Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Ca...

By ghost_idol

14.1K 337 38


Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Cary Love Story*
2: Sorry, Joe
3: It's Called Silent Reading For A Reason
4: Explosions
5. Broken Cameras
6. Welcome To The Group
8: I Like Fireworks Too
9: What Is Going On?
10: I've Lost Everything.....
11: The Night Before The End Of Sanity
12: So It Begin
13: No More Miss Shy Girl
14: Trapped
15: Cary vs. Charles vs. An Alien
16: Join The Club, Smartin
17:Fighting Aliens With Sparklers
18:The Pyromaniac and The Shy Girl
19: Epilogue

7: Why Do You Care, Cary?

823 18 5
By ghost_idol

I am standing slightly away from everyone else as they set up for the new scenes. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I think it has something to do with a zombie.

"Hey," someone says from behind me. I turn around and look up to see:

I scream and stumble over my own feet. I fall backwards into the grass. I squint up against the sun and see that it is actually Cary. He starts laughing and reaches out his hand to help me up. I get up myself and stare at his make-up. It looks so realistic. You know, if zombies were real.

"Sorry I scared you," he apologizes, still laughing. I smile shyly and look over at the train. I still can't believe that even happened.

"So, where were you during the explosion?" Cary asks. I look at him with confusion. He really doesn't know?

"You don't know?" I ask.

"Should I?"

"Cary! Get in position!" Charles yells.

"Well, I figured-"

"Chloe on camera!"

"-since I threw-"

"Martin get the gun ready!"

"-the rock at you." Cary stares at me wided eyed for a moment.

"Wait, you were the one-"

"CARY AND CHLOE! Positions!" Cary sighs and walks over to his spot. I walk over to the camera where a impatient looking Charles is waiting.

"So this will be your practice run for tomorrow's scenes. Okay so Martin and Alice will do their lines, and then Cary will walk over as a zombie. You have to angle it right so you can just see Cary before they notice him. Okay?" I nod and take my position.


As Martin and Alice begin their monologue, I gently angle camera and focus on them. Out of focus, you can see Cary slowly walk toward them. As Martin spots him, I focus on all three of them. Martin pulls out his cap gun and begins to 'shoot' Cary. I cringe at the gun shot, but I manage to keep the gun straight. Charles smiles and yells, "CUT! That was mint! Oh my God with the train, it was so good!" Cary gets up and peels off his zombie eyes. He runs over us and asks, "Hey did it really look good?"

"Yeah, it looked great," I said back.

"Joe reload the cap gun so we can film another angle-" I sighed and moved the camera.

"What's wrong?" Cary asks. I look over at him, not really sure what to say.

"I have bad history with guns." Cary didn't press on any further. He stood and watched as I reset the camera into place.

"Okay, so you were the one who threw the rock at me?" I nodded slowly and watched him wince as he touched the spot on the back of his head.

"Sorry if I hurt you," I mumbled, looking back at the camera.

"Are you serious? Chloe, you saved our lives. There's no way we would have made it away fast enough if you hadn't warned me." I smile slightly at the camera as I straighten it.

"It's no big deal-" Cary grabs my shoulders and turns me away from the camera. I shrug out of his grip quickly. He doesn't seem to understand, but again doesn't press the issue.

"Chloe, it is a big deal. Our lives being saved is a HUGE deal!" I shrug again and he sighs. "Well, it's not fair that Charles treats you the way he does. If he knew yousaved his life...."

"Cary, let it go. It's alright." Cary looks reluctant, but he goes back into position for another shot.


"Okay, so we'll meet up tomorrow for the new scenes. Everyone, make sure you memorize your lines!" Charles yells. He turns to me and sighs. "Oh yeah, and good job with the camera. You didn't drop it." I look over and motion for Cary to be silent. He protests silently, but I shake my head. He stomps his foot and points, but I cross my arms and shake my head again.

"What are you two doing?" Alice asks. We both look over at her.

"Did you know that Chloe-" I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth. Alice raised her eyebrow, but I just shrugged. She walked off and I took my hand away. Cary glared at me.

"Why won't you let me tell anyone?!"

"Because it doesn't matter!"

"Yes it does!"

"Only to you!"

"That's because I owe my life to you! And so do they!" I sighed and eased my weight to my other leg. The one with the cut was killing me.

"Fine, you want to be helpful? Carry my bag for me," I say and hold out the bag.


"Because my leg hurts and this bag isn't helping."

"Why does your leg hurt?" I quickly try to think of something to say, but Cary already noticed my hesitation. He know's that whatever I'm about to say will be a lie. I give up and hold out my bag. "Okay, I'll show you when we get to my house, okay?" He nods, but doesn't take the bag. Instead, he turns around.

"What are you-"

"Hop on my back."

"No!" Cary calls for Martin, who then walks over. He whispers something in his ear and he shrugs and nods. I take a step back as they both step toward me.

"What are you doing?" Cary grins mischievously and steps closer. I turn and try running away. Now, I'm a very fast person. But when you have a piece of metal stuck in your leg, you kinda tend to lose some of that speed. Someone chases after me and wraps their arms around me. Martin walks over to us (so I guess the person holding me is Cary) and picks me up. He then puts me on Cary's back and pats my head like a dog. I scowl at him as he smirks and walks off. Cary leans over to grab my dropped bag, so I am forced to wrap my arms around his neck tightly. He laughs and holds my legs up as we walk.

"That wasn't fair," I grumble as we walk into town.

"It was perfectly fair!"

"Was not!"

"Yes it was!" I give up trying to protest and bury my face against his neck.

After a few minutes of walking, I realize that he has no clue where I live. I look up and see that we're walking up someone's driveway....but it's definitely not mine.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"My house." I know that it's pointless to protest, so I simply wait as he walks into the house and into what I'm guessing is his room. He sets me down gently on his bed.

"So, are you going to tell what's up with your leg now?" I sigh and pull up my pant's leg. Cary and I both stare at the cut that has now turned bright red and slightly purple with a piece of white metal the size of a guitar pick wedged in.

"I got cut running away from the explosion," I explain. Cary touches the metal with his fingertip and I wince and flinch away.

"Chloe, that's got to come out."

"I know, but it hurts to the touch. And I don't have enough money to go to a doctor."

"I can get you a doctor."

"No, Cary. I'm not letting you pay for me."

"If this isn't treated you may have it amputated!" I roll my pants back down and cross my arms.

"So, am I allowed to go home now?" I ask. He smirks and shakes his head.

"You're not walking anywhere with that leg." I groan at him.

"How am I getting home?"

"Oh that's easy. You're not. I'm kidnapping you." I roll my eyes and throw his pillow at him.

"I'm not allowed to resist, am I?" Cary shakes his head. "Can I at least call my Aunt?" He nods and pushes his phone toward me on the table. He walks out and I can hear him talking to someone-probably his mom.

Why is Cary being so nice to me?

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