Herobrine Haunted

By Kazuki_Kiyoto

292 37 6

Kazuki and his friends are stuck in a dimension known as the World of Wanders. They face a terrible threat of... More

The Awakening
A Strange Encounter
What a Day?
Meet our Brave Heroes
Formula Code X: The Monstrosity
So "He" Comes
It Goes On
The Next Upcoming Wave
The Speed Contest
Herobrine Haunted Update
An Uproar Event
Death Fart Swamp
The Headhunter of the Woods
I'm Alive?
Staying in the Dark
Finale Part 1
Finale Part 2

Off to Good Start?

23 2 0
By Kazuki_Kiyoto

In the morning, I served everyone a Gala Apple, a big apple basically and everyone enjoyed it. Hisoka, Tsuyoshi and Kenji strongly recommended to make a move.
We started moving and followed a map that was in the book. I told everyone of the man I mysteriously met and the boys stopped.
"Purple pants..." Kenji murmured.
"Turquoise shirt..." Tsuyoshi murmured.
"And white eyes completely?" Hisoka blurted out.
Misaki asked, " Who is that, anyone got an ideas?"
"No, this can't be true..." Tomohiro said.
Kenji and I murmured the same mysterious name, "Herobrine..."
Naomi and Chinatsu did not like the sound of our tone. Hisoka and Tsuyoshi were shaking with fear.
'Who is, Herobrine?" Naomi had to ask on the way to a village.
"How about a story time, yeah?" Hisoka said.
"Wanna do the honors, Kazuki? It seems you know the rumor or myth as well." Kenji said.
I began explaining the story of the man name Herobrine.
Long ago, a man named Steve and Brian existed in the world of wonders (The one you're in now). Steve and Brian had always loved playing outside and they had a brother. The brother's name was Notch.
One day, Brian had done something terribly wrong. Brian went to a forest in the icelands and found the trail that his great grandfather had done research. Brian followed the hole in the ice and found a cave that lead him to deep danger.
Brian didn't realize this and Notch as his brother, Notch did not save him in time before he got possessed by the evil that also took there grandfather and father away. From this day on ward, Notch was never able to forgive himself from that day on.
The next day was when the evil was born in his brother called Herobrine. Notch had to banish Herobrine in the world of the the underworld itself. Steve was furiated and believes that Brian is gone. Herobrine was not a normal human being and was not the brother Notch knew. Herobrine takes his time and waits, until 1000 years are up and is finally able to rise back to the Over world.
Nine shining stars will reveal themsevles to put down Herobrine and put him to rest and relieve the lost soul Brian. May you stars ever be successful. Be cautious and protect each other. - Notch-

The boys had a nasty feeling coming. The girls had a unhappy face that I probably did not want to say anything. There was something off and I started thinking to myself. Naomi seemed to have noticed my concern. I kept it on the low side and remained calm. The girls could not possibly think that this myth could be true. Kenji reminded us that I was the one who said that I saw the man that could be him himself. I started getting goosebumps. Hisoka also mentions that he is the brother of Notch and Steve. Tsuyoshi mentions that he would have powers as the tale was told.

In the middle of the road we saw a girl on the road. The girls quickly ran to examine her status. Tsuyoshi felt her pulse weak.
"She's barely breathing," Tsuyoshi said.
I was amazed of how Tsuyoshi was able to check someone's pulse and health status.
I felt some strange power and it was dark. I kept cautious and remained a steady happy face.
Tomohiro mentioned that their was only eight of us at the beginning.
Chinatsu and Tomohiro together pointed out that she must have been the eighth player.
Kenji recommended we take her with us for now. Everyone else agreed and went off towards the village.
We have arrived at the village. Setting was very gloomy. There was mist everywhere.
We all saw a figure past by quick with deadly silence. For some odd reason, I felt as if I was able to tell whether there was a some kind of presence near. I did not mention it because I did not want to freak everyone else out, so I remained silent. We entered a building and found out their was weapons provided for everyone. We laid the girl down on a bench. Tsuyoshi mentioned that her body temperature was dropping down dead cold. Naomi pulled out an extra blanket we had and put it on her for warmth. The weapons we found turned out to be for us.
The weapons had our names on them. Kenji had a red and black scythe; The Demonic Fire Scythe, Tsuyoshi had a black bow; Bow of Decay, Naomi obtained a necklace; Mage of Secret Art. Chinatsu had a boomerang; Boom Smoked'. Misaki had a dark black and blue bow; Bow of Orichaculm. Hisoka had a heavy two handed sword; Sword of Grace. I myself got something beyond my thinking; 2 one-handed ninja swords/katana; Fury Blades of Order. Tomohiro had an axe with green strange neon coloring and markings that look very ancient; The Terra Axe.
We all didn't even know what that means, but it was a gift and was better than wooden materialized weapons. We also had some new clothing equipment that match our weapons coloring. There was another weapon with its name; Sanagi Dagger. The dagger belonged to a girl name Sumiko Yang Manami. We waited a little longer and I got very cautious of our area.
The girl had woken from her rest. The girl just mentioned that her name was Sumiko Yang Manami.
We gave her dagger to her and she was surprised that it was from someone they didn't even know. The peeps introduced themselves to Sumiko and she seemed happy to know our names, but she did say that we did look oddly familiar people she knew.
That really got me curious because that's what happened at first in the beginning. We left the building of the blacksmith shop and left on towards the exit. We looked at other buildings, but there was nothing, just empty.

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