Fixing My Luna

By SweetDream22

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Coming from a bad home with her evil abusive brother, Lily runs away with her 2 little siblings. When they st... More

Chapter 1- Run Aways
Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate
Chapter 3- Welcome Home
Chapter 4- New Visitor
Chapter 5- Spill It
Chapter 6- Playing Cards
Chapter 7- New Talent
Chapter 8- Friends
Chapter 9- Mornings
Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys
Chapter 11- You Bite Me?
Chapter 12- Shocking Surprises
Chapter 13- Unlocking the Truth
Chapter 14- Ready or Not
Chapter 15- Taken
Chapter 16- I'm Not a Cheater
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Being Left Out
Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl
Chapter 20- Hide And Seek
Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys
Chapter 22- Treehouse
Chapter 23- One More Day
Chapter 24- Just Getting Started
Chapter 25- Now or Never
Chapter 27- Worrying About Lily
Chapter 28- Waking Up
Chapter 29-It's Time
Chapter 30- 50/50

Chapter 26- Excuse Me?

711 19 3
By SweetDream22


    The walk to the pack meeting was eerily quiet. Like ghost town quiet. I know everyone who can attend the meeting will be there and they are all waiting for me to lead the meeting since Daniel is.... unavailable. The rest are either laying in a hospital bed or taking care of those laying in a hospital bed.

     I walked down the small path that lead to the backyard of the pack house where almost all meetings are held since it’s large enough to hold the pack. As I walked I noticed the sky is still overcast and getting darker due to the setting sun, fitting the mood perfectly.


    I turned the corner of the houses and to say the least I was surprised at what I saw. There in front of the whole pack was Ash leading the meeting without me. Not only was he leading in front of the pack but all of the remaining people of my old pack were there too. They would be staying here until further notice which reminds me, I need to address that situation.

    As Ash stands there I notice he is clean cut, clean shaved and he has a determined look on his face. If he had any injuries they were not noticeable on him. There were big lights pointed toward the deck where Ash was and dimmer lights facing the pack just barely missing me. Still I took a few steps back so the light couldn’t reach me. I flipped the hood of the sweatshirt over my face to hide me since I decided to stick at the back of the pack and watch where this goes.

    “Hello everyone.” Ash announced. Everyone mumbled their greetings. “I know it is late and everyone is tired but I decided to call this meeting to update everyone on where we stand as a pack.” He decided to call a meeting?

    I looked back at the stage and saw the rest of the family sitting in the background sullenly looking at Ash. They all looked sad and guilty. I’m assuming sad because of Daniel but guilty because they know I should be here leading but no one was jumping out of their seats in protest. One person caught my eye but that was because he was staring right at me in shock. Caleb was looking at me with crazy wide eyes that looked like he had been caught by his principal beating some kid up. I shook my head no at him. ‘Look away Caleb, please.’

    He looked away but kept on talking to me. ‘Why are you not up here?’


    ‘Because Ash is being very bad and I want to catch him in the act.’

    ‘I should have said something to stop him from starting but I figured he would command me not to talk.’ Caleb rattled defensively.

    ‘It’s fine.’

    ‘Are you ok Lils?’ He asked worried.

    ‘Why wouldn’t I?’ I sighed.

    ‘Well....Daniel...?’ he  said shyly.

    ‘Daniel will be fine in a few days.’ I informed him.

    ‘Are you-’

    ‘I’m fine. Now hush and let me watch.’ Caleb bowed his head in a small matter that no one noticed.

    I watched Ash as he continued. “Alpha Daniel, as many of you know, is in a coma. He was attacked but the other Alpha.” Murmurs started thought the pack but Ash tried talking over them. “Also as many of you noticed Luna Lily is not here either.” That hushed the crowd again. “She is too busy watching over her mate so she appointed me to take over so as of now I am acting Alpha until Daniel is well again.”

