I Fell In Love With a Useless...

بواسطة ZantuaSaur

38.3K 570 427

Kazuma had always regretted bringing in Aqua instead of a cheat item, but slowly he starts to notice the litt... المزيد

Chapter 1 : My Adventure starts with this Useless Goddess
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpter 8

Chapter 2

5.5K 75 52
بواسطة ZantuaSaur

Authors Note :3 Here's the second part, I'll be posting the rest of the parts soon. But please leave a review or comment, they are much, MUCH appreciated and make me very happy inside :3

Aqua woke up from her sleep. As per usual Kazuma is still sleeping like a rock and she has to wake him up. Aqua looks over to Kazuma, she remembers what happened the last night started to lightly blush. 'Stupid idiot'.

Aqua lightly taps Kazuma on the arm, causing him to roll over and face Aqua, while still sleeping. Aqua pauses for a moment looking at Kazuma and giggles a little  'Yep what a stupid idiot'

As Aqua is still mentally pondering about, Kazuma wakes up and sees Aqua staring at him blankly
"Huh? Aqua, whats wrong?"

Aqua punches Kazuma in the face knocking him down

Kazuma hits the ground hard enough to knock him awake, "Oi! What's your problem!"

Aqua crosses her arms and looks directly at him, "You had a stupid looking face"

Kazuma just stares at Aqua "Really now?"

Aqua, arms still crossed and eyes meeting his "What!? It was very stupid looking"

Kazuma would question her more, but decides he shouldn't, when Aqua finally concludes the staredown he looks over to Aqua "Are you okay now, you useless goddess?".

Aqua crossed her arms "I told you already! Your face just looked stupid!"

Kazuma leans on the wall and sighs 'sure, sure , oh well, we better get going'

As they walk down the town a certain loli crashes into Kazuma, causing him to trip over and fall face first into the rock path. Quickly standing up, he hits Megumin in the head,  "Oi! What was that for!!".

Kazuma brushing off the dust in his clothes "Look where you are going you loli!"

Megumin gets up and shakes it off, "It's not my fault you didn't see me!"

Kazuma looks away, starts walking towards the distance and shouts "It's not my fault your so shorrrrttt!!"

Megumin steams up and starts chasing Kazuma

"Come backkk hereee you loliiicoonnnnn!!"

The two eventually run half the way to the guild, Aqua and Darkness catch up after the two stop to take a breath

"*pant* Ka-zeee-maaa~ *pant*" Megumin says while still slightly out of breath . Megumin pulls Kazuma's arm "You promised me to bring me to Wiz's shop to buy *pant* a new staff".

Kazuma scratches his head, 'oh yeah, I did promise her that. crap.'

"Yeah yeah I remember, lets go then. Aqua we'll meet you in the guild with Darkness"
Aqua quickly leaves "Hai!"

As Megumin and Kazuma arrive at Wiz's shop, Megumin buys a new staff. On the walk back they arrive at the guild, currently staring at a drunk Aqua drinking glass after glass while Darkness is sitting across the table, unlike the latter, she is not drunk.

Kazuma and Megumin both raise their hands in unison "Oi! Aqua! Darkness!"

Darkness calls out and raises her hand "Kazuma! Megumin!"

As Kazuma and Megumin sit down, Aqua raises her empty glass, blatantly drunk and on the verge of collapsing. "One more glass pwease!"

Saying this, Aqua gets a tap on her shoulder from Kazuma "Oi, you useless goddess, This better not be using my money!"

Aqua, face still red and bubbly "Ehhh? Its fine isn't it? Ywour rich nyaw! Right?" She said, before finally collapsing on the table.

Kazuma gives up trying to talk or wake up the drunk and sleeping debt machine and looks over to Darkness

'actually now that I think about it, I've never seen Darkness drink before'. Curious, Kazuma decides to ask Darkness about it

"Oi, Darkness, I noticed you dont drink alot, why is that?"

Darkness stood up and put her hands on the table. "A noble knight should never drink, as a knight I mus-"

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I get it" Kazuma didn't really want to listen to the masochist crusader ramble on and on again about honor, pride and stuff

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" Kazuma looks over to see the loli mage calling him

"Yes I'm Kazuma"

"When it's winter, can we go catch snow sprites again?" Megumin says, holding her staff upright.

