don't | justin *postponed*

By mochahontaz

172K 6.2K 1.8K

"I'm not some random guy to you anymore because you caught feelings and I did too." He urged closer, backing... More

C A S T I N G | U P D A T E D |
1| I'm So Successful
2| Intertwined
3| Remember |R|
4| Jealous
5| Questions
6| Photos
7| It Ain't My Fault
8| Talk
9| Christian
10| Sister Sister
11| Heebiejeebies |R|
12| Baby
13| Boo'd Up
14| Studio Time |R|
15| Wedding Crashers
16| Tell The Truth
18| Every Kind of Way |R|
19| Chicago
20| Old Friends
21| Mile High Club |R|
22| In Love
23| Broken Clocks
24| St. Lucia
25| Trouble in Paradise
26| Trust
27 | Papa

17| NYFW

4.4K 174 94
By mochahontaz

No they won't be happy 'til your love is over
They tryna break us up but you don't wanna get it
They ain't never had your back like I got it
They ain't never had trust like how we got it
So they can't help but to come and hate on it
They see what we got and you know they want it
Don't question it

- Justin Bieber ft. Nas



"Deadass, Justin. If you check your phone one more time I'm gonna break it. Let her work." Khalil groaned, making Za laugh.

True, Ashton has only been gone for three days, and not seeing her was killing me. I checked her Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram almost every ten minutes that we weren't texting just to get updated on how her and Danielle were doing.

"I don't complain when you're constantly checking your phone for Lauren, do I? No. So shut up."

'Ding!' My phone went off again from a text that she sent me, and I opened it immediately.

Miss ya 💕

You're killing me here babe 🙃😍😩 hope you both are having fun...
While I'm stuck here.

You'll see me at the end of the week. Enjoy your time with the guys. 😂

What you do for me the guys can't 🙃👀

You.. I'm not gonna start with you 😅
We're about to head back to the hotel then head out for a little bit later. I'll talk to you soon. 😘
Have fun
But not too much fun👀

Yeah, yeah. 🙄😂 dont worry about me. I'll be fine 👀 talk to you later princess.

"I just hope you don't fuck this one up, man." Za looked over at me and closed his laptop.

"What does that mean?" I frowned.

"You know what I'm talking about." Za sighed. "This is that same thing you went through with Hailey. You wanted her, got sprung over her, then you got bored with her when she started to like you back, and you dropped her. Why do you think she is the way she is now?"

"Ashton is different from Hailey, Za. You know this." I snapped.

"Same fucking thing you said when you compared Yovanna to Hailey. Look man, I love you, and I fuck with Ashton, so I don't wanna see you do any stupid shit with her, or even play her the same way you did Hailey." He stood up and stretched before walking towards the door. "I gotta piss, so talk shit about me when I head out."

As soon as the door closed I looked over at Khalil who was avoiding eye contact with me. "What do you have to say about this?"

"I didn't wanna say it, but Za has a point, Justin." Khalil eased into the conversation and I rolled my eyes.

"Hear me out, okay?" He held up his hands. "I'm seeing both sides. Yep, you love Ashton and she loves you; that's obvious. And you don't wanna hurt her or lose her... also obvious on your behalf. But, from where Za is coming from; we've seen this before with Hailey... same exact thing."


"The fuck do you mean how?!" Khalil laughed. "After you got fucked over by Selena, you were going back and forth between women and Yovanna appeared. Fucked your life up again. So you went to the next girl who was always there for you, who was Hailey." Khalil said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Hailey only wanted you as a friend. Then you did whatever the hell it is that you do to these girls, and she caught feelings for you. She was there twenty four-seven, you sweet talked her, spoiled her, and made her feel like no one could take her spot; and I mean you gave her a reason to think that no one could... then you got tired of it and got bored. Left the girl without a reason, and you wonder why she's pissed."

I registered everything that he was telling me, but there was one main point missing from the receipts he pulled out, "I never told her that we were dating officially."

"You didn't have to, dumbass!" He yelled "Your actions towards her pretty much sealed the deal and everyone knew it!" He dropped his phone into his lap.

"Look, I don't wanna keep talking about Hailey; but know that what me and Ashton have is really different. I can't afford to let her slip that easily." I rested my head against the arm of the couch.

"I hope that you're about to be ready for some drama coming your way." Za entered back into the room glancing at his phone.

