Kylie αnd Julian

By SimplyTheAnne

108K 5.3K 4.1K

When Kylie Johnson's temperamental, ominous, and overprotective older brother continuously ruins her love lif... More

Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Special Chapter (Julian's P.O.V)
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Chap. 14
Chap. 15
Chap. 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap. 19
Chap. 20
Chap. 21
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 24
Chap. 25
Chap. 26
Chap. 27
Chap. 28
Chap. 29
Chap. 30
Chap. 31
Chap. 32
Chap. 33
Chap. 34
Chap. 35
Chap. 36
Chap. 37
Chap. 38
Chap. 39
Chap. 40
Chap. 41 - Part I
Chap 41 - Part II
Epilogue (Alternate Ending)

Chap. 8

2.7K 130 93
By SimplyTheAnne

"Sweetie, breakfast is ready," Suzanne's sweet voice buzzes through the intercom.

I lazily groan and stir in bed, covering my head with my pillow and sighing.

Not today, food.

After some minutes, I hear steps enter my bedroom.

"I'm not hungry," I grumble.

"So you are not fine, huh?" I hear Scarlett's disappointed voice.

I mentally cringe. Great.

I sheepishly turn to face her, already fearing the dreadful facial expression that's lying on her face. "Hey..."

She has her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes are narrowed, just like I predicted. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to ruin your night," I explain.

"We weren't having a great time anyways. I could've come to your house and comforted you."

"I didn't need you to."

She rolls her eyes. "Right. Because you were able to handle your tears just perfectly."

She points her finger at my pillow that's stained with makeup and tears.

"You were crying, Kylie. You weren't fucking okay! I mean, look at your eyes! They're all red and-and puffy. And your dress is lying on the floor, your purse too—"

"Okay, Scarlett," I hiss, letting a single tear drop on my cheek. "Thanks for the heads-up."

I turn around to face the other direction and squeeze my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry," she breathes as she sits on the edge of my bed. "I'm just angry because you didn't tell me what was going on and lied to me that you were fine."

I quietly sob but remain in the same position.

"I'm here for you now," she assures faintly. "Tell me what happened."

I wipe tears off of my face and sniffle. "Just my stupid brother."

"Which brother?"


She lets out an enraged sigh and so I turn to face her, seeking for her change of facial expression. She rubs her forehead, clearly upset. "Did he try to physically attack Julian?"

I can't tell her that Mario pushed me or she'll kill him.

Hence, I shake my head and say, "We had a huge argument and then he told Julian to stay away from me."

She tenderly places her hand on my arm and caresses it.

"Julian still wants to be with me. Even after what Mario said."

"Well of course he does," she scoffs as if insinuating that Julian is crazy. "He has no idea what Mario and Mark might do to him if they see you guys together again. Especially that dumbass Mario."

"Pain in the ass Mario," I amend.

"Imbecile Mario"

"Idiotic Mario."

"Jerk... Jerk-Mario." She laughs and I end up letting out a quiet chuckle. She gives me an encouraging look, squeezing my hand tightly. "You know what to do, right?"

I nod. "Kill Mario?"

"Tempting, but no."

I pout.

"You should keep Julian in your life, Ky," she squeezes my arm. "No matter what."

"But what if Mario tries to fight him just like he did to Stephan? Steph ran away and never, ever called me again, remember?"

"Then you fight him back," she says. "He has no right to prevent you from dating someone. Who the hell does he think he is? Not even your parents prevent you from being with someone. Why does he?"

"The guy has his motives." I shrug.

"Stupid motives," she snorts.

She gets up from my bed and offers me a hand. "Now you go shower and eat breakfast, then we'll have a girls day out with Mia."

"You know about the breakup?"

She nods, smiling. "It was about time they broke up."

"She loves him!" I give her a wily glare. "How can you say that?"

"But he's an ass."

"She doesn't think so," I quip. "You can't say that."

"Not my problem."

I drop my jaw and decide to stand up by myself, not needing her help anymore.

I then grab my towel and turn to face her. "Will Aubrey go too?"

"She and Mark aren't home. Maybe they stayed at a hotel like she predicted they would."

I slowly nod and then twist the doorknob of the bathroom door. "If Julian calls, tell him I'm in the shower."

"Well, what else would I tell him?"

I roll my eyes and step into the bathroom. I look at my horrifying reflection in the mirror and chuckle. The skin under my eyes is pale, my long hair looks utterly horrifying, my makeup is ruined and stained all over my face and my eyes own a darker tone.

I look awful.

I take a long, calming bath and wash my hair. To amend the freshness feeling inside of me, I brush my teeth. I step out of my bathroom — with one towel wrapped around my body and another towel wrapped around my hair — and realize that I feel way much better than before.

"Took you long enough," Mia mutters. She's lying on my bed, her eyes focused on her phone.

"Good morning, bae," I half-smile. "Where's Scarlett?"

