By lovesickmin

16.6K 930 623

After a suspicious accident, you find yourself on the run and in love with a criminal who claims he has nothi... More



548 38 29
By lovesickmin

Third Person

"Jimin. Stop." You could barely vocalize.

"But that's what you want, right?! To be free of me?! So what's holding you back?!" He yelled, making you flinch.

"That doesn't mean I want you dead!" You yelled back.

He chuckled, standing up to look down on you. "You either love me or you don't, ____..."

"Yeah. But I don't wanna do this anymore."

"Do what?!"

"Be scared!"

Jimin was about to say something but he couldn't. Every time you mentioned your fear, he knew you were right and he was wrong. Instead of being angry at you for it, he felt sorry. But there was nothing he could do anymore to comfort you.

"So where do we go from here?" He paused, calming himself down. "You know I can't just let you leave. I just can't, ____. I will go insane without you."

As if you're sane with me. You thought.

You didn't answer and instead looked at the ground until a thought of realization popped into your brain. "Jimin..."

He tilted his head slowly, watching you since you already had his attention.

"Won't they be coming for you now? Jungkook might tell where you are because of me...and Taehyung is just as wanted as you are. I'm pretty sure they'll be taking him too."

Jimin inhaled deeply in silence, nodding as he looked away. "I suppose so...yeah."

"Aren't you going to run?"

"____...the only reason I've ever run from anyone is so I could be wherever you were. It's all I've ever wanted since the day I laid my eyes on you. Don't you understand? All of this was for you. So why would I run if I don't have you anymore?" He told you, tossing the gun onto the bed.

You looked up and watched him for a moment. "Why did you have to be this way?"

It was a whisper but he heard you as clear as day. The pang in his chest was violent, causing him to shut his eyes.

I didn't choose to be. He thought.

You looked away again, gaining the energy to stand up. At this point, it was obvious that Jimin wasn't going to hurt you purposely. He'd rather hurt himself first so there was no reason to be afraid of him anymore. Of course, there was always the possibility that he could snap and act without thinking so you were still nervous but you decided to trust that wouldn't happen.

You walked over to him slowly and laid a hand on his cheek gently. He opened his eyes and looked right into yours, his gaze full of surprise and wonder over your actions.

Tears threatened your eyes once again. "I do love you, Jimin... You made sure of that, at least."

He placed his own hands on your face in return. "Then why can't you just stay with me?" He croaked desperately.

You just sighed and closed your eyes, wanting to soak in this moment for as long as you could.

Jimin's gaze studied your features only to land permanently on your lips. He frowned slightly at the cut on your bottom lip then eased closer to kiss your top lip which surprised you enough to open your eyes back up. He was not even an inch from your face and you could even see the beautiful detail in his eyes.

He moved his hand to hold your chin gently and leaned in again to give you a proper kiss this time. You cooperated, returning the kiss passionately. No matter how much this man's evil side scared the life out of you, his sweet side would always have a spot in your heart. It was superior in the worst way.

As your kiss deepened, he let go of your face and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you in as close as possible. Your body immediately reacted in sync, draping your arms around his neck. His tongue dragged along your lips gently so you parted them, allowing entrance. Your tongues twisted together passionately and you knew that if you let this continue, it wouldn't stop.

So as difficult as it was, you forced yourself to break the kiss after pecking his lips gently once more. Jimin shivered lightly, looking back into your eyes as he bit his lip roughly.

"Fuck." He breathes shakily.

Not knowing how to respond, you hung your head to hide your blushing. Jimin smiled at you lightly, taking your hands from his neck to hold them in his. "Do you really wanna go?"

The sudden question slapped you back into reality. The beautiful and romantic aura withered away as your mind ran through all the reasons why things even ended up this way.

With a sorrowful gaze lifted to Jimin, you stepped away slowly. Jimin tensed up again as he realized your silent answer and let loose a sigh before standing up straight. Closing his eyes and cracking his neck from side to side, his cold gaze ended up on you once again.

Fear seeped right back into your bones as you acknowledged this was no longer Jimin once again. Now anything was possible. Now it was dangerous.

"Fine." He sneered.

Your eyes widened while you backed up into the vanity harshly. Jimin looked like an entirely different person as he rushed towards you only to wrap his hands around your fragile neck. The scowl on his face was one of a devil as his fingers squeezed tighter and tighter.

You gasped for air, gripping his wrists as you struggled to be let go. This seems to be the basis of your life; craving freedom. "Ji-Ji-min..."

"No! If I can't have you, no one will..." The rage in his eyes only increased as he squeezed tighter. Now there was no air making its way into your lungs and your flailing only proved futile as your body weakened. Your vision gradually blurred into darkness as you gripped his shirt with little to no strength left.

Suddenly, a loud bang interrupted the struggle. It was the door slamming wide open as a bunch of bodies swarmed into the room. With the loudest gasp of air as Jimin let you go to turn around, you dropped to the ground then had a coughing fit as your strained throat began to open back up.

"Freeze! Hands where we can see 'em! Now!"

The cops yelled to Jimin, earning a smirk from him as if he was satisfied with his situation or at least expected it.

He truly is insane.

You looked up at the scene just gaining back your clear vision while holding your throat gently. Jimin stood there with his hands lifted lazily, watching the officers intently. He recognized two of them to be the detectives that interrogated him awhile back.

"Jungie! MinMin! Long time no see." He chuckled.

"Shut up, dickhead! We finally got you and this time, you're going nowhere!" Detective Jung shot back verbally, hand furiously gripping the trigger. All he needed was one wrong move from Jimin; one excuse to put a bullet through his brain.

"Remember the protocol, Hoseok." Detective Min mumbled beside him. He too hated Jimin with every fiber of his being but he was calm enough to always do his job correctly.

Meanwhile, a couple of the officers had made their way to your weakened figure and lifted you to stand.

"I'm sorry, Detective. But you won't be getting your happy ending either." Jimin said, at first not making any type of sense.

"What the hell are you talking about? Shut up and get on the ground!" The angry Detective replied.

Jimin ignored his demand and moved his gaze to you. Your heart felt like it dropped coming in eye contact with him again after he just tried to kill you for the fourth time.

"I'm sorry. I love you."

With one swift action he turned, grabbed the gun that rested on the bed and turned again to point the gun in their direction and shoot. Unable to process the situation so quickly, you screamed at the loud bang that rang in your ears while you covered them with your eyes squeezed shut.

Soon, the room lit up in flashes and pops as the cops all began to shoot at him.

You screamed at the top of your lungs. "No!"

After the rain of bullets hit his body, Jimin fell back onto the bed lifelessly.

Screaming his name repeatedly as the officer's held you back from running over to him, you began to cry hysterically, even after everything. Your heart was in pieces and you were speechless as the shock was just too much to handle.

With no remorse, the Detectives walked up to the lifeless body of your ex-boyfriend, feeling accomplished.

Detective Min pulled the radio from his belt buckle and lifted it to his lips. "The prime suspect was just put down. This case is closed."


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