"Why would I be?"

"Ashton is working the Jeremy Scott fashion show right?"

I looked back at the previous texts that she sent me stating that she was and nodded my head. "Yeah, why?"

"Hailey is opening and closing that show, according to what Atifa told me."

Fucking hell.

"I mean, you don't have anything to worry about. Right?" Khalil smirked at me before taking a call from Lauren for the eighth time today.

"Fuck you, I'll be back." I nudged his shoulder and grabbed my phone, leaving out of the game room, heading to the living room to call Scooter.

"Look who finally knows how to call their manager." Scooter joked. I could tell he was in the car from the sounds that were around him.

"Scooter, I'm gonna need some help, man."

"Um, okay. What's going on? Are you okay?" He began to panic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. But do you think you could get me a flight to New York for Fashion week, and get me on the seating list, but do it discreetly? I don't want a lot of people to know I'll be there." I bit my lip. I knew that he could do it, but I just needed to know how fast he could get it done.

"Of course, I can get it done by tonight, and have your jet ready by the morning-"

"That's the other thing, I really don't want it to be obvious that I'm leaving, could I take yours?" I begged.

"Should I be worried about something, Justin?" Scooter laughed nervously. "You're not trying to flea to New York and start a new life, are you?"

"Nah, just going to get away for a little bit. Nothing you should worry about. Thanks though, Scoot. I really appreciate it." I smiled and walked back to the game room.

"No problem, talk to you later, man." He hung up as I reached the door.

"Welp, I'm going to New York tomorrow." I smiled and crossed my arms, sitting across from Za.

"Ashton is going to kill you." Khalil mumbled, focusing his attention on Call of Duty.

"She said she didn't want me going so that I wouldn't make it obvious that we were together and throw her off... so I'm gonna keep my distance." I argued and walked to my room so that I could start packing.

"I'm betting fifty that he does something to piss her off, and she slaps him." Za mumbled and laughed softly.

I was going to try and keep my distance, but I wanted to be able to stop any interaction that Hailey would have with Ashton.

And not for Ashton's sake. For Haileys.

I didn't need her trying to ruin something that's going good out of her anger and jealousy. I walked up to my closet and grabbed a few suitcases and a duffle bag, starting to fill them with whatever seemed appropriate for both New York and fashion week.

I got everything halfway packed when I heard my phone go off with a notification from Instagram. And of course, it was Ashton.

@ashglo icy wifey 🤤

I double tapped the picture instantly, knowing she'd see. I could already see her rolling her eyes but smiling to herself, knowing that I saw it.

Now I'll have to put up with the pissed off reaction of hers when she sees me tomorrow. I zipped up the rest of my things before placing them in the corner of my room and laid down on my bed.

Babygirl 👸🏾💕😍:
So it's late in New York now.
Babygirl 👸🏾💕😍:
And I miss you.

I smiled at the screen and replied back to her cuteness.

I miss you too babe 💕. But I'm glad you girls are enjoying each other's company.

Babygirl 👸🏾💕😍:
I miss your hands too.
Around my neck

My eyes widened instantly at the text and cleared my throat.

And other places too. But especially there.

I FaceTimed her to make sure everything was okay with her, resulting in her picking up on the third ring.

"Baby." She smiled at me and put a pillow over her chest.

"Are you okay?" I chuckled "Are you drunk or something? Where is Danielle?"

"In her own room. Ours are connected; and I'm a little drunk. Not too much. I drank a lot of champagne." She pouted. "I need you."

"I'm right here, baby. What's wrong?" I tried to stiffen my laugh.

"No, Jay. I need you. Like right now and I'm about to throw a fit." She bit on her bottom lip stirred under the covers.

My eyebrow raised as I watched the camera shake a little. She was drunk and frustrated.

Sexually frustrated.

"What are you doing right now?" I sat up with my back against the headboard as I watched her continue to shuffle around.

She didn't answer. Instead she covered her face, clearly embarrassed to tell me. She was touching herself.

"Baby, it's fine. Everybody does it. You don't have to hide anything." I cooed. "Are you thinking of me being there, princess?"

A soft moan fell from her lips as she nodded her head. I instantly felt myself begin to get hard underneath my sweats. "I wanna hear you, love."

"Yes." She pushes out quickly, trying to ease her breathing.

