Their Return

By TashaAmy1803

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We left Narnia the way we came. We looked for a way back but couldn't find one. Things can change in a year... More

Their Return - Chapter One - Falling into Place Part One
Their Return - Chapter Two - Falling into Place Part 2
Their Return - Chapter Four - Caspian
Their Return- Chapter Five - Sleeping Beauty
Their Return - Chapter Six - Stories
Their Return - Chapter Seven - Reunited
Their Return - Chapter Eight - Disapiontment
Their Return - Chapter Nine - Trust in a New Plan
Their Return - Chapter Ten - Victory
Their Return - Chapter Eleven - Sadness
Their Return - Chapter Twelve - Goodbyes
Their Return - Chapter Thirteen - Loneliness
Their Return - Chapter Fourteen - Sanctuary

Their Return - Chapter Three - The Four Pevensies

5.3K 114 6
By TashaAmy1803

-3rd Person-

Peter had gotten in to yet another fight. He sat down on a bench and flicked his hair out of the way. Susan, Lucy and Edmund did the same.

"Your Welcome" Ed commented as Lucy rubbed her brothers arm

"I had it sorted " Peter replied

"What was it about this time?" Susan asked

"He bumped me" was the replied

"So you hit him" Lucy wondered not understanding why her brother seem to start fights theses days she had a theory but not a actual reason.

"No. After he bumped me they tried to make me apologise that's when I hit him" Peter retorted

"Honestly is it that hard to walk away" Susan sighed

"I shouldn't have to. Don't you get tired of being treated like kids?" he asked

"We are kids" Edmund pointed out

"I wasn't always"

"Peter you have to stop fighting you promised Izzy you would" Edmund lent forward

"Belle isn't here" he snapped

"Obviously because if she was you wouldn't have gotten into that fight" Susan retorted

"Susan's right you wouldn't have and even if you did she would be the first to put you back into your place by kicking your butt" Ed smirked which didn't help the situation. Izzy was always a sore subject for Peter when she wasn't around it's like something of him was missing.

"It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" Peter changed the subject if he thought too much about his twin sister now he would grab his suitcase and go home refusing to even leave her side. Which in turn would earn him a mouthful and a slap or a attempt at one.

"I think we should just accept that we live here now it's no use pretending any different" Susan looked back and she saw that annoying boy from earlier.

"Pretend you're talking to me" she looked back at her siblings

"We are talking to you" Edmund replied. Just then Lucy stood up


"Quiet Lu" Susan looked around

"Something just pinched me" she stated

"Stop pulling" Peter stood up as well looking at his brother

"I didn't touch you"

"What is going..." Susan trailed off standing up as a unknown wind began to pick up

"It feels like magic" Lucy beamed

"Quick everyone hold hands" Susan took Lucy and Peter's

"I'm not holding your hand" Ed protested

"Just" he grabbed hold of it as the train went past. Parts of the underground began to fall away and pictures of the sea leaked through. Finally the station was sucked away leaving the four children in a cave looking out on a beach.

They walked forward and the two girls looked at each other smiling before running off. Edmund and Peter followed their troubles forgotten about taking their extra clothing off the played about in the sea.

"Ed" Susan asked after seeing Ed stop.

"Where do you suppose we are?" he asked

"Where do you think?"

"Well I don't remember any ruins in Narnia" they all looked up

Exploring Lucy munched on a apple the Cair Paravel was now in ruins with grass and trees now in the place of one of the most grand buildings to have been created.

"I wonder who live here?" Lucy wondered. Susan's foot knocked against something and she picked it up. it was a gold piece from a chess set.

"I think we did" she replied. Ed came round a corner and spotted what Susan was holding.

"Hey that's a piece of my chess set" he took it off her and looked at it.

"Which chess set?" Peter questioned now joining them

"I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley did i?" Lucy looked behind her sister and recognition took place.

"It can't be" she ran off followed by the others. up to the five ruined thrones

"Don't you see?" she asked

"What?" Peter asked. Lucy moved her sibling into the thrones

"imagine walls, and columns right there" she took her place "and a glass roof"

"Cair Paravel" Peter realised he looked to his left expecting to see the shining smile of his twin sister but all he was met with was a shocked Edmund.

"Were back" Lucy exclaimed

"Not all of us" everyone looked to Peter who was still looking at the empty space beside him. It was then they all shared a moment realising their sister wasn't with them.

They all left their thrones and went to look around to see if they could find out what happened to the lovely castle.

"Catapults" Edmund stated as he knelt down

"What?" Peter asked

"This didn't just happen Cair Paravel was attacked" he stood up and went to a wall which the recognised as a hidden secret chamber. Peter broke the old wooden lock and opened the door. Ripping of a part of his shirt in attempt to make a torch.

"Doesn't supposed anyone has a match" he asked Edmund opened his back.

"No but would this help"

"You might haven mentioned that a bit sooner" Peter stated with a smile Edmund switched it on and lead the way. Entering the chamber Lucy stopped and overlooked everything. There were five statues of their older selves she ran down and too her chest opening it up.

"I can't believe it. It's all still here" Peter said.

"I can't believe how tall I was" Lucy stated while holding one of her long dresses.

"Well you were older then" Susan replied

"As supposed to hundreds of years later where your younger." Edmund joked where one of his old helmets. Peter went to his trunk.

"What is it?" Lucy asked

"My horn. I must have left it on my saddle the day we went back" Peter opened his trunk and pulled out his sword

"When Aslan bares his teeth winter meets its death" Peter spoke

"And when he shakes his mane we shall have spring again." Lucy finished " Mr Tumnus and the beavers they're all gone" Peter looked at his siblings

"I think it's time we found out what is going on" Lucy nodded. Peter sheathed his sward and put it back in his chest.

Before grabbing his clothes he stopped and looked at his sisters statue this was made after their 29th birthday when the thought he should have a chamber built. Her hair was in lock locks which reached her waist she had a delicate smile as one of her hand held her dress the other to her heart. he opened her chest and looked through it Edmund, Lucy and Susan joined him.

"She always had the prettiest clothes" Susan smiled fondly holding up one of her adult dresses

"In all of our 15 years not once did she shout or argue" Lucy added

"No that was Pete's job" they laughed Lucy gasped

"What is it Lucy"

"What if she came in a different way" they all looked at her

"What do you mean?" Peter asked

"Well think about it we were altogether when we came through because were in the same place. What if she did too but just in a different place."

"If that's the case we need to find her" Peter said with hope he looked though and found her dagger.

"That's weird I can't find her chain or bracelet" he sighed

"Well she was wearing them the day we came back maybe it's like with my horn. she never went anywhere without them." Susan reasoned

"Maybe your right" he closed her chest went to change. He put his sisters dagger in his boot and if what Lucy hoped was true he would give it back to her.


"Beards and bedsteads maybe that horn worked after all" Trumpkin stated

"What horn" Susan asked

"Your horn it was blown last night." he stated then looked at them all properly

"Wait ain't there supposed to be five of ya" they all looked at each other.

"that what we were about to do. Look for our sister. She wasn't with us when she arrive because she was home ill. We think that if we've all been called she might have come through a different way." Peter explained

"Best get going then" with that they left

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