    Everyone, except for those not in my pack and I, bowed their head. The other pack still does not see him as their alpha so his words mean nothing and as for me, I bow down to no one. Especially liars. Don't get me wrong I used to have more respect but I have changed and for the better if I do say so myself. As everyones heads were down I took this as my chance to intervene. “Did she really make you the Alpha?” I called before I ducked my head so my face was covered by my hood. Another thing about being small is it wasn’t so easy for me to be found.

    “Who dares challenge me?” he boomed over the entire length of the yard.


    Everyone divided over the pack and left me standing at the mouth of it. Thanks a lot you traders, you're a lot of help with the whole no one sees me thing. “Really? A little girl is foolish enough to challenge her acting Alpha?” Ash asked bitterly.

    “I don’t believe Luna Lily made you Alpha.” I said boldly. Lifting my chin slightly to show more defiance.

    “Well believe it. She is not fit to lead us.” he spat out like it was poison in his mouth. “Now I want you to bow down to me and show me your loyalty as part of this pack.” He tried saying in his alpha voice but too my ears I could hear only beta in him.

    I walked forward to the middle of the pack and smirked under my hood. “I would never bow down to someone who lies.” I think when I’m depressed I get risky, like lets try too get myself killed kind of risky.

    “Fine have it your way.” He was about to speak but Caleb jumped up from his spot and grabbed his arm.

    “Leave her be Ash.” He commanded. Caleb knows it’s me and I know he would never let anyone hurt his family.

    “Sit down Caleb.” he commanded and Caleb had no choice but to obey. When Caleb sat, Ash turned back to me with a superior look on his face. He looked almost smug having power. “Grab her.” he commanded 2 men in my pack.

    Both were decide size and they both came at me from opposite ends. The guy to my left reached his hand out to grasp my arm but I swiftly took it and flipped him on his back. I knew the other guy was right behind me so I dropped down and swept my leg around, effectively landing him on the ground. They both were about to get up but I looked down at them and made eye contact. As soon as the recognized me their eyes went into shock. I smirked, “I suggest you both go back to the group. Understand?” They nodded and quickly scurried away.

    ‘Lily?’ Caleb begged.

    I let the Luna voice ring in my head. ‘You may move now and ignor Ash’s commands.’

    I snapped back to attention as Ash was now furious at me. “How dare you call me a liar. How dare you not bow down to your Alpha and injury to fellow pack mates. Alpha Daniel and Luna Lily would be disappointed in such a disgrace. Show yourself.”

    I put on my best smug smile. “Yes Beta Ash.”

    That was the final straw. Ash let out a growl that made everyone but me flinch. Caleb was about to grabCaleb but he hopped down from the deck and charged me faster then Caleb could catch him. I let him get close to me, close enough that he backhanded me across my cheek. My face was the only thing that moved from the hit, while the rest of my body was rigid. My cheek was on fire but I am so tired and overwhelmed from the day I barely realized he even touched me. I peeked up from my hood to see Ash standing there pissed as hell. His jaw was clenched and his nostrils flared but he was waiting. Waiting for me to react to his hit. He expects me to break down in tears. Thanks to his waiting he didn’t realize Caleb walked up behind him and grabbed his shirt and tossed him to the side and came straight to me. I was busy staring into space so he grabbed my chin and made me look at him in the eyes before he tilted it to see the side of my cheek. He winced, “That’s going to leave a mark. Are you ok?”

    I ground my teeth and just nodded my head slowly. Caleb’s green eyes flickered fury, “I don’t believe you.” He stepped in front of me and hid me behind his back protecting me. “What the hell is you problem?!!!” He screamed at Ash.

    “Back down Caleb.” Ash commanded as he stepped face to face with Caleb.

    “No. You know what Ash I don’t think I need to listen to you anymore. Who the hell slaps a girl?” Caleb said crossing his arms.

    “The Alpha can do whatever he wishes.”

    “But you’re not the Alpha.” he sidestepped and pointed to me. “She is.”