"Tell me. Are you thinking of my hands, my tongue, or my dick in you princess?" I bit my lip and felt the blood continue to rush down to my dick.

"M-mouth..." She hiccuped in the cutest way. Her eyes slowly began to close and her full pouted lips were falling open.


I ran my hand into my briefs and gently gripped my hard on, running my hand up and down it as I watched her facial expressions change.

"Want daddy to help you? All you have to say is please, baby." I moaned softly.

"Please?" She cried.

The crazy part about this whole thing was that she wouldn't even remember how arousing this was to the both of us in the morning.


- Ashton

I woke up this morning with my head pounding and in nothing but one of Justin's long shirts that I took from his closet.

Today was the start of fashion week.

I checked the time before getting out of bed and grabbing some things to shower with along with what I'd have to wear for the day.

"Look who's up." Danielle smirked as she opened the door that combined our rooms.

"Why are you smirking at me?" I groaned and sat on the bathroom counter, holding my head in my hands.

"You really have no clue what happened last night?" She laughed at me and went into my toiletries bag, handing me a bottle of aspirin. I shook my head no at her question before taking the aspirin from her hands.

"Well," she smiled "I'm gonna let Justin give you a recap whenever he calls you back. I just wanted to check on you and see how the hangover was treating you." She sang before closing the door.

"What the hell was that about?" I sighed and took off the shirt and ran the shower water.

A groan left my lips as soon as I stepped into the water and felt the warmth of it hit my skin. I lathered my skin in my coconut body wash before rinsing off and going over my skin again. I hated hotel soaps. They made my skin insanely dry.

By the time I finished and washed my hair, I started to dry off  and prep my skin. "He hasn't texted me or called me." I frowned and looked at my phone.

It was still early in California. He was more than likely still sleeping. I wasn't gonna press it too much.

I finished getting ready and applied my makeup before looking in the mirror. I looked pretty damn good.

I quickly snapped a few pictures before going back to my bed and calling our driver to make sure he was here on time.

"How does this look?" Danielle asked as she came into the room giving a quick twirl

"It's not too simple is it?"

"Not at all," I gawked at her "Jeremy will love it if he sees you in it."

She quickly adjusted the straps on her heels and grabbed her clutch in her hand. "You're showing major cleavage there, sus." She smirked. "How do you really think Justin is gonna react to that?"

"It's just an outfit." I chuckled and walked towards the door. "He'll either love it and want to rip it off... or hate it and want to rip it off."

"I can't deal with you two, man." She shook her head and followed me.

"He hasn't called me this morning either." I mumbled.

"Justin will sleep in till two in the afternoon, Ashton. Give it an hour or two and you'll get a response."

We walked through the lobby and into the car.

"So what all do you have to do at this thing anyway?" Danielle asked as she relaxed in her seat.

"I'm interviewing and reviewing." I sighed and rested my head on the window. "I'm honestly ready for it to be over with. It's exciting but crazy."

"I mean, you should start to get adjusted to this life, Ashton. Look who you're dating." She shrugged.

"Don't rub it in so soon. I'm not ready to have people in my face flashing cameras and doing the extreme."

Dani ran her hands against the seats of the car and looked at me. "Thank you for bringing me here with you," she smiled. "I really needed this...break."

A smile tugged at my lips as I took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Just know that I'll always be here for you, Dani. Whatever you need; and I mean whatever, I'm here."

"You've always been." She mumbled and leaned her head on my shoulder.


"I've never seen so many rich people in one room before. This is crazy." Danielle mumbled as she held my hand, gawking at every celebrity that walked by.

"Well, this is the place that they show up at. They're always in attendance during fashion week." I sighed and took my ID tag, handing Danielle hers that stated she was also with Cosmopolitan. "We better get in and get seated before everything starts. Interviews are right after." I walked us to our seats, casually walking past all of the chaos that was going around the place.

We were front row and everyone finally started to pile in. "Who are we sitting next to?" Dani asked and looked at the empty seat by her and myself.

"I'm sitting next to Vic Mensa, you are sitting next to Yara Shahidi." I told her, flipping over the name tags that were behind the chairs.

"Yara Shahidi." She repeated and her eyes lit up. "She is adorable, I love her! And you're sitting by Vic?! Sweetie, Vic is a fine male specimen—"

"I also have a boyfriend, Danielle." I reminded her.

