The Lost Dragon | Game of Thr...

By Lauren_Loving

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The name Violet Snow was on the lips of every Northerner, everyone familiar with the young bastard who fought... More

The Lost Dragon. (GOT Fan Fiction)
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Q & A
Q & A (Answers)
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Nine.

13.5K 435 64
By Lauren_Loving

Gasps and voices of surprise could be heard throughout The Vale when Violet announced she wished to be Tyrions's champion. She faltered for a few moments, realizing that maybe she shouldn't have done it but stood confident and tall to where nobody could tell. She knew in her heart she could easily kill any of these older knights who looked like they hadn't seen battle in years. She still had adrenaline pumping from the battle with the woodland clan days prior.

Violet could see Tyrion looking up at her from the corner of her eye, but she kept her eye still on the former Tully sisters. Lysa Arryn glared down at her as if she were the dirt on her shoe, while Catelyn looked as if Violet had slapped her across the face. "Why Violet? This man came into our home and attempted to kill Bran! A boy you have known your entire life!" Catelyn exclaimed, leaning towards Ser Rodrick, who was looking to Violet with more shock than anything.

"Lady Stark, Tyrion has done nothing but show me respect. That is more than I can say for you" Violet said to the Lady Stark who was currently fuming. Violet fiddled with the hilt of her sword and took a step closer to Tyrion as if someone would jump out and attack him at any moment. Catelyn seemed to be boiling over she was so mad, like her head would pop off like a kettle at any moment.

"I took you into my home, I fed you and raised you like my own child! How dare you speak to me that way?!" Catelyn shouted at Violet, who stood emotionless in front of the older woman. 

A small smirk found it's way to Violet's face before she spoke once more. "No my Lady. Ned took me in and treated me like a daughter, Ned taught me how to wield a blade for the first time, The Starks were nothing but generous to me, and you are a Tully. And from what I see today they don't seem to be the most civilized beings in the seven Kingdoms" Violet widened her smirk as she looked to the Lady Lysa who was standing from her chair and gripping her sickly son with her claws.

"Now if you excuse me, I must kill a man so my friend here can walk away safely" Violet said with a bow before whipping out her blade and lightly walking around the moon door, waiting for her enemy. Ser Vardis of the Vale walked out of the crowd with his blade at the ready. Violet took notice of his armor and the slow way he moved around the room. The crowd had backed up to give them room, and from the corner of her eye she saw Tyrion bouncing up and down like a small child.

 Ser Vardis walked incredibly slow around Violet, a helmet stifling his full view of her and she knew she could use that to her advantage. Their swords clinked together quickly, Violet blocking the man with ease. After twenty minutes of them stalling each other with mindless dueling, Violet knew she must finish him once and for all.

She spun around quickly, Ser Vardis not seeing her in time from the blocking of his helm. She rolled her eyes at his ignorance before shoving his head forward and sending then end of Beast into the back of his skull. She heard the gasps around the Vale, and Lady Lysa and Lady Catelyn crying out from watching the man die, but Violet only shrugged and kicked the dead body through the open moon door. 

"You don't fight with honor!" Lady Lysa shouted at her, causing Violet to raise an eyebrow and sheath her sword. She shook her head knowing good and well one of them was going through that door, and it just did not happen to be her. 

"Actually I did. Your knight was just too slow, maybe next time you should pick someone less old" Violet said shrugging before walking over to Tyrion. She knew she was riling up the Lady Arryn, but she lost every care she had inside of her. She was a Targaryen after all, and she wished she could shout it from the rooftops. Learning of her true heritage sure made things about her make a lot more sense. One of them being her thirst for blood. Sure she was a generally calm girl, but she loved the feel of a sword going through flesh, and she would not apologize for that.

"Violet, I will forever be in your debt" Tyrion said to her when she approached him. She smiled down at the smaller man and gently gave his shoulder a squeeze. Tyrion patted her hand before wandering over to Ser Rodrick who Violet saw was tossing Tyrion a heavy looking pouch. "That was quite the fight you know" A voice said behind Violet, and she whipped around to see Bronn giving her a nod of acknowledgment.

Violet shrugged before answering "He was quite easy, so easy even you might have had a chance" She said before shoving Bronn's shoulder. She was teasing him of course, she had seen Bronn fight and he was one of the best fighters she had ever seen. Bronn glared for a moment before the glare turned up into a smirk. "Aye, but I would not have looked as good while doing it" He said giving her a wink. Violet rolled her eyes and noticed Tyrion was walking towards them.