Kazuma ponders for a bit, 'I died there once, definitely not going again'


But then Kazuma realized something, 'it's that time of the year already?! Me and Aqua are definitely not going to survive the winter in that stable, its cold enough without the snow.

As Kazuma thinks about what he is going to do to survive the winter, the masochist crusader walks up to Kazuma, holding a quest paper in hand.

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" Said the knight holding the quest.

"Yes i'm Kazuma" Kazuma said his iconic reply.

Darkness hands the quest paper to Kazuma "Can we do this?!?!" Darkness currently has a very creepy, eerie smile plastered in her face. "Free the haunted mansion of the evil spirits, Prize : 350,000 eris "

Seeing this, Kazuma lit up ,'well, now I found a place to stay the winter'.

About to accept the quest "Sure Darkne-" Kazuma looks over to see Darkness mumbling to herself drooling and blushing vigorously.

"I wonder what those spirits will do to me?? Ahnnn, Will they beat me until I leave? Or maybe, they will torture me and trap me in the forever?? Haaahnn"

Kazuma sighs,'I should've expected this'.

Kazuma walks up to the guild lady and accepts the quest, "Oi Megumin! Darkness! Lets go!" Megumin and Darkness stand up, along with a drunk Aqua "Haiii!"

The party walk down to the haunted mansion, with Darkness holding a drunk Aqua in her hands. Kazuma sighs 'I'm going to have to clean up Aqua's rainbow vomit later'.

The party stops and takes a good look at the mansion "I think this is the place" Kazuma said.

The Megumin loli hides behind Kazuma "K-Kazumaaa~ Its scaryy~".

Meanwhile, the crusader is turned on and redder than rudolphs nose , "I'm going in first!" She said running to the interiors of the mansion, almost dropping Aqua in the process.

'Damn, if only she weren't a weirdo masochist' Kazuma thought, Darkness had everything Kazuma wanted, big breasts, a good figure and cute too. Except the masochist part is a huge minus for him, scratch that, he might as-well multiply her score by zero.

Snapping out of his train of thought, Kazuma and Megumin notice a man in a black suit walking towards them, "Ah, are you guys the one to remove the spirits from this mansion?"

Kazuma nodded in reply, "yeah we are" 'though we might have to wait until Aqua stops being drunk'

The man looked relieved, "Thank God! the ghosts in this place have been driving off the tourists and buisness in Axel"

"If we can clear the spirits, may we stay in the house for the winter?" Kazuma asked, putting his plan into motion.

The man nodded, "Sure! Sure! You can have it if you want! Just drive of the ghosts ruining my buisness!"

Kazuma put out his thumb in a way that would make a anime character jealous, "No problem!",  'Now that settles the winter problem, now time to settle the drunk goddess problem'

Kazuma taps Megumin on the shoulder "Hey, Megumin"

The loli mage looked towards Kazuma, "What is it?"

Kazuma points at the mansion, "Can you go find Aqua?"

Megumin fell to her knees clinging on to Kazuma's legs, "N-no! It's scary! You should come with me!"

Kazuma nods "I was planning to anyway, I need to wake up Aqua and get her to remove the spirits"

As the duo enter the doors of the house, they see Darkness checking every room tripping on nothing frequently.

"Spirits! Where are you?" Darkness called out "What will you do to me~~?" Darkness said, unsurprisingly aroused.

Well it was expected of the masochist, neither Kazuma nor Megumin were very surprised.

"Darkness!" They both call out.

Kazuma looks at Darkness to notice that she is not holding Aqua anymore , "Oi, Darkness! Where did you put Aqua"

Darkness looks over to Kazuma confused "she's right he-. Huh? Where'd she go?"

Kazuma looks at Darkness dumbfounded "You lost Aqua?!" Kazuma said frustrated 'Jeez, I knew Darkness was stupid and clumsy, but how did she manage to lose Aqua?!'

Kazuma immediately starts looking for Aqua 'Jeez, where did that useless goddess go?' Kazuma looks and eventually finds Aqua talking to a pot.

"Kazumaa~, Your meeeannnn~~" Aqua said, face still red and drunk.

Kazuma pulls Aqua away from the pot "Thats not me, you stupid goddess"

"Huh? Kazuma? Is that you?" Aqua asks, staring at Kazuma as if he was an alien.