"You're right... you're right as hell." She shook her head. "Not trying to get you in trouble with lover boy." She put her hands up in defeat.

I chuckled and pulled out my phone and notes so that I wouldn't be in a hassle when the show was over.


I looked up to see Vic standing next to me, smiling. "Hi." I smiled back and looked at the tattoo on his neck.

"You must be Ashton Glover. Kinda did my research before so I could know who I was sitting next to." He chuckled and took his seat. "Cosmopolitan journalist, Chicago native..."

"That's me." I laughed. "It's nice to meet you." I felt a nudge in my side and Danielle cleared her throat.

"This is my sister, Danielle." I introduced her, he reached over and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, love."

"Likewise." She grinned and pulled her hand away slowly. Her attention fell on Yara as she sat down next to her; easily starting a conversation.

"These shows are crazy," Vic mumbled with a small laugh. "Very... showy; if that makes sense. Kinda makes my skin crawl."

"How come?" I smiled.

"I enjoy the fashion; don't get me wrong." He laughed, causing me to shake my head. "The fashion is amazing, the ideas, and new trends. I just can't get with a lot of the people. Way too boujee."

"Understand completely." I nodded.

He continued to smile at me and rub his bottom lip while we talked, but I didn't make anything of it. I'd be lying if I said Vic wasn't cute.

But he wasn't my Justin.

As soon as we were done talking the lights around the audience grew dark and and the stage lit up with bright colors. "Guess we're getting ready for the madness." Vic chuckled.

Every phone was out as soon as the first model came out. "Kill it, Hails!"

I looked across the stage to see Jordyn Woods call to the stage, and my eyes immediately went to the tall blonde; who was actually wearing a pink wig for the show. She looked straight ahead as she posed; but made eye contact with me as she walked away and smirked.

"I will fuck her up backstage, Ash. Just say the word. I don't have a job to worry about." Danielle raised her eyebrow at me and snapped a picture of Winnie as she came on the stage.

"Chill," I shook my head. "She's not a threat to me. More of a pest."

I continued to do my job of snapping pictures and preparing my interview questions, trying to push the annoyance of Hailey out of my head.

"You okay there? You're looking frustrated" Vic asked, but his eyes stayed on the models.

"M'fine. Just thinking." I mumbled.

"Looks to me like you need a drink." He offered a flute of champagne from the tray that was now being carried around. I took two.

One for myself and one for Danielle.

I sipped on the drink and continued to make my comments on my paper about the outfits that Jeremy display. Like always, he either had something on display that was overly fashion forward, or something simple enough to wear everyday on the street.

The rest of the show was interesting and entertaining.

He even had Diplo DJ for in between the sets. I started to hear small whispers from the people behind me about somebody who came in, but the music quickly overpowered their own voices.

"Don't know if you're choosing to ignore it or blind to it, but Mensa hasn't taken his eyes off of you at all." Dani mumbled in my ear. I looked out the corner of my eye to see him making sly glances at me. It was cute.

I shifted a little in my seat as the last model made her way out to end the show. And behold, it was Hailey.

She better not glance at me...

Her walk was pretty good, and what she had on wasn't so bad. As she made her way down before posing at the end of the runway, she sent me a wink, looking me directly in the eye.

"I'm meeting her backstage." Danielle tilted her glasses and looked at me.

All of the models made their way back out with Jeremy before stopping to look ahead, and exiting the stage. I quickly got up with Danielle and made my way backstage to start my interviews and see what Haileys problem was.

"Ashton, babe." I turned around to see Jeremy standing behind me with his arms opened wide. "I'm so glad you could come and report the show; you always give an honest opinion." He hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it." I laughed and reached out for Danielle's hand. "Jeremy, this is my little sister; Danielle. Danielle, this is Jeremy."

"Nice to meet you; your collection is amazing." She smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, love. I have to say; what you're wearing is pretty outstanding. I might have to keep my eye out on you for something special." He shot her a wink and her eyes lit up like stars. "Matter of fact; come take a walk with me. Ashton, you won't mind?" He asked.

"Oh no! Go ahead, I have some work to do myself. Don't steal my sister away from me though." I laughed playfully and walked over the The interviewing station and get ready.

I interviewed at least six models, asking them the same questions that everybody was dying to know and it was killing me. By the time I was done, I reached to grab a water bottle only to see a hand reach out and grab it.

