A New Virus

By Vegorott

3.6K 254 183

Annalise is no longer the little girl Anti and Dark found tied to their door. Reaching the end of her junior... More

Happy Birthday!
Not A Child
A Monster
Big Trouble
Grounded With A Crush
Take A Guess
Filling In
How To Ask
Let Her Go
First Date
Love Hurts
Angry Kitty
I Called It!
I Did It
The Real Her
Too Much
An Idiot
Easter Confusion
Time For Quiche!
Purple Cubes
Poisoning the Well
Southern Boy
Over Charged
Too Much Tape
Happy Times
What A Shame
Quoting Memes
The New Virus
Sour Tea
Pixel Takedown
A Splashing End


84 6 3
By Vegorott

Dark, Anti, Bing and Google all sat in a car in front of what looked like a mansion. Bing's eyes were glowing very brightly as he stared at the house and Google had a screen projecting in front of him.

"Seven guards, two dogs and a cat." Bing stated, tilting his head a little as he continued to scan. "The target is in a room on the ground floor, furthest to the left, might be his bedroom and he seems to be laying down."

"It's only seven." Anti said from the seat behind Dark, leaning to the side to look at Google's screen.

"He must be taking a nap." Dark said.

"He's not napping..." Bing said in a higher-pitched tone. "He has a friend."

"Someone's sucking off a Senator? I'm so shocked." Anti's voice was heavy with sarcasm. "Wonder who she is."

"He." Bing corrected and flinched a little when Anti started screaming with laughter.

"Anti, lower your voice." Dark turned around to give his husband a light glare.

"Mr. 'I hate the gays' is getting his dick sucked by another dude!" Anti yelled.

"It's very common for those who loudly proclaim their hatred for something to actually be part of the things they hate." Google stated, flipping through several pages on his screen.

"We'll joke about this later, we need to get started soon or we're going to lose this job." Dark said in a hushed tone. "I'm not giving back twenty million dollars because a man is confused about what gets his dick wet."

"I love it when you're frustrated, your phrases are more entertaining." Anti giggled.

"They're going to get very creative if we don't get going now." Dark undid his seatbelt.

"The guard at the gate is due to leave his post any second now, he always leaves before the next guard shows up. We'll be able to get in without any trouble."

"Why can't I just kill him?" Anit asked with a huff.

"Because you're not the stealthiest killer and we have seven, technically eight other people we have to go through and we can't have them know we're here." Dark answered.

"I can kill quietly." Anti pouted. "It's just not fun."

"We're not here to have fun, we'll do that with the twenty million." Dark said.

"Are you going to buy me a new dress with all that money, Mr. Darky?" Anti used his 'Harley Quinn' accent, which sounded more like a poorly done Jersey accent.

"Again, later." Dark saw that Bing sat up a little straighter. "Time to go." Dark said before opening the car door, Anti and Google followed suite.

"Bing, do you remember what to do if a new person comes to the house?" Dark asked through the car door window.

"Make a huge scene and scream?" Bing said.

"That's not-"

"I mean, he's pretty damn close." Anti chuckled, cutting Dark off.

"Fine, but remember to contact Google." Dark said.

"Yes, sir." Bing saluted, earning a sigh from Dark.

"I'm beginning to question my daughter's taste in men." He muttered as he, Anti and Google walked towards the gate.

"It could be worse." Anti shrugged.

"How?" Dark asked.

"I don't know, but it always could." Anti shrugged again and the three ducked under the gate arm. "He's not a bad guy for Annalise to date."

"I'd rather not have her be dating in general." Dark muttered. "She just couldn't be asexual like Host and the Jims. No, she had to be a hetero."

"Those damn heteros." Anti laughed, giving Google a pat on the back.

"Whatever you say." Google rolled his eyes and went up to the panel at the front door. "I could hack this, but it would-" The android stopped when a cloud of green pixels flew into the panel. "I'm going to fight your husband." Google said to Dark.

"I wish you luck with that." Dark chuckled and there was soon a beep and a clicking sound followed it.

"We're all clear to go." Anti said after jumping out of the panel.

"Yeah, yeah." Google pressed his ear to the door before opening it. The three snuck in and Google shut the door behind him. "You get one beep on your phone, it's a warning, you get two, run." Google said to Dark and Anti in a whisper.

"Got it." Dark said.

"Time to go sneaking." Anti giggled. He cracked his knuckles before becoming a cloud of pixels again and floated around Dark's body while the demon stepped to the side and blended into the shadows.

"That's still freaky, every time." Google said to himself as he stared at nothing, the two men no longer visible.

"I still don't get why he needs seven of us." A man said to another one as they walked down a hallway. Dark waited until they passed before quickly crossing the hall into another wall of shadows, Anti's pixels glowing for only the brief second they were in the light.

"He's totally hiding something." The second guard said, the men's voices getting softer and softer.

"Do you think it has anything to do with his seven o'clock appointment?" Dark and Anti didn't get to hear the answer, the voices too quiet.

