Jacob L. Imagines❤️

By JacobsMafia

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Jacob Latimore Imagines. #JewelWorld More

Jacob L. Imagines


2.3K 54 11
By JacobsMafia

"Ahhhhhh" Jacob Jr. & Jewel cried at the same time. These were me & Jacob's little twins. They're both of ours, but I feel like I'm the only one that's taking of them. I grabbed both of them on each arm trying to calm them down. Jacob's been out working as always, but he needs to understand that this family needs him too. The door quickly came open as Jake walked in. The twins calmed down a little bit.

"Hey babe" Jacob said kissing me. I stood there, with the twins in my arms and didn't kiss back. He looked at me worried.

"What's wrong" he asked? I shook my head and handed him the twins. They giggled as he played with them. I sighed and went in the kitchen to start dinner. A bit later Jacob came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't move. He slowly turned me to face him.

"Brittney, baby, what's the matter" He asked. I sighed again, about to speak, but his phone went off. He let me go to answer.

"Hello....yeah, iight what time? Okay, yeah, I'll be there" He hung up and faced me again. He sighed

"I'm sorry hun, but I have to go...business work" he said. I grew angry. I slammed my fist on the table.

"No Jay, No!" I yelled. He turned back to face me.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"You see, this is what I mean! You're always out & never have time for me anymore! You leave me with the kids all the time and they're always crying for you! Don't u see it Jay! We need you more but you're always leaving like you never give a damn anyways" I yelled. He really doesn't like when people tell at him but u couldn't get it our any other way.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to make money for this family" he yelled back.

"Oh, save it Jacob, that's always your excuse! You're not the only one who can work!" I yelled.

"Well, ion see your lazy ass doing it" he yelled. I stood there for a moment shocked that he just cursed at me.

"Excuse me!" I said.

"You heard me. If you think working is so easy, why don't you get your fat as up and do it!" He yelled at me. A look of hurt came across my face. Jacob knew I hated to be called fat & hated my body. I mean, I know my stomach wasn't fat, but I hated my hips. He knew it hurt me , he knew. I stepped back slowly and ran into our room with tears in my eyes. I laid there, faced down covering my face. How could he? I hear the door open slowly and footsteps coming toward me slow. I didn't bother to look up.

"Brittney.." Jacob said in a low voice.

"Honey, please answer me" he said sitting on the bed. I kept my head down, wiping my tears away.

"Look at me...please" he begged. I laid there silently.

"Babe" he said grabbing my arm. I quickly pulled away. He grabbed it back with more power & I couldn't get away this time. After a few moments of trying I stopped and just let him hold my arm.

"Baby, listen to me please" he said. I didn't say anything. He sighed.

"I didn't mean to call you fat, you just got to me when you yelled at me. And besides ain't nun wrong with having a fat ass" he said hitting my butt. I smiled under my arm so he wouldn't see.

"I'm really sorry baby, I went out of hand" he said. I slowly say up and crossed my legs on the bed as I faced him. He had his head low, sniffing a little. I touched his chin, trying to lift his face but he wouldn't let me. I put my hand back to see tears on it.

"Jay....are you crying" I asked. He held his head up and wiped the tears low so I wouldn't notice it but I did.

"I never wanted you to feel that way. I'm just trying to be a provider for my family, so you don't have to worry about anything" he said. I smiled. I crawled over to him and sat on his lap as I hugged him. He grabbed me tightly.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more" I told him. He pulled me in closer kissing me. My feelings went crazy as he touched me more. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. The kiss got more intense as he but my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I moan into his mouth, accepting it.

His tongue swept through my mouth. I pressed myself to him more as he grasped on my waist tighter. I could feel him hard against my inner thigh. I laugh a little. He leaned over me and unzipped my clothes. I tugged on his curls as he moaned in my mouth again. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. As he started kissing my neck, I pulled his jeans down, making him press into me more. I moaned at the pressure and rubbed him through his boxers.

He moaned against my skin and bit down in my sweet spot. I had no idea how wet I was until Jake tore my underwear off. He moaned making himself even harder. He placed a wet kiss on my area and breathed warm into me. I monads as he stuck a finger in me pumping hard. He adds more and more adding pressure. I screamed his name as he pulled out and licked his fingers. He took his boxers off, pumping himself a few times before going into me.

He doesn't wait for me to adjust before taking himself out then going in again. He sped up making the bed shake. He moaned, pushing in with more force. I grabbed the sheets as my walls clenched around him. He moaned in pleasure as I felt something in my stomach. You both come at the same time, breathing hard. He pulled you down on his chest.

"I'll never leave you again baby, I promise" he said.

Heyyy! Y'all Should Follow Our Vine Account For Jacob @JacobsMafia . Y'all Know It's Awkward Writing These! Lol, But Comment & Tell Me What You Thought! Vote & Share Too Please!💕 Love Y'all!



Don't Forget Vine Too! JacobsMafia !

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