"Well are you coming my friends?" Tyrion asked the pair of outcasts who were standing along the walls of The Vale. Bronn and Violet looked to each other before realizing they had absolutely nowhere on the world to go, so why not follow the tiny Lannister. They shrugged their shoulders before following Tyrion out of them impregnable tower of the Eerie. 


"Where the fuck are we walking to?" Bronn asked Tyrion after several days of walking. Violet was perched atop her silver horse that matched her hair, and chuckled to herself at the man who sounded more like a young child. They had been walking to the West for a few days, and neither Violet nor Bronn knew where the Lannister was taking them.

"All in good time my friend, we shall have as much ale as we like and as many whores we can place our cocks in to" Tyrion responded. He had been walking beside Violet's silver horse so she had a perfect view of him in case things on the road went array. "None for me thanks" Violet said with a chuckle at the mention of whores.

Tyrion looked up to her and smiled. He had been looking at her with pure admiration their entire ride, and Violet wondered when it was going to stop. "So Violet, where were you headed before you so valiantly came to my rescue with the Lady Stark" He asked her, she slowed down her horse and looked down to him. She had offered her horse to him several times, but he refused every time. She knew his short legs had to be getting tired, but he just walked along smiling at every flower or stream they came across.

"The wall" She simply answered. "Ah, going to see young Jon were you?" He asked her with a knowing smile. She blushed at the mention of Jon, it had now been months since she had seen him and she missed him terribly. She nodded her head, and the three of them were silent for several hours. 

When Violet saw the Crimson colored flags with the golden lion on the path ahead she knew she was in the wrong place. There were crimson tents going as far as she could see, with the Lannister lion on almost everything she could see. This must have been the Lannister camp Tyrion once told her about in the Inn, his father was here with the army from Casterly Rock. Violet stopped her horse violently, which caused Bronn and Tyrion to look at her with confusion.

"What's the matter love? afraid of a little lion?" Bronn asked her with a jovial laugh. She glared at him and shook her head. 'Dragons are afraid of nothing' she wanted to say, but knew it was a lie. She was afraid of what would happen if the information of who she really was would end up in the wrong hands. She did not fear death, but feared what ambitious men with armies might do to her. 

"I must turn back" She said, vigorously shaking her head. "No Violet, I wish to show the warrior who saved my life to my father" Tyrion said, grabbing the reigns of the horse and pulling her back towards the Lannister camp. They were far enough away from the camp to where nobody yet noticed them, but it was only time before someone spotted them and thought them the enemy. 

"Please Tyrion, your father will kill me" She said softly, her voice no louder than a whisper. Tyrion looked to Bronn in confusion before his eyes turned back to the frightened silver haired warrior. "What are you speaking of? My father has no idea who you are, but will surely pay you handsomely for what you have done for me!" 

Violet grew more weary as Tyrion attempted to bring Violet back to the camp, Violet however gave up and leaped from the horse, landing gently in the dirt. She stared at Tyrion long and hard before she realized this man owed her, and somehow she felt in her bones she could trust him. "My name is Violet Targaryen, The king is after my head along with your father. I am not safe here!" Violet said frantically trying to get Tyrion to not bring her into the danger of the Lannister camp.

Tyrions eyes practically bulged out of his head at the news of her identity. He took one step backwards and ran his fingers through his curly hair. "You are the third Targaryen child they are searching for?" Tyrion asked quietly. Violet only gave him a slow nod of her head, her eyes growing worried the longer they stood there in silence.

She saw Bronn was still sitting on his horse, not looking as fazed by the information. He played with a dagger on his leg with one had while the other held the reigns of his horse. Violet felt a warmth on her hand and looked down to see Tyrion grasping it firmly in his. "Well more the reason to come with me, my father is not smart enough to look for the heir to the throne in his own army" Tyrion said, squeezing her hand.

She thought about what he said, and she could easily blend in with the army, a helmet covering her bright noticeable hair and armor covering her womanly figure. Nobody would have ever guessed that the third Targaryen child was posing as a Lannister soldier, and she would kill to see the looks on King Robert and Tywin Lannister when that information came to surface. 

"Lead the way my friend" She said with a smirk, knowing she was going to enjoy deceiving two of Westeros' most powerful men...

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