Still Worth Fighting For(Some...

By ItaChan19

145K 3.8K 778

Sasuke and Izami have never had it easy. Things have always been difficult for them, but now, with old scars... More

Chapter One: One Book closes; the Beginning of a New Chapter
Chapter Two: Sasuke and Izami
Chapter Three: The Mission Log's Story
Chapter Four: The Party
Chapter Five: The Lunch Date
I hate you, Sasuke Uchiha
The Two Dreams
The Exams: Izami begins to melt!
A new phase of the Exam begins! Sasuke asks for help?!!
Round One Begin!
Sasuke pulls A surprising move!
A terrible thing has happened!
I don't need YOU anymore!!
Izami's Isolation! Kakashi visits!
Izami's depression contuines!! Sakura's worry?!!
Someday, Already here?!
The ANBU exams post-poned?! A new mission starts!!
A Talk With Kakashi!
Surprise! We set out!
Nightmare! The mission begins!
The Enemy Spotted! The mission a failure?!
An Old friend returns! Jealousy awakens!
The Ice melts!
Tomorrow at Seven!
Wabisuke makes a surprising move!
Disaster Date!
Sasuke Visits!
Izami Visits!
First kiss!
A talk with Kakashi!
The worst mission begins!
Shocking Surprise
Decisions, decisions, decisions
The Hidden Silk Village
The Festival
Unforeseen Betrayal?! Discussion at the festival!
Unexpected news?!
Snakes Hidden in the Grass
Stay the night with me
Afterwards! Of talks and heartbreak
Of late nights and coversations
A month... With surprises!
Wabisuke finds out the news
Sasuke finds out the news
Rumors and traitors
Letters and Anger
Towards the Cloud
The Leaf and the Cloud
Of Homes and Bonds
The Sato
Of Fights and Mysteries
Of Doctors and Warnings
Of Family and Suspicions!
Worry, fear, and love
Midnight Confessions
Moving In
The end of Peace
The final mission Begins!
The Nightmare Begins
The Final Confrontation
Bad Omens
The end of Everything
The end begins Now
Between the Here and Now
Fight for Life
The waiting game
The End of Everything
The book closes, and so the story ends....

Meetings and Fights

991 31 0
By ItaChan19

Chapter Thirty-Nine:

It was only three days until Izami, Sasuke, and Wabisuke were set to return back to Kohona. It was also the day of the meeting with the Hanamura family. Izami had dressed in formal attire, as had both Hikaru and Tachi. They were sitting in the dining area of their home. Sasuke, Sakura, and Wabisuke standing close by just in case anything went out of hand.

"I'm glad you guys came peacefully." Hikaru said as the Hanamura clan leader sat in front of him. He was a man of thirty-five with jet black , shoulder length jet black hair in a high ponytail. He wore a black shirt with long sleeves . He had matching pants on, and black sandals that looked more like boots. He had a square jaw, high cheekbones, only a few winkles around the eyes to suggest age. He had almond-shaped, slightly narrow grey eyes that had a sort of hidden feeling behind them that always made Hikaru wary of the man.

"Well, we'd rather not have bad blood between our best business partners. I am sorry about the mess that has happened. My employees got some accounts mixed up, but we are doing everything we can to fix what has been wronged."

"I'm happy to hear that, Akihrio-san, but that's not the point. The point is, I do not understand how this mistake could have happened in the first place." Akihiro's practiced smile fell, and he became serious.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were accusing me of something, Boy." Akihiro's tone became icy.

"First of all, I'm not some boy. I am your business partner, and I want to know what the hell has happened, and why our clients are complaining about being ripped off. We run a good business with good reputation, and I'd rather not have it ruined." Akihiro's eyes narrowed. Hikaru remained unmoving. He just raised an eyebrow at the older man's actions." Listen, if you can't follow through with your end of the deal, we may have to find new business partners."

"...Right, apologies. We will make sure the mistake is not made a second time." Hikaru nodded slightly.

"I'm pleased to hear that. Now, how is your family? Has your son been found?"

"Not yet, I'm afraid."

"And your wife? Is she doing well?"

"Ah, yes. Yes, she is. Actually, my family is working on-"

"Tachi, I have to go the bathroom." Izami whispered over to her brother, her stomach churning so much it was making her want to throw up.

