By BYE_Imagines

4.7K 171 15

There's always love in a single Starbucks. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

1.1K 21 3
By BYE_Imagines


Being in LA was such an amazing experience.  My band was having our first real tour right now and it’s called The Dangerous Tour, along with our close friends as the opening acts.  Life couldn’t be better right.  I remembered the very first time when Dad and Mom convinced me to get along with music if that’s the one I ever wanted to do in my life.  And that time when I met Thomas and Braiden then we started to form ourselves, along with my younger brother, Riley, to be Before You Exit.  And throw back to that day when we had our first ever show in Starbucks nearby the house, when no one had come and seen us.  Then we’re here now.  Sorry I was a bit cheesy and poetic but that’s me; I’d like to remember everything we’ve gone through just to appreciate what we had now.

So in case you wanted to know, since the band was growing up, I was no longer being the manager.  I once was being the person in charged, but now James took that position.  I was now being the guitar player, piano, and singer, along with my other two brothers, Riley and Toby.  So yeah, that’s pretty much life I had now.  The thing was I love Starbucks like so much.  There were so many random times when I thought that probably I would marry Starbucks… no, never mind, I meant probably I could meet my girl there in Starbucks, remembering how many times in a day I would go there.  I would prefer go to Starbucks than eating, sometimes, yeah I was weird.

“Good morning Sir, what can I help you?”  A barista… uh, a beautiful barista showed up and greeted me.  You see where I was?

“Are you new in here?”

“Yes, this is my first day.”

“Oh hey, my name is Connor.”  I shook her hand.  “And please, nobody calls me Sir in here so you better start with ‘Connor’.”

“I’m sorry…uh, Connor.”

“And what’s your name?”

“I’m Maleia…”

“Well Maleia, I need a Green Tea Latte please, thank you.”  I looked deep down in her eyes which I didn’t know what for.  Now she’s nervous and so was I.

“Okay you may have a seat in there.  I’ll give it to you later.”

“Oh,” I scratched my neck.  “Sure, thank you.”

She gave me a little smile which was very cute and started to process my order.  I didn’t know why I should be this nervous and gave you the details with the fact that I’ve seen thousands of girls every day until last night.  But this one was different, I bet.

“There you go…”  She gave me my cup and about to leave.

“Oh hey, Maleia…  Maleia, right?  Uh…mind to give your…uh…phone number?”


“Yeah, uh, no I muttered nonsense I’m sorry it’s not polite, never mind.”  I shook my head and tried to enjoy the drink as normal as possible.  Stupid Connor, you stupid…

“Hey,” That girl came back with a piece of paper.


“This, this is my number that you asked.”

“OH!”  I…did I look normal?  “Thank you, it’s very kind of you.”

“You’re welcome…”  She said politely. 

“Hey where’s Bryan?  Isn’t today his schedule to take over the store?”  I sipped my coffee.  Oh forgot to tell you that I gave her the seat on my table, since I guess it’s okay because we had no guest yet.

“Look how seldom this guy comes to Starbucks, yeah?”  She chuckled.

“Ah…addiction, you know.”  I smirked.

“Yeah me too, that’s normal.  But by the way Bryan will take over this afternoon.  It should have been my schedule but we exchanged it today.  His Mom asked him to help her.”

“I see…  So, after work, where will you go?”

“I don’t know yet, probably stay at home tonight.”

“Wouldn’t you come out?”

“To where, hah I don’t know where to go.  I’m new here.”

“Whoa, where did you come from again?”


“Oh, what a beautiful city, I love Philly.”  I was being the awkward myself.

“Not really…I mean yeah, it was.”

“What do you mean?”  I focused on her; I was pretty sure she’s about to tell me something.

“Excuse me,” A guest came in and of course, Maleia had to take care of her.  Nice job.  I was slightly too close to get to know her.

“I’m sorry Connor I’ll talk to you later.”

“It’s okay, I’ll be right here.”  I smiled genuinely.

I was on my phone, tweeted some fans that I got today’s Starbucks – what a white girl yeah – but that’s because the fans loved the fact that we’re more likely the Starbucks brand right now.  And I should’ve brought the guys their coffee but let’s see, I got something important to wait here.  Hah.

“Connie baby, where are you?”  The silly manager James called me.

“Whoa Starbucks little Jamie, what do you want?”

“Nothing just checking up on you, be back soon okay, I have to do a little briefing for today’s show.”

“Got it, be there in 30.”



“That’s because probably Connor meet SOMEBODY at the Starbucks, James…”  Riley’s voice came up from behind James and teased me.

“Like you guys care…”  I rolled my eyes.

“Oh yes we do, you’ve never seen somebody else since Megan!”  Toby joined it too.  Fine, they’re all dead.

“Are we really talking about this?”

“Yes miserable Connie, yes.  Come home, bring us the Starbucks, and we’ll talk about it.”  Riley answered again, gosh what a lovely brother.

“Then I wouldn’t come home.”  I hung up the phone with their laugh on my ears right before I clicked the button.

But yeah, James’ right, I had no certain time like 30 minutes only for Starbucks.  Briefing was really important though, we couldn’t spend our free time just for nothing with the so-tight kind of schedule we had. 

“Hey,” I came up to the cashier table.  “What time exactly Bryan will take over?”

“Oh, it’s 2 pm.”

“Good, I’ll meet you here at 2 o’clock on the dock.”  I winked.  “And I’ll text you.  See you!”

Her cheek’s blushing and I bowed my face just to avoid the eye contact which could make me as red as her.  Done, what a big move in a very little time, Connor McDonough; you rock.

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