    Slowly I placed my hand on my head and slipped back the hood, revealing my unattended brown curls and my bright blue eyes with the slap mark of course. Gasp surround me but I paid no attention to them. Ash’s face went white as a ghost and immediately he dropped down to his knees and bowed his head, afraid to look me in the eyes. I would be scared too. On the other hand the rest of the boys, Chris, Cole, Mikey and Marcus, were all sitting at the edge of their seats watching me.

    Once again everyone bowed their head but this time it was for me. I bent down so I could look Ash in the eyes. When our eyes connected I saw how his were upset, by what I’m not sure. One word came to my mouth, “Come.” Slowly I began my slow strut to the front of the pack with Caleb following next to me. Wordlessly Ash followed me up the deck and to the front. “Explain.” I told him but he didn’t say a word. “Fine I guess I will. For all of you who don’t know me, I am Luna Lily.”

    “Lets start at the beginning. Thank you to everyones service with the war today. I could never do it without you. Yes it is true that Daniel is currently in a coma but he is going to make a full recovery. As for me I am your acting Alpha. Until Daniel wakes up only I will be in charge.” Ash was about to speak but I glared at him. “Look me in the eyes Ash.”


    It was not a request but a command. Grudgingly his brown eyes lifted. “Do you have something to say?” No answer. “Well Ash I may just be a little disgrace of a girl but last time I checked I called this meeting and I am in charge.”

    “You are not fit to be in charge.” he finally spoke.

    “And why not?”

    “You let your emotions get the best of you. You are not trained in leading and you will never learn. I have trained everyday in order to take over in case of an emergency. You make a good fighter but a weak Alpha. A broken little girl, with a sad back story, could never be fit to lead alone.” Everyone let out a gasp and even Sara was surprised by her mate.

    I click my tounge in disappointment, “I’m sorry you feel that way Ash but that’s who I am weather or not you like it. If my emotions didn't affect my decisions then I might as well be Jay and for training your right I have none but that’s something I learn as I go. As for broken and little, yes I am, but I am not alone. I have my family or at least I thought I did but I guess some aren’t my family. And just in case you didn't realize this but I am Daniel's mate not you, making me the new 2nd in command. You may be more experienced but you’re not perfect either.” My voice raising as I go.

    “How so?” he challenged.

    “You get lied to your pack, you tried to use excessive force on a little girl, then proceeded to backhand her and you challenged your Luna. That is why I am temporarily stripping you of your Beta power until Daniel wakes up. Then he can decide what to do with you.”

    “You can’t do that!” He boomed.

    “Yes I can! I Alpha Lily strip you, Beta Ash, of you powers until further notice.” Ash stood tall but I saw the slack in his body. I turned to Sara next. “I see it as unfair for you to be punished for your mates actions. Sara it is your choice but do you wish to keep your Beta powers.”

    She looked at her mates sad face. “No thank you Luna.”

    “So be it.” I turned to Caleb. “Do you wish to fill in as Beta?”

    “But I’m not third in command.” he pointed out.

    “Those are Daniel ranks not mine. So is that a yes.”

    “Yeah I will fill in.”


    “I Alpha Lily appoint you Caleb to become Beta Caleb.” I turned around to face the pack again. “Ok back to more important business. As well as you all know we have another pack staying with us for the time being. There needs to be a few changes. I would like anyone with extra rooms or couches to allow our guess to stay with them. That includes the pack house too. We will also need more food so I would appreciate that if someone is not busy helping in the hospital or with rooms if they could gather others and go to town and grab supplies tomorrow morning. Dismissed.” The pack broke away and began getting to work.

    When I turned back around the family began splitting up too. “Not so fast. I want a family meeting in 10 minutes in the meeting room. The only ones allowed not to show are Missy, Lana and Jenny if she’s not up to it.” It was an order.

    I was in the meeting room 5 minutes later sitting in the head chair hiding myself in Daniel’s sweatshirt. It smells like him and I can’t get enough of it. Slowly the family started filing in but I never opened my eyes to look. Not until the next 5 minutes passed did I open my eyes. Around the table was Chris, Cole, Caleb, Ash, Sarah, Marcus, Vicki, Mikey, Rosie and Tristan. “It’s almost midnight and I’m tired I want this to be fast.” They all nodded and I went on. “First off, is everyone okay?”