"In the kitchen with Suzanne. She wanted me to come to babysit you."

I shake my head disappointedly, drying my hair with my towel.

"She told me what you told her," Mia says after a few seconds. "I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't expect him to go that far."

"I'm the one supposed to be sorry," I frown. "I'm the reason you guys broke up..."

"It's his own fault, no one else's."

I sigh and take a seat on my bed, next to her. I am able to see tears form in her gloomy eyes.

"He'll come apologize, I'm sure," I give her a reassuring smile.

She forces a chuckle, letting tears drop. "Doubtful."


She wipes tears off her face and forces a tiny smile. "I don't want to hear it, Kylie. It was already hard to come to your house knowing that I might see him any second. And yeah, he regrets what he did to me, blah blah. I just don't want to talk about it right now. Okay?"

Her sad eyes emerge with more tears and I gulp, feeling the pain she's feeling inside.

"We're right here for you."

"I know," she gives me a small smile and then quickly looks down at her phone.

My heart breaks into pieces whenever one of my girls suffer. The agony they feel is the same that I feel.

"Go get ready," she sniffles as she gets up from my bed to lightly push me away, trying to form a smile on her lips. "We're leaving in twenty."

"Twenty?" I widen my eyes as I run to my closet. "But I still have to do my hair and eat breakfast."

"Then we'll just have to leave without you," she shrugs playfully, plopping her petite body onto the bed.

I fake a gasp. "You wouldn't."

"Try us."

I playfully glare at her and she chuckles.

I put on a red-dotted black sundress and black ballerina flats. Then I hurriedly brush my hair with my hairbrush and tie it into a nice bun.

"I'm going to grab something to eat," I inform Mia and she nods just before I exit my bedroom and run down to the ground floor.

I find Suzanne and Scarlett conversing in the kitchen whilst eating some homemade donuts.

"Donuts," I squeal, grabbing one from the plate. I take a bite of it and moan. "Amazing!"

"Thank God, you're up," Suzanne rants as she takes a glass from the cupboard. "Your mother didn't want to leave without first knowing that you were okay."

"Is she gone already?"

"Yes, sweetie. Scarlett had told her that she'd already forced you to get out of bed and that you were feeling much better." She fills the glass with some milk.

I slowly nod. "And dad?"

"He told your mother that he's arriving late at night. But he guaranteed that he would come." She places the bottle of milk away.

"Okay, good,"I receive my glass of milk. "Thanks, Suz."

She smiles at me before heading off to the sink.

"Chop, chop, Kylie," Scarlett orders as she dusts her hands off. "Or we'll leave you."

"Go ahead."

She starts walking towards the door and I quickly finish off my donut and take a big sip of my milk. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Gee."

She smiles victoriously and steps out of the kitchen.

"Later, Suz."

"Have a great time, sweeties."


"It looks super cute on you."

"Pff. I look fat."

I roll my eyes and throw my brand new red scarf at Scarlett. "Shut up. You have a sexy body."

She analyzes her reflection in the mirror one more time and then sighs whilst shaking her head. "I'm not taking this dress. I think I've gained some weight."

She steps back to where I'm seated. "Unzip it for me?"

I unzip the dress and shake my head at her disappointedly. "Mia?"

"Hm?" Mia responds from the other fitting room.

"Scarlett's needing to go to an ophthalmologist. She thinks she's obese."

"I'll book her a consultation."

Scarlett rolls her eyes and throws my scarf back at me.

I chuckle as I wrap the scarf around my neck in a fashionable manner.

"But I'm serious," she says, eyeing herself once again. "I look fat."

"Do you want me to call Ethan?" I narrow my eyes at her. "'Cause I will"

"Go ahead. It's not like he won't agree with me."

I raise one of my eyebrows at her and confidently grab my phone from my shoulder bag. I call Ethan and after the third beep, he answers the phone call. "Yello."

"Your girlfriend thinks she's fat," I ventilate, controlling my urge to pinch Scarlett.

She finishes wearing the outfit she was wearing before and yells near the phone. "I really am."

I put the call on speakerphone and Ethan lets out a tired sigh. "Scar, will you quit this 'I look too fat' thing?"

"Wait, she's complained before?" I furrow my brows.

"Yeah and I don't know where that stupid idea is coming from."

I look up at Scarlett and glare at her. She simply shrugs.

"Just tell her that she doesn't look fat before I make her get fat," I threaten.

He chuckles. "You're not fat, babe. And even if you were, I'd love you anyway. Just 'cause some people are overweight doesn't mean we should love them any less."

I smile at his words. "Thanks, Ethan. Totally agreed." I end the phone call and look up at Scarlett. "Better?"

"He's a good person," she murmurs to herself.

"Yeah." I nod, still not sure if she has agreed with us. Her silence is defying, therefore, I choose to let it pass and move on.

