Slugterran Saviours

By starlightinterlude

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cover by @tiffsyyy Slugterran Saviours is a story about how a bunch of people defend Slugterra from a threat... More

before i begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
six individuals
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
a smol break!

Chapter 14

123 3 236
By starlightinterlude

Author's Note: I GOT IT DONE YEET also if anyone wants to design Ataro's symbol for me please do because i suck at designing! Sorry if it seems draggy (it's 5400+ words, A LOT happens) or the ending seems rushed, i'm currently celebrating CNY and going to houses and meeting up with a lot of family, so it's hard to write, but enjoy! also please correct my typos!

Junjie's POV

"You've definitely mastered the art of Slug Fu, Allyson, well done! You could rival me!" I proudly praised her as she aimed her blaster at me, her Hop Rock, Perdere smirking inside the ammo feed. A victorious grin grew on her expression as she chuckled lightheartedly.

"Who said I couldn't before, flower boy?" She questioned with a mischevious glint in her eyes, the blades of her right blaster retracting into it's steel shell. She held out a welcoming hand, and I gladly accepted it as she helped me up to my shaking feet. She had certainly improved from the meek, inexperienced seven year old he carried back to bed all those years ago. We were having a lighthearted duel, but I could barely dodge her swift, graceful movements, her slugs working with her perfectly as she saw what they saw, felt what they felt.

"You know, that name reminds me of the first time we met, when you came to train with Master Lian." I told her as we walked over to the rock where we placed our water bottles and towels. A smile appeared on my face as the fond memory crossed my mind once again, of her in a messy low ponytail, enthusiastic and curious. And how, even though there was a definite change in her, she was still that same, enthusiastic, curious, young girl I remembered.

"Oh boy, how bad was I?" Allyson asked as we started to walk away from the hill we trained on. I chuckled at the memory of the seven year old, hyperactive, defiant child as we visited the Spring Festivals together, how she she excitedly drew random, misshapened shapes with the sparkling fire from the sparklers in her hands. How she told tall tales about her times with the Shadow Clan, about how vicious they were if angered. I smiled as I walked down the path alongside her, remisicing

"You were so small, but also hard to handle. Not to mention, the most stubborn person I knew, Leo and Eli could never compete with your stubborness. But you were adorable, though, so that made up for the difficulty it took to keep you away from trouble in the Spring Festivals." I admitted as she listened on intently as her signature slugs, a Negashade called Velo and an Albino Boon Doc, Cura, sat on her head, joking and laughing away at the jokes they made.

"I wonder what happened to you in the five years I didn't see you, clearly you aren't as adorable now." I continued, but instead of acting offended, a smirk grew on her expression as she serenely replied,

"I would say the same, but you were never adorable to begin with." She stated, taking a quick sip of water from her water bottle, a snap resounding through the forest as she closes it. She tried to act non-chalant, but she couldn't hold back the uncontrollable grin from growing on her face. Instead of shooting back a comment similar to hers, I merely reminded,

"I was adorable, you just had bad eyesight." She rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face.

"Sure, Flower Boy, whatever helps you sleep at night." She responded as we walked along the path, earth squelching under our feet. A comfortable silence ringing through the scenic, beautiful forest, between the two of us. Soft, velvety mushroom trees towering over their heads, various kinds of extremely different slugs roaming the cavern floors, the Lumino Crystals darkening as nighy dawned over us, just perfect for the night of adventure we both had planned. Phosphoros were starting to light up, illuminating the cavern ceiling with white specks of pure light. A minuscule smile donned my expression as the memories of her sapphire blue eyes wide with amazement and wonder as she watched the lion dance intently, how she jumped in fright at the deafening sound of the firecrackers, how she eagerly compared the yin tattoo on her right wrist with the yang tattoo I had on my left wrist, how she practically jumped in excitement once the tattoo artist was done.

"Any other tales of when I was a little shit?" Allyson asked, breaking the silence as she removed her hand blasters, then the fingerless, raven black, elbow length gloves she wore, the yin tattoo along with the Shadow Clan marking on the back of her right hand, glowing green.

"No..."I trailed off, but whe she opened her mouth to reply, I smirked playfully as I added teasingly,

"Except this one thing."

"What was it?" She asked curiously, absolutely clueless.

"You were very small back then, I could easily lift you with one arm, no effort needed." I told her, before a grin swiftly grew on my face.

