Ticci Toby x Hoodie

By listnnchaotcc

33.9K 654 322

okay so, i decided i make my own Ticcihood fan-fic, i know some of yous like Ticcihood, i, myself LOVE it. ha... More

Forest fire.
What is this place?
New job? w h a T?
Love, the crazy kind.
Do I love what i see?
This is a weird feeling.
im back
(SE) 3 years later.
(SE) deepweb.
(SE) following me.
(SE) he's dead, toby.
(SE) Unexpected visitor
(SE) The waiting game.
(SE) Forever in your heart.
(SE) Friends...right?
(SE) Glad you're here.

everyone knows.

1.9K 50 39
By listnnchaotcc

Day 22
Toby walked down the dark, long halls, bored as hell, he had nothing to do other than walking all over the place. "Hey Toby-" A woman's voice was heard from behind, Toby turned around and saw his friend, Clockwork, the one with the bloody clock eye. "Oh hey." he replied. "walking the place again? heh, i noticed you do this when you're bored," Clock said as she walked slowly over to Toby. "you did? surprising." Toby said, chuckling a bit after. "yeah- anywho, i wanted to make a confession." Clock said, blushing lightly. "A confession? ooh well, hit me-" Toby said. Tøp reference- "Since the first day we met, when you found me at the lake- i kinda grew- grew uhh—" Clockwork hesitated, gulping quietly. "Grew what?" Toby tilted his head. Clockwork stared at him for a bit, worrying of what he was going to say. "I-I— I grew feeling for you!" Clock exclaimed, hiding her face in her hands. Toby jumped, blinking twice, he stared at her for a bit, feeling bad for her. "Oh..." Toby didn't know what to say, he was scared of saying something, he needed Hoodie. his needs came around.
"He's gay, clock." a voice behind Clock and Toby was heard, it was Hoodie, the one that Toby was in love with. Clock turned her head and looked at Hoodie. "he's what??" Clock couldn't believe what he just said. "i said he's gay—" Hoodie said once again, rolling his eyes. "Do you want me to repeat it again?" Hoodie said, doing that questionable face. "no no, it's fine but he's.. he's.." Clock couldn't finish her sentence, an anchor of sadness fell onto her, she looked down at the floor. "And surprisingly-" Hoodie walked up to Toby, wrapping his arm around him. "we're together." Hoodie smirked. Clock looked up at Hoodie and Toby, suddenly a chain of anger lifted the sad anchor up. "He's with you??" Clock said angrily, pointing at Hoodie and got close to him. Hoodie's smirk dropped, feeling a bit triggered. "yeah, what's the problem?" Hoodie asked, shrugging his shoulders. "My problem is that a guy like you is with him!" Clock said, doing all kinds of angry gestures at him, like poking Hoodie's chest angrily. "Oh really? what's so bad about me that you don't like?" Hoodie got mad because Clock was giving him attitude. "All the things about you!" Clock said. "You don't know anything about me! why do you hate me!?" Hoodie raged, pushing Clock away from him. Toby was just there, feeling fear and remembering his past. "stop.." Toby said quietly. "Why don't you go back to where you came from!? you don't belong here!" Clock yelled. "I know i don't! but i don't want to leave because i don't want to leave Toby!" Hoodie yelled back. "Stop-" Toby's voice grew a bit louder. "I don't care! just leave! or- just go die!!" Clock yelled again. "If you care about Toby, you wouldn't be yelling at me for caring about him!!" Hoodie yelled back again. "STOP!" Toby yelled, finally getting their attention as they both looked at him. "Just stop- Clockwork, I need him, and i love him, why don't you just accept that? it's pathetic of what you're doing, just go do whatever you like doing, we don't match, but you are my friend, and that's all you'll ever be." Toby said sadly. Clockwork gasped, being hurt that ever, she looked at Toby. "well if i'm only going to be your friend, i'm not going to be a friend at all." Clockwork said, running off down the hall and down the stairs. Toby sighed and hugged Hoodie, receiving a hug back, he looked up at him and it appeared Hoodie was crying. "Hoodie, it's okay Hoodie, she's only hurt." Toby said, trying to comfort Hoodie, he didn't say a word, he just continued to cry and hugged Toby tightly. Toby hugged back, feeling his heart break knowing Hoodie is sad.

A few minutes went by, Toby and Hoodie heard laughing from the living room, they were curious on what's going on, so they went to go check it out. when they got to the living room, everyone turned to them. "Oh lookie here! it's the gay couple!" Laughing Jack exclaimed, waving his arms up into the air as he hit Jeff in the face, Jeff fell back off the corner of the couch, everyone laughed at Jeff for a bit. Jeff popped out from behind the couch. "Ouch- but seriously, I didn't know there were fuckin gays here in the mansion! so surprising that it's the fuckin depressed boy there!" Jeff said, laughing after that. "Stop swearing Jeff, Sally's here." BEN said, playing his video game. "I don't care elf head, i can fuckin swear all i want!" Jeff said, rolling his eyes at BEN. everyone continued mocking Toby and Hoodie on how gay they were, then- the two weren't so curious anymore, Toby frowned, Hoodie growled softly and pulling Toby away with him, he took him to his room in on the third floor. "Forget them Toby, i know it's hard but, it's going to be okay, i promise." Hoodie said as he closed his room door behind himself, focusing on the boy. Toby sat down on Hoodie's bed and rested his face on his hands. "Promise?" Toby said, sounding a bit muffled. "yeah." Hoodie said and crawled onto the bed, laying down behind Toby. "Now come cuddle with me." Hoodie said, opening his arms out for Toby. Toby looked back and Hoodie and smiled a little, laying back into Hoodie's arms and cuddling into Hoodie. Hoodie wrapped his arms around Toby, closing his eyes. Toby thought for a bit before closing his eyes also, falling asleep after a few minutes. everyone knows now.

well shit, sucks for them, but whatever. if any of y'all are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, fuck whoever thinks of you, be you, just smile and walk away like they don't exist, be proud of who you are, love for who you are. :)

i hope you enjoyed this, love yas, and see yA'S-

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