Origin Of Tir Na Nog

Por TylerBregg

439 3 27

In a land of immortals the Millenains thrive, they are identical to humans, but their body and life cycle is... Más

Chapter 1: Millenians
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 3:The Power Gap
Chapter 4: A Friend
Chapter 5:First Death Battle
Chapter 7: The Dungeon Named After Idoits
Chapter 8: A Beginner's Trap
Chapter 9: First Death
Chapter 10: A Reason For Strength
Chapter 11:10,000 Years Later
Chapter 12: The Beginning Of The End And The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 13: An Impossible Battle
Chapter 14 The End

Chapter 6: Exposition

21 0 0
Por TylerBregg

The rewards chest contained a fancy looking two-handed sword yay, a few potions and the materials I need to finish the quest and get [Charging Strike] I went to get the quest done after completing it I tested it out

There was a nest of giant trolls on the southeast edge of town, with huge rocks rough terrain with caves hiding small goblin nests, there where a bunch of Millenians killing them grabbing their item drops

Jordyn found me and waved I walked over to him "I got this weird skill called [Battle Sense] also can you help me get to GrandMaster level faster?" I wondered how he'd respond

"Well that's the point to fuse you'll have to become stronger and [Battle Sense] is an important skill to get it you must have a close life or death battle with an opponent it usually takes a while because new Millenians tend to be cautious and try easy dungeon gain the easy and effective skills to breeze through dungeons I gave you the hardest skill quest because at your level you wouldn't be able to handle this dungeon yet"

So he knew it'd be that hard it's like he was expecting me to die "you thought you'd make me stronger by almost killing me!? did you even expect me to come out alive?!"

I wasn't that upset since I'd just rebirth but I heard it takes days or weeks depending on the traffic to get reborn "if you died you'd get another important skill called [LifeFlare] it allows you to survive a fatal wound in your mortal form just clinging to life but you'll be killed if you even got a bump on your head if you didn't have potions handy"

Well he had a good reason atleast "that's all well and good but why didn't you just fight me then I'd that skill easy" I bet there's something preventing him from doing that or some condition that you can only get that skill when fighting monsters

"Actually I forgot about that skill it was a happy coincidence that you got it" I can't believe it he sticks his tongue out and bumps his head making an 'oops I forgot silly me' face that'd have been helpful I nearly got killed and I had both of my hand smashed because he forgot

Though I don't know if it'd turn out differently even if I had that skill but it'd be nice "you mad bro? well don't worry because I'll help you out you know since the beginning of time Millenians have been trying to surpass GrandMaster level I've had alot of friends since them most have been around since the beginning of time but all their partnerships have been only temporary and for self gain they'd have no problem betraying you if it benefited them so I thought getting someone who was new and looking for guidance would be a good friend he'd be new naive and look up to me I was only expecting someone atleast 100 years old never would I expected someone who was 1 day old"

He sounded like he was using me but considering the state of the world and how people treat eachother with no trust I could see it "so that's why you're so adamant on making me stronger because you can trust someone who has no choice but to lean on you and then trust wouldn't be a problem since it'll probably take hundreds of years to become a GrandMaster and a bond shared with someone for that long would be unbreakable"

It sounded like he was using me when it came out of my mouth but I guess if I was in his shoes I'd do the same I should probably ask "how long would it take to get to GrandMaster level" I'm thinking a long time but I'd like to know the specifics 

"That's tough to answer most people become GrandMasters on their own I was pointed the the direction of a school once I learnt all the skills then I took a boring class with a bunch of other Millenians to learn about the world and it was so long ago but I remember going on so many quests searching for materials trying to make my own legendary weapons being in awe of the world around me trying to get a god tier artifact it took me 30 years to just get one of the pieces to craft one and 50 more to forge it then slowly as I got stronger and stronger the monsters seemed to become weaker as I climbed higher my god tier weapons became common and my strength was at a standstill I fight many wars made many comrades tried to get fusion to work but you have to have a strong bond with the other person so I found a bunch of people but they all quit to pursue their own goals and theories on how to surpass GrandMaster it seemed like a dead end till you showed up"

Hearing his past makes me really want to help him I gotta figure out a solution he continued on "if I were to help you I'd say if everything went smoothly it'll take around 300 or so years for you to get to my level of strength you'd have to go through Novice rank 1-10 then Intermediate rank 1-8 Advance rank 1-5 Lord rank 1-5 Master rank 1-5 then finally GrandMaster rank 1-2 after you reach GrandMaster rank 2 you're power will stop growing you won't get anymore skills and the only way to get stronger is to get better weapons or find secret techniques"

It sounds like a daunting task wait "secret techniques? what do you mean? can I use them" if I could use them it'd be a good shortcut "well you'd have to be a certain level to use most the most powerful ones come when you join a nation and then a clan in that nation taking their last name for example the Athena clan their power skyrockets when the sun is out making them almost unbeatable but when the moon is out their strength drops harshly for example a GrandMaster rank 2 would become a Novice rank 1 we call the level they achieve at their peak in noon Semi-God rank because the only who was said to have slayed a God belonged to the Athena clan I'm not bound by a clan if I was I couldn't leave their borders and I'd be forced to fight in their wars"

Wow this exposition dump explain so much I need to experience the power of a GrandMaster myself "could you fight me I need to see the power of a GrandMaster first hand" I hope he doesn't kill me "very well but I won't be able to guarantee you'll survive I cannot suppress my power enough so  a mere infant of 7 days could survive even one of my blows"

   Shit well let's hope I don't die I'd hate to wait in line to get reborn..

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