Forever and Ever (Ryan x Gold...

By Fanfictioner72418

46.2K 699 622

After the daycare is closed down for a year, and Tina leaves for a while, only Goldy, Ryan, and UnicornMann s... More

Chapter 1 - Ryan
Chapter 2 - Goldy
Chapter 3 - Ryan
Chapter 4 - Goldy
Chapter 5 - Ryan
Chapter 6 - Goldy
Chapter 8 - Goldy
Chapter 9 - Ryan
Chapter 10 - Goldy
Chapter 11 - Ryan
Chapter 12 - Goldy
Chapter 13 - Ryan
Chapter 14 - Goldy
Chapter 15 - Ryan
Chapter 16 - Goldy
Chapter 17 - Ryan
Chapter 18 - Goldy
Chapter 19 - Ryan
Chapter 20 - Goldy
Chapter 21 - Ryan
Chapter 22 - Goldy
Chapter 23 - Ryan
Chapter 24 - Goldy
Chapter 25 - Ryan
Chapter 26 - Goldy
Chapter 27 - Ryan
Chapter 28 - Goldy
Chapter 29 - Ryan
Chapter 30 - Goldy
Chapter 31 - Ryan
Announcement 2
Chapter Hang on, I'm losing track, it's 32 - Goldy
Chapter I'm about to give up on numbers 33 - Ryan
More Announcementsssssssss
Chapter Something - Goldy
Chapter 35 - Ryan
Chapter 35 Part 2 - Ryan
Chapter 36 - Goldy
Chapter 37 - Ryan
Chapter 38 - Goldy
Chapter 39 - Ryan
Chapter 40 - Goldy
Chapter 41 - Ryan
Chapter 42 - Goldy
A/N (LOL It's not an update)
Chapter 43 - Ryan
Chapter 44 - Goldy
Chapter 45 - Ryan
Chapter 46 - Goldy
Chapter 47 - Goldy
Chapter 48 - Ryan
Chapter 49 - Goldy
Chapter 50 - Ryan
Chapter 51 - Goldy
I've been tagged (Intense screeching)
Chapter 52 - Ryan
Chapter 53 - Goldy
Chapter 54 - Ryan AND Goldy
Chapter 55 - Ryan
Chapter 56 - Ryan
Chapter 57 - Goldy
Chapter 58 - Ryan
Chapter 59 - Goldy
Chapter 60 - Goldy again

Chapter 7 - Ryan

1.2K 16 3
By Fanfictioner72418

       "A-ha! I found you, Dave!" I announced. "Awww, how did you find me?" Dave asked me. "Well, you were in Derp's room, and I decided to check everybody's room," I told him. "Smart, I guess," Dave said. "Now you help me search the daycare! Maybe go to the second floor and help Tina?" I suggested. Then I heard a voice behind me. "Look who I found, Cutie!" The voice squealed in excitement. I slowly turned around to see Tina holding Kat by the arm. "She found me." Kat said quietly. "What do you think, Cutie?" Tina asked. "Ryan," I said, annoyed. "Cutie!" She replied.  "Ryan," I said, louder. "CUTIE!" "RYAN" "CUTIE!" "RYAN!" I yelled. Tina frowned, and began to teakettle. "My tea HAS to be ready now!" Unicorn yelled, poking his head out from Sal's room. "Come ON, Tina!" He complained. "How am I supposed to know if my tea's ready if you keep making that sound?" I stifled a laugh. "Good job, Tina. Let's keep looking," I suggested. "Fine, RYAN!" Tina yelled, and stormed off. Dave ran after her.

       After a while, we had found everyone. At the daycare table, I saw Goldy already waiting on the table, with Sal, Derp, Cookie, and Tony sitting on the couches by her. Goldy smirked at me. "What took you so long?" She teased. "Oh, be quiet," I said, hopping up on the table beside me. "So... about what we were talking about before... what do you -" Just then, Tina ran into the room and cut me off. "Found everyone else!" She called. The kids ran in behind her. Then, Tina's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, I realized how close Goldy and I were standing to each other. Tina casually walked over to the table, hauled herself up, and elbowed Goldy out of the way. "So, how did I do?" She asked me. I took a step back. "Great," I answered. Tina took a step closer. I stepped toward Goldy, and grabbed her hand behind my back.

"Let's play Infection!" I suggested. Tina grinned, probably thinking I would team with her. "Sure!" She exclaimed, excited. "I'm down," Goldy said. "Let's do it!" UnicornMann and Lizzy said in unison, then laughed. Finally, everyone agreed. "i WaNtZ tO be iNfeCTed!" Derp said. "Okay, Derp!" Tina said. I smiled. "Okay, Derp, give us a count to 100!" I instructed. "oKAy." He replied. "7! 12! 3! 42..." Derp started. "Woah, woah, Derp! That's not how you count." Goldy said. "hOw tHEnz?" Derp asked. I'm starting to think that Derp would not be the best Infected.

Angel looked at him and giggled. She stepped up beside Derp. "I'll help you count," Angel offered. "Just follow my lead." Angel grabbed Derp's hand. "There. Now I'm Infected." Angel pointed out. "I can help Derp. Will that be okay?" Angel asked me. I grinned. If these two want to be in a relationship, who am I to stop them? "Sure!" I replied. "tHaNKz!" Derp said. "No problem!" Angel grinned. She closed her eyes, and Derp did the same. "1... 2... 3..." And the rest of us ran off.

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