PowerPuff, RowdyRuff, and Pow...

By HappyGirl5000

2.2K 75 146

Time to torture them! Send T or D! More D's More

Author's Note
My Dare
My Other Dares
More Dares!!!!! (I'm literally sooooo evil!!)
More Dares!!!!! (Thank You Sooooooooo Much For These!!!!!)
Shout Out!
Dares and Truths
Look At What I Found!

Dares From LunarWerefa

271 7 43
By HappyGirl5000

Me: Hi ppl!!!!!



RRB: Hi........

Me: Ok sooooooo we have more dares!

RRB and PPG: Great


Me: Ok! One of the dares is that the PPNKG have to act like PPG!

PPNKG: Great....

PPG and RRB: What about us?

Me: You guys just watch and laugh.

PPG: Ok!

RRb: Sure.

Me: Oh great bank robbery. PPNKG it's up to you guys.

Blossom: What if they end up helping the robbers?

Me: Oh don't worry about that! We'll be watching them!

Berserk: *sighs* Ready girls?

Brat and Brute: Yup.

Me: Oh girls take these earpieces. This will allow us to communicate and I'll be helping you guys a bit.

PPNKG: Ok *takes earpieces and flys out*   

Me: *turns on screen to show the PPNKG fly to the bank robbery*

PPNKG: Stop right there!!!

Robbers: Who are you?

Berserk: I'm Berserk,

Brat: I'm Brat,

Brute: And I'm Brute

PPNKG: And we're the PowerPunk Girls! * makes a pose*

Me: *speaks into earpiece* Ok Berserk wrap them up in your ribbon!

Berserk: On it! *wraps robbers in ribbon* 

Me: Ok Brat electrocute them!

Brat: On it! *electutes robbers*

Me: Ready Brute? Hit them in the head!

Brute: I was born ready *smirks*

Brute: *hits robbers*

Me: Great job girls! I'm sending you guys a rope tie them quickly and come on back! *magics a rope to them*

PPNKG: Thanks! *ties robbers up and flys back*

Me: Ok just in time girls we have to do the last dare!

PPNKG: What about the earpieces?

Me: Oh those... ummmmm you keep them.

PPNKG: Thanks!

PPG and RRB: Hey no fair!

Me: Oh stop you guys will get one in the future.

PPG and RRB: Ok

Me: *whispers to PPNKG* They seem perfect for each other.

PPNKG: *whispers back* Totally!

Me: Ok! We're getting off topic! Ok this dare is for the RRB!

PPG: What about the slime on them?

Me and PPNKG: Oh! We forgot!

RRB: So did we.

Me: Oh well! Bring me a hammer!

BC: Will mine do?

Me: Sure!

RRB: *shaking*

Me: Stay still Boys!!!!!!!!

Boys: Ok.....

Me: *grabs BC's hammer and smashes the harden slime off the boys* Done! *hands BC her hammer*

PPNKG: So what's the dare for the boys?

Me: The dare is.... *whispers the dare to the boys*


Me: Will you boys just SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

Boys: Sorry.

Me: Ok then do it.

Boys: Fine! *takes the PPG cloths*


BC: WTF!!!!!!!

Bloss: Seriously!!!!!

Bubbles: *still screaming*

Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! *tosses back up cloths*

BC: I hate this

Bloss and Bubbles: I absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!

BC:  You guys are so girly girls.

Me: I have an outfit you might like BC.

BC: Ok let me see it.

BC: So my style! Expect for the extras.

Bubbles: I want the small bag!

Bloss: I was the necklace and watch!

Bubbles: I also want the earrings!

Me: *sigh*

BC: Ok sure.


Boys: NO!!!!!


Boys: Ok.... Sorry....

Me: U GUYS ARE IN SAME OUTFITS BEFORE!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!??????? *transforms into dark side*

Boys: Sorry......

Butch: We were to embarrassed

Brick and Boomer: Ya

Me: *detransforms* Ok whatever let's just get you guys new clothes.... I can't stand to see you guys in that *covers eyes and tosses them the the new clothes*

Me: Ok thats better! Oh and girls! Keep the headphones! They will be helpful in the battle field.

PPG: Thanks!

RRB: What...... 

Me: Don't ask!



Me: Ok guys! Next time we will have a dare from me and maybe other ppl! Are you guys excited?


PPG and RRB: NO!

Me: Oh come on! If you don't cheer up I will set you guys upon a blind date!!


Me: Then be at least excited.


Me: *snaps fingers and duck tape appears on their mouths* There!

PPG and RRB: *barely speaking* Help us!!! 

PPNKG and Me: What was that??

