destined to be bts maid ||Myg...

By Yoonseokizreal

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there was a rich girl named lee hye rin that is destined to be bts maid More

chapter 1:the beginning
chapter 2:Mysterious Guy
chapter 3:Walk away
Chapter 4:New Job
Chapter 5:Meet them
Chapter:6 I hate him!
Chapter 7:Guilty?
chapter 8:Savior
Chapter 9: Worried
Chapter 10:thank you
chapter 11: who is she?
Chapter 12:Hard work

Chapter 13: fever

58 3 3
By Yoonseokizreal

Min yoongi/Suga Pov

Hays I came late because I finished all the fvcking works I have....

I go to my room and there I see a girl lying comfortably on my bed 

She's beautiful––wait who said she's beautiful she look like a rat duhh

I go to her and sit beside and stare at her for a while..

she look innocent and so peaceful...

she move a little and it's startled me....

I stand up right in front of her....and wake her up...

"yahh!!....who the fvck tell you that you can sleep at my bed huh?""

hahahahahhaha(of course I did not laugh that's just inside my head)

s-s-she looked like hell

"hahahaahah"I can't stop myself from laughing because of her shocked face...

I qiuckly stop myself from laughing when I saw her staring at me

"why the hell are you staring at me like that huh?!"I shout at her.

she chuckled

Is she crazy? why is she laughing when there's no funny at all

"Are you crazy?"I asked

she still smiling while looking at me.

"hey! Answer me!"

"No I'm not crazy!"

"then why are you smiling like an idiot?!"

"Why is there wrong to smile huh?!"

"yah! why are shouting at me?!"

"because you shouting at me too!"

"Do you want to say goodbye to your job huh?"I smirked

"N-no sir, Sorry I didn't mean to do that I'm really really sorry."she said and bow to me

"fine as a punishment for sleeping at my bed I need you to clean the 'Whole house' before 6:00 pm"

"ye-yes M-Master.....s-sorry I will start now"she said and pick the tools that she bring here and walk to the door

Hye rin's Pov


"Tsk!....he should be thankful that I'm a very kind person especially when it comes to handsome boys"i said and smirked

"so you think that I'm handsome?"
a voice said

"oh sht!!"fck who's that?

"why are you cursing?"

"u-um I'm sorry.....I'm just shocked"

"uh-huh okay now back to work!"

'clean here'.....'clean there'
hays Im sooooooo tired....I don't know why I'm so tired even it's not the first time that I got tired like this....

I look at the clock that's hanging on the wall.

5:55 I sighed with relief with what i saw...I'm not late

but my gosh my body hurts like hell ...

I take a bath and change to pyjamas and lay on my bed and covered myself in my sheets...

I close my eyes hoping that the pain and tiredness will vanished when I sleep...not minding that I will have a fever tomorrow.....I'm sure of that..


Min Yoongi's POV

hays it's so hard being an idol...

I quickly unlocked the door and get in

"aish I'm hungry"

I go to our kitchen to check if there is a food that I can eat...

but unluckily there is no food for me...


I look around and wow it's so clean that there is no single dust....

oh I remembered she's the one who cleaned it.

ah that's why....because she's very good at cleaning....

but there is one thing she forgot..

she didn't cook a dinner for me...tsk

I go upstairs to say to her that she needs to cook for me....even if she likes it or not...

I knock at her door but it's unexpectedly open.

"why does she leave her door open?....does she knows that she is living with bunch of boys?....tsk"


I go inside and close the door behind..

there she is

covered with her sheets up to her neck ....

I come near her...and saw that she is sweating too much....

is she okay?

but the aircon is on and it's not hot tough...

maybe because her body is covered with sheets...

I come nearer to her and hold the edge of the sheets to uncovered her but shit!!

I accidentally touch her neck and it's so fvcking hot! o my god....

I touch her forehead and it's burning hot!....

fvck she has a fever

I pull the sheets off her and carried her in bridal style and quickly go out of the get into the car...

I put her in my passenger seat and drive so fast


I'm nervous as fvck...because I know It's my fault....


I let her clean two times in a row without eating or stopping...

She just Cleaned all day....

fvck my conscience is killing me....

I'm such a bad person...

I look at her here in my side.....she looked so pale even her pinkish lips is now so dry and pale

I parked my car here in hospitals parking lot and quickly go out of my car and turned around to open the passenger seat and carried her...

I run hurriedly....and when the nurse sees me she approach qiuckly with a hospital bed....

we lay her there and the nurse call the doctor...while I just staring at her worriedly.....

when the Doctor comes he said they will take care of her so I don't need to worry....

I sit at the vacant chair there and wait

after a few minutes the doctor comes out and go to me...

"what happened doc? she alright?"

"Yes, she's okay now,it's just a fever and we found out that she have a fever because of so tiredness. but what did she do that she is so tired?"

"she clean the whole house"

"ahh that's why, maybe she overworked herself but don't worry she's okay just need to make her eat more healthy foods so that her energy would come back faster...."

"okay thanks doc"

"your welcome"

I open the door of her room and saw the girl lying on her bed...

I sit beside her and stare at her pale face....

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry because I let you work too much....I'm such an idiot to forgot that you're a person too ,that you can be tired and hungry too I'm so sorry....don't worry from this day on I will not let you work too much...I will not be cold and always angry at you...please forgive me..."

please forgive me hye rin...
sorry for late late late late late late update 'please forgive me'...


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