"In fact, I think I still can!" I exclaimed as I quickly swept ther off her feet, easily slinging her onto my shoulder before she could react. I let out a laugh as I heard her squeal in a mix of shock and amusement.

"Hey, put me down, Junjie!" Ally giggled as I grinned with humour, walking casually with Ally still slung over my right shoulder. She tried to struggle from my one armed hold, but I held her tightly around her waist and hips, so she couldn't move a muscle. I laughed as well as bantering lightheartedly,

"Not until you learn some respect for your elders!" I left her body slung on my right shoulder, my right arm locked around her. I laughed as she used her powers to lift herself off, the both of us erupting into giggles and laughter as we made the trip home. And as I looked into Ally's sapphire blue eyes, I saw happiness shine them, hope, tears of laughter welling up in them.

If only time froze at that moment.

The memory faded away from my mind as I focused on the path ahead, the same trees still standing from that time three years ago, the same light glowing from the mushroom tree tops like they did three years ago. Pangs of pain stabbed my chest as I reminisced in the memories of the past, her laughs and giggles echoing in my mind as I saw her on the path ahead, struggling against my hold. Laughing endlessly as the Phosphoros shone across the cavern ceiling. My smile faded as I looked up at the cavern ceiling.

No lights dotted the cavern ceiling tonight.

It was like she took the light with her, when she died.

I remember the day of her funeral as clear as crystal. I remember Leo's harmonious voice singing a solemn, heartbreaking ballad as we buried an empty coffin, her headstone the exact opposite of the person she was. Me standing alone after the funeral had ended, tears in my eyes, orchids in my trembling hands. The darkness that clung to me as I headed home alone, hours spent staring at the edge of a cliff, debating if I should have jumped. A crying, distraught Cyan Sparks sitting with me at the edge of the cliff, tears streaming down her cheeks, pooling in her cyan blue eyes. How she wept in my arms that dark night, no specks of light on the cavern ceiling. Velo making a shadow to cover me from the other slugs as Cura healed the lines on my wrists. December 16th was a day none of us would ever forget. Because while Slugterra lost a villain, we lost our best friend.

A twig broke, snapping me out of my thoughts. And that's when I noticed the eyes piercing into my back as I rode through the night. I felt them everywhere as I rode through the hidden pathway that the Shane Gang took to go to Quartermain Cavern, I clenched my fists around the handles of my mecha beast, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. My body tensed up as the feeling of being watched persisted, shifting all my weight to the balls of my feet, so I could jump off my mecha beast if I had to.

My head whipped towards the sound of rustling leaves towards my left, the leaves shaking without a breeze. I swore under my breath, loading my blasters, getting down from my mecha as I aimed my blasters at the shaking bushes, the figure of a man quivering behind them.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" A scared pleaded as he covered his face with his cut arms, flinching away from me like a scared animal. But thankfully, I immediately recognized his reddish brown hair, the front laced with honey yellow streaks. I sighed as I recognized that same squareish face and tan complexion instantly.

"Taddius, what on earth are you-" I quickly questioned, but he leapt onto me, his hands grasping my shoulders as he frantically panted,

"Junjie, thank god you're here, we need to leave, now!" He proceeded to drag me towards my mecha beast, but I pulled him back to me, asking,

"Why? Taddius, calm down, inform me on what is going on-" I tried to reason with him, but he frantically rambled,

"I was riding home when I ran into-" He quickly rambled, his eyes wide with terror. But he cut himself off as his emerald green eyes swiftly darted over to the darkened trees, and seconds later, the blood draining from his face. I was about to ask why when I heard the footsteps too, pattering against the ground, stepping on branches. My eyes darted towards the trees, my body tensing up as the blades of my blasters shot out from thier shells.

"Bandits. And they're after me." He quivered in dread as ten notorious bandits leaped from the mushroom trees, landing on the the ground. Ten midnight black blasters were pointed at us, those on the other sides of the blasters wearing jet black masks and mysterious shawls to conceal their faces from view. The only thing that remained uncovered by their masks were their piercing, striking eyes, cold and unforgiving. One of them, who was fully clad in crimson red unlike the others, stood slightly taller, his eyes gleaming with malice as he yelled rudely,

"Hands in the air, where I can see them!" Taddius and I held our hands up, but I supressed a smirk as I remembered the two slugs loaded in my blasters, Velo and Cura ready to be fired.

"You better not try anything funny." The man growled threatening at the both of us, prodding his blaster into my chest rudely, my slugs scowling as he did so, but I kept a straight face as I looked into his clueless ones. How he didn't know I had hand blasters, how he didn't know they were loaded.

