Bnha FanFiction - Change Alwa...

By TheOminousR

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"C'mon Iida, loosen up, the kids adorable". Mina said casually. "Well, I have one question-" At this poi... More

Home(s) 2
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Chaos Breaks Out
4 Years Later..
Characters List
The New Wave of Heroes
Quirk Capability Test
Sports Festival: The Start
Sports Festival: Competition
Sports Festival: Berserk

The Trolley Problem

2.2K 75 47
By TheOminousR

          Izuku was walking to  school, excited for another day at U.A High school. I still can't believe yesterday actually happened.. Izuku thought, deeply submerged in his subconscious. He was listening to Killer Queen, which was a tribute to his favorite band, Queen. He felt a slight bump, and looked up, his thoughts seemingly being smeared away. It was the same girl from yesterday, Eri, was it? He jumped, realizing this was her. "S..Sorry Eri!" Izuku said with a slight blush on his face.

          "It's fine Midoriya! You just have to get out of your big head sometimes!" She said, flicking his forehead, laughing.

           He nervously laughed, and rubbed his forehead. She's so nice.. Izuku thought, watching her laugh. "S..So um.. I saw you yesterday.. but I don't know any other school than U.A that's in this district.. So what are you doing walking around here every m..morning..? N..Not that that's a problem or anything!" Izuku said, waving his hands making sure he didn't offend her.

           "Midoriya, you're smarter than this! If there's only one school in the area, and I walk the same route as you, where would I go?" Eri said, shaking her head while smiling.

           "S..So you go to..!?" Izuku said, flabbergasted.

           "Yup! Eri, Class 1-A, reporting for duty!" She said, doing a mock salute.

           "W..Wow! I d..didn't realize you went there! Lets walk together! I..If that's okay w..with you of course.." Izuku said, pushing his fingers together.

           "Of course it's okay! You gotta have more confidence if you're gonna be the top hero!" Eri said, smiling at him.

           "Th..That's my dream, did you know?" Izuku said, confused.

           Eri paused, realized her mistake, and quickly said "Doesn't everyone want to be the top hero?" 

           "Good point, I..I guess I can work on it.." Izuku said.

           "Yup! We better start walking, or we'll be late; can't be the top hero if we're late, right?" Eri said.

           "Very true." Izuku said back.

            They walked in silence for a few minutes. Eri turned to Izuku and said "Whatcha listening to?"

            "I..It's a band called Queen, would you like to listen..?" Izuku asked holding one of his earbuds in his good hand.

            "Of Course! Beats walking in silence, you know." Eri said, taking the earbud and plugging it into her ear. The song that was playing was Radio Ga Ga. They continued to walk, humming along to the tune.

U.A Highschool

           "See you tomorrow, Eri!" Izuku said, waving to Izuku.

           "C'ya Midoriya!" Eri said, walking off to her class.


           He doesn't seem to remember who I am, or who Ms. Uraraka is either.. I'll have to ask Mirio about it.. But he's so cute!! Eri thought, fangirling.


           Izuku walked into the classroom, and took his seat right next to Usagi. "Whats up Usagi?" Izuku said as he took out his binder.

           "The sky" He said with a wink, and started laughing.

           Izuku snickered at this, and felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw three students, 2 male and 1 female. "Would you look at this, U.A. has a handicapped program!" The boy said to Izuku.

          "E..Excuse me..?" Izuku asked, unsure about what the boy meant.

          "Well I mean, U.A. has have to of stooped pretty low to start accepting things like this!" The boy said, making a gesture to Izuku and looking to his group.

          They snickered at this. The girl was enjoying this enough, but the other kid, well, wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. He was oblivious to what was happening around him, just following like a mindless worker ant.

          "I..I don't understand.. I got in just like you gu-" Izuku was cut short by the boy holding his hand up to Izuku.

           "You were 'recommended', you didn't actually have to work to get in! They just wanted a handicapped person in the school for funds!" He said, savoring every moment of Izuku's sadness.

           "I..I worked just as hard, maybe H..Harder than you guys to get in..! I..I don't think it's my fault I don't have my left arm..!" Izuku said, trying to explain.

           "I..I..I don't care!" the boy said, mocking Izuku. "You're just a worthless.. Whats the word? Right, Deku, you're worthless, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

            At this point, Usagi had enough "Whats your problem man? Seriously, what did he do to you?" Usagi said, angry with these people for picking on his friend.

           "They could have used his place for someone better, that's all" The boy said with his hands up defensively.

           "He's maybe the best person here-" Usagi began, but they were already walking off.

           "Jerkfaces, am I right Izuku?" Usagi said as he turned to Izuku.

           Izuku was silent, he just held his head in his hand and kept shaking his head and twitching.

          "Izuku, c'mon, they're wrong." Usagi said to Izuku, patting him on the back.

