The Gay's Diary {BoyxBoy} [✔︎]

By acollegewriter

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"You're never gonna get it I'm a hazard to myself I'll break it to you easy This is hell, this is hell You're... More

New Life
Nathiel Apolyos
Matthias Blackwood
The Cousin
The Blackwoods
The Movies
The Movies (Clean version)
The Unknown Texter
Closer To Solving
Case close along with two broken hearts
The New Kids
The Gay Uncle
After Party
Invite From The Blackwoods
Thanksgiving Dinner
Dana Apoylos
Christmas Break
Christmas Day
U.S. Route 20
New York
Causal Affair
Nine In The Afternoon. Along With A Surprise
I Do
4 Years Later

The Party

52 1 0
By acollegewriter

This chapter is going to be long, I'm going to put two parts...maybe

Dear Diary.

It's been three months, I barely talk to Matt, I caught myself in a love triangle between Hunter and Josh! I'm going to be an uncle, my sister is pregnant with twins, I'm going to have a Things have been insane for these last couple of months, I'm slowly trying to get my ass to see my parents and hope we can figure things out between each other. Mr.Blackwood wants me to help him a party he is having this week and I have to see Matt a lot, this is going to be a hard long night when the party comes around. I just need to try to bury my feelings, mainly my sadness.

Nate's Pov
"Uh huh," I said into the phone as my sister was talking about 'Save The Dates' for her wedding and what type of flowers she wants "You should have Japanese Cherry Blossoms in the center of the table," I said, she gasped "Yes! You're right" she said excitedly, I chuckled "That's why you are my helper Nathaniel" she continued, I smiled "Thanks, Dana," I said, getting my clothes out of the dryer then walking back to the living room to fold them.

We continued to talk about the wedding and what she should name the twins, I heard a knock on my door "Hey I have to go, someone is visiting me" I said "Aww ok, I love you, talk to you later" she said and I hung up, putting my phone in my pocket and opened the door. Matt was standing at the door, I felt my anxiety creeping up, "Hi Nate" he said "H-Hi Matt" I said and stepped aside then Matt walked in "So what brings you here?" I asked he turned to look at me "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to see how you were holding up since we broke up" he said, I nodded "I have been doing good" I said, lying, he looked at me "Nate...that's bullshit" he said, it's like he read my mind, I sighed and looked at him "It's not been going too well. I caught myself in a gay love triangle" I said, he nodded and saw a slight frown on his face "But the thing is...I still love you with all my heart" I continued, he nodded.

We both sat on the couch, we sat in silence for a bit. Matt cleared his throat and I looked at him "So anything important going on?" he asked, I nodded "Yeah, I'm going to be an uncle and I'm going to have a brother-in-law" I said, I saw a smile creep on his face "That's good. I have something important going on" he said, I looked at him "What would that be?" I asked him "Sam, got put in jail," he said, smiling, I smiled too "That's good," I said, "What for?" I continued "For stalking and other things. I got my uncle to do something about it since my father didn't" he said, I nodded "That's amazing" I said, nodding "Yeah, it is" he said.

Matt's Pov
I looked at Nate, leading in, getting closer to him. He did the same, I put my hand on the back of his neck as our lips touched each other. We pulled away from each other and looked each other in the eyes "I have been waiting for this moment again" I said, he smiled and put his forehead on my and I rubbed the back of his neck with my thumb. I laid down and pulled him on top of me, I rubbed his back and he placed his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead every once and a while, and his top lip, we cuddle for a long time which seemed like forever.

I wanted to joke with him, I looked at him with a straight face "Nate, I got a question for you" I said "What is your question?" he asked, rubbing my chest and looked at me "Will you marry me?" I said, his eyes widen and blushed lightly, I smiled "Yes or no?" I asked he nodded "Yes," he said, I laughed a bit "I was just playing with you," I said, he punched my chest jokingly "You asshole!" he yelled, I laughed more. I sighed happily once I was laughing and I pulled him closer to me again.

Dear Diary,

Tonight is the party, it's been a month since Matt and I got back together, but Matt's uncle has talked to Matt's dad. And told Matt that he talks to me and Matt after the party. I hope it's nothing bad.

Matt's suit

Nate's suit

Nate's Pov

I walked into the place where the party is being held at, I look around and saw Matt...he looks so handsome in his suit. I blushed and went to find Mr.Blackwood, he was in the back where there was a crew of workers, he looked at me "Ahh there he is" he said, smiling and walking up to me "Hello Mr.Blackwood" I said, there was something up with him, he is normally strict and uptight but tonight he is happy and not so strict, it kind of scared me...just a bit.

He patted my back and smiled "Guys this is my little PA, my personal assistant. Kind of" he said and grabbed a glass of an adult alcoholic beverage of some kind then took a sip "Nathaniel, I want you just to look out for my son and my nephew that's all I ask from you tonight" he said and I nodded "Ok. I won't let you don't Mr.Blackwood" I said, making my way out of the room "Nathaniel," he said and I turned around "Please call me Hiram," he said and I nodded then walked out of the room.

I saw Matt and I walked towards him, he put his arm around my shoulder and smiled "Hello cutie" He said kissing my cheek, I blushed, he called me cutie in front of this group of friends. Who are on the top of the social chart! No joke! I smiled it off, he rubbed my back and continued to talk to his friends, I was just that one person that was just-just basically there.

Matt's POV
I'm in a good mood because my dad is in a good mood, my uncle talked to my dad and he said he was sorry! I couldn't believe it at first, I was shocked! My uncle actually made it work! Here is the thing my dad accepted my uncle too! That day was emotional and a good day, so I'm allowed to show the world, my boyfriend which I'm doing it big and proud, my friends just looked at us weird "What? Do you guys have a problem with me and my boyfriend?" I asked they shook their heads, I nodded. I looked at Nate and he looked at him, I kissed him and he kissed back.

Tonight I'm getting so drunk

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