"Me too. I haven't gotten the chance to-"

"Not because of that! I mean, I have to throw up!" Tachi's eyes widened slightly, and then he stood up, bringing Izami up with him. Hikaru and Akihiro looked up at the pair with eyebrows raised.

"Hehe, excuse us please." He bowed slightly, and then dragged Izami out of the room.


" For the millionth time, I'm ok." Izami groaned as she leaned back, slumping against the toilet.

"Last time I checked, dry heaving isn't exactly ok. Did you eat something bad?" Tachi was rubbing Izami's back gently. Izami sighed, and heaved herself up onto her feet. Tachi followed her movements, his arms outstretched in case she fell.

"I don't know. You think they'd be done with their meeting by now?"

"I don't think so. Do you need to lay down?"

"Yeah. I think some rest will make it go away." Tachi nodded.

"Ok, I'll bring you some water, and some saltines." Izami nodded, and headed to her room, laying down as soon as she got to her bed.

"Hey, are you ok?" Izami cracked an eye open, and looked at Sasuke as he stood in the doorway." You and your brother left the meeting place like it was on fire." Sasuke went on as he walked into the room. He sat on the edge of Izami's bed, his hand touched her calf lightly. Izami sighed, and closed her eyes.

"I'm just feeling a little sick. I'll be ok." She smiled at Sasuke, who paused for a second, and then nodded.

"Do you need me to stay with you?"

"I don't want you to get bored. I'll probably wind up falling asleep."

"That's ok. I won't get bored." Izami sighed, and then shrugged.

"Whatever. You want to do." It was at that moment that Tachi came back into the room with a plate that had some crackers on it, and a small glass of water. His eyes looked at Sasuke, then to Izami, then to Sasuke again before he shook his head, and walked into the room as well. He sat the plate, and glass down on the stand beside Izami's bed.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Tachi asked as he leaned over, putting his hand on her forehead. Izami nodded, feeling a bit irrtated at her brother's babying.

"Like I've said a million times already, I'm ok." Izami moved Tachi's hand from her forehead in a rather irritated manner. Tachi paused, his hand still in the air for a moment, before he nodded, dropped his hand, and stepped back slightly.

"Just wanted to make sure, Sis." Tachi said softly. Izami nodded, and reached for a cracker, and began nibbling on it. Tachi paused, and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke looked at him, and nodded slightly. Tachi nodded back, turned, and left the room.


Izami mostly stayed in bed that day, but when dinner came around, Hikaru came to get her up. Tachi had told Hikaru what had happened to Izami after the meeting. Hikaru had been sympathetic, and decided she should have the day to rest, and recover.

By the time night was almost fallen, Hikaru decided that she had rest enough, and decided to get her up so she can eat dinner. Izami didn't put up much of a fight. She was feeling much better at that point, so she was able to eat quiet a bit, even enjoy the conversation.

Hikaru had filled her in on what happened after she left the meeting, and told that it had gone rather peacefully. Izami almost was mad at herself for feeling rather happy to hear that the meeting had gone really well. Much better than Hikaru had expected it to go.

Izami noticed the glaring absence of Wabisuke, and when she asked what had happened to him, Sakura had told her that Wabisuke had been called back early to Kohona. Something about that statement didn't set right with Izami, but she didn't question it. She instead chose to enjoy her meal, leaving the worry to sit in the back of her mind.

"I can't remember the last time I had a meal that tasted so good. What was cooked?" Izami asked once dinner was over. Sakura was reading in the livingroom on the couch while Sasuke was laying back in the recliner trying to make it look like he was watching the television, but his eyes occasionally flickered over to Izami, who sat in the Sitting Room, talking to each of her brothers.

"I let Tachi chose the meal." Hikaru said with a shrug." He insisted. Hard to say no when you're talking to a five year old." Tachi glared at Hikaru for a moment, and then shrugged as he turned his attention to his sister.

"It was simple soup. It had steamed ash plums, and some cabbage, and a few other things in it. This family I was staying with in the Mountain Village in the north, had cooked me the soup. Before I left, the wife, Kiyi-san, gave me the recipe. When I find myself wanting to remember that family, I just cook up some of that...Garbage soup as Kiyi-san called it," He said this part with a dry laugh,and then continued on," and it satisfies that need in me. Did you guys enjoy the soup? Oh, and the potato rolls? I made them myself."

