... She's Mine... (Yandere!Al...

Galing kay QueenOfNekoWriters

194K 4.5K 8.7K

... I can't believe it... ... I'm finally in Alola! I've been waiting for this for like... Ever! Yes, I'll mi... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Option One: Break the Door
Option Two: Escape Through the Window
Option Three: Use The Secret Back Door
Option Four: Do Nothing

Chapter Eight

5.5K 128 239
Galing kay QueenOfNekoWriters

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Ah! I'm so late! I've kept Sun, Hau, and Gladion waiting for more than ten minutes, while I tried to find my locker.

After a while of running around, I finally found the entrance of the school, where the three boys were waiting for me.

"I'm so... Sorry..." I apologized in-between pants.

They looked slightly surprised.

"There's no need to apologize." Sun said.

"Yeah, it's completely fine." Hau added.

"We understand that it's your first day here." Gladion said.

I smiled, after sighing in relief.

"Well, you ready to go?" I inquired.

Hau, Gladion, and Sun nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go!" I said, before leading the boys to my place.

As we were heading towards my house, I had a fabulous idea.

"Hau, Gladion, can I have your phone numbers?" I asked.

"Sure." Hau said.

Gladion nodded in response.

I was then given their phone numbers.

"Why do you need their phone numbers?" Sun asked.

"Because, I had the idea to create a group chat between the four of us." I said.

"Sounds like a lot of fun!" Hau exclaimed.

Gladion didn't say anything.

"... And... Done!" I exclaimed, once I was done.

After saying that, I realized that we were at my house already.

"Wow... Time flies when you're creating a group chat." I said in wonder.

But, when I entered the house, I found some people I didn't recognize in the front room.

"(y/n)... I see you brought some friends home." Grandma said.

"Yep." I said with a smile.

"That's nice; the fact that you've already made friends. But, I'm afraid they can't stay. We have company." Grandpa said.

"Oh, I see..." I sadly said.

"How about my place? That's where we usually go to practice anyway, when it was just the three of us." Gladion offered.

"Sure. Can I go?" I begged my grandparents.

"Sure. Just be back by midnight." Grandma said.

"Thanks." I then exited the house, followed by Gladion, Hau, and Sun.

"I'm sorry that we have to do so much walking today. I should've called and-"

"(y/n), it's fine." Sun reassured me.

"Yeah! It's not your fault." Hau said.

"Besides, extra exercise never hurt." Gladion added.

"Thanks guys." I said, before letting Gladion lead the way to his place.


"Wait... You live in a mansion!?" I exclaimed, when I learned that Gladion's 'home' was in fact a mansion.

"Yeah... My family's kind've... Insanely rich..." Gladion explained.

"... Wow..." Was all I could say.

"Well, shall we go in?" Sun asked.

"Sure." Gladion said, before using his key to open the gates to his house.

Once he had done so, Gladion walked us up to the front door. But, before he could enter his other key, someone was already opening the door for us.

In front of us stood a butler.

"Welcome back, Master Gladion." The butler said.

"Good to be back." Gladion said.

Well, I guess it is to be expected that Gladion would have a butler, since he's insanely rich.

"Would your guest like anything to eat or drink?" The butler asked.

"I'm good." Sun said.

"You sure? You gave me your lunch today. You must be starving" I exclaimed.

"... Fine... Can I have some malasadas please?" Sun requested.

"Oh! Can I have some too?!" Hau requested.

"I'll bring them to Master Gladion's room once they're all done. Anything else?" The butler said.

"(y/n)? You need anything?" Gladion asked.

"Just a water will be fine, thank you." I said.

The butler nodded, before leaving.

"Come, I'll lead you to my room." Gladion said, while leading us to his room.

On the way though, we came across Lillie.

"Hey Gladion... Why'd you bring your friends here?" Lillie asked.

"Auditions for a play." Gladion explained.

"Well, yeah, I'm used to that; you always have Sun and Hau over, to work on your newest performance. But why is (y/n) here?" Lillie questioned.

Should I be offended by that?!

"Well, I'm here because we were going to do it at my place, but then we couldn't, and Gladion offered his place." I explained.

"Oh, I see. Well, good luck with the auditions." Lillie said, before walking away.

We then finally arrived at Gladion's room. And I must say... This room is amazing! Everything about it screamed that he was rich, but also showed an edgier taste.

"So... What part are each of you trying out for?" I questioned.

To my surprise, all three responded with the same character; Sorio, the guy who the main female lead likes.

"But... Shouldn't only one of you try out for that? I mean, only one can get that role. Perhaps you should try out for different roles?" I explained.

"Guess you're right. But, if that's the case, who should try out for the role?" Sun questioned.

Hm... Good question...

"I believe Sun should, since he seems like the most innocent of you three." I said, after thinking it over for a moment.

Hau looked shocked.

"What about me? I'm innocent... And cute!" Hau questioned.

"Sorry, but the sweetest ones always have the most demonic ambitions. At least, that's when I've learned in lots of fanfiction... Besides, one of the evil two if a sweet innocent type. I believe you should try out for that character." I explained.

Hau sighed.

"What will I be then?" Gladion asked.

"You should try out for Hiroki; the darker of the two evil ones." I suggested.

Gladion nodded.

"It's decided then! Sun will go for Sorio, Hau for Akinar, Gladion for Hiroki, and I'll go for Misuka." I said.

"Well, now that that's decided, let's start practicing." Sun said, before turning to the first page of the play.

We all followed suit, before starting.

Sorry for taking a while to update. To be honest... I had just forgotten (along with updating my other stories) so SORRY! Hope you can understand. Later! =^-^=

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