Eternity ↠ Carlisle Cullen ✔

By KatiesTales

41.9K 859 87

❝ Stop pretending that you don't need anyone. Because you don't need anyone but her.❞ Started: March 2018- More

The beginning.
Of new beginnings.
Hello doctor.
Hello Via.
Of blonde Barbies.
Where danger lurks.
Of awkward intereactions.
Of surprising intereactions.
Secret is out.
The importance of a party.
Just when it was good.
Hello darling.
A new life.
Scary times.
The Fear.

Of angry intereactions.

1.7K 44 1
By KatiesTales

Olivia Parker's POV.

The weeks pass quite quickly. I progress well at my job as do the children. Archie and Lyra understand a lot in math and English and have just recently asked to begin learning Spanish. Little Willow is doing amazing and can tell me her age, height, name, eye and hair color and knows how to hold a basic English conversation and ask her parents for what she wants. Her parents are extremely friendly, and thank me generously for improving their little girl's speech.

Lyra's parents aren't as welcoming. They're very wealthy and posh. They're both lawyers and seem to focus on their career more than their little girl. Her aunt is very involved and spends more time with her than any other relative.

As for Archie, scans have shown this new treatment is working and he's undergoing surgery in a few weeks to speed up the process. He's still under Doctor Cullen however he continues to ignore me since the day Willow freaked and he had that abnormal, intense "moment."

He just holds small talk with me. Boring talk.

Like the weather, or the hospital food. Carlisle only ever properly talks to me when it's about Archie. He ignores me in the hospital corridors, keeps his head down in the car park and swiftly walks away anytime I've tried to bring it up to him, much to that bitchy nurse Amy's happiness.

I suppose some things are better off unsaid. He is my brother's doctor and I should probably just leave it at that.

It hurts, I'm not going to lie. I try desperately to think if I've done anything bad or said anything offensive. Just last week, I turned the corner to see Carlisle in a deep conversation with Edward and Rosalie. They stopped as soon as they noticed my presence. I kept my head down and walked quickly, just giving an awkward smile at Edward as he did help me with the boxes once we moved in. He just looked down too, making me feel even smaller. I took a deep breath and kept walking.

Today is Wednesday and I've just finished teaching the kids, Archie is sleeping with his beanie on although his hair is now visible and growing.

I begin to nod off myself when I hear a knock at the hospital door.

"Shit," I mumble as my hair is a mess, I haven't eaten all day so my stomach sounds like a dying whale and the bags under my eyes look like bruises.

And wow! It's only Carlisle Cullen! How fun!

"Hi Doctor Cullen, well Archie is asleep so can you call back later?" I ask him hoping it's a yes.

He chuckles. The most positive interaction we've had for awhile, "I wasn't here to see Archie. I wanted to ask you something." He smirks as he runs his hand through his hair.

"You see there's this charity ball or gala-like event and I was wondering if-"

I can't help it. I've never been good at hiding my emotions. My eyebrows pull into a frown, "Let's see. Wanted to ask if I was ok after I've been ignored and looked at like I was dirt by your family for the past few weeks? No, instead you just start shitting on about a stupid gala with girls who look like drag queens based on all the cakey makeup packed on!" My temper suddenly spurs. One that I didn't know I had.

I can tell Carlisle is taken aback. His smirk gets wiped off his face. He takes a big breath, "I'm really sorry about that. It was a family emergency."

"Oh another one! What was it this time? Did Rosalie break a nail? Send her my best wishes please, let her know I'm deeply concerned." I've always been known for having a bad habit of talking too much when I'm angry. Once I start, I cannot stop. I dramatically roll my eyes and flick my hair, an obvious dig at Rosalie and her ignorance.

Carlisle looks at me, not moving or anything his mouth is shaped in an "o" shape yet no words come out. I don't think he expected me to explode like a bomb in the middle of the hospital. I stand there looking like I should be checked into the nearest mental asylum as my hair is all over the place and I dig my nails into the palms of my hands, a habit when I'm angry.

"Stop doing that to your hands." Carlisle breaks the tense silence and without even glancing down, he tells me what to do?

He tells me to stop hurting my hands? Of all things to say?

I make a frustrating sigh, "Well sorry Mister Doctor!" I stop digging my nails into my palms and show him both of them, waving them sarcastically in the air.