    Chris spoke up, “I just got an update from Missy and she said there wasn’t many losses but a lot of injuries.”

    “The other side?”

    “Lost half of their fighters.”

    That struck me hard. All those people missing a family member. I shook it off, “We need to take care of the members for right now and I want everyone helping.” They all nodded. “Good. You guys will be my eyes. Make sure everyone is ok and get things back in order.”

    “And what will you be doing your highness?” Ash sneered.

     I knocked my chair back with a slam as I stood up from the table. “That is enough Ash!” Everyone flinched from my voice and avoided eye contact except for Ash. “You will not disrespect me anymore. From now on you will talk to me formally until you learn to be have.”

    Ash’s eyes looked like they were on fire but he nodded his head anyway in obedience. I really hate giving commands but I’m sick and tired and I want to go to Daniel. I sat back down and closed my eyes. Quietly I spoke, “Everyone dismissed besides Mikey, Marcus and Vicki.”

    Everyone left except for those 3. “Ok... Mikel?”

    His head popped up from staring at the table. I forget how little I call him by his proper name. “Yes Lily?”

    “You know what you did, correct?”

    His head bent down a little and he averted his eyes. “Yeah I do.”

    “Are you ok with it?”

    He looked up again and looked me in the eyes with an emotion almost smug. “Um.. yeah... is it weird I am kinda happy about it?”

    That made me smile a little bit. “No Mikey it’s not. You have Alpha blood in you so it’s natural. You are an Alpha Mikey.”

    “Alpha Mikel of the Blue Moon Pack.” he said mostly to himself.

    “Remember Mikey you are too young. An Alpha has to be 16 to to become an Alpha.” I looked over to Marcus and Vicki. “That is where you 2 come in. I need you both to temporarily oversee Mikey and his Alpha duties until he is old enough to take them over himself.”

    Marcus’s eyes bugged out. “Really?”

    “Yes really. You basically were Alpha behind Jay’s back for years.”

    Marcus looked over at Vicki “Are you ok with this sweety?”

    “Yeah as long as holidays are spent with each other.” she smiled.

    I turned back to Mikey, “Are you ok with this?”

    He shrugged. “Yeah I guess. It will only be a couple of years.”

    “Right in the mean time, have fun and be a teenager. Deal?”

    “Deal.” He reached over and shook my hand.

    “Ok I hope for you and your pack to be leaving in a week but I wish for Daniel to wake up first.”

    “Whenever you are ready.” Vicki reassured me.

    “Thank you. You guys are all dismissed and I will see you when I see you.”

    Once they were gone I went all the way up to our room. I grabbed a duffle bag that I saw earlier on the closet floor and started packing. I packed my underwear, leggings, shorts and bras but the rest of the bag was full Daniels shirts and sweatshirts. Everyday until Daniel wakes up I am going to wear his clothes. I know I can’t spend all my time with Daniel in the hospital so this is what I need to do to stay sane. After my bag was full I grabbed a thin blanket off the bed and dragged it behind me.

    When I got to the infirmary all the lights were off except for the monitors and a small dim, blue light above the head of the bed. I could barely see that Daniel was no longer laying on his stomach but on his back. I through the duffle bag onto the near by chair and went straight to the bed and stripped off the sweatshirt and pants so I was just in a tank top and underwear. Carefully I laid the blanket on Daniel and moved my way into the bed without hitting any needles or cords, I slipped in beside him. I felt his arm twitch but his hands didn’t go around me. This coma must be kicking his ass if he doesn’t realize I’m laying with him. Looking up at his face I could see he was troubled so I took my hand and placed them on each side of his head. Taking my thumbs I traced his nose and his eyes and his lips until his face relaxed. I nearly died of shock when I felt him move under me and his arms snaked around my waist as he pulled me in close. I gave him a kiss on the lips. “I love you Daniel.” No reply. Laying my head down I listened to the pounding of his heart. A single tear slid down my face. “Please wake up.”

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