Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [CO...

By harribelle

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#Book1 Unforgettable Sins This is a story of an ordinary girl who had been betrayed by the people who she tru... More



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By harribelle


"U want me to stop?"

Honestly, saya expect dia akan cakap 'We shouldn't do this, Giana.' or maybe he would say 'OMG Giana, what the hell are U doing???'...tapi...

..dia diam.

"Nate...are U okay?"

"Did U just---kiss me?"

"Ya! Silly." Saya terus berdiri. Terang2 pula tu saya kiss dia, and he questioned me?

"Giana." Dia tarik tangan saya sampai saya terduduk balik di sebelah dia.

"What now, Nate?"

"I don't want U to stop."


"My pleasure."

Then I cup his face with my both hands, and crash my lips on his. Oh yeah....this time dia balas kiss saya.

He suck my both upper and lower lips, and slips his tongue into my mouth. Oh gosh...he kisses me like he was craving for my lips.

Then tangan dia tarik tshirt saya pi atas, revealing my white bra.


"U want me to stop?"

Saya tersenyum nakal ja tingu dia. Pandai dia kasih kena saya balik aa.

"Not here." Bilang saya.

"Then show me ur room."

Saya hold tshirt saya on left hand, and his hand on my right hand. Saya bawa dia masuk bilik, and threw myself on my bed.

Dia ikut saya pi atas katil..and, katil saya single bed ja k, but we still fit on it.

He crawls slowly on top of me, and we start to kiss again. Oh I tell you, he is good. Dia nda gelojoh, he plays his role step by step tapi pushy saya masa tu very fxckin wet sudah.

I can't deny he is one hot guy, and when his chest hit my boobs..oh yeah...it turns me on!

"Nate..take off ur shirt."

"No. U take it off for me. 😏"

"Ow...playing naughty, huh?" Slowly saya buka baju dia, and yeah...I love seeing his abs, his abdomen, his v-shape.

"Can I take this off too?" Saya tunjuk seluar dia.

"Ya if U allow me to take off urs too."

Aw shit!

He really turns me on.

Mula lah adegan kissing2 sambil tu tangan kami berkerja buka lapisan yang terakhir. He just take off and throw my bra and panties sana atas lantai.

"Nate...I want more."

"Oh yeah? Ok. Spread ur leg. Let me taste ur down here." Jari dia mulai bermain2 sana 'pintu' depan.

"Ready? 1..2..3"

Ketawa2 lagi saya aa masa dia kira tu. Lucu bah. Then bila dia cucuk masuk dalam tu, terteriak juga lah skijap. Tekajut. Lama bah sudah nda make sex. Last sex was with Brad itu pun punya lah laaaama sudah.

After like 10 minutes or so, I reached my first climax. Bulih tahan juga oo dia, we did it almost for half hour then baru dia cum.

Dia baring di sebelah saya, kepenatan. Since katil saya tu kecil ja, dia suruh saya baring atas badan dia, dia bilang to save space. 😂 Saya peluk dia dan ampai kepala atas dada dia. I can hear his heart beat, beating so fast.



"We just did sex."


"Is it okay for U?"

"I feel okay. I don't know about U."

He bend a little bit his head, trying to see my face.

"U make me confuse, Giana. Once U very garang, and now...."

"Bukan itu yang ko confuse tu. Ko confuse pasal Erica kan. U still with her, but U fxcking with me."

"I didn't even think about her when I'm fxcking with U. Ko tau kah sa suka ko since kita berkenalan di office Erica?"

"Oh kemon. U just made it up 'cause we just fxcked."

"It was true bah. I just want to know U more, to get close to U."

"Bullshit. Lelaki kalau sudah dapat apa yang diurang mau, they will just leave. U think I don't know?"

Saya berdiri, dan dalam keadaan naked saya pi ambil towel saya yang bersangkut sana dekat almari baju saya.


Terus saya pusing tingu dia. Saya tekajut tiba2 kana panggil guna tu nama.

"I saw ur tattoo."

Oh ya...saya lupa saya naked depan Nate sekarang. Of course he saw it.

"Just a stupid tattoo." Bilang saya.

"No, it's cute. Why Dolly? Is it ur nick name or something like that?"

Why? Pi tanya Miller, napa dia kasih nama saya Dolly. 😏

"Nothing particular, just a randon name."

"Sini bah, sa mo tingu dari dekat."

Saya balut badan saya guna towel then saya jalan dekat dia. Saya berdiri membelakang, slowly tu tangan dia tarik tu towel sampai jatuh atas lantai. Jari2 dia bermain2 sana area tattoo saya.