"They were good. It was a great meal." Tachi smiled to himself, though it was a kind of sad smile. Izami didn't quiet understand the sadness behind it, but didn't ask the question.

"The rolls were dry, and the soup tasted weird. Some things should not be thrown together. Thank god, Miyaki-chan had enough sense to make that steak, and mashed potatoes with regular dinner rolls. I would have starved." Tachi got angry at Hikaru's remark. Izami sighed heavily. She just wanted to facepalm. Why did Hikaru have to be so arrogant all the damn time?

"Hey! I thought it was very good!"

"I don't know why you're still so attached to that family. They did you a favor once. Two years ago. Yes, you would have died if they hadn't bought you into their home, but-"

"There's no but! They saved my life! Why do you have to be a jerk all the time!" Izami could almost sense Tachi's need to want to jump out of the chair he was sitting in, and just punch Hikaru. Hikaru didn't even seemed fazed by his brother's anger.

"I don't know. Probably the same reason you feel the need to defend the weak all the time. You never change, Little Brother. Even at your strongest, you're still weak. Your attachment to that family is evident of that. You repaid them well beyond what they ever deserved. Let. It. Go." Tachi was silent a good five minutes, just staring his brother down. Hikaru didn't even seemed faze, once again. Hikaru sighed, and all but rolled his eyes as smiled, and looked at Izami."Things seem to be going rather well between you, and Uchiha. Glad to know he stuck by you all day." Izami glanced back at Tachi, who was making it very obvious that he did not enjoy being blown off the way Hikaru just blew him off. Izami looked back at Hikaru, and then glanced at Sasuke, who again was looking at her. He smiled just the slightest, and then looked at the television. Izami smiled almost automatically, and then looked at Hikaru with a nod.

"I know. I told you, he's a good person." Hikaru shrugged slightly.

"I'm pleased you chose someone with a good lineage. You have taste. Maybe you could teach Tachi a lesson or two on how to chose someone with good genes to court."

"Man, I'm so out of here. I can't believe I accepted your invitation to come back. Sorry, Izami. You know where I'll be, but I can't stick around this house. I'll wind up clocking out our clan leader." With that, Tachi stormed out. Izami sighed heavily.

"Hikaru, did you really have to say that?"

"It's not my fault. Crucify me for telling the truth."

"Seriously? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. What's wrong with you, and Tachi?" Hikaru's eyes narrowed slightly." You both continuously chose to date people outside the clan. You have an excuse. You haven't been in the clan for so long, but Tachi has no excuse. You know the rules. You were around enough to know them."

"...What do you mean Tachi dated people outside the clan?" Hikaru scoffed, and rolled his eyes scornfully. He looked at Izami as if she didn't understand anything. In hindsight, she probably didn't understand what was going on." Besides, even if he did, so what?"

"Most clans have rules about that sort of thing. Espically high caliber ones." Hikaru's eyes flickered over to Sasuke, whose eyes were on the television, but it was clear he wasn't paying attention. His blue eyes looked back at Izami, an eyebrow arched." I'm sure even the Uchiha had their rules against courting outside the clan. I'm sure if they were still living-"

"I'm going to find Tachi." Izami interrupted, scowling as she stood up." Someone has to go, and talk to him." She gave Hikaru a pointed, hard look, and then turned on her foot, walking out of the house.


"Tachi? You in here?" Izami looked around the clearing that had been her and Tachi's secret meeting place since they first found this place when they were very small.

It was mostly surrounded by trees that lined the area, and some bushes, and flowers. This particular area had a river run through it. Most of the time, her and Tachi would sit on a huge boulder that bordered the river. Her eyes squinted slightly in the darkness until she spotted her brother standing by the river with an angry expression. His wrist was moving up, and down, and it took her a moment to realize he was manipulating the water to his movements. No doubt trying to calm himself down. Izami sighed, and walked over to him, her hand gently touching his shoulder.

"I can't believe he's our brother. He's such a jerk."

"You don't have to tell me. I've been saying that for years, but... What was with the reaction you had? I mean, seriously. It didn't seem that-"

"Don't say it wasn't bad." Tachi gave her a hard, and angry expression. Izami felt her chest tighten up, and she dropped her hand from the others shoulder as she stepped back slightly, biting her lip.