Later, we exit the fitting room and I start going through some crop tops while Mia and Scarlett look for cute dresses.

Being out with my girls without having to think of boys has been entirely good for all of us, especially for Mia. The only sad part is that sooner or later we'll have to go back to our usual lives and Mia and I will have to face Mario sometime. I just hope that he is able to make it up to Mia. Even though she's smiling and laughing with us, I know deep down she's suffering.

After shopping a little bit more, the girls and I finally come to the conclusion that we should stop by a restaurant and have lunch.

I am starving.

We get to the restaurant in less than ten minutes and as we wait for our food to arrive, my phone buzzes. I unlock it only to find a text from Julian.

"That's an interesting smile you got on your face," Scarlett smirks.

"Let me guess. Julian?" Mia smirks as well after taking a sip of her Sprite.

I blush and avert my eyes from them. "Uh, he said hi. And he also feels bad about yesterday, Mia."

She gives me a small smile but I know that by mentioning my brother's name, her heart ached.

"So are you two dating again?" Mia changes the subject with a sigh.

I bite my bottom lip to hide my smile and nod. "I thought it was obvious."

"It is but it shouldn't be," she affirms as she plays with her straw. "You can't let Mario nor Mark know."

I look down at my drink and frown. "We won't let them know. We're being cautious."

"Good," she says. "I don't want to have to strangle Mario if he attacks Julian."

I let out a small chuckle. "If you ever change your mind, call me."

"And me," Scarlett joins.

We all laugh.

A few moments later, the waitress brings our food to our booth and we begin to stuff our stomach with the deliciousness.

Scarlett seems to eat slower and shows no desire to finish her food.

Mia notices the same and pulls up a face. "What's wrong, Scar?"

"I'm not too hungry."

Mia and I share glances before looking back at Scarlett.

"But you've only taken, like, four bites of your food," Mia points out.

"I'm not hungry," Scarlett repeats, her voice owning an ounce of a harshness.

Mia and I determine to not push any further and for the rest of the afternoon, we converse normally. Around 5 PM we head off to my house.


I enter the living room — with Mia and Scarlett right behind me — and we encounter Mario and Marvin seated on the couch, watching TV.

They snap their heads to meet us and Mario hastily stands up, walking towards Mia.

He rubs the back of his neck, his cheeks turning red. "Can we, uh, talk? Please."

Mia glances at me and I provide to her a small, encouraging smile. She looks back at Mario after sighing and then mutters. "Fine."

She turns to look at me and informs, "I'll meet you in your room soon."

Scarlett and I nod and flash her the good luck look.

After, Mia follows Mario to the formal dining room, leaving us behind.

"Marvin," Scarlett greets with a curt wave.

"Sup?" He shortly nods his head at us.

"Is dad home?" I ask him

"Out with mom."

I slowly nod and then beckon Scarlett to follow me as I head to my bedroom.

We lie on my bed after removing our shoes from our feet and I turn to look at her. "Mind telling me what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strangely, especially around Marvin."

"How so?"

"First you put the idea that you're fat in your little head, then you avoid eating much, and now you are a bit curt to him? What's going on?"

"Nothing. I've never been his fan anyway."

"But you've never been curt to him," I pause for a moment, letting thoughts invade my mind. "Did he do or say something to you?"

She shakes her head, turning her body to lie on her stomach.


"It's nothing," she says rigidly through clenched teeth. "Drop it."

I let out a sigh, deciding to let her be. I'm sure she'll end up opening up to me later on and I'm definitely certain that something is up. I grab my phone to check if Julian's texted me. Scarlett continues to lie on my bed. I think she's fallen asleep.

After about ten minutes, Mia comes to my room, an unusual smile playing on her lips.

"Something tells me everything went well," I smile at her.

She nods. "We're okay now. He apologized and practically begged for me to forgive him and get back together with him."

"Did you act tough?"

"Of course," she smiles, but something about it seems off. She glances at Scarlett. "Is she asleep? I wanna go home. I'm fatigued."

"I think she's sleeping over."

"Okay then. I'll see you at school tomorrow, bae."

"Okay. Night, bae."


So Scarlett thinks she's fat... Hmm, :/ Do you think there's a profound reason for this? Do you think Marvin has anything to do with it? We'll discover more about it later on...

And what about Mario and Mia? Were you expecting them to be alright so easily? I mean, they love each other and a minor thing can't just end what they built for a long time, right? But that doesn't mean they won't have deeper and serious arguments later on... And it also doesn't mean that they actually got back together. (You'll know what I mean when the next chapter comes)

The picture on top is of Chloë Moretz cast as Mia. Thoughts?

Next Update: Saturday

Spoiler: Kylie finds out that Mia lied about something. Oh-oh, what could it be? And let's get to know how Kylie's swimming lessons are. Also, we'll get to know Julian's family a bit, yay! Excited? I am.

Dedicated to: @M_In_Love

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