"U done? Ko bukan tingu tatu sa kan?"

"Hahahahaha....U have a sexy ass, Dolly."

"Don't Dolly me. I have name."

Saya nda suka kana panggil Dolly, it reminds me of that jerk Miller.

"Giana. About the sex just now---"

"Don't worry, I won't tell Rica. Better ko fikir macam mana to make things up with her."

"Yaa...I will. Tapi bulih kah kalau sa sama ko, kita jan cakap pasal dia?"

"Hey, do I need to remind U why U came here? U were asking about her kan tadi?"

"Itu tadi..sekarang lain. Er..can we still meet with each other after this?"

"U mean even if U still with Rica?"


"Hmmmm...." Saya buat2 muka sedang berfikir. Saya duduk atas paha dia, then peluk di leher dia.

"Sure...why not? It will be our little dirty secret."


Sorry, Erica.


Few days after the sex with Nate, we getting closer but with no string attached. You know what I mean? Kami teda declare apa2 relation.

But since he is still with Erica saya sudah kasih tau dia awal2 don't make it too obvious, which means saya nda mo dia suka2 datang jumpa saya sana hotel, or di rumah, or pi ambil saya di bustop, or bawa saya keluar pi makan/minum.

Well, he gets so irritated sebab dia bilang macam mana lah mo jumpa kalau semua pun nda bulih? 😏

So, most time kami send texts saja and ada beberapa kali dia call and we talk for hours on phone. Doi..betul2 macam urang bercinta bah kami. But I like him. He is a nice, fun guy.

📞 Nate : Bila lah sa bulih jumpa ko lagi ni, G?

📞 Me : Nanti2 lah. Now is not the right time. Ko tau juga kan. Nate?

📞 Nate : Yes?

📞 Me : I know we shouldn't talk about her, tapi sa mo cakap juga...have U talk to Rica? Kamu ok sudah kah?

📞 Nate : U don't have to worry about that, ok. Pandai lah sa handle tu.

📞 Me : Ur guys punya e-day still on bah kan?

📞 Nate : Maybe.


Saya nda tau mo rasa happy kah kecewa? Tapi saya perasan suara dia lain2 sudah bila kami start cakap pasal Erica and their engagement. So saya terus cut pasal tu topic.


Hari ni saya sengaja ambil cuti sebab saya sudah janji mo jumpa Sairah. We are going to shopping!! So, morning tu awal lagi dia sudah pi ambil saya sana rumah.

Dari rumah kami pi singgah McD, breakfast fast food ja sebab malas sudah kami cari menu lain. Siap makan kami pi mall.

"Gee, jadi kah engagement si Rica tu? Sampai sekarang dia teda info2 kan."

FYI Sairah, sampai sekarang sa belum bertegur sama Erica and it's all because of our stupid fight pasal Simon. 😏

"I don't know."

"Kamu keja sama2 kan, kamu teda berjumpa kah?"

"Ala kami jumpa pun bukan kami duduk bercerita. Dia kan selalu busy. Sokay, beb. Kita cari ja dress. Nda rugi juga bah kita shopping."


Kami start masuk boutique by boutique. Mula2 tu just cuci2 mata ja sebab belum lagi kami jumpa dress yang betul2 menarik perhatian.

Then si Sairah baru teringat ada satu butik dalam tu mall, kawan dia pernah rekomen beli dress di sana, all the dresses there suitable for any event kunun. So saya pun ikut ja.

Well, it's true. Banyak koleksi dress yang cantik2 kena display. Of course the price a little bit....you know...pricey.

"G...I think this one ngam sama ko. Cuba ko try."

Dia pass saya satu long silver dress yang ada split di siring skirt. Depan tu baju pun cantik, V shape and very sexy, bulih nampak cleavage punya style. Tapi harga dia..... 😨

"Cantik tapi...the price too much oo. I can't afford this and sayang kalau beli for only one occasion."

"Ala...I am very sure kalau ko pakai, komfom nampak cantik."

Sibuk2 saya sama Sairah tingu2 tu dress, suddenly kami dengar suara perempuan yang familiar from the other side. Saya bertingu ja sama Sairah, trying to read each other mind.

"Gee...macam suara----"

"Oh hai girls....kamu pun di sini?"

Belum sempat bah Sairah kasih habis ayat dia. Yes. It's her.


...di sebelah dia Nate.

"Rica! What a coincidence." Bilang Sairah.

"Kamu pun cari dress kah ni? Oh ya Sairah, meet my future fiance, Nate."

Diurang bershake hand, then si Nate tingu saya. Gad. Pandangan dia tu bah, mengancam betul cara dia tingu saya.