"I just don't understand why you're so angry."

"I'm not angry." His denial was clear that he was anything but happy. He turned his attention back to the water. Izami sighed, and shook her head.

"You had a strong reaction to Hikaru's words about that family."

"They took care of me when I needed someone to take care of me. I was sick, and wounded, and blind from the snow, not to mention all the other problems I had at that time. I was stranger. Someone they knew nothing about. They didn't know what kind of person I was. They didn't know where I had come from. Who my family was. They knew nothing, and didn't care. They took me in, and cared for me. Treated me like family. I just can't believe that Hikaru can be so insensitive."

"He's...He's Hikaru. That's just who he is. I'm surprised you're surprised-"

"I'm surprised you're defending him!" Tachi looked back at Izami with a glare.

"I'm not defending him!"

"It would be different if it was someone you knew, though. You just don't understand."

"Hey! Don't make me the enemy! I'm trying to understand! You kept something from me, and I'm just trying to understand the situation. Excuse me for not understanding."

"Che. Whatever."

"Oh, my..." Izami trailed off, making a frustrated sound with her throat, and then shook her head." Look, can you just tell me what the hell happened?"

"Just go back. I'll be back later." Izami paused, and then sighed heavily.

"Ok. Just...Come back, ok? I need someone normal to keep me sane." Tachi nodded, and went back to controlling the water. Izami sighed, and turned on her heel, and went back to her house.


It was almost midnight. Tachi had returned some time ago, but had headed straight to bed. At that point, everyone was still up. Everyone, but Izami. Izami was still up, listening to music in the livingroom. Her mind too messed up with thoughts that seemed to sting over and over again with the same questions. What was going on with Wabisuke? He had turned cold, and distant since they had left Suna. Izami couldn't help but feel the slightest hints of guilt knowing that some of it had to do with her and Sasuke. Maybe it was that tiny knowledge that kept her from openingly admitting she was dating the Uchiha man.

Another part of her worried about Tachi. She thought they had told each other everything. She thought there were no secrets between them, but it was clear that she was in the dark about so many things. Even Hikaru was in the loop, and she was left out.

Still, the bigger part of her mind loomed with Hikaru's question. Sure, she had given him her thoughts the previous day, but she was still split on the decision. It was something big. Something important that either choice she made would impact her life. She needed to have some outside advice, but it was just so hard to put into words what she was feeling. How can Izami expect someone else to understand her feelings when she couldn't even understand them herself?

"Hey, what are you doing still up?" Izami looked over at Sasuke, who had his eyebrows scrunched up together as he looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Izami asked, sitting up. Sasuke shrugged, and walked into the room, sitting beside her.

"I got up to get some water. Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep."

"Stressed?" Sasuke scooted closer to Izami, putting his arm around her shoulder, scooting her closer to him. Izami sighed, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Family." Izami said through a laugh." My family is stressful."

"Hmm...What was wrong with Tachi?"

"I don't know." Izami said through another sigh." Him and Hikaru like to keep me out of the loop sometimes. Pitfall of being the youngest, ya know?"

"Yeah...Guess so." His tone was distant for a moment. Izami glanced up at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey, one tip. If you're going to consul someone don't be...Yourself." Izami gave a dry laugh, but she didn't even find her attempted joke funny. Sasuke looked at her, but she had gone back to her own thoughts.

"Why don't you go lay down? You look pretty tired." Izami looked up at him, and nodded.

"Yeah. Ok."Izami nodded stiffly.

"And if you can't sleep, just stare at the ceiling. You'll get so bored you'll just fall asleep. It comes naturally at that point." Izami laughed, a real laugh that time, and shook her head.

"Yeah. Ok. Good night. You should sleep too."

"I will. After I get some water." Izami laughed, and stood up. She was getting ready to walk back to her room when Sasuke grabbed her wrist. Izami grunted slightly, and then looked back at him.

"Hey, I'm going to bed. Let go." Sasuke stared at her a moment longer, and then pulled her down until her face was just inches from his. He then lifted his head up from the couch, and kissed her lips. Izami's eyes went wide for a second, but she quickly closed them, and kissed him back, her heart racing. After a moment, Sasuke let her wrist go.

"Night." Was all he said. Izami nodded, and then walked to her own room for the night.

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