" Charlie asked.

"When I came back from school on my first year's Christmas holidays, I told everything I did to my mum, and she said some of my words sounded familiar. She'd heard them from him, but she couldn't understand them before"

"You never looked for him?"

"No, I don't need him, and he didn't want me. I never looked for him because I already have a father, he means a lot more to me than my biological father ever could."

We grew silent, and I could see Mrs Weasley looking at me with that motherly look. Eventually the subject of the conversation changed, and I listened a little. I watched the little group, they looked very much alike, and it was obvious they enjoyed spending time together. I found it sweet. Charlie caught me analysing them, once again, all I could do was uncomfortably smiling. I asked if anyone wanted tea, and left to the kitchen, soon followed by Charlie.

"I figured you might need help to carry four cups," I heard him saying behind me.


A short silence settled, soon broken by Charlie.

"Were you playing Seven Differences just now?"

"No, I– No. I mean you do look alike, but it was more like, I don't know, sweet how you behave with each other, like a real family. It doesn't really make sense, does it?"

"It does make sense. It's not often our mother get to see us all for long periods of time. And, we are a family type of family.

I continued preparing the tea, while Charlie took a plate of cookies, in silence.

"I was just thinking, do you speak Romanian?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. I have no choice but speaking the language. Few people speak English there, it's only a minority, and barely none in the mountains."

"Cool." I said. "Tell me, does it bother you when I ask about dragons or your job? Because I actually have some more questions–"

"Talking about my job is my passion," he interrupted, "if I can help you understanding even more, I'm glad to. Also, you appear to never bother me. You ask great questions, and you always have something interesting to say. You remind me a little of Hermione, Ron's girlfriend."

It was both nice and annoying. I liked what he said until he compared me to this person. I hate being compared to others. He probably noticed a change in me and asked for what it was.

"I supposed you said it as a compliment, but I don't very much like being compared to people, especially when I don't know them." I explained.

"I understand, sorry. I just meant to say you are interesting, and clever. I just enjoy talking with you," he eventually said, smiling.

I must have slightly blushed, and we brought the cups back to the living room. Ginny and Mrs Weasley were talking about Harry. I sat in front of Charlie, and we listened, without interrupting them. I had just been called interesting, and clever, and these are the best things anyone could say about me. I wandered in my head, and dropped a bit of tea on myself and on the chair. I cursed and quickly apologised. I left to the kitchen to find some cleaning supply.

"Is everything okay?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was day dreaming."

"Don't worry dear, you must be tired, you should go to bed," Mrs Weasley said.

Charlie and his mother seemed a bit worried. I made a half smile and left to our room. We both slipped in our bed, but it was impossible for me to fall asleep.

After hours of thinking, moving and turning in my bed, I decided to get up, and make myself a cup of hot chocolate. I went downstairs, and walked into the kitchen, when someone surprised me.

"Cannot sleep?" The voice said.

"Charlie, you freaked me out!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"I know. You couldn't sleep either?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen.

"I don't sleep very long; I apparently don't need to," he explained, looking at me, concerned.

"Insomnia. Nothing out of the ordinary. No need to worry," I said laughing.

I made a cup of hot chocolate for me, and one for Charlie as well.

"It's been a long time since I haven't tasted hot chocolate, " he exclaimed.

We sat in silence and sipped our drinks. I had a look outside, it was completely dark, the moon was absent.

"I was wondering," I started, "have you ever thought of leaving Romania to come back to Britain?"

"No, absolutely not. I only come back to see my family, but I consider Romania my foster country. Why are you asking?"

"I want to travel. And perhaps live somewhere else, not France, that is. My parents are worried I fail or I don't like it there or some parent-worries. It just makes me doubt, and you're the only person I know who's left and, apparently, not regretted or came back. I figured I could take some advice from you."

"Do whatever you want. That's my advice," he solemnly said.

"I want to travel the world. Or at least Europe, depending on the budget. I want to learn new languages, I want to learn about other countries' history and the people's culture."

I stopped there, and laughed a little. I was obviously dreaming. Charlie did some seem to think it stupid, which was nice.

"Ever thought of visiting Romania?"

"Not before I met you," I confessed.

"Really? What changed?"

"I never actually thought of it. I thought of Bulgaria and Russia, but after everything you've told me about this Romania, I really feel like going. Besides, I'd love to see some dragons," I answered, slightly excited.

"If you ever come, send me a letter. I'd be glad to welcome you home," he said, smiling.

I thanked him and we grew silent again. I was sipping the last of my hot chocolate, when Ginny appeared at the door.

"What are you two doing here?" She asked, sleepy.


"Thirst for hot chocolate," Charlie said, winking at me.

"Can I have some?"

She took a bit from her brother's, and she went back to bed. After a few minutes, I wished Charlie goodnight, and left the kitchen. When I stepped into the room, Ginny seemed quite awake, sitting on her bed, obviously waiting for me.

"You like him," she said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You like Charlie."

"He's nice," I said, evasively, sitting on my bed.

"I mean like, like!" she almost yelled, excited.

"Stop it, I don't. And he's way too old."

"You're the one who said he wasn't that old!"

"Why are you talking about this anyway?"

"Come on Nora, you're always together, you can talk about nothing for hours, and he has never talked this much with anyone we've ever brought home before!"

"He said I reminded him of Ron's girlfriend, " I said out of the blue.

"Really? How comes?"

"I don't know, he said my questions were interesting and I had conversation, like her, whoever she is."

"She's one of my best friends, she is amazing, she's clever, and she's so kind. It's quite a compliment he compared you to her really."

"If you say so."

"You definitely like him, say it!"

"I don't, stop. Not because he's kind and interesting, means I'm into him."

"I'm sure he likes you."

"Yeah right that would be really weird," I answered, lying in the bed.

"How so?"

"We are the same age. It's like he'd be into someone like you. It's weird."

"You're the only one who thinks of such things!" she exclaimed.

"Goodnight, Ginny."

Of course, Ginny was right, not completely right, but a little bit. I kind of liked Charlie. I had never met anyone quite like him before. He was clever, and passionate, and funny, and we seemed to get along quite well together. But I didn't like him like Ginny suggested. Or Maybe I did.

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