Uchiha's slave tell death do...

נכתב על ידי RaptureAndDispair

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my mother always jealous of my looks so she starved me she felt so threaten she burned me with cigarette's, m... עוד

chapter 1 Sold
chapter 2 my vow
chapter 3 head band's
chapter 4 the bell's
chapter 5 first C rank mission
chapter 6 NO HANDS!!
chapter 7 attack on the bridge
chapter 8 what a monster
chapter 9 the team battles
chapter 10 itachi's plan
chapter 11 plan in action
chapter 12: married & queen of akaski.
chapter 14 I remeber
Chapter 15 new Enemy
chapter 16

chapter 13 the past is revealed

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נכתב על ידי RaptureAndDispair

two mouths have passed sins itachi rescued me from the evil clutches of sasuke ill kill him that basterd try hurting my husband will you grrr............, itachi said rose as she jumped up and down her 2 braids bounced in her akaski uniform, what is it rose smiled itachi i want to go and roam around can i plzzzzz wined rose. its to dark out rose what if something happin to you your powers havent come back yet so you wont have a way to protect yourself, aww man wined rose as she mopped off to her room, shes kind of childish dont you think laughed sasori, yah its cute smiled itachi, wait itachi your not really falling for her are you asked diedra from across the room. well i think there might be a change in plans instead of just dropping her off at the leaf village to prove to my brother we can get her enytime i think ill keep her with us she may come in handie said itachi still stareing at the room rose is in with a closed door,

kakoshi sensi im tired of these lame missions said naruto picking up a empty can from the lake,well get use to it naruto sins aruchimaru has not been seen for a while we cant scout enymore untell someone see's him near the village agein, i sure do miss sasuke said sakura, well he refuses to come out of his house ever sin's rose left i wonder if he will ever come out said naruto, all we can do is wait said kakoshi.

the moon was high and shine you could see it throught the waterfall rose steped out of bed where a sleeping itachi was in his normal black boxer's rose was wearing a black night dress where you could see alot of skin, she walked out into the main room of the hide out everyone was in there rooms fast asleep rose heard a foot step and ran to the door she quickly snuck out throught the water fall and into the forest befor whoever was getting out of bed could see her, tobi peeked out of his door where is she going tobi slowly followed behind rose, rose walked throught the tree's moonlight showing a path she walked along it twisting and tworling on her feet she felt so alive in the moonlight but tobi slowly followed rose along the path rose totale blind to tobi's presence, rose came up to a pond that was at the end of the path she saw the reflection of the moon in the pond she walked into the pond barefoot the water felt cold and relaxing, all of a sudden the clouds coverd the moon and the wind blew the tree's she fell over into the pond on her but she coverd her face from the leaf's blowing into her face, a man stood befor her Ereka he said showing his hand to help her up he hair blew softly to the right she looked up feeling close to this man that she never met befor, its really you said the man after helping rose up from the pond, im so happy i found you the man toke a step forward but rose backed away, whats wrong dont you remeber me said the man. i have no clue who you are but you better leave befor itachi gets angry said rose. the mans hand fell to his side in disapointment Ereka whats wrong said the man,  rose stayed quite with a angry look on her face, Ereka why are you playing this cruel joke do u not remeber me, Ereka Ereka Ereka who ever she is she is not me because i am Rose Uchiha. the man stood there rubbing the back of his head she must of lost her memorie he mumbled he bowed im sorry miss my name is alexander are you on a vacation or traveling buissness,  rose shoke her head no, why not viset elvin manor its a lovely sight its a must see if your wondering i can show you said alexander. rose nodded her head and followed behind alexander just far back enuff incase she had to run every now and then he would look back at her with a sexy smile finally they came apon a mansion with vine's growing around it and a big black gate and fence alexander open the gate there where rose's of all color's. woah said rose as she walked throught the garden up to the mansion when we got to the front doors he swung them open i use to live here you know said alexander. why dont you enymore its a beautifull home said rose, tobi snuck in as the door shut by its self. i dont because my wife to be left a long time ago and well it reminds me to much of her well she dident leave she got separated from me and her family a long time ago durng an attack, they walked up the stares and pictures where hanging along the hall like they where telling a story it showed a girl and a boy  in the next picture both very young maybe 5. it showed the boy kissing her and hgging with both there familys, umm alexander what is this all about asked rose. its a old legend see the says the 2children where to b marryed but an attack accured and the girl got separated from both familys they grew up together the legend says one day the girl will be return home see there familys haverare chakra dark chakra and that she needs him near to help controle it, but you no legends are just legends you never know if there real or not.  tobi snuck along the stares then alexander noticed him WHO DARES ENTER MY FAMILYS PALACE WITHOUT MY SAY SO said alexander in a deep dimonic voice as his eyes glowed black

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