PPG and RRB: *still barely speaking* Help us!!!!!!!

Me: *sighs and snaps fingers and duck tape disappears* Now speak.

PPG and RRB: We said..... *screams* HELP US!!!!!!!!

Me: *snaps fingers again and duck tape reappears* Never scream like that again I have sensitive eardrums.

PPNKG: Then how are you so calm? 

Me: Not telling

(A/N: If you read "My Life" By me you'll find out how I'm so calm when people scream when I have sensitive eardrums)

Brat: Anyways I have to go. I have a hair appointment in 3 min.

Me: I called them. It's moved here.

Brat: You are like the best!

Me: Why thank you. Oh since it's late I ordered pizza. Oh and girls I called your families and they know you'll be staying here tonight. 

Girls: Ok!

Me: Oh and enjoy yourselves while we wait for the pizza! *snaps fingers and everything the girls and boys enjoy pop up, for Bloss a candy place, for Bubbles a designing place also for Brat but separate, for BC a T.V turned on with all kinds of sports shows also for Butch but separate so they don't kill each other, for Brick and Boomer a video game set with a ton of games and for Berserk we have a outfit wardrobe and lastly for Brute we have a fighting training set* *they each have their signature colors (Bloss: Pink, Berserk: red, Brick: dark red, Bubbles: Baby Blue, Brat: Blue, Boomer:bark blue, BC: Lime green, Brute: Green, and Butch: dark, dark green)*

All: WOW!!!!!

Me: I'm the best. Now go! Brat follow me your appointment will be in a room in the hallway once in, wait I'll get the door. *everyone else runs of in their colored 

Brat: Ok! *follows me* 

Me: *drops Brat off in the room and opens the door* Oh Hi! Brat is this way! *leads barbers to Brat*

Brat: *reading a fashion magazine*

Me: Brat their here!

Brat: *looks up*Oh Thank! Your the best!

Me: Thanks! I'll be checking on the others to make sure their not killing each other! Come out when your done!

Brat: Ok

Me: *walks out and sees paint everywhere* WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE!!!!!!!!!????????

Everyone: Well.........

Me: Security cameras *snaps fingers and after watching* WTF!!!!!!!!!??????? EVERYONE EXPLAIN!!!!!!

Everyone: *all start talking at once* 

Me: STOP!!!!!!!

Everyone: *silent*

Me: Bubbles why don't you start?

Bubbles: Well...... *after explaining her side*

Me: Any others?

Bloss: Me.

Me: Ok Bloss you speak.

Bloss: Well


BC: That's how I remember it. Butch complains about every little thing.

Butch: Hey!

Me: DON'T START! *snaps fingers and the paint mess is gone*

Brat: *comes out* I'm done!

Me: Love the blue streaks!

Brat: Awww! You make a girl blush!

Me: Anyways *turn to the boys, PPG, Berserk, and Brute*  Now I want each of you to get along! Understood!?

Boys, PPG, Berserk, and Brute: Yes!

Me: Good *doorbell rings* Must be pizza! No fighting! *runs to the door*

Delivery Man: Pizza! 

Me: Thank you! *hand over cash*

Delivery Man: Thank You!

Me: *closes door and goes into activity room*

Everyone: PIZZA!!!!!!!

Me: SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!

 Everyone: Sorry

Me: Anyways *snaps fingers and a table plates show up* Ok greens here *points to one side* Reds here *points to another side* and Blues here *points to last side* *puts down the pizza and opens the box*

Everyone: *takes a piece immediately*

Me: *sighs, sits down, takes a piece for myself and snaps fingers for a T.V to show up* What would everyone like to watch?

Bubbles,Brat and Berserk: Fashion shows!

Bloss: Cooking!

Boys, BC, and Brute: Football!!!!!

Everyone: *starts arguing*

Me: SHUT UP!!!!! JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!

Everyone: *shuts up*

Me: Let's compraze. We watch 15 minutes on fashion, 15 minutes on cooking, and 15 minutes on football.

Everyone: Ok 

Me: *turns on T.V and turns on a fashion show*

BC, Brute, and the boys:*makes gagging noises*

Me: Make any more noises you leave. Understood?

BC and boys: Yes

15 minutes later 

Me: *changes the channel*

Bloss: Yay! Cooking!

15 minutes later

Me: *changes the channel*

BC, Brute, and boys: Go!!!!!

Me: Don't scream.

BC, Brute,and boys: Sorry

Everyone: *finishes*

Me: Well bye ppl!!!!!!

PPNKG: Bye!!!!!

PPG: Bye!

RRB: Bye   

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