Our Heavy Burdens (Naruto Fan...

By 0Hidden_Voice0

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No one knew this would happen. No one knew Minato and Kushina would have twins. No one knew that the babies... More

Prologue: Birth
Chapter 1: Nariko's Beginning
Chapter 2: Gaara and Shukaku
Chapter 3: Leaving And Finding My True Self
Chapter 4: Run And Go
Chapter 5: Sage of the Six Paths
Chapter Six: My New Family, The Akatsuki
Chapter 7: As Time Goes On
Chapter 8: Steal And Learn The Flying Thunder God Technique
Chapter 9: The Horrors Of Puberty And Being A Female
Chapter 10: The Promise and Konoha
Chapter 11: The Agreement, Moving In, and Finding Naruto and Sasuke
Character Info
Chapter 12: Reckless Brother, and Becoming a Guard and Ambassador
Chapter 13: How My Brother Became a Genin
Chapter 14: Team Seven Will Be Uncooperative, I Can Tell
Chapter 15: Kakashi The Copy Cat Copies Dad's Teaching Style
Chapter 16: Drunkard, Dwarf, Cow, Oh My
Character's song list
Chapter 17: I Try To Make Moo and Haku A Kiri-Nin
Chapter 18: You've Changed......
Chapter 19: Oh Fuck Nah!
Chapter Filler: Akatsuki Halloween Special
Chapter 21: I Really Fucking Hate Danzō
Chapter 22: Sacrificing Myself To Save The Others
Chapter 23: I'm Getting Sick Of All You Uchihas
Chapter 24: To Forgive And Forget
Chapter 25: Senjutsu
Chapter 26: Shizuka Tamashī
Character Info #2
Chapter 27: Welcome To The Family
Chapter 28: Being A Mom Is Hard
Chapter 29: Fear of Rejection
Chapter 30: Avoiding
Chapter 31: Odd Family Life
Chapter 32: Reunited Part 1
Chapter 33: Reunited Part 2
Chapter 34: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 1
Chapter 35: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Summit
Chapter 37: Training and Trap
Chapter 38: Torture
Chapter 39: Revelations
Chapter 40: Rescue
Chapter 41: Healing
Chapter 42: Little Talks
Chapter 43: Marriage

