Magi Games

By jesusfreak202

13.5K 697 4.2K

A writing competition where writers can invent their own magic guilds to compete against each other while the... More

Everything You Need To Know
The Magi Games
Meet the Gamemakers
Meet the Mentors
Guild 1: Guild Strigidae
Guild 2: Knight's Watch
Guild 3: Guild Valkyrie
Guild 4: Iscariot Sin
Guild 5: Crimson Shadow
Guild 6: Black Shadow
Guild 7: Liberum-Spiritibus
Guild 8: Miria
Guild 9: Silent Phoenix
Guild 10: Ivory Crow
Guild 11: Mahina Guild
Guild 12: Northern Protectors
Guild 13: The Knights of Grimm
Guild 14:Protectors of Proterra
Guild 15: Shadows
Guild 16: Spirits of the Hidden
Guild 17: Dragon Claw
Guild 18: Guild of the Geraniums Hiraeth
Guild 19: Black Dragon
Guild 20: Mystical Dynasty
Sponsorship Task: The Events
Sponsorship Task: My Entry
Sponsorship Task: Entries
Sponsorship Task: Scores and Feeback
Sponsorship Task: Awards and Rankings
Sponsorship Battle Task: Street Brawl
Sponsorship Battle Task: Several7s versus me!
Sponsorship Battle Task: Entries
Sponsorship Battle Task: Scores and Feedback
Sponsorship Battle Task: Rankings
Sponsorship and Mentorship Announcements
Task 1: The Labyrinth
Task 1: My Entry
Task 1: Entries
Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Task 1: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 1: Under The (Sphere) Sea
Battle Task 1: My Entry
Battle Task 1: Entries
Battle Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 1: Results
Battle Task 1: Rankings
Task 2: Treasure Guardian
Task 2: My Entry
Task 2: Entries
Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Task 2: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 2: The Cavern
Battle Task 2: My Entry
Battle Task 2: Entries
Battle Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 2: Results
Battle Task 2: Rankings
Task 3: Fun House
Task 3: My Entry
Task 3: Entries
Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Task 3: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 3: Mirror, Mirror
Battle Task 3: My Entry
A Vote...
Battle Task 3: Entries
Battle Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 3: Results
Battle Task 3: Rankings
Task 4: Switching Places
Task 4: My Entry
Task 4: Entries
Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Task 4: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 4: Obstacle Battle
Battle Task 4: My Entry (With Several7s)
Battle Task 4: Entries
Battle Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 4: Results
Battle Task 4: Rankings
Task 5: Craftmanship
Task 5: My Entry
Task 5: Entries
Task 5: Scores and Feedback
Task 5: Awards and Rankings
Late Entries
A Special Note (and vote)
Task 6: The Quarterfinals: Campaign
Task 6: My Entry
Task 6: Entries
Task 6: Scores and Feedback
Task 6: Awards and Rankings
Task 7: Semi-Finals: Final Battle
Task 7: My Entry
Task 7: Entries
Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 7: Conquered
Battle Task 7: My Entry
Battle Task 7: Entries
Battle Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Task 8: The Finals of AG: Magi Games
Task 8: The Finals: My Entry
The Finals: JesterheadJohnSnow
The Finals: ariel_paiment1
The Finals: D-Willy45
The Finals: Sara_R_Stark
The Finals: Katie387750
The Finals: wordsmith-
The Finals: Several7s
The Finals: MusicgirlXD
The Finals: Voting
The Finals: My (Final) Feedback
Special Awards
The Winner of AG Magi
Final Announcements
The Winner: ariel_paiement1

Reservations - CLOSED

702 14 284
By jesusfreak202


If you're reading this, then we have had DOUBLE the original amount I wanted for the games. Haha I'm so excited for these games, but if we ever want it to start, I'm going to have to CLOSE spots now. Especially since no one will be eliminated - 20 entries every task is A LOT for me to read, haha. Welcome to the Games. RESERVATIONS ARE OFFICIALLY CLOSED. Below these updated announcements, I've listed out all the official contestants in Magi Games. If you want to join and find that it's too late - it's okay. You can still follow along and then if there are any drop outs, you can join in the place of the drop outs. Just PM or comment and let me know if you wanna be a reserve! 

Guild 1 - CCWinters

Guild 2 - JesterheadJohnSnow

Guild 3 - ariel_paiement1

Guild 4 - D-Willy45

Guild 5 - Sara_R_Stark

Guild 6 - Katie387750

Guild 7 - ForeverandMagic

Guild 8 - wordsmith-

Guild 9 - Several7s

Guild 10 - music1or1books

Guild 11 - Legolas-

Guild 12 - Shermanblook

Guild 13 - duckish

Guild 14 - AnirbanBora

Guild 15 - pinksspade 

Guild 16 - FantasyTeller12

Guild 17 - MusicgirlXD

Guild 18 - StarryCrow

Guild 19 - jesusfreak202

Guild 20 - animallover1321

Right now, these are the 14 spots available (I'm doing a bonus 15th Guild and my sister is doing a bonus 16th which doesn't count toward the main spots or toward a win) and if we need more spots if we get more than 14 people, then I'll open up as many Guilds as there are people, as long as the numbers are even. So don't worry if you comment on here and all the guild spots are filled! 