Oh, how stupid he was.

"Whoever informed you I was amused?"

Before he could react, I fired both Velo and Cura in the air, kicking the leader away. My fingers bent as I held Cura in place in the air with my left arm, bringing Velo downwards with my right. Darkness clouded everyone's vision as Velo landed, shouts of confusion echoing all around us. I grinned as I brought down Cura, spinning 360 degrees with my hand stuck out, a beam of light erupting from her mouth, searing into the bandits' skin. I quickly turned to Taddius.

"Taddius, are you hurt-" I was cut off by a Grenuke at our feet. We jumped away from each other as the slug exploded, rolling and landing on my feet. Two bandits had their blasters aimed at me, but I shot my Frostcrawler, Leng, and my Grenuke, Dan, at them, encasing them in ice as Dan exploded. I heard another bandit, running towards me, turning around, catching his fist with my right hand. I pulled his fist backwards, kneeing him in the chest before dropping him. A slug fired in the distance, and I ducked as a Rammstone flew past me. I turned to my left, where the Rammstone came from. Three bandits stood there, quickly firing. I jumped to the right to dodge a Hop Rock, ducking to avoid a Frostcrawler, diving left to dodge a Flaringo before firing my Blastipede, Zhadan. I punched the air, Zhadan throwing countless bombs at a Geoshard, Arachnet, Hoverbug, the bombs on them exploding before they reached me, their protoforms at my feet.

But I didn't notice the Tazerling.

I could still feel it through the layers I wore, the excruciating stings and burns as the volts of electricity prickled and stabbed every inch of my skin, intense vibrations echoing through my body. When it was over, I lay on the ground, panting as the feeling lingered, my head falling back onto the ground as I saw three blasters aimed at me, the three walking towards me.

But before they reached me, a Flatulorinkus landed at their feet, the three bandits coverd by the stink cloud, before a Flaringo crashed into the cloud, erupting it in flames. A girl landed in front of me, grinning cockily as she asked pleasantly,

"Need some help?" I opened my mouth to reply when I stopped, recognizing her vibrant blue hair, and shawl around her body, the two blaters she wielded. She was Miss Caro, who helped evacuate the citizens of High Plains Cavern. She was also the girl that tried to run when Cyannaise got stabbed, but it was a frightening situation.

"Miss Caro, I am more than grateful for your aid, however-" I leapt towards her, pushing her down as a Thresher soared above us.

"I advise you to leave. You could get fatally wounded, or worse." I continued as I got off her. She got up, stubbornly responding,

"Yeah, and leave you here getting pummeled? I don't think so." Before I could continue, she turned to the right, shooting a Jellyish who blinded an Rammstone, then an Armashelt with her other blaster, taking down another bandit. I stood up, my eye catching two more bandits behind Miss Caro. I quickly shot a Bubbaleone and a Tormato, the bandit spinning around in the bubble. I shot my Slicksilver, Yin, at the other bandit, his blaster flying out of his hand. Blue smirked as she ran towards him, throwing her fist into his face, grinning victoriously as he crumbled to the ground.

"Take that!" Tad hollered as he stomped on the leader's face, rending him unconscious, scowling at his limp body. Ten bandits, including their leader, lay unconscious all around us, a crimson red symbol attached to the left breast pocket of their pitch black outfits. I looked closely at one of them, the design embroided on the shirt.

I growled as I recognized that symbol all too well.

"Ataro." I muttered under my breath as my eyes widened. This was a hidden path that's rarely used, many don't even know of it's existence. And the Shane Gang, myself included, had been hushing up the details for this mission, we didn't speak of it outside the hideout, and neither did the Defensores Antris. This path was dark and well hidden, not on Slugterra's maps.

And if Ataro could find the road, he could find them.

"They wanted to get the Shane Gang, but were too late, they need us! Taddius, Miss Caro, are you willing to help me?" I frantically asked as my slugs hopped onto me.

"Sending Ataro a big fuck you? Count me in!" Blue exclaimed enthusiastically, her slugs chirping happily.

"I'm in too. I need to undo my father's mistakes." Taddius stated determinedly.

