Things Have Changed (Adopted...

By patd18devotee

36.1K 1.4K 1.8K

Adopted by Brendon Urie FanFic Brooklyn has been in the foster care system for 3 years with no luck of findi... More

This is Gospel
This Is Just the Prologue
Chapter 1: Grab Your Hat and Fetch Your Camera
Chapter 3: LA Devotee
Chapter 4: New Perspective
Chapter 5: All My Friends We're Glorious
Chapter 6: Panic! Meet The Press
Chapter 7: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks
Chapter 8: Swimming With The Sharks
Chapter 9: Maybe I'm Overjoyed, Maybe I'm Paranoid
Chapter 10: 20 Dollar Nosebleed
Chapter 11: Camisado
Chapter 12: Northern Downpour Pt. 1
Time to Dance
Chapter 13: Northern Downpour Pt. 2
Chapter 14: Turn Off The Lights
Chapter 15: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster
Chapter 16: Miss Jackson
Chapter 17: Old Fashioned
Chapter 18: Crazy=Genius
Chapter 19: From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins
Chapter 20: Let's Kill Tonight
Chapter 21: Your Regular Decorated Emergency
The End Of All Things
Character Ask
Character Answers

Chapter 2: Ready To Go

2K 76 105
By patd18devotee

After I finished packing my room up yesterday, I went back out into the living room with Jodie and watched our favorite movie, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. After the movie, Jodie made us supper and we chilled out on each other's phones until Jodie made me go to bed at 9. She wanted me to go to bed early because tomorrow was my 'big day.' Why is she so excited? Did she not want me here anymore? Is she glad she doesn't have to take care of me anymore? All these thoughts raced through my head until I finally fell asleep.

I wake up to the alarm that I set on my iPod so I didn't wake up to late. Jodie told me last night that we were going to leave the house at 11:00 and I wanted to make sure I had time to get ready. So, I set my alarm to 9:00 (you never know).

I get up and walk over to my closet which had the clothes that I chose to wear today hanging on the knob by hangers.

Jodie hadn't given me any clues as to who was adopting me (which is cruel in my opinion) so I had no idea how to dress to impress them. Should I wear my normal, a band tee and skinny jeans, or wear something a bit more formal? That was basically the question going through my head.

I decided to just go with my Nirvana shirt and light blue skinny jeans. I couldn't decide on which outfit to wear as my formal option, so I ultimately went with my usual outfit.

I take the clothes and go into the bathroom where all my toiletries and make up supplies were and start doing my routine of getting ready.

After spending half an hour getting ready, I walk out of the bathroom with my dirty clothes in hand. I walk into my room and over to my suitcase stuffing the dirty clothes inside; assuming I'll just wash them at whatever house I'll be living in.

I take all my stuff out of the bathroom and put them in my bathroom bag and put it into the empty box in the middle of my room. It along with my iHome, a pair of shoes that wouldn't fit into my suitcase, and my pillow plus two throw blankets on top.

I tuck in the flaps of the box and take a step back to make sure all my stuff was packed and in place. I look around the room to make sure I didn't forget to pack anything, which I didn't.

I open the door and walk down the hallway into the living room to see Jodie sitting there on the couch with a coffee cup in her hand, typical.

"Are you all packed up?" She looks up at me still tired from sleep.

"Yep," I replied back. I look up at the clock hanging above where the tv was, 10:00.

"Go put your things in the truck while I get ready." I nod and Jodie gets up and goes to the kitchen, she puts her coffee cup in the sink and goes into her bedroom to get ready.

I go back into my room and walk over to the stuff in the middle. I sling the backpack over my shoulder and pick up the cardboard box and start to head towards the front door to go outside where her truck was pulled in the driveway. I put my stuff in the backseat of the truck and went back inside to do the same thing with my suitcase.

After I put all my stuff in the truck, I go back inside and into my room to make sure I had everything before I left. I check every drawer and every cubby in my closet just to make sure. After double-checking, I go back out to the living room and sit on the couch and wait for Jodie to get ready.

At 10:30, Jodie comes out of her room in her basic flannel top and jeans. I don't know why it takes so long for her to get ready, she barely does anything with her hair considering it's boy-cut length and she doesn't seem to put any effort into her makeup, so I have no idea.

"Ready to go?" Jodie asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess," I say with a sigh.

She grabs her keys, wallet, and her phone and puts the ladder her pocket and we both head out to the truck. She gets in the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger's (like it was going to be the other way around).

After she starts the car, Jodie gets out her GPS and types in an address and sets it on top of the dash board. I quickly glance at the address which read: 345 Burbank Street, Los Angeles CA. (I came up with a random address idk if this is an actual address or not)

"I'm going to live in LA?!" I exclaim to Jodie with my mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Yep," Jodie says with that cheeky grin she wore when she told me the news yesterday.

After she finally picks some good music to put on the radio and her seatbelt in place, we back out of the driveway and onto the actual road.

"Oh my gosh, I've always wanted to go there!"

"Well today's your lucky day," She says with a smirk.

She's hiding something, what is it??

I push my thoughts aside and focus on the fact that I'm going to be LIVING in LA. I'm basically sitting on the edge of my seat I'm that excited.

Like what Jodie told me yesterday, LA is 3 hours away from where we lived, Hanford CA, so the trip is going to be LONG.

I've traveled far distances before but this one will be especially long because I'm actually looking forward to the destination.

Let's hope I don't fuck this up so I can actually stay this time.


I love writing this story, I actually feel accomplished for doing something.
But anyways thank you guys for reading it means a lot 💕 Make sure to vote and comment!!


Thanks for reading
-patd18devotee 💕

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