Natsuki x Sayori (FallingForY...

By RedReader5

5.7K 173 62

Basically a story about a bitter short pink haired girl named natsuki and a slightly taller girl that "seemed... More

First day
Class time
Club time


1K 39 37
By RedReader5

There was an awkward silence. Jack yuri natsuki and Sayori looked at each other not knowing who should be partners with who. "Gosh it really that hard?" Monika asked. She rolled her eyes. "I'll just assign them myself then.Yuri and Jack, Natsuki and Sayori. See? Wasn't that hard was it?" Jack smirked at yuri as Sayori smiled at natsuki. Both yuri and natsuki looked away feeling awkward. Although, Yuri had a more embarrassed face. For some reason natsuki looked more angry than embarrassed. She wasn't angry though, she was just angry looking. Everyone had already gotten used to it. "Sooo whatcha like to read, huh?" Sayori poked her. Natsuki frowned. "You wouldn't like it." She said honestly. "Oh c'mon! I like everything!" Natsuki looked away once again. Sayori then grabbed her face, forcing her to make eye contact. "Tell meeeee! Tell me tell me tell me" she repeated. "Errr..fine." Natsuki said angrily. "I like to read...." her voice quickly lowered. "M-manga.." natsuki said under her breath. "I have no idea what the heck manga is but it sure sounds cool!" Sayori shouted. Natsuki wrapped her hand around sayoris mouth, keeping her quiet. "Lower your voice..god damn! I don't really want the others knowing I read that.." natsuki whispered to her while removing her hands. "Ohhhh okaaaay!" Sayori whispered back, a bit louder though. Natsuki grabbed Sayori by the arm and dragged her to the floor, sitting down. "I prefer to read on the ground..don't ask why." Natsuki said firmly. Both of them leaned against the wall as Nasuki took out a manga. She looked at sayori and then back at the book. "Read it to me." Sayori said to her while yawning. "Seriously? Are you bored of it already?" The pink haired girl asked. "No no-of course not! I'm just really sleepy, hehe." She said leaning against natsuki a bit. Natsuki couldn't help but shake a bit, this got her extremely nervous and she wasn't sure why. She listened to what Sayori had asked her and began to read the manga to her. In no time, Sayori had fallen asleep. She looked incredibly adorable sleeping, natsuki admitted to herself. She decided she wouldn't wake the tired girl as she was probably exhausted from the school day. Natsuki yawned as well, accidentally falling asleep. The two girls leaned against each other, sleeping, as the other club members read in peace.

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