"Look who it is." Hailey smirked and opened the water bottle.

I sucked at my teeth and shook my head. "The girl who easily came in and took your man? Yes, it's me." I smiled at her. Her fake smile fell as she looked at me.

"Look, I just want you to know that you don't know Justin like I do; it'll take the smallest thing and he'll be over you and back with me. Where he belonged in the beginning and will always be." She spat and sat in the chair in front of me.

It took everything in me to not choke her out right there.

"So you're telling me that you enjoy being paraded around as the friend with benefits?" I chuckled and shook my head. "Sweetie, you've got a lot of shit to sort out in your head."

"Friends with benefits?" She laughed back at me. "I don't know what the hell he's told you; but I was never just the friend with benefits. I was his. How do you think I was able to get into his house so easily? Why do you think no matter what happens when he hooks up with girls like you, he reports back to me?"

I felt my skin begin to burn the more she talked and I resisted touching her and putting my job on the line.

"Hailey. I'm here now. I don't know what you two did... or even what you claim to have done, but I'm not going anywhere. But I know that if you keep popping up and trying to pop off, I'll pop you. Happily."


I knew the voice too well. Way too fucking well.

Justin stood behind me with his jaw clenched. Not at myself; but at Hailey. "What the fuck are you doing?" He hissed at her through gritted teeth.

"What am I doing?" She smirked. "What are you doing? Seems to me like you've left out some pieces of your love life to your girlfriend."

"Shut the fuck up, Hailey." He yelled at her.

"Tell her everything Justin. You told her that I was just a friend with benefits, but really we were a couple. Just say it and admit to it! We were a couple. Those sheets that you two toss around in?" She said, now looking at me.

"My body on top of those. The towels that you dry off in? My body was in those. That mouth that you kiss-"

"That's fucking enough, Hailey!" He yelled making the both of us jump.

She looked from me to him and bit her lip. Holding back possible tears. "Told her who track fifteen is about yet, or did you scrap it?" She presses before walking away.

I sat there frozen for once. What the hell just happened? Why was he here?


"Don't," I held my hand up to his face. "Dont fucking 'baby' me and don't speak to me." I shook my head and walked away towards the drinks. God knows after this I would need one.

I dropped my hands to the table and picked up another full flute before downing the whole thing. "Hey, Ashton?"

"What?" I turned around and glared.

"Damn, my bad sweetheart." Vic laughed and held up his hands.

"I'm sorry." I sighed and rubbed my temples. "S'been a long day."

"I understand." He chuckled. "I actually came over to ask you if you'd wanna leave here and grab a drink? Just us two?"


"No actually, she won't be doing that. She's actually gotta go. Right, Ashton?" Justin walked up to us with his hands in his pockets. The attention slowly began to get put on us from others in the room.

"I think that's up to the lady, right? Who are you to even make the choice for her, bro?" Vic argued.

He better fucking not—

"Her fucking boyfriend. So I'd say it's a big ass no if you ask me. Ashton, let's go." He said with more authority.

I rolled my eyes and mouthed a 'sorry' to Vic before pulling Justin to the nearest empty space.

"Alright, babe look—" he started.

My hand instantly connected with his cheek as I looked up at him. "Fuck you." I mumbled to him and watched his jaw clench in anger.

"You've fucked up so much today Justin, I don't even wanna look at you!" I yelled at him. "First, you're apparent ex decides that she wants to read me to filth about whatever the fuck you two had going on; when you told me it was nothing serious, by the way. Second, you show up here when I asked you to stay home and you told me that you would. Third, you come out loudly in front of everyone and blurt our that I'm your girlfriend. I can't win with you." I stormed off and looked for Danielle.

"Where is my sister." I mumbled and looked around.

"I told her to head back to the hotel and I'd bring you back." Justin sighed. "Baby, just listen."

"I don't wanna listen to you!"

"Ashton, please? You're really believing Hailey? Of all people? She doesn't want us to be together!" He yelled back at me.

"I'm not talking about this here." I shook my head.

"Great, then we can talk about it at the hotel." He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me to the exit. By the time we got out the door; there were cameras lined up the street and started snapping pictures and asking question.

Thankfully we were able to ignore them and get into the truck safely. Justin sped off with no hesitation, leaving the cameras behind us.