To reserve your guild number, comment the Guild number you would like, along with a quick summary of what your guild is like. An example: I would like Guild Spot number 15. My guild is spunky and fun!

I'll reply to your comment to confirm that your guild number is reserved. When it is, you'll have 48 hours to hand in your Guild information.

From that point on, you'll have four to five days to make character forms for the five characters participating in the Magi Games. These characters must be a part of your guild and they're the members representing your guild in the Magi Games.

Below is the Guild Form:


Guild Name: Come up with a name for your guild, but don't make it rediculious. Make it epic! Give it meaning if you want to. How did the guild get its name?

Guild Seal: Must send me a .jpg picture. You can Google, it or I suggest drawing it yourself on paper with a picture uploaded or just drawing it on paint or another app.

What Planet is the Guild From: Invent a planet your guild is from. What is this planet like? Where is the guild on this planet? What are the people and races like there? How close is the planet to Tythan? Your Guild must be within the Republic and your planet cannot be Tythan.

What is your guild like? Give me a summary of what your guild is like? Are they crazy and silly? Adventurous? Do they protect the innocent and defend the weak? Are they a little on the more reckless side?

Guild History: This is optional on how detailed you get. Feel free to give me a long, detailed history or just a one sentence summary - whatever works for you.

Guild Master: This Magi is the Master of your guild. Tell me all about them. How did they become Guild Master? What are they like? What do they look like? What race are they? How old are they? They must be at least 30 years old!

Number of Members: How many members does your guild have? What does a Magi have to do to join?

Anything else about your guild: What else can you tell me? Unless you got all your information out in the rest of the form.

Password: Please read all the previous chapters, even if you're an AG veteran. I worked hard to list all this information out, so find the password and put it here.

Below is the character form that you must fill out for your five members participating in the Magi Games (feel free to use it for additional members if you'd like to take the time):

Character Form:


Name: What is their name? (Put pronounciation in parenthesis if necesary)

Age: 7 to however old, though please be reasonable

Gender: Male or female?

Race: What race are they? Please adhere to the race section of the Magi Games chapter.

Appearance: Please write out their description in full sentences don't just list it out.

Image: Yes, you must send me an image, even if it's not quite what you imagined, just find something close. Make sure it's a .jpg.

Personality: Tell me the personality traits of this character. What are they like? What do they like and dislike? How do they treat their friends, if they have any?

Backhistory: Tell me their life story. You can summerize it or be detailed if you'd like.

How did they join your guild: Tell me the story of how they joined the guild

Magic: What type of magic do they use? How does their magic work? What Magi category do they fall into? You must list it out in detail: the magic name then a dash - the type (see the Magic chapter for details) and the title - Mage, Sage, or Wizard. For example: Ocean Magic - Water Mage Magi. Another example: Cheetah Shapeshifter - Shapeshifter Sage Magi. Last example: Increase Energy Magic - Healing Wizard Magi. You must also describe to me how the magic works and what it does.

Friends: Who are their friends and what are they like? You can be as brief as you want, like: Zach - funny. Or as detailed as you want. No more than a paragrpah for each friend though.

Enemies: Who are their enemies and how did they meet? What caused them to be enemies? You can be as brief as you want like: Zach - Zach killed my character's mother. They've been enemies ever since. Or be as detailed as you want. No more than a paragraph for each enemy though.

Strengths: 3 - 5 strength please. At least 2 of these MUST be personality weaknesses.

Weaknesses: 3 - 5 weaknesses please. At least 1 of these must be a phyiscal weakness and 1 must be a personality weakness. No less than 3 total, but you can have up to 5.

Passions: What are they passionate about? Must have at least 2 but you can have as many as you want. You may list them out.

Dislikes: What do they dislike or hate? Must have at least 2 but you can have as many as you want. You may list them out.

Fears: What is your character afraid of? You must have at least 3.

Goal in life: What is this character's goal in life? What do they want? What do they desire? What would they do to get or achieve this?

Everyday life: What does a day in their life look like?

Your guild form and your character form will be posted when you hand them all in. Remember once I confirm your reservation, you have 48 hours to hand in your guild form and then four to five days to get in all five character forms. The five character forms are for your five characters from your guild that will be participating in the Magi Games. 

Below is a list of people that I'm still waiting to hand in Guilds and Characters!


AnirbanBora - 24 hours left

pinksspade - 48 hours left

FantasyTeller12 - 48 hours left

MusicgirlXD - 48 hours left

StarryCrow - 48 hours left


AnirbanBora - 5 days left

duckish - 4 days left

Shermanblook - 2 days left

music1or1books - 1 day left

wordsmith- - 1 day left

Sara_R_Stark - 1 day left

D-Willy45 - 1 day left

ariel_paiement1 - 1 day left

CCWinters - 1 day left

Those of you with one day left, I'm making the deadline to turn in your characters tomorrow, March 8 at midnight central time! If I don't give a deadline, then we'll never start, haha. Anyone with 2 days left has a deadline on March 9 at 6pm central time. If you have 4 days left, then it means your deadline is March 11 at 6pm central. If you have 5 days left, it means that you have until March 12 at 6pm central time. The rest of you (the ones listed under the guilds list) have until March 14 6pm central (5 days after the 48 hours to hand in your guilds).

If your name is not on here, it means I received your forms - thank you! And if you've sent them in and your name is listed here, please comment and let me know. 

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