"Hai, Rica." Saya pi tegur dia.

I don't know whether dia masih marah saya kah nda, but she's my friend..and my boss. I should at least start the conversation with her.

"Hai, Gee. Eee...cantik oo dress yang ko pigang ni." Mata dia terus tingu tu dress yang Sairah pilih untuk saya. See, even Erica pun cakap cantik.

"Are U going to buy it?" Bilang dia lagi.

"No lah. Sa tingu2 ja bah ni."

"Can I try it?"

"Sure. Nah."

"Dear, U wait here aa, I go try first this dress." Terus dia bawa tu dress yang saya bagi dia pi fitting room. Sairah ikut dia sebab dia bilang dia mo tingu whether tu dress cantik kah nda di body Erica.

So, tinggal saya sama Nate lagi di sana. Actually, saya nda tau yang dia sudah berbaik sama Erica. He didn't tell me but I guess he managed to make things up with her.

"Hai, Giana."


Shit punya feeling.

Paling last saya jumpa dia masa kami make sex di rumah saya, after that kami only talk on phone ja. Seeing him now really make me feel something but I don't know what.

"Have U found any dress?"

"No lah. Sa kasih kawan Sairah ja bah ni." Saya sengaja pi tingu2 dress2 yang bersangkut sana. I want to avoid conversation with him bah sebenarnya. Lagi pun saya malas tu mata dia tingu2 saya.

"This one look nice on you." Dia tunjuk saya satu backless dress warna merah.

So sexy...he surely has a good taste. Saya pun rasa tu dress cantik tapi I couldn't afford it. Saya geleng2 ja tingu tu dress.



"I am getting engage with Erica, for real now."

"Okay. Good to hear that."

"Tu ja ko mo cakap?"

"What do U expect me to say?"

"I don't know...maybe U should say...er...cancel the engagement."

"Why would I say that? Kemon Nate. She's ur girlfriend."

"I know. But U and me----"

"Oh no...no...it was only one sex. It doesn't mean anything."

"Giana, please listen---"

"Dear!" Erica dan Sairah baru balik dari fitting room.

"U---done?" Bilang Nate.

"Yup. I am so gonna buy this dress, for our engagement." Dia tunjuk tu silver dress. Saya sama Sairah bertingu ja ni. Bidah sudah muka Sairah tingu saya sebab dia suruh saya yang beli tu baju.

"Oh okay, if U like then we buy it."

At last, Erica yang beli tu silver dress. Sairah pula jumpa satu navy dress yang dia suka. And me? Saya nda beli apa2 sebab most the dresses sana sangat mahal.

After kami dari boutique, Erica bawa kami pi minum coffee sana starbucks. Mula2 tu kami nda mo sebab kami nda mo kacau dia sama Nate tapi dia insist juga. So terpaksa lah kami ikut. Muka si Nate lah happy bila dia nampak saya ikut diurang. Cis.

"So Rica, di mana venue e-day ko nanti? At ur father's hotel kah?"

"No. Sa buat di rumah parents sa ja. Start next week sa cuti sudah, got a lot of things to do at home. The deco, the design, and stuff...."

"Is there anything we can help?" Bilang saya.

"Sokay. I did hire a planner for this, so thanks anyway."

Kami sambung chit chat, I don't know maybe for half an hour then handphone saya vibrate dari dalam handbag saya.

(incoming text from Nate)

📩 Nate : Let's meet up.

Terus saya tingu si Nate tapi dia buat blank face ja sana aa. Pandai betul berlakon.

📨 Me : What for?

📩 Nate : Just follow me. Sa tunggu ko di luar. Just give them any excuses.

Oh gad. Ini kerja gila.

"Baby, I need to make phone call. I'll be right back, okay." Terus dia keluar.

After like 10 minutes, saya kasih tau diurang Sairah dan Erica yang saya mo pi washroom. Nasib baik diurang nda syak apa2.

Cepat2 saya keluar dari starbuck, saya nampak si Nate sedang tunggu saya sudah sana hujung kedai. Dia nampak ja saya terus dia tarik tangan saya. Kami pi masuk satu kedai jual baju2 lelaki.

"What are we doing here?" Bilang saya.

Dia diam.

Makin lagi laju dia jalan sambil tarik saya. Nasib baik tu kedai nda ramai customers, maybe 1-2 orang ja. Dia bawa saya masuk pi fitting room aa, tekajut saya. Once dia lock tu pintu dari dalam, I straight away know what's on his mind.


"I miss U."


