Lights down low ×kristella

By MarinaShipper19

6K 89 39

A perfect love, A one night stand with an old flame. what could possibly go wrong? More

Fix you
I dont want to lose you
To abort or not to abort
Going under
I want you here


441 6 2
By MarinaShipper19

 I wonder if I'm good enough

But maybe I've just had too much

To drink, to smoke, to swallow

I'm drownin' up my sorrows

There's rules I'll never follow

Pretend there's no tomorrow

I wish there was no tomorrow

But I'm empty inside, yeah I'm empty inside

And I don't wanna live but I'm too scared to die

Yeah I'm empty inside, I just don't feel alive

And I don't wanna live but I'm too scared to die

Wish I could erase my memories

So I could stop feeling so empty

-Empty Olivia Obrien


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. It had been 2 months since Kristen had given birth and Stella had noticed a complete change in her girlfriend.

The once lively girl she had known was now just a shell. Kristen was always occupying herself with whatever came. It wasn't even a week after the birth that Kristen had flown out of LA for another project. If she wasn't doing projects, she was doing ad campaigns for Chanel or she was sleeping.

Stella knew this would happen. No matter how many times Kristen would say during the pregnancy that she didn't care about the baby, She knew better. She knew Kristen was missing a part of her, she knew she was missing her son.

Multiple times she had tried to talk to Kristen about it but every time she would get shut down or yelled at. Which would result in Kristen shutting herself in their room. Tonight wasn't much different.

Kristen was in their room answering emails on the laptop about fittings and schedules. Stella knew this was the perfect time to try and talk to her and tonight. They were going to talk, whether Kristen wanted to or not.

"Kristen, we need to talk," Stella said as she went into the bedroom.

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Bullshit Kristen and you know that."

"Listen, I know what you want to talk about and I'm not ready."

"Kristen, I know you are holding your feelings in and you don't have too. I know your angry, upset at the whole situation."

"Stella, how am I suppose to feel? I don't want to feel like this. I'm supposed to just forget about him but every day there is some sort of reminder that he exists."

"Kris hun....."

"I don't know what to do anymore. I didn't think it would be this hard. I mean my feelings are hard for me to understand. I'm glad Rob has him, I don't want anything to do with him but physically and emotionally it's like I'm missing something. Like my body knows that I'm separated from him. It's hard to explain."

Stella went and sat on the bed and sighed. "Kristen, even if you don't think so, you miss him and that's alright. He was your son honey, you will always have this connection to him."

"Rob sent me a picture a few days ago, it's my new phone background. I have to say, we made a cute kid."

"He is pretty cute. Kristen, maybe you should be a part of his life."

"No Stella, I made a decision and I'm sticking to it."

"Fine whatever, stop trying to fight what you feel."

Kristen waved her off and Stella left the room frustrated. But she had a little game plan to get Kristen reunited with her son and Rob already knew about it and agreed.


The next day

Everything was in place, just like predicted Kristen went to the gym which gave Stella enough time to get Rob over to the house. She would be on babysitting duty in their room while Rob and Kristen talked. Or screaming, whatever Kristen decided to do.

walking into the house Kristen stopped in her tracks. she pulled her earbud out of her ear, unable to speak. There sitting on her couch was the father of her child this seemed like a bad nightmare to her, that she wasn't going to wake up from.

"What are you doing here?" she choked out.

"We need to talk,"

"Fine, just let me go and change," Kristen said heading towards the stairs

"No," Rob said as he grabbed her wrist. he couldn't let her go to the bedroom knowing the baby was in there.

"Why not?"

Rob stood there, not knowing what to say. She caught onto it pretty quickly.

"He's here, isn't he?"

Rob sighed. "Yes, with Stella."

"Did you two come up with this??? did she put you up to this?"

"No, Kristen, it wasn't like that. not at all. please just talk to me!"

"What do you want to know?"

"Why are you shutting our son out? you act like you don't love him."

"Stop it right there Robert, let's get one thing straight. I love our son, its taken me a while to realize and accept it but its true."

"Then why are you acting like this towards him? he hasn't done anything to you, your missing out on a lot."

Kristen gripped the countertop trying not to let her emotions through but when the tears started coming, she couldn't stop.

"Rob, we wanted kids when we're together. We slept together one night and I got pregnant with him. I almost lost Stella, I almost lost everything I worked for. What I got back were painful memories. I was finally over you, but now I had something that linked us together forever"

"I get that your mad at me or yourself but why take it out on our son? he needs his mother."

"Well, as far as I know, he is still alive so I guess he's doing alright without me."

"Stop being so selfish for 5 minutes!"

"Selfish? I miss him, Rob, I can't sleep at night and my every thought is about him. is he alright? what is he doing? why did I have to be so stupid?"

"Then see him, Kristen, hold him, love him. Don't be scared too. I want you apart of his life I've wanted that ever since you told me you were signing over your rights. Even more when you were in labor. I wondered how you could just go through all that pain of bringing him into the world and then just abandon him."

Kristen's head shot up at the word abandoned, she had never thought of it that way.

"I guess I did abandon him, didn't I?" she whispered not wanting to make eye contact. She went around and back to the living room. placing herself on the couch.

"Please just see him, Kristen, just be there for him. I'm not saying you have to be with him every waking moment just be there for him. let him know you haven't abandoned him."

"Ok," she whispered. She couldn't take it anymore. "ill see him." she couldn't believe she had just agreed to see him, what was she thinking? before she could process what was happening Rob had come back to the living room with a small person in his arms. the baby looked tiny in his big arms. She looked at her son, watching as he fussed and opened his eyes looking at everything in the room.

Kristen stood frozen in her place, not sure what to do.

Well if the horse won't go to water, then bring the water to the horse. he thought. Rob slowly went up to Kristen watching as her eyes widen in fear. "Its ok" he whispered before looking back down at his son

"This is your mommy buddy, I know finally right?" slowly he transferred the baby over to Kristen. Kristen really didn't know what she was doing. Slowly she accepted the baby and rested him against her chest, watching as he stared at her. The warm fuzzy feeling she was having was scaring her, she didn't want to get attached to this baby. her baby.

"I'm sorry, I cant do this" she stuttered. she quickly handed the baby back to Rob. She was caught off guard by the loud cry that came from her son at loss of contact with her. Her breathing became heavy and her head was spinning. She grabbed a chunk of her hair and closed her eyes. She would be lying if she said that the cries of her son didn't pain her, She wanted to comfort him but something was restricting her. instead, she made a mad dash up to the bedroom and slammed the door behind her. she walked over and turned to her speaker on and blasted music trying to drown out the cries of her son that she could still hear.

the lyrics echoed throughout the room. Kristen slumped down against the door, wrapping her arms around her legs. when was this going to get better?

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