Chasing Matt Harnacke

Por danehillrajah

14.3K 239 38

A fan fiction about Matt Harnacke and his horse Chase. One day Kenzie sees a familiar looking chestnut on th... Más

Character Introduction
Horse Introduction
Chapter 1 - You Could Say it was Fate
Chapter 2 - For the Love of Chestnuts
Chapter 3 - sleepless nights
Chapter 4 - Heartfelt Reunions
Chapter 5 - Dreams Really do Come True
Chapter 6 - Pinch Me I think I'm Dreaming
Chapter 7 - The Highs and Lows
Chapter 8 - New Beginings
Chapter 9 - Hard Decisions
Chapter 11 - My Happy Place
Chapter 12 - Back Off
Authors Note

Chapter 10 - New Friends

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Por danehillrajah

I walked down the aisle in the barn stopping at the one stall that still had a horse in it. I had just fed and put all the horses out in the paddock except for Charlie. I wanted one more ride. One last ride before I retired Charlie.

I brushed him in the cross ties and the put a neck rope on him leading him to the arena by his mane. I vaulted onto Charlie's back and then urged him forwards into a walk. After walking around for a few laps reminiscing on all the good times I squeezed the bay gelding into a smooth trot. After a while I was cantering around the arena then without thinking I was cantering toward an 80cm vertical. Charlie tucked up his front legs and soared over the jump with ease. I walked him out and then took him back to the barn.

After grooming Charlie and putting him out in the paddock to enjoy his retired life I bought Raj and Stitch in to the barn to tack them up. I practiced jumping courses on Stitch, they were set up at a metre and she cleared them with plenty of room. After warming stitch down I got on Raj and we practiced some sporting and did some hill work in the paddock to build up his muscles. Then I walked down to the mail box to check it and give Raj a walk out. I grabbed the mail and walked back to the barn to untack Raj.

Once Raj and Stitch were back in the paddock I got in the golf cart and drove back up to the house. I decided to call Bella and see if she wanted to do something.
~phone call~
B- Hey Kenz
K- Hey Bels
B- How are you?
K- Good! How are you?
B- Pretty Good
K- I was thinking maybe we could hang out soon because my parents are out and I'm bored
B- Sounds Good, How about we do lunch at the cafe down the road in half an hour?
K- Perfect see you then
B- Yeah, bye
K- Bye
~phone call end~

I put on a white crop top and light denim shorts then pulling my hair out of the messy braid it was in while I was riding. Grabbing my phone, car keys, purse and some white sandals I headed out to my car.

I arrived at the cafe a bit early so I found a table and sat to wait. Bella arrived a few minutes later. "Hey Bels" I cheerfully greeted her as she sat down "Hey" she replied equally as cheerful. We chatted while we waited to have our orders taken.

Our food arrived and we ate and talked more while we were eating " How are things going with you and Tyler?" I asked Bella as she took a bite out of her toasted sandwich " A lot better after we talked" she said happily after finishing her mouthful of food. I felt that she didn't want to talk about him as she changed the topic.

"Are you going to Greenvale ODE next weekend?"  Bella asked

"Yeah I'll probably take Stitch" I though aloud

"Okay I'm taking Lacey!" Bella laughed

We finished our lunch and I checked the time. It was 2:30 now so I needed to get home and exercise a few more horses. We walked out of the cafe into the car park. "Bye Bels, Are you coming out to ride later?" I said as I gave her a hug "Yeah I need to ride Moose. I'll see you around 4:00" she said walking towards her car "ok see you then" I said getting into my car.

I arrived home and changed into some navy breeches and a turquoise Dublin long sleeve shirt. Then I got in the golf cart and drive to the barn.

Walking down the aisle in the barn I saw and unfamiliar chestnut horse sticking it's head over a stall door. I went over to the horse opening the stall door there was a rug on the horse that said 'Amber Queen proudly owned by Kenzie Burges'. I turned around and saw my mum and dad smiling at me. This really was happening I just got given another horse!

I was in the tack room finding a bridle for my new horse Phoenix so I could take her for a bareback ride. I saw a gold envelope sticking out of a bale of hay. I open the envelope delicately and pulled out the note inside.

The note read :
'Where you fell on your ass in the grass is where you will find your next clue'

I was curious to find out what this was about so I grabbed a bridle that would fit Phoenix and my helmet then leaving the tack room to bridle my horse.

I vaulted up onto Phoenix and walk towards the trail that I fell of Raj on the day I met Matt. After walking for a while we got into the open field so I pushed the  mare into a trot and searched for another envelope. Soon I spotted another gold envelope sitting on the grass.
This one said :
'Go to the place where you first met Chase'

I assumed this meant on the side of the road where Chase use to be boarded. So I cantered down the side of the quiet road where I found Chase not long ago. Attached to the fence of the front paddock there was another envelope but this time it was silver. I grabbed the envelope and opened it.
The note said:
'This is your final clue.
Meet me and Chase at your favourite place'

I told Matt that my favourite place was the creek we went to a while ago. "Meet me and Chase? I wonder what Matt has planned?" I said to Phoenix as we cantered back up the road and to the creek.

I wandered through the bush toward the creek. As I walked to the clearing where the creek was I saw a beautiful picnic set up but Matt and Chase were no where in sight. I got of Phoenix and put her in the little paddock that Bella and I built near the creek.

"Do you like it?" I heard a voice say from behind me

AN: the picture up the top is sort of what I picture the picnic to be like. Hope you liked this chapter 🦄

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