"C'mon lets go we have to get rid of the ghosts here" Kazuma said carrying Aqua.

"Ehhhh~~ Bwut I was talking to Kazshuuma!" Aqua said.

"Im Kazuma! Get that in your empty head already"

"Oh, Kazshuma! When did yew get here?" Aqua said.

Kazuma gives up trying to make sense with the drunk animal. And meets up with Megumin, as the duo walk towards Darkness, a strange purple blob appears in front of them.

Both Kazuma and Megumin shriek, waking Aqua up "Oi, why are you holding me! Pervert! Weird! Stupid Kazuma!"

Then Aqua looks at the ghost. "Aqua! Do something!!" Kazuma and Megumin say hands against the wall.

Aqua clutching her stomach "Hold on wait I don't feel so good" as she barfed rainbow all over the spirit.

"Now is not the time to be vomiting!" Kazuma shouts.

"I can't help it can I?!" Aqua says, as the ghost comes closer, scaring the life out of Kazuma and Megumin.

"Do! Something!! Now!" They both scream again.

"Yeah, I got it" Aqua said as she faces the spirit "Hey stupid thing! Turn Undead!" Aqua says as she purifies the spirit, turning it into a white blob that flew to the sky.

Megumin fell to the ground after that looking completely white and emotionless. Aqua then proceeds to run around the place casting turn undead every few seconds.

'Aqua really hates undead huh? not just Vanir I guess" Kazuma thought for a second while being interrupted by Darkness.

"Where are the spirits?!" Darkness says shaking Kazuma.

"They are by Aqua, now let go of me" Kazuma says, getting dizzy from the shaking.

"Oh, thanks! Gotta go!" Darkness said, running in the general direction of the chanting.

Several hours pass and by now most of the spirits have been purified thanks to Aqua's endless hatred for the undead. I say most of the spirits, because right now I am running for my life from these spirits chasing me.

I run over to Aqua's room, "Aqua! Aqua! Open up! Open up!".

The doors opens, but to my surprise, instead of seeing the useless blue haired goddess, I see a hat instead.

The loli looks up "huh Kazuma? What are you doing he-" Megumin suddenly gets dragged in by Kazuma his hand in her mouth.

"I'm being chased in by spirits, let me stay here for a while okay?" Megumin nods, "mhph" Kazuma removes his hand from her mouth, "Kazuma~"

Kazuma looks over "Yeah? What is it?" Megumin was quite red, I need to pee"

Kazuma, not even giving a second thought, passes over a bottle to Megumin "Use this"

Megumin immediately smacks the bottle away, hitting Kazuma in the face "No way! I'm not using that!"

Kazuma rubbing the bump on his forehead, "well i'm not going out there, definitely not"

Megumin starts to mumble something barely enough for Kazuma to hear "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I be-"
Kazuma, fearing for his pride... and life  "Okay! Okay! I'll go!, just don't blow up our house on the first day!"

Megumin smiles knowing she has won, as they both leave the room and Megumin enters the bathroom while Kazuma waits outside.

As Megumin leaves the bathroom, a pink blob appears in from of them.

They both scream and run down the hall "Ghosttt!!" As they run they bump into the familiar goddess "huh? Kazuma?

Megumin what are you doin- W-wait slow dow-" Aqua tries to say but ultimately getting hit by the double tackle.

"Aqua! Ghost!", they both manage to say in unision.

Aqua stands up rubbing her head and kicks Kazuma.

"Hey why only me! You useless goddess!"

Aqua crosses her arms "Because I felt like it"

The loli wizard hits both of them "Just doo something already!!"

Aqua walks up to the spirit "Turn Undead!" Then the spirit flies away as a white ball.

Kazuma and Megumin both sigh in relief, glad it was finally over and they can both go to sleep.

The three of them went back to their rooms and Kazuma lies on his bed, 'Mann, its been a while since i've been on something this comfortable!' Kazuma thought, as the warmth of the blanket slowly drifted him off to sleep.

"Kazuma! , Kazuma!" Kazuma heard as he woke up to the loli wizard.

Kazuma sat up, rubbing his eyes "What are you doing here?"

Megumin tries to pull Kazuma out of bed "If i'm not here, your going to be late!"

"Huh? Late for what?" Kazuma says, scratching his head, checking to see if he forgot something.