He kisses me. Saya nda tunggu lama, saya balas kiss dia. Tangan dia buka baju saya, tinggal bra lagi. And he starts to kiss along my neck till my chest. Dua2 tapak tangan dia di dalam bra saya sudah, playing with my both nipples.



"Slow down ur voice, G."

"I---I know. Aaa...it's just...aaa feels so good."

Then he starts suck my both nipples, turn by turn. Oh I swear, my down there is already wet. Sakit sudah pushy saya, I want more than this! Gila.

I must be so out of my mind now. Saya berlutut depan Nate, zip jeans dia saya buka dan saya kasih keluar his mr pen!s which is already hard. And yes, saya BJ si Nate di fitting room!!! How crazy is that?!!

Sambil saya BJ, saya tingu reaksi muka dia. Kesiokan betul dia sampai tertutup2 mata lagi. Dua2 tangan dia di kepala saya, messing with my hair.

"Mmmm...G...hmmmm." Oh yeah. He likes it. 😏

Terus saya stop. Sengaja saya kasih gantung dia.

"What's wrong?" Bilang dia.

"We are in a fitting room, Nate. And we are late. What if diurang Erica notice something?"

"Okay2...." Dia zip seluar dia, dan saya kasih bagus2 bra dan pakai baju.

"G....tonight, sa pi rumah ko k."

"U can't. My housemate ada di rumah."

"Semua pun nda bulih. U know it's torturing me when I can't meet U."


"Nate, please understand bah. We are not in a position where we can meet as we like."

"Yalah2...but tonight sa datang ambil ko di rumah."

"Kita pi mana?"

"Not gonna tell U, nanti ko cakap nda bulih. Hehe."

We have a long passionate kiss before kami keluar dari fitting room. Saya duluan pi tempat diurang Sairah, 15 minutes then baru si Nate datang. Luckly lah diurang Erica nda perasan anything.


Malam tu dekat jam 11pm sudah baru Nate text saya, dia bilang dia sudah di bawah hostel. Housemate saya masa tu tidur sudah.

"Are U hungry? Do U want to grab something?" Bilang dia.

"Nope. Sa sudah makan tadi. Why? U hungry? Sa kasih kawan ko makan lah if U want."

"No. Sa sudah makan sana rumah Erica tadi."

"Oooo...patut lah ko lambat datang."

"What? Are U jelous?"

"Nooo. Please lah."

Me? Jelous? Am I? Of course no....

After almost 1 hour of driving, kami sampai di satu hotel. Yepp, I should have known this.


"Where else? Sa nda bulih bawa ko balik rumah sa." Bilang dia. Saya senyum ja.

Siap ja urusan check-in, kami masuk pi bilik. Since we can't make sex at my home or at his home, so di sini lah kami sambung 'kerja' kami ya tergendala di fitting room.

No need to describe lah kan apa jadi. We make sex all night long. I let my bestfriend's boyfriend fxcks me as he likes. He let me explore every inch of his body. We both like and enjoy the sex very much. And I lost count how many times I reach my climax.

After the sex, I lie down beside him and he pulls me into his hug, we both still naked.

"G...should I call off the engagement?"

"What?? No. Why?"

"I don't know. Just suddenly I have a mix feeling about it."

"Is it because of me?"

Dia mengeluh. Makin kuat bah dia peluk saya, then he did something yang buat saya tergamam. He kissed on my forehead.

"Yes. I like U, Giana."

"But U love Erica."

"Ya, sa tau."

"U like me because of the sex. Just don't make urself confuse."

"I like U, G..I want U..who knows maybe one day, U are the girl for me, not her."

Oh Nate!

"Ko nda suka sa?" Bilang dia lagi.

"Of course I like U."

Sorry, Nate. I like U just because U belong to Erica. And the sex we did didn't mean anything to me. 😏

"After me and Erica got engaged, I still want to see U. Bulih kah?"

"U sure?"

"Sure. Engagement ja bah tu. It's not like we are married."

"Okay. If U say so."

Kesian ko Erica. U talk big about ur boyfriend, how's ur E-day is gonna be...but U didn't know Ur man is fxcking with me.

Oh gad.

Why am I doing this???

Because of Simon...?

Malam tu saya tidur sama Nate. Dia sendiri yang cakap mo tidur sama saya, so I just say yes. Lagi pun lewat sudah kan, saya malas balik rumah sekarang.

Next morning, saya bangun si Nate baru siap mandi. Nasib saya shift petang, so nda juga kelam kabut saya balik. After lunch time baru si Nate masuk office dia bilang.

Masa kami keluar dari hotel dan jalan pi arah parking kereta, tiba2 Nate tahan tangan saya. Mata dia tingu sana arah pintu hotel, tapi teda sepa2 pun di sana.