"Then let's ride!" I exclaimed, climbing onto my mecha beast. Taddius climbed onto a hyena mechabeast that he decided to take from Ataro's bandits, Blue on her own mecha as we raced towards the Western Ghouling Depot. My palms were drenched in cold sweat, drops of pespiration falling down my brow as we rode on, dodging bushes and rocks as we rode. And as we rode, I looked at the peculiar group out to save the Defenders: a Blakk, a blue haired slinger and someone who was at the very least, slightly tipsy. I turned to her as memories resurfaced in my mind, remembering what she did for High Plains Caverns, how she and her sisters saved over half of the entre cavern's population. With that in mind, I turned towards her, thanking her,

"Miss Caro, I wish to thank you again for your brave deed in High Plains Cavern, if it weren't for you and your sisters-" She cut me off, putting a hand up as we rode.

"It's cool, I like adventure. Name's Blue, please, just stop with the Miss Caro thing." She quickly told me, and I nodded understandingly.

"As you wish, Blue." I stated as we rode on. Taddius remained at the back, silent as he rode on the hyena mechabeast we took from the bandits, my mind too occupied with worry to make anymore conversation as we drove past Quartermain Cavern, arriving at the ghouling depot. And heck, I was right. They needed us, and they needed us badly. The amount of henchmen seemed to be infinite as they just kept on coming, the Defenders barely able to hold them back. Taddius growled as he looked down at the scene, loading his blaster with a Thresher.

"You guys backing out of this?" Tad asked.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I responded.

"Not in a million years." Blue hummed.

And with that, we ran towards the sea of people.

Johnny's POV

Leo may have been sick, but he practically saved the mission.

If I had went in with him, the Defenders outside here would have been doomed. Endless waves of henchmen seemed to pour out of the gates, all of them filled with energy and strength as they battled us.

I quickly ducked to avoid an Aquafreak, firing my Vinedrill, Flora, at the ground, two men tangled in the vines. I fired Oceania, my Aquabeek, at an incoming Pyringo, backbending to avoid an Attacknet, time slowing as I fell backwards, my back hitting the floor. My eyes widened as I saw a Thrasher flying towards me, time slowing as its deadly sharp blades spun inches away from me. I stayed there, frozen in fear as it came closer and closer to my neck.

Until a Rammstone knocked it out of the air.

A girl stopped in front of me, her vibrant azure and brilliant blue hair pulled back into a bun, a dirty shawl covering her shoulders, her hand outstrecthed to me.

"Are you okay?" Blue Caro asked me concernly.

"Blue, what the absolute fuck are you-"  I was interrupted by a Frostfang flying towards us. I quickly shoved Blue downwards, jumping back as the Frostfang flew in between us, and I quickly hid behind a ledge, grimacing as she followed me. What she said about Ally, it still rung in my mind.

But we were in the middle of a fight.

"I know you hate my guts, but can we put aside that hate for later?" She asked,

"Sure, as long as we survive this!" I reluctantly agreed, peeking out of the ledge we hid in, nearly gasping at the amount of henchmen still left.

"Any ideas on how to take them out?" I asked her, and she looked at the amount of people, deep in thought.

"Got a Frostcrawler and a Tormato?" She asked, loading a Tormato and a Frostcrawler in her blasters.

"Yeah, they're some of my top slugs." I told her as my Tormato, Cyclone and my Frostcrawler, Blizzard hopped onto my shoulders.

"Shoot the Tormato at my cue, then shoot the Frostcrawler right after." She ordered without looking at me as she observed the amount of henchmen opposite us, the vast amounts of men in crimson red uniforms starting to overwhelm us.

"Why?" I asked her curiously, not seeing how this would work.

"Trust me." She smirked knowingly as she aimed both her blasters at a large group of henchmen, and I shrugged, loading my own blaster with Cyclone inside, who chirped determinedly.

"Fire in three..." She muttered.

"Two..." The henchmen noticed the two of us, hollering and exclaiming in shock.

"One." We fired the slugs simultaneously, Cyclone making a whirlwind, but I watched with amazement as Blue's slugs spun together in velocimorph, creating massive hailstorm in a hurricane that sent their henchmen flying. I fired Blizzard at the hurricane, my slugs fuelling the humongous storm. The pull of the winds attempted to pull me away from my spot, but I kept my ground. I grabbed Blue by the forearm before she could fly away, pulling her towards me with all my strength, until she was safely back on the ground, clinging on for dear life at the ledge until the blizzard dissipated.

"That's...that was amazing." She breathed, still in awe.

"Yeah, it was-" I was interrupted by a Grimmstone flying our way, and I quickly tackled her as the Grimmstone flew towards us, dodging it. We both looked towards the direction it came from. My eyes widened as I saw Alana being attacked as she set up the bombs, fesning off guards as she tried to finish it.

