
By nicedood101

30.4K 685 82

Faith is done with men, for good, forever. Then her car breaks down and a series of some unexpectedly fortuna... More

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Friday Night Special
Coffee and Spiders
4 to 6
Worlds Best Diner
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Football and Family
Cold Bleachers
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Talk of the Town
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Never? Forever.
Caller ID
The Big Screen
Get a Room
Better Sandwiches
Faith or Football
No Regrets
Road Closed
Mi Casa, Su Casa
I'm Competitive
Lucky Charm
Little Black Dress
Home Sweet Home
Quarter Final
Timing is Everything
Blake? George.
Last Cigarette
Sound Effects
Every 30 Seconds
I Love to Bicker
Breath 1...2...3
Here We Go
Hell Of A Week
Good Luck
Groomsmen from Hell
Stealth Departure
Thanks Tug
Rose and Ryan
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Mr and Mrs McGraw

381 10 4
By nicedood101

I'm getting married to Faith in an hour. Actually 58 minutes and 43 second nfs but who's counting? Me. I can't wait to see her. I can't wait to be her husband. I'm sitting in my moms living room, suit on as I wait for the guys. They're going to pick me up and drive together to the church. The TV is on but I'm not really watching it. I'm to busy thinking about how much I love Faith. I'm snapped out of my pleasant day dream by a knock at the door. The guys must be early. I walk over and open the door.
"Tim." It's me. Except older and his eyes are darker. Tug.
"Tug, what are going here?" I say shocked to see him. I mean he told me he didn't think I was his son, that he didn't want to know me and that I shouldn't try to contact him ever. And now here he is, standing in the front porch on my wedding day.
"Well, I heard you were getting married."
"So? What does that have to do with you?" He has no right to just show up.
"Your fiancé? Faith? She contacted me and said I should come. Said she wanted us to make amends so that her kids could know their grandfather." Of course she did. Her heart is so big.
"Tim I'm sorry. I was a jerk to you, your mom and basically anyone related to you, but I'm here now to make up for it. Your oldest son will only get married to the love of his life once." I can't help but smile. Faith did this.
"I'm glad tug."

Faith POV
Gaye is helping me tuck my vows into my bouquet so that I can read them to Tim. I'm nervous because I know that Tug would've gone to see Tim and I just hope it went well. I went out on such a limb to make this happen all I hope is Tim liked his surprise.
"Okay Faith, you're getting married in 10 minutes." My mom says coming in. "Let's get you to the car." She takes my hand and squeezes it 3 times. I. Love. You. It's a team effort getting me to sit down without wrinkling my dress. We drive to the church in silence. I have butterflies up to my nose. As we pull up to the church my dad opens my door, it's quiet and the church bells chime. I hold my daddy's arm and watch as my bridal party begin their procession. Soon it's our turn and I'm walking towards my future. There he is. Tim looks at me and smiles a huge mega watt smile. He's got a tear in his eye to match the one in mine. As soon as our eyes meet my nerves vanish. We get to Tim and daddy pulls him in for a hug and then me, he's holding back sobs.
"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to join these to in holy matrimony." The pastor begins. "Samuel and Audrey have written personal vows which they will now share. Audrey." He says looking at me. I pull the paper from the bouquet and hand it to Gaye behind me.
"Tim, from the day that I met you I felt safe, I felt protected and I felt at peace. You are the kindest person I have ever met. Everything you do you do for others. When I look back on these days, I'll look and see your face.
You were right there for me, you showed me how it feels To feel the sky within my reach. And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me, Your love made me make it through, I owe so much to you, You were right there for me." I say choking back tears. Tim is smiling at me and flicking the tears away.
That was beautiful, he mouths at me.
"Samuel, your turn." Says the pastor.
"Faith, I've written the vows in a hundred different sappy ways. It's your love I guess, it just does something to me. You send a shock right through me and I can't enough. Since i met you I've become a better version of myself, more than I am and all of it happened because I picked you up on the side of the road. Who I am now is who I've wanted to be and now that we're together, getting married I feel stronger than I've ever been. I'm a different man now and it's because if you Faith. I love you." He says. I'm crying. Everyone is crying.
"Do you Audrey Faith Perry take this man to be your husband, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"
"I do." I say sure as anything.
"And Samuel Timothy McGraw do you take this woman to be your wife, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"
"I do." He says smiling at me.
"Ladies and gentlemen by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride." He says. Tim leans forward and plants one in me.
"Mr and Mrs McGraw!"

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