Married To a Baker Kim Taehyu...

By alizataehyung

87.9K 4.3K 673

Hello everyone this is my fourth book. Hope you like it. It's about a girl who is crazily in love with bakery... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20

Chapter 8

4K 212 74
By alizataehyung

I pushed the door and entered "The Kim's Bakery"!!!!

The smell, the joy and excitement I get as soon as I enter this place it's like a paradise!!!! My favourite kookies!!! (Oops I meant cookies)

The smiling faces and the wonderful view in front of you makes you to stay here forever except for the sleepy cashier named Suga who doesn't bother about the environment at all. Looks like he hates his job especially when the tall Namjoon the sweeper is around cause he seemed pissed every time Namjoon breaks something it's either the broom or the basket or either he will break the floor because of his clumsiness.

I was observing the situation and the bakery which my stomach is satisfied with. Actually my tummy is satisfied with everything but I just can't buy all the stuff here. I searched for some wafers and mini pizzas. Took some hot dog sandwiches about to grab a muffin when I felt like someone grabbed my wrist. Turned around to face the owner of those large hands and it's none other than Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung: Hey! So you actually came.

Y/N: Uhhhhh.....yeah hihihi but I came because I am hungry.

Taehyung: Oh I see.... I wanna introduce you to some people around here!

Y/N: Oh ok!

Again he leads me inside the room which seemed like a kitchen and I see a beautiful, fair skinned lady decorating a cake with a guy who was really short. The lady had this resemblance with Taehyung. She was filled with laughs and smile. She definitely did her work with the most passion and love from the bottom of her heart.

Taehyung: Grandma!!!! I need your attention! Look here. This is Y/N.

Y/N: *smiles brightly* Hello!!

Grandma: Ooh hello my baby it's so nice to meet you! Taehyung is she the one? *sparkling eyes*

Taehyung: *blushes* yes grandma.

Grandma: Oh my honey he keeps talking about you all day yesterday. It's wonderful to see you!! *hugs you*

Y/N: *gives a tight hug in return not letting go* I am happy to see you too!!!! ♥~♥

???: My my you never hugged me like that before!

Grandma: *slap his shoulder* don't be jealous Jimin!!!

Jimin: Hahahaha.

Taehyung: Jiminie Pabo!!!

Jimin: YAAAHHHH!!!! What the hell.

Jin: Language Jimin!!!

Taehyung: Y/N this is my grandma, this is Jimin, that's Jin hyung and the guy over there making an iron man cake is Jungkook. The cashier is Suga hyung and that's Namjoon hyung cleaning the table.

Everyone: *Waves with smiling faces greeting you*

You greeted back knowing all Taehyung friends and his grandma felt nice and you therefore became closer to everyone and comfortable with the environment. Me and Taehyung sat at the nearest seat close to the window.

Y/N: Hey don't you have job to do?

Taehyung: No it's okay Namjoon is going to take my place.

Y/N: Namjoon seems to do the sweeping, cleaning and the miss can I take your order job too?

Taehyung: Well yeah since when he is done with cleaning he can take order in my place. Oh I forgot to mention you know Hoseok?..........

Y/N: Ummm yeah didn't I tell you about him already.

Taehyung: yeah but like do you like him?

Y/N: And why do you ask?

Taehyung: *shrug* nothing just wanted to know.

Y/N: YAAAHHHH stop asking I'm eating!!!! Hmmmm~~~~~ this blueberry muffin tastes soooooo good!!!! ♥~♥

Taehyung: Hahaha i made that here I got this for you!!!

Y/N: Woooowww!!!!! You actually made a tiny version of the lady bug cake!!!! Do you like lady bug that much?

Taehyung: Hehehe no I just--

Y/N: Well whatsoever you do with it the most important thing is how you actually managed to make it accurate and the perfect shape lining the colours and this is just like a piece of art and it's just... just PERFECT!!!!! How can you even omg I understand your baker for a reason you have got that talent those skills those things are in your blood I guess it's what it is called passion and love.

Everything that Y/N spoke from her mouth the words hit Taehyung's heart making him fall for her even more and the best thing he got from Y/N was encouragement there are less people in the world who are there to support and encourage so Taehyung felt blessed and special. He grabbed Y/N's hand and took her to a special room which had a collections of cakes which were undescribable.

Y/N jaw dropped as she saw cakes in the form of Gucci bags, tie, shoes and watches all of this was one huge cake.

Y/N: What? W-why? Ha how did you even?

Taehyung: ok you are speechless---


Taehyung: Well the Gucci company gave me this opportunity to make the cake for their up coming anniversary. I am really honoured.

Y/N: I can understand how you feel!!! Can I touch *trying to touch the cake*


Y/N: Ow  owwww my hand!!!!!!

Taehyung: Do you know how hard it was to make----

Y/N: ok ok I get it but I need a tiny version of this cake too.

Taehyung: yeah but you ain't getting this one for free.

Y/N: Huh! Come on aren't I your friend?

Taehyung: *raises eyebrows*

Y/N: Fine!! Guess what I don't even want to taste that ok!!!!

Taehyung: Are you sure?

Y/N: What do you mean? Of course  why not you think I can't live without eating your cake!

And so they got into an argument and Y/N left the bakery angrily.

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