Megumin finally pulls Kazuma out of bed, she then points to Kazuma "I have chosen you to accompany me, The Great Archwizard Megumin, to my daily round of explosion, you should be honored!"

Kazuma, still scratching his head "Ehh? Can't you do it yourself? Why do i have to do it?"

"If I do it alone, who will carry me back here?" Megumin says.

'Dam she's got a point' Kazuma stops and thinks of other reasons on why he can't go

"Then why me? Can't you ask Darkness or Aqua to do it?"

"I couldn't find either of them this morning"

Kazuma ponders for a bit 'Aqua is probably out drinking, where could darkness be though?' , "Do you even have to do your explosion today?"

Megumin stomps her feet "Of course I do! If I dont I will die!"

Kazuma steps back "Dont you think die is a little muc-"

Megumin mumbles some sort of chant "Darkness blacker than blac-"

"Okay! Okay! I'll go! I'll go!' Kazuma said, fearing for the cleanliness of his room..... and his life

As the duo walk out, they look for a good place to cast explosion. Finally they settle on a mountain, with what looks like a worn down ancient shrine at its base.

Kazuma glances at the Archwizard, "Oi, you ready yet?"

Megumin has a glint on her eyes, "It's perfect! This is the perfect place to hone my skills!"

Megumin feels a pat on her head. It was by Kazuma "Hey, hey, do it already, I cant watch you watch the mountain all day"

Megumin nods "Yeah!" Then she lifts her staff and a magic circle appears around her.

"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortions! I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal! Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss! Explosion! "

Suddenly, a large fireball erupted on the mountain. It was truly a sight to see, the endless fireball growing larger and larger, leaving a trail of devastation behind. When the explosion finished, it left a drained arch wizard, yet the mountain wasn't even scratched.

"Hah, I knew it was a worthy target" Megumin said weakly, she was able to garner enough energy to produce those words.

"Jeez your hopeless" Kazuma picks up Megumin and carries her on his shoulder "Lets go back now."

"Ne, Kazuma" Megumin looks over to Kazuma, still on his shoulder.

"What is it?"

Megumin pushes herself up from his shoulder trying to maintain a height where she can maintain eye contact "Can we do this tomorrow again?"

"Yeah sure" Kazuma gives a small smile, as they walk back by the clear night sky.

When the two reach the mansion, Kazuma lays Megumin in the couch, just as Kazuma was about to sleep in his bed, a drunk goddess bashes through the door, face beet red.

'Knew it' Kazuma praised himself for figuring where she would be.
"Kaaazeeemaa~" Aqua said, barely able to stand up "Your Meann! Leaving me to dwink by myselvfs~"

" I didn't even want to drink! Useless goddess!"

Aqua then proceeds to fall face first into the floor, mumbling things in her sleep.

"Jeez, she really is useless, isn't she?" Kazuma said as he brought her to her room.

As Kazuma leaves the room, he is interrupted by Darkness, who just came back. "Kazuma? W-what were you doing in Aqua's room?!?"

Kazuma blushes "N-nothing! She was drunk so I brought her to her room! Get you mind out of the gutter you perverted crusader! Anyway, where did you go?"

Darkness snaps up "Huh? I just had some business with my family, so I had to come to my parents place"

" Why do you go to your parents place like that?" Kazuma asks, wondering why she was wearing something so formal for just meeting with her parents "Are you rich or something?"

Darkness perks up at that statement "N-not really"

Kazuma takes that statement with a grain of salt "Hmmmn, huh?" Kazuma looks at the piece of paper fallen to the ground "Whats this?"

Darkness tries to grab the paper in a panic but ultimately fails and falls in the process of doing so "W-wait!! Dont read that!"

Kazuma opens the envelope "Lady Lalatina of the Dustiness family, you have been requested to come over at the order of your parents"

Kazuma would've done a spit take if he were drinking right now, on the verge of laughter he manages to get out a few words.

"Hahaha! Lalatina! Is that your real name?!" Kazuma said rolling on the floor.

"Kazuma! You Idiot!" Darkness said running away in embarrassment.

After calming down a little, Kazuma finally gets to his room and lays on his bed. "Ahhh Im so tired!" Hiding under his blanket his thoughts drift off 'I wonder what I should do tomorrow?' He says as he drifts off to sleep

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