"Now listen," he sighed. "I don't want you listening to Hailey. Do you know who were talking about here? She doesn't want to see us together, Ashton. Stop listening to all of the fucking he-say-she-say! We were perfect before this happened and she wants what she can't have." He argued.

I sat quietly with my arms crossed. "This is the second time you had me out here looking stupid, Justin. Then you embarrassed me-"

"In front of who? Vic? The guy was flirting with you during the whole show, Ashton." He chuckled bitterly.

"I didn't flirt back! I know who I want to be with!" Tears started to form in my eyes.

He must have noticed by the change in my voice and looked over at me.

"I don't want you to have me out here looking stupid in front of the whole world. And after this shit with Hailey? You wonder why I didn't want people to know yet?" I sniffed.

He pulled the truck over to the curb and put it in park. "Ashton. Hailey is jealous of you. You don't have to ever question my love for you, what I do for you, what I plan on doing for you. She doesn't want to see us happy; I need you to understand that. This love? This trust? All of this?" He used his fingers to point between us both. "I can't lose this. We can't. If you don't trust me, you can go through my phone— everything." He took my face between his hands.

"I love you." He mumbled and kissed my temple.

"I love you too. But I swear if you hurt me, lie to me, or if I find out that you're lying to me... that's it Justin. No coming back, no second chances."

He simply nodded his head and rested his forehead against mine. I still didn't believe him all the way. But this has been too much for one day, and I didn't want to argue the whole time. I hit him in his arm and pulled away from his face for him to wince and rub the sore spot. "Fuck was that for?!"

"For popping up when I told you to stay home, stating an argument while I was working, and getting me involved with your bumb ass side chick or whatever she is again. Now," I sighed.

"This track fifteen..."

"I trashed it."

"When and why?"

"Before we started dating. Hailey was just..." he sighed. "There. Hailey was there. She was my crutch at the time. After Selena and Yovanna; I just needed someone to make me feel again, y'know? And she did that. So feelings got in the way... and I didn't make it any better by not telling her that I wasn't looking for anything serious. She thought that we were seriously together. I made her believe it unintentionally. So she asked me to write a song about her one day; and I just did it." He shrugged.

"Then I met you, and we started spending more time together. When I figured that I wanted to be with you; I trashed the song completely. I didn't want that to be a memory, or something for you to hear and think of her. Hell, myself too."

I simply nodded my head and pulled him over to me, brushing my lips against his softly. "I forgive you. But one more chance and that's it." I mumbled against his pink plump lips. He nodded and kissed mine twice before pulling away and holding my hand.

He pulled back onto the road and started driving back to the hotel again. "Well, everyone's gonna know that we're together now. Exactly what you wanted." I sighed and rubbed my thumb over his hand.

"Mmhmm." He smiled and kissed my hand. "You look amazing in this by the way." He pointed with his thumb. "Sexy as hell."

"Thank you." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "By the way; what did we do last night? Danielle told me to ask you since she apparently heard?"

His laugh instantly filled the car "She heard?" I simply nodded.

"We has phone sex since you were apparently insanely drunk. You also touched yourself; but you were too embarrassed about it, so I coached you through it. And I had a boner, so I took care of that on FaceTime. It was amazing. We came together too." He smirked.

"Oh my God." I groaned and covered my face.

"But seeing you in this and having you here in person..." he rubbed his bottom lip as we stopped at a light, using his other hand to run his index finger down the valley of my chest. I shuddered at his touch and closed my eyes. "We're definitely taking care of this back at the hotel. Especially after watching you and Vic sit and talk to each other and smile that hard?" He chuckled.

"I've let you go pretty long without being punished for your slick ass comments, babe. We're definitely putting that mouth of your to better use later." He chuckled and shook his head.

I rolled my eyes at him but my core was expressing a completely different emotion.

He continued to play with my hand as he drove, until I felt his hand dip into the front of my pants, stopping at the fabric of my thong.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, feeling his cold hands go lower.

"Teaching you a quickly little lesson before we reach other hotel." He said calmly, pushing my panties to the side and brushing his fingers against my pearl. I slouched further into the seat and tired to close my legs even more, but it was no use. He made that obvious.

"Daddy's gonna take care of you, babe. Just relax." He mumbled and licked his bottom lip.

I let out a loud gasp as I felt his finger slip into me slowly.

This was going to be a long car ride.


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