          Izuku sharply inhaled his breath and turned to Usagi "I..Its not that. I just got a huge.. Well, i..if I saw migraine, that's a bit of an understatement.. But it felt like lightning, a flash of pain and it was gone.." Izuku explained with his hand on his head.

          "Sorry, is it better now?" Usagi said to him.

          "Yeah.." Izuku said back.

         Uraraka~Sensei entered the room, and immediately began attendance. Today, they had to do tests to see what their resolve and moral was. "All heroes must have moral and resolve. They must know what to do in a dire situation, and know what decision to make as well." Uraraka~Sensei said.

         "They must also have a strong determination for their actions. If they are unsure whether or not they should do something, than they might as well fail. If their resolve wavers, even a little, you might as well be done for." Uraraka~Sensei continued.

        The tests were easy enough, to say the least. Some of them were simple ethics questions put into a simulation, to actually stress people out, and see what actions they would take. Ethics are simple moral principals that everyone has.

       For the most part, everyone took different tests, but everyone had to do the Trolley problem simulation multiple times. The Trolley Problem is where there are two tracks, one with five people, one with only one person. They must choose what course of action to take. Most people go for the one person, since it's only one death. But a death is always a death, as Uraraka~Sensei says. Then, they change the one person to one of your close friends, and see your decision. And they keep on changing it.

       Izuku was doing the Trolley Problem. He's ran through simulation the last 3 times. He hit the one person first. Then he hit his friend, to save the lives of countless others. Than he hit the five people, to save the world. I the simulation, at least. Izuku had a dry mouth. The simulations were real, and he had just killed seven people. Blood, guts, gore, in all. Even if it's for the greater good, these are still hard decisions. I..I killed seven people.. I KNEW one of them.. I've had enough of this.. Izuku thought as he jumped in front of the train.

       Determination shined in his eyes as he jump away from the train. He activated his quirk, and shot himself into the train, utterly destroying the trolley, but saving the people.

      He was then transported into another simulation. Th..That was suposed to be the last simulation.. Why am I still here..? Izuku thought. It was the same as before, but this time there was one, single person on the train. He had grey hair, and hands all over his body. Izuku felt a surge of panic and hate wash up inside him. It was a tidal wave of fear and anger. Izuku stopped and just looked at the man for a second. He knew him. Nothing else mattered at that moment to Izuku. He screamed, ran up to the man, and punched his head in. Over and Over again. The man was grind to a bloody pulp after Izuku finished. Even still, the pulp seemed to smile back at Izuku. No matter what Izuku did, there was always gonna be part of this man in the world. He finished the Trolley Problem as he did before.


      Uraraka bit her fingers. She rewatched, over and over, the clip of Izuku killing Tomura. She could feel every bit of Izuku's inner pain. She knew he was acting based on pure instinct. She knew this was her fault, with a whole heart. She'd give anything to go back in time and undo what she had done.


        "Usagi, do you want to come over to my place, to h..hang out?" Izuku said as they were packing up.

         "Sure! My dads would be okay with it." Usagi explained.

         "Lets go!" Izuku said, and they began to walk home.

         Usagi was still walking with Izuku. This was the poor part of their city. It was raggedy, and a bit torn down. Jeez.. This is pretty harsh.. But Izuku seems to like it I guess.. Usagi thought.

        A girl walked up to Izuku, and they started talking. It was a minute or two before Izuku introduced her to Usagi.

        "Usagi, this is Eri. Eri, Usagi. I've been walking with her to school and back." Izuku said, obviously excited that his friends had met each other.

        "Nice to meet you, Usagi!" Eri said to Usagi, shaking his hand.

        "Nice to meet you too.." Usagi said, not very happy Izuku had found another friend, which he held at the same level as him.

         Usagi was mostly silent, and Izuku and Eri were just talking the whole time. It's not like you knew him your whole life.. Usagi thought with his arms crossed.

        They arrived at Izuku's house and waved Eri off. Izuku invited Usagi inside. It was a bare apartment. A small table and a mattress was all it consisted of. 

         "This is super cool Izuku..!" Usagi said, sad for his friend.

          "But wait! Look at this! I got it from the house, someone left it here!!" Izuku said. He ran over and held up an All Might poster.

         "I don't know who he is, but he's cool, Isn't he??" Izuku said.

         "Yup!" Usagi said back.

          They hung out for a little while longer but Usagi had to go.

           "Bye Izuku" Usagi said, getting into his dad's car.

           "Bye!" Izuku said, waving them off. After they had vanished down the street, Izuku walked to his job, and worked.


             "So that's really what happened to Midoriya..?" Eri said to Mirio.

             "I'm afraid so.." He said back to her.

              So Izuku has been alone.. for this long.. I..I'll repay my debt to him. I have to. After all he had done for me.. Eri Thought as she ate dinner.

I released a preview to another stroy too! It's called The Strange Case of Mr. Midoriya. So please go and read it!

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