"Cover Alana, I'll cover you as you make your way there!" I ordered, and she nodded as she sprinted towards Alana, dodging slugfire as I fought off more henchmen, praying to any god that this mission would succeed.

Blue's POV

I bolted towards the entrance of the ghouling depot, my heart pounding in my chest.

Alana Caelum was setting up bombs all over the place on a trigger timer that would make a domino effect of explosions if one got activated when I reached her, and a few minutes passed before one of the many people Leo had rescued ran towards us while no guards tried to kill us, updating the two of us on Leo's state. How he hacked and coughed, his expression ghastly pale. How he only had a slim chance of making it out alive. Also how the place was packed with dark energy, and from the look of conflict in Alana's eyes told me she couldn't get too near that stuff, despite how much she yearned to storm in there and get Leo out.

So that's why I'm inside the ghouling depot as we speak.

I muttered my grateful thanks to Alana as I opened the arctic blue hologram of the ghouling depot's layout. Alana had given me a watch with a holographic view of the layout f the ghouling depot so I wouldn't get lost, insisting I needed it more than she did. I quickly studied the layout of the floors, getting a general idea before I closed it, holding both of my blasters in my hands as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I turned to my signature slug, Forest, the the grass green Vinedrill sitting on my right shoulder.

"Ready for this, Forest?" I asked, and he nodded eagerly, chirping excitedly.

"Then let's find Leo." I stated, running down the long, twisted hallways, making sharp turns as I sped up. My footsteps pattered against the steel floor, each step echoing in the empty building, slugfire going on outside. I arrived at the stairs, zooming up the stairs, a guard in the hallway. I sped up, ignoring the butning ache in my legs as each stride became larger, each foot landing softer on the ground.  He turned towards the sound of my footsteps, his expression one of surprise. He shouted,

"Hey! Who are you-" I interrupted as I used the momentum, propelling my body forward as I spun, my heel nailing him in the face, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. I snickered as I landed.

But when I stopped, my legs shook and wobbled, unable to support my weight. I fell to the floor, panting, my legs shaking from the energy it took to sprint nearly an entire floor. As I supported myself with my hands and knees, my calves cramped up, the muscle tense and pulsing as I practically gasped for air. I blinked the midnight black spots from my eyes, rolling so I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes for a few moments.

And they snapped open at a familiar sound.

I quickly scrambled to the right, the some coming from the left of the hallway as Forest quickly hopped into one of my blasters. I felt my fingers touch a shoe, and I quickly jumped up onto my feet when I saw the guard previously unconscious, a megamorphed Rammstone standing on his chest with a triumphant grin.

"You okay, kid?" A voice asked as a person walked over to me, and I stood up, turning to face him as I brushed myself off.

"Yeah, just kinda tired, thanks-" I looked up, recognizing the face of the slinger immediately. He wore the crimson red uniform Ataro's men usually wore, Ataro's symbol embedded on the left breast of the uniform, but he lacked the mask, and the Blastipede sitting on his shoulder told me he was just in disguise. His chocolate brown hair disarray, his eyes a distinct azure blue.

"Oh my god, you're-"

"Leo Shane, the one and only. Kid, you shouldn't be here." He told me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I'm Blue. Alana said you needed some help." I informed him, holding up my wrist to show him the watch she told me to keep, and he sighed tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Thank god she didn't come in herself. Is she alone out there? Is she okay, is she hurt?" He asked concernly, his eyes filled with worry as he grabbed my shoulders, his fingernails digging into my shoulders.

"She's alone and okay, and she has a Thugglet and she's using it. Just worried like hell." I reassured, and his body slumped slightly as he sighed in relief, his hands falling from his shoulders.

"Oh thank the fucking gods she's okay. The service in here sucks, I can't reach her, and I don't know if the rest are alright because this place seems to have no damn windows." He rambled on to me as his Rammstone hopped into an empty slugtube.

"We got people to free, come on." He beckoned, starting to walk towards the stairs, making sharp turns and walking across endless hallways cautiously.

"Stop." He suddenly hissed, pushing me against the wall as he went up against the wall as well, right before we made another turn. I kept my lips sealed as he peeked over the corner, swearing under his breath.

"The corridor's crowding with henchmen." He whispered, and I grimaced at the information. But I didn't hsve time to process it, because footsteps quickly pounded towards us, henchmen crowding at the other end of the hall.