"Olivia. I am incredibly sorry for ignoring you. At the time, it was better if I did. I really like you Olivia. I really do. I know I'm an asshole at times but when I am, it's for your own benefit. Trust me, I can't drag you into this world of mine. It's dangerous and cruel. I want to take you to this gala to make up to you, to say sorry." He looks at me pleadingly.

"World of yours?! What are you...apart of the mafia? What do you mean it's for my own benefit? And now you want to take me to some stupid charity ball?" To say I'm frustrated is a complete and utter understatement. Carlisle is probably glad he ignored me for all those weeks. My breaths are anger-filled and all I want to do his punch him across the face repeatedly for his stupidity.

But his heart looks like it's about to break. His face softens and he looks desperate that I just try again with him. Although, technically nothing ever started. You get the idea.

I suddenly feel so evil, like I just ripped every ounce of his self esteem into shreds. I've no clue why I feel this way towards him. I should feel furious and vow to never even go near him again unless it's completely and utterly necessary.

I can't. Something pulls me towards him all the time. Like a very strong magnet. Like a baby sea turtle to the water. Why am I thinking like this? I shouldn't drag precious sea turtles into this! They're too small and innocent to understand this.

My mind also likes to wonder and stick to irrelevant side notes on serious times like this.

"Carlisle. I'm sorry that I snapped. It's just....I really liked you. You were funny and kind, always knowing what to say, and then out of the blue I get ignored. It just really hurt me." I twisted my lips waiting on his reply.

Of course, he replied in an instant.

"No. Don't apologize to me. I shouldn't have blanked you. You will know everything when the time is right but for now just trust me when I say it's for your own good. I completely understand if you turn down the charity ball."

"It's alright. I'll go. When is it?" I try to reply just as quick, with Carlisle a bit shocked at my sudden statement.

"Really? Oh ok, it's this Saturday night. My daughter Alice was hoping to take my date for the ball to pick out her dress Friday night. Is that ok?" Carlisle's stupid side smirk was plastered on his pale face again.

Date? Date? Date?

"What? It's a date?" I emphasize on the word date like I've never heard of it before. Technically, I've never actually been on a proper date.

"I did want to be more subtle about it. Trust me." He winks as his classic smirk gets bigger.

"I'm sure you did. So is Alice your foster daughter too?" I question Carlisle suddenly nervous and curious about his background and family.

"Yes. They all are. Bella, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper. You already know the deal with Renesmee." He nods his head while looking quite confused, almost hoping that I just change the topic.

"Cool, do you think they'll like me?" I immediately feel quite tense and nervous about what they think of me. I mean this is basically their father. And one who has seemed to be single for a long time.

"You shouldn't be worrying about whether they like you Olivia. In fact that should be one of the least of your worries." He chuckled but suddenly looked like he made a mistake and changed the topic, "Anyways, so will we drive home to mine together after work on Friday?"

"Sure. See you then." I smile sweetly and turn around, heading back into Archie's room. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was ecstatic.  Nervous, yes. But excited still.  My heart was racing to see him somewhere else other than work. What would it be like? Would he like me? Would his children like me?

Well, Rosalie won't.

"I told ya, he is definitely dreamy!" Archie rolls his blue eyes and laughs hysterically pointing at my rosy red cheeks.

"Shut up Arch." I grab a cushion to cover my face, but even that couldn't cover my smile.

Why did I feel like a hopeless romantic teenager? Maybe because this is the closest I've ever been to a person of the opposite gender? Oh god. Maybe I should just restart my career and actually join the nunnery.

"So? What did he say? Did he ask you to marry him yet? Is there going to be cake?" Archie actually seemed to be interested, especially at the cake part.

Oh Archie.

"Archie no. Just stop. He asked me to go to that charity gala for the hospital Friday tonight. But I will get you cake if that's what you really want."

Archie yawns as he rolls over. "Thanks Via. I think Carlisle will be a good brother-in-law. My chest hurts now, goodnight."

Archie and his randomness. I love how that kid thinks. I tuck him in and kiss him on the cheek, proceeding to head out his door while letting the nurses know I was going home.

Carlisle had already left and the versions of events from today replay and replay in the depths of my dreams.

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