Breakable Deal | TayK

By iamdebii

36.7K 1.6K 444

" If the eagle doesn't follow the flow, than he doesn't go with everyone else. " Copyright © by 47goddess, al... More



133 7 1
By iamdebii

»The only defensible war, is a war of defence«


Been the target is not an issue. I can get that shit under control. You move fast but, TayK moves faster. Cops at my house? That's no biggie. Cause it'll always be hard for them to catch up.

My phone rang in my pocket as i took it out walking out the room, and walking into another room.

"Baby." She said once I picked up.

"Hey are yhu ok," I responded shutting the door.

"5 cops are outside," She said as my heart raced.

I'm not scared.

" Yhu kno' wat ta' say baby, really help me out." I said.

"We was 'bout ta' leave ta' go ta' Neddy at da hospital."

"Remember baby, stay indoor and let Mal talk. Ah'ite?" I said

"Ight." She responded with a hard sigh.

"baby....." I said. "Always remember ta' stay indoors 'till I come back."

"But how yhu gon' come back while the cops are ev'where." She said

"I'll be back soon I promise. I luh you." I hang up sighing and siting on her bed.

Something fell on the ground, I rolled my eyes while sighing before I decided to take a peek and saw a little book with Royalty's photograph on it.....Her dairy.

I had no time to read it so I just put it in my jacket. I got up to walk out and my phone began to ring again.

"Baby yhu shouldn't be callin' me," I said as soon as I picked up.. "They'll ask yhu, if yhu have spoken ta' me ta' day."

"Ion think they kno' me and yhu are in ah relationship, and I kno' baby, I'm in yo room wit' Jer, I'll be gon' downstairs soon and he needa talk ta' yhu." She said

"Aight." I said before she passed the phone to Jer.

"Tay." He said

" Jer wat's up?" I replied.

"We got ah' problem." He said.

"I'm aware."

"Dunton and Victoria there right?" He questioned

"Yeah of course." I responded placing my hand on my hip..

"Well da cops gon' be visitin' there soon." He said as I walked out of the room, finding a gun on the flo.

"Yeah but dat ain't an issue, we're leaving soon." I said picking it up and loading it. who drops a gun.

"Nah there's another issue." He said. "In that room,"

"Another issue?" I said. "Wat's dat?"

"One of da two Dunton or Victoria, got ah hidden gun hidden close ta' them." He said. "And I think they're 'bout ta' pull it out."

"Wat are yhu talkin' 'bout Jer?" I chuckled. "Yhu usin' some kind of magic?"

"Nah man, I'm being fa'ril." He seriously said. My smile turned into a frown. "I can see any weapons, even the gun yo' holdin', by my mac of course, that room is scanned."

"Hmm." I chuckled, before I ran in the room, and the by the time the door opened the gun was lifted at Jayden.

Before I could do anything, Victoria pulled the trigger and shot him. I shot at her with the gun I had in my hand.

"Fuck." I said pulling Jayden out of room as he groaned in pain.

Right now my worries was just to get in the car. Luckily it was just the arm she managed to aim. She's lucky that's the only thing i could too.

The car door unlocked and I placed him in the car.

The guys came running in. "Jer are yhu still with me."

"Jer I need ma phone now." Royalty said.

"I'll call yhu on yo'line Jer." I hung up.

I looked for his name in my contacts, and once I found it I called him.

"Ah'ite." I said once he picked up and Chip pulled out the drive way.

"Jayden's hurt." I said.


"Just his forearm. " I looked at Jayden. "Get ah kit ready, at least we don't have ta' dump him on da middle of da road, jus' to run away from da cops."

"I'm waitin' fo' dem ta' leave." He said.

"Did they check fo' me?" I questioned.

"Nah, Ion think that'll be necessary at this case, caus' yhu could be anywhere.." He said.

"True." I responded.

"There are more than 7 cops out there searchin' fo' yhu." He said

"Will yhu be able ta' track down every other cops?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there's quite ah lot." He responded

"Are there any other ways fo' us ta' get home?" I questioned.

"Yeah, not as long but long enough." He responded as I put him on speaker.

"Ah'ite speak....Chip is gonna follow yo' lead." I sighed.

"Drive to yo' right and use da school way. Don't make any turns on da red light jus', keep drivin'.......straight." He said as Chip followed.

"Aight Jer wat's da next rout.."

"They're gone." I heard royalty say.

"Ah'ite." He responded to her.

"Cops are comin' dat way, turn left at da next round about." He said as chip followed. "Ight now drive down da street. Use slower speed, caus' more cops coming that way."

"How many cops are there?" I panicked.

"Don't panick. Tay yhu and Danny get down and stay down. Jay yhu stay siting in da middle and act normal." He said as Danny and I put our head down. "Is it done?"

"Uh huh." I said.

"All windows up except Danny's side." I heard a female voice say. A'Driana.

"Ah'ite." I said as Danny scrolled his down.

"Done?" She questioned

"Uh huh." I responded.

"Good, nuthin' look suspicious now." She said.

"Babylons." Chip said as we stayed still. The sirens and the red and blue light, speedily drove past us.

"Tay, tell chip to turn right on the next round about." A'Driana said.

"doesnt dat mek wi suspicious." Chip said

"If u keep driving through them , they may stop to question u," She said

"How far till home?" I asked.

"Your about 2 minutes away now ur doing good." Jer said. "Stay down till your home."

"Ah'ite." I said

" turn left." Jer said

"aight mi can tek it fram here ....danks Jer." Chip said once he pulled up at the house

Danny and I got up and I looked. Home sweet home.

"Thanks smart ass." I said hanging up and getting up.

I left the gun in there and went by the road, more cops were down the street..

"Fuck 12"." I got Jayden out the car and I quickly speed walk to the house. And the door flew open.

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