"Three passed, four to go." Anti's voice spoke from a pixel that was close to Dark's ear.

"Don't sound disappointed that you didn't get to kill them." Dark said as he neared a room with an open door. He waited a moment and watched as the pixels went to the floor and came out of the shadows, slipping into the room before returning and joining Dark again.

"They're all in there, playing poker. Greatest guards ever." Anti scoffed.

"They must just be for show." Dark said.

"I hope we see a show when we get to the bedroom." Anti chuckled.

"I'd rather not." Dark quickly moved passed the door and pressed himself against the wall.

"Dudes! I think I just saw something!" One of the men shouted and there was soon loud screeches of chairs being moved. "It was like a shadowman!"

"Shadowman?" A second man scoffed.

"I fucking got out of my seat." A third huffed.

"How many times do we have to tell you that kind of bullshit ain't real?" A fourth scolded.


"There ain't no aliens, demons or supernatural creatures." Dark heard Anti hold back a laugh. "Can we please get back to our game?"


"'Ain't no aliens, demons or supernatural creatures." Anti mocked as Dark moved on. "He sounds like Keith if he was a dumbass."

"Furthest room to the left." Dark said when they reached the end of the hall. "Remember, in and out, make it as quiet as possible." Dark spoke as Anti's pixels moved so they were floating in front of his face.

"He's a big guy, gonna be a lot of energy to use." Anti chuckled, poking Dark's nose before moving down and going under the door.

"Everything's going smoothly." Dark said to himself, pulling out his phone and not seeing anything on it.

"I knew it!" Dark stiffened and turned around. "Shadowman!"


"Did you just fucking taze me!?" Anti's voice screamed from behind to door.

"There is a shadowman! Call the front gate!"

"Shit, shit, shit!" Dark kicked opened the bedroom door and ran in. He saw Anti holding the target against the wall while a young man was in the bed, hiding under the covers and cowering. "Sleep!" Dark threw a hand towards the young man and he passed out.

"I'm going to have fun with your death." Anti growled at the politician.

"We don't have time! We've been spotted!"

"Fucking!" Anti gave the target a punch to the face before catching the man's head with his hands.

"Do I just shoot him!?" Dark ran back over to the door of the bedroom and slammed it shut. "Anti! Hurry!"

"Got it!" Anti pressed his hands tighter and the target began to scream as green pixels slowly consumed him.

"Break the door down!" Dark grunted as he felt someone ram their body into the door and he held it shut.

"You have to be shitting me!" Dark cursed when he heard his phone beep. Google was sending a warning.

"Help me!" Dark ended up stumbling back a little when there was more force of the door and he had to lean his entire body against the door to prevent them from coming in.

"Anti!" Dark shouted.

"Let them in." Anti said with a light giggle. Dark was trying to calculate if that was a good idea, but when seven men pushed the door open with all of their strength, he wasn't given much of a choice.

"There's another one!"

"Say hello to Sparky." Anti laughed before firing a taser into the front man's chest. Anti suddenly became a cloud of pixels and traveled along the wire of the taser, going into the man he shot.

"What the fuck!?" One of the men tried to run away, but Dark cut him off. "Shadowman!" The man raised a gun but didn't have time to fire before Dark grabbed his wrist and snapped it. The gun fell from the hand with a scream following it.

"W-What, h-happening to m-me!?" The man Anti had entered stuttered out, his body slowly becoming a bright green. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" The man cried out in pain before there was a flash of light and Anti now stood where the man was.

"That was...interesting." Anti licked his lips and looked at the raining men.

"This is some sci-fi, bullshit!"

"This is not fiction, you're fucked." Anti started to laugh as a wave of green pixels formed behind him.

"This is not going to end well." Dark released the wrist he had still been holding and he rushed over to the bed. He scooped up the young man and left the room in a cloud of black smoke, his phone beeping twice.

"Bye-bye." Anti waved a hand and the men started screaming and running as the pixels began to fall towards them.

Dark came back empty-handed and was greeted by a scene of the remaining men being slowly absorbed alive. His eyes went wide when a memory hit him.

"Anti! Don't-" But Dark was too late, the men were gone and the pixels went back into Anti.

"Dark, we need to leave, now! There are police!" Google shouted as he and Bing ran into the room.

"Anti...are you okay dude?" Bing asked, seeing that Anti was glitching and curled up a little.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!" Anti let out a laugh that was more of a scream and he twirled around. "I can feel it! All of it! I can feel it! I can feel it! I can! I can! I can!" Anti spoke fast as he glitched around the room. "Purple!" Anti yelled and pointed out of the room. Dark followed Anti's finger and saw a cloud of purple pixels fly out of one of the rooms. "I'll get him! I can get him! Let me get him!"

"We need to go home!" Dark ordered. "Is everything situated?"

"We're good." Google answered.

"Home? We're going home? Gotta get home. Going home. Home, home, home, home!" Anti let out another laugh before glitching away.

"Dark, what-" Bing didn't get to finish his question before Dark left as well, his face filled with worry. 

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