Chapter 20: That Damn Pedo And His Hickies

704 25 0
By 0Hidden_Voice0

A/N sorry, I just had to add that video XD

After I released Kabuto and Orochimaru, a little more than half of the kids who came to play arrived in the assigned room. The rookies became a bit loud and were annoying everyone, and Kabuto went to talk to them. He lied like a pro about being in the exams a shit load of times, then showed them his data cards. Sasuke asked for information on Rock Lee, Gaara and me. I narrowed my eyes at him, walked behind Kabuto and leaned against the silver head, pretending to look curiously at the cards. I faked a yawn as they finished talking about Lee and switched to Gaara, and I covered my face with Kabuto's shoulder blade. I then activated my Rinnegan, and when they were about to talk about me, I used Preta to drain Kabuto enough to where he can't show all of my information."Huh. I can't seem to get it out completely. That's strange....." Kabuto trailed off, and when I deactivated my Rinnegan and looked up at him, I saw him looking at me with narrowed eyes. I just smiled innocently at him before standing up straight.
My eyes flickered to some kids that were walking this way, and I sidestepped to avoid the jutsu one of them was about to do. Before he did, I grabbed the mechanism on his arm and reactivated Preta to drain the chakra being put in it. As he was about to pull away, I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and put him in a headlock."Now, what do you think you were about to do, brat?" I asked him calmly with a small smile. The tension rose, and there was a puff of smoke by the front desk."Alright maggots! Enough fooling around(sorry if Ibiki didn't actually say this but I'm improvising)!" Ibiki barked, and he turned his glare to me and the kid."Oi, Namikaze. What's the meaning of this?" He demanded, and I grinned at him."Just stopping children from fighting over a toy, Senpai." I told him, then glanced at the kid's forehead protector."Sound, huh? If this was planned, I will have a long talk with your leader." I said loud enough for everyone to hear. I glanced at Oreo, and smirked when I saw him gulp with fear flickering in his eyes. I then let the kid go and jog to Ibiki before jumping and latching onto his arm. He sighed and took me off by my back shirt collar, then placed me on his shoulders. Everyone stared at us in shock, and I gave them a smug smirk, basically implying 'Yeah, I'm friends with a tall, buff and intimidating guy that can totally kick your ass. Sucks to be you.'. As Ibiki continued to introduce himself and explain the exam, I became amused at everyone's reactions. Some were freaking out *cough* Naruto *cough, cough*, while others couldn't give two shits and wanted to leave already. The sand sibs, people from the sound, Sasuke, Shika, and a few others were chill as fuck, but others were worried and/or near a state of panic. They all got in a line to get their seat number, and I smirked mischievously at them, setting their nerves off a bit.
The written test began, and I used senbon needles to take out anyone who wasn't using their tools and techniques to copy answers. Anyone who didn't copy because they're studious like Sakura, I let off the hook. Soon, almost half the class was empty because of the people that were taken out. Ibiki stopped everyone from writing anymore, then started explaining the final question. He got a lot of complaints, and the spectators in disguise helped pick out the cowards in the group of genin by choosing to quit. Naruto then made an inspirational speech that made everyone else stay and make me look at him with pride, then Ibiki congratulated them and showed them his scars to help explain what could happen during an interrogation. I looked to the window on my left, tapped the left side of Ibiki's head causing him to look left, jumped off him and walked to the side right as the window shattered and a banner was hanged in front of Ibiki. A woman appeared next to the banner, and before she could say anything, I glomped her."Anko-chaaaaaan!" I exclaimed, and she laughed while hugging me with her right arm (imma improvise most of this 'cause I don't have data and my memory sucks)."No time for celebration, maggots! My name is Anko Mitarashi, and I will be the proctor for the second part of the exam. Follow me!" She shouted with an arm raised, pointing at the roof then looked like she was about to dash out."Anko, grasp the atmosphere. You're a bit early." Ibiki said while sweat dropping as he moved the banner to look at her. She just laughed and sheepishly scratches her head, then frown as she saw the remaining participants."Hey, kid, Ibiki, there's 11 teams still here. You went too soft on them!" She told us, and I chuckled."That may be true, but the ones in this room either figured out what they were supposed to do or were so smart that they didn't need to use tools or a technique." I replied, then turned to look at TenTen."Nice job with the mirrors, by the way." I complimented, and she faintly blushed while trying to not grin in satisfaction."Anyway, meet up at the second part of the exam tomorrow. You can ask your sensei's where it'll be held, but don't be late unless you wanna be disqualified. Dismissed!" She said to the participants. I let go of Anko as everyone started to stand and leave. I waved goodbye to Anko and Ibiki before flickering home.
~the next day~
As everyone arrived for the next part of the exam, I'm sitting on the ground next to Anko, meditating while I check everything in a two mile radius, sensing the chakra of every living thing as a precaution. My instincts and Kurama sense that something is gonna go down during the exam, and I want to make sure I know where it will happen so I can deal with it before it causes major damage. All I can sense so far is Yang-Kurama's annoyance, Gaara and Shukaku's bloodlust and excitement spiking, and Orochimaru's sinister intent. I shivered slightly at the last two, but focused on my task while also listening to my surroundings. Anko explains to them what they're are and aren't supposed to do. Naruto mocks her, so she throws a kunai at him, aiming to cut his cheek a little. However, I flicker to him and catch the kunai before it hits its mark, and glare at Anko before walking up to give it back to her."Do not target my brother, no matter how annoying and stupid he gets, unless you want to deal with me." I hiss at her in warning before sitting back down."Hey, what are you even doing here? And why are you just sitting there?" I heard Kankuro ask me, and I sighed."I am a master sensor type. I've spent many years honing my ability to sense the chakra of any living thing from miles away. I'm currently using that ability to make sure there aren't going to be any threats interfering with the exam, and I can keep tabs on all of you once the exam starts in case I need to intervene. I'm a referee of a sort." I explained while keeping my eyes closed, and I heard some of them scoff, indicating that they don't believe me. I sighed once again, stood up while unsheathing Kurenai, and flickered behind Sasuke before slashing an x on the now panicked genin that I targeted. I then walked back to my seat as their neck tie thing fell off as well as their cloak."Was that necessary?" Anko asked while I'm assuming sweat dropping."Is it necessary for you to not wear a bra while only wearing a fishnet top?" I retorted."Touché." She said. Academy kids then came and asked questions, then the exams started once everyone turned in the waiver and got a scroll.