"What's wrong, Nate?"

"I think I saw someone I know."

"Who? Erica?"

Nda tau kenapa dalam kepala otak saya Erica ja sekarang.

"Never mind. Get in the car. We don't want anyone to see us together."

Tau pula dia takut. Sepa suruh bawa2 saya check in. 😏


*the engagement day*

Saya sampai di rumah Erica, ada sudah beberapa kereta berparking di luar. Saya terpaksa naik taxi dari hostel tadi, and now I am late.

"Beb!! Napa ko lambat?" Diurang Sairah ada sudah di sana.

"Taxi bah lambat."

"I told U kan, kalau ko teda transport, call me. Sa pi ambil ko." Bilang Sairah.

"Sokay bah. Not big deal juga ni. So, did I miss anything?"

"Yaaa...they already exchanged rings."


Erica and Nate are officially engaged now.

"Ooo. Where's the drink?" Bilang saya. I really need a drink now...something strong.

"Ko nda mo makan dulu?"

"Nanti la. I feel thirsty. Be right back."

Saya kasih tinggal diurang Sairah. Actually enggagement Erica kana buat sana backyard rumah dia. Luas bah rumah dia, ada few camps kana sett up di sana. Saya nampak mini bar diurang sana dekat2 tu swimming pool area.

"Hai, miss. Drink?" Bilang tu bartender.

"Do U have JD?"

"Yes miss."

Saya minum few shots, baru saya rasa lega. Saya nda tau napa, saya sakit hati pula Erica sudah engaged sama Nate.


Saya patut suruh Nate cancel ja ni engagement.


"Erica. Congrats beb."

"Thank U. Napa ko saturang di sini?"

"Oh..looking for a refreshment." Saya tunjuk dia shot glass di tangan saya.

"Gee. I am sorry about Simon, and whatever happen between us in the past."

"Sokay, Rica. Salah sa juga. What's in the past should remain in the past bah kan. Cuma sa ja nda bulih move on."

"Cause U like Simon bah kan? And U were angry cause he chose me instead of U."

I was like.....what???? Did Simon chose her? Simon bilang dia langsung teda feel sama Erica. Simon should have been chosen me cause he liked me, right?


That very moment....

Something got in my mind. Simon pernah kasih tau saya yang Erica did tell him something, about me.

Maybe that 'something' yang buat Simon pilih dia. But what was it?


I feel bad about this.

"Rica...did---did U tell something about me to Simon?"

"Not again. We are not bringing up the past, Gee. What? Do U think I bad-mouth about U to Simon?"

Saya diam.

"Kalau sa bad-mouth pun, what could I say? U are such nice girl, there's nothing bad about U."

Well...she's right. Why would she say something bad about me?

Kemon Gee...think!! Something wrong somewhere.

Saya tutup mata, trying to think very hard.

"Sudah lah. Jan lagi ko fikir pasal Simon or pasal hal kita dulu. Let's have a toast. Vodka?"

Toast? Vodka?

These two words remind me of the party during college time. My first time try vodka masa party di rumah Jac. And it reminds me of Oscar too sebab dia yang back up minum tu vodka untuk saya malam tu.

Oh wait a minute!!

"Rica...U did tell something sama Simon kan?"

"Oh kemon lah, Gee. I didn't say any----"

"U told him about Oscar. Ya...he said he thought I was with Oscar. Omaigad. He must got the thought from U."

"Ridiculous. Oscar? Apa ni? Sudah lah Gee, don't make things complicated, okay."

Macam saya mo tampar ja si Erica walau pun dia nda mengaku, but I can sense it.

"Simon liked me, Erica. U knew it, and U told him that I was with Oscar so that U can be with him. Am I wrong?"

Berubah terus reaksi muka Erica. Oh yeah. I got U, girl!

"Girls...is everything okay?" Suddenly Nate datang pi tempat kami. Maybe si Nate perasan kali kami bercakap dalam keadaan serius. Nate tingu saya, tapi saya kasih lari pandangan saya tingu Erica.

"D-dear, kami okay."

Fine, Erica. Ko nda mengaku...then I will let U feel how I feel. I will make Nate choose me over U.

"Rica, honey. See who is here?" Then aunty Danica datang pi tempat kami, ada saturang lelaki di belakang dia.

In no minutes, mata saya terlock tingu tu lelaki. And he is looking at me too!


This can't be.

Saya harap saya salah orang.

"Dolly?" That was the first word came out from his mouth.

Ow fxck!!!

This can't be happening!

**to be continued**

(photo source : mr google)

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