"Hey, you! Hands in the air!" One of the henchmen shouted, and Leo sighed exasparately, holding up his blaster.

"Fucking hell." Leo muttered under his breath, the Blastipede hopping into his blaster. He shot her at the crowd of guards blocking the stairs, before aegean blue explosions went off, the guards knocked out. I shot my Geoshard, who made a crystal wall to block the other guards as we zoomed for the stairs, Leo retrieving the Blastipede on the way. Leo quickly reloaded her into her blaster and shot her, who dropped police blue bombs on all the locks, before returning bac to Leo in protoform, connecting her antennae. The bombs exploded, and Leo shot a Hop Rock at a wall, making a hole in it, then tossed his Frostcrawler over to me.

"Shoot it out the hole to make a slide, then get the people out of the chains." He ordered as he opened the door, calming down innocent children who were imprisoned here as he and his slugs unlocked their chains. I shot the Frostcrawler out of the hole, one of my blasters exploding. I gasped as I threw it on the ground, the broken machine sparking. Leo led the huge group of unghouled children out, enveloping them in hugs and comforting words.

"We can't leave these kids on their own. Blue, can you wait down there and defend the kids while I free the adults? They'll take the kids to Slyren's Inn, it's nearby."

"Sure." I responded, sliding down the makeshift slide, catching the kids as they carefully slid down the ice one by one, swiftly followed by unghouled, fully grown men, who took the children, running off to Slyren's Inn. I shot my Arachnet to bring me back up, helping Leo unlock the chains of countless people: teenagers, young boys and girls, women.

But as we were freeing the last batch, Ataro's henchmen stormed into the room."

"Blue, get them out and destroy the ice!" Leo commanded as he shot a Vinedrill, which tangled some of them in the vines, shooting his Tazerling and Armashelt at some of the people. I worked on freeing the last batch, watching the last one disappear into the woods before I shot my Lavalynx at the ice, melting it, shooting my Frightgeist at a few of them.

"Clear the path, Ali." Leo ordered his Rammstone, who nodded knowingly before Leo loaded and fired him at the exit. He quickly loaded his blaster with a Thugglet, shooting it at the ground. Ruby red sparks flew all around us as his Thugglet whisked us away to the second floor the henchmen still shooting at the sparks. We both hid inside a supply room, Leo collapsing with exhaustion, leaning against the wall as he panted. Sparks on his chest faded away, revealing the rips in the fabric, blood leaking out of the ruby red wounds, strings sticking out from the sides of the slashes.

He was trying to hide his wounds.

"Leo, oh my god, you're bleeding!" I exclaimed as I frantically searching for a first aid kit or bandages, something that could help him, because I didn't have a Boon Doc.

"Leo, Blue, are you there?" A voice sounded from the watch, and I jumped up.

"Yeah, we're here, we can hear you."

"Guys, you have to get out of there, now! Someone triggered the bombs, and I can't disarm them, or they'll go faster!"

"Shit, Alana, how long do we have?!" Leo exclaimed, and I heard a sniff on the other end, her voice breaking as she responded dejectedly,

"Five minutes." Leo exhaled as he processed the information, closing his eyes. A single tear fell down from his eyes before he opened them.

When he did, a sad smile laced his lips.

"Alana, baby, don't cry, okay? We'll make it out before you know it, you're stressing yourself out for nothing. Help the rest." He comforted her, another tear rolling down his cheek.

"I love you, okay? Don't forget that." He  added, holding back his tears.

"I love you too. Hurry up." She ordered, the signal going off. I took off the watch, giving it to Leo, and he took it wordlessly, his eyes conveying all his thank yous. We got up, going as fast as we could, Leo sprinting despite the wounds on his chest. I was counting down the seconds we had. Four minutes passed once we reached the first floor, the entrance in sight, henchmen blocking the only exit.

"Tell Cyan I forgive her." Leo told me, as he loaded his blaster.

"Tell Eli I treasure him." He aimed it at me, and when he did, I saw the slug in his blaster. It was a Bubbaleone.

"Tell Alana I love her." He shot the slug at me, encasing me in a bubble, the ssconds passing as I flew further and further away from him, out the door.


The bubble popped, and I fell to the ground, at Alana's feet.


I couldn't see Leo through the crowds of henchmen.


I loaded my Hoverbug in my blaster.


I pulled the trigger.


Explosions covered the building in a cloud of fire.

Ally: is leo okay, we never know

Ashley: FUCK YOU


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