After half an hour passed, I frowned as I sensed Orochimaru target team seven, then separated them."Anko, he's started." I said, and I sensed her chakra waver for a moment. I sensed Naruto fighting a snake summon as Orochimaru messes with Sakura and Sasuke, and I growl under my breath.
~third pov~
As Naruto makes the snake explode which releases him, Orochimaru tests Sasuke and messes with Sakura as a bonus. Sasuke demands what he wants, and tells him that he can have their scroll if he spares them. Orochimaru just chuckles and continues to play mind games with the boy. He was going to follow through with his plan no matter what, even though he knows Nariko won't forgive him after it is done. He cares for the girl a lot and thinks of her as a sister, just like everyone else that knows her, but he wants to do this for his own ambitions. Thinking that the sound ninja will show mercy, Sasuke throws the heaven scroll to him, but Naruto appears and takes it. The two argue, and Orochimaru then attacks again. Naruto defends his team while they're still paralyzed from fear, but is soon defeated when Orochimaru uses the five pronged seal on Kurama's seal. Naruto faints and is tossed to a tree, and Sakura stops him from falling by catching his jacket with a kunai, causing him to stay on the tree. Nariko stands as she senses Yang-Kurama's chakra waver, but she doesn't intervene yet. Sakura snaps Sasuke out of it, and he then fights Orochimaru. He only managed to make the sannin reveal his true self in a disturbing way. Nariko panics as she senses Orochimaru do the curse seal jutsu, and quickly flickers and shields Sasuke before it is placed on him. However, she was too panicked to activate her Asura path and protect her skin as well. Nariko's eyes widened and she screamed in pain, making Sasuke's ears ring as she collapses and clutches her right shoulder when Orochimaru released her. She continued to scream as her body felt like it was on fire, and she sensed Kurama trying but failing to help. Everyone in the forest could hear her, and Gaara nearly tripped and face planted as Shukaku roared in outrage. Before his siblings could stop him, Gaara tree jumped to the direction her screams were coming from, fear and the urge to protect her overpowering his reasoning. Anko does the same, but she knew why she was doing this. Gaara was just doing it out of instinct.
Orochimaru flinched and panicked as Nariko writhed and cried out on the floor, sadness and guilt strangling him at the throat. He watched and Sasuke and Sakura went to her side to analyze her, but they didn't know what to do.'This wasn't supposed to happen.' Orochimaru thought.'She wasn't supposed to get hurt, I never wanted her to.' He then came back to his senses as Nariko howled in pain from Sakura pressing down on the mark. He shoved the genin away and cradled Nariko in his arms."I'm so sorry, Nari. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm going to remove the seal on you, but it's going to hurt a lot." He told her. If Nariko wasn't in so much pain, she would've beat the shit out of him and cussed him out until he passed out. Orochimaru bit her on the seal, and she screamed bloody murder as he removed it. Right as he finished, sand shot out of the trees and sucker punched him through five trees. Gaara emerged where the sand had come from, and he was pissed as fuck. Before he could lash out again, Anko appeared and went in between them."Hey, enough! Go finish the exam, all of you! I'll deal with Orochimaru!" She said, then raced after said sannin as he tried to escape. Gaara huffed before turning to team seven and Nariko. His mind was a bit conflicted because of what just happened, but as he saw Sasuke and Sakura trying to care for Nariko, he frowned.'What am I doing? This isn't me. I only fight for myself and only love myself. I shouldn't care what happens to anyone around me.' He thought, and as he was about to walk away, he paused when Shukaku spoke.'She is an exception. She holds Kurama, and bears the Rinnegan, a gift from the Sage of the Six Paths. We must spare and protect this girl, no matter the cost.' The bijū said, and Gaara sighed.'I do not understand you sometimes. When I first met her, you were tolerable with her. When she left, you encouraged me to kill her. Now you're telling me to defend her. Make up your mind, raccoon.' He criticized, and Shukaku snarled.'I am a tanuki, you ungrateful brat!' He roared, making Gaara's cheek twitch. He's used to the bijū yelling at him. Gaara sighed before teleporting to his siblings, but not before glancing at Nariko once more.
After Gaara left, Sakura grabbed Naruto from the tree before going back to Sasuke and Nariko. Sasuke is drained and is close to passing out, but is willing to carry Nariko and help Sakura carry Naruto until they find shelter. Before he could pick up Nariko then stand, Anko reappeared looking a little beat up."Don't worry, I got her. Go finish the exam before the time's up." She said as she picked up Nariko. She then used the teleportation jutsu to take the girl to the hospital before quickly returning.
Some of the teams managed to finish the second part, and were then put in a preliminary round. Kabuto gave up before it began, and left. He knew there was nothing left for him to do, and he also knew how disappointed Orochimaru was that he didn't get to give Sasuke the cursed seal. However, the two of them were also concerned and guilty about Nariko. But what's done is done, and they have to move on. The preliminary round finished, and everyone was paired and given a month of preparation. Sasuke wasn't there for the pairing because he passed out after his fight, but Kakashi will tell him.
When everyone was dismissed, the rookies and everyone else that personally knew Nariko went to visit her. She's expected to wake up in three days because her body is recovering. As night falls, everyone heads home to rest.
Except one.
Gaara of the desert is sitting in a chair next to Nariko in the dark hospital room, watching her as she rested. He exhaled through his nose as he hesitantly took the girl's hand, gently rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

(Edited 3/20/18. I hate it when I make grammatical errors)

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