The Rejected To The Wanted

By Little_Red_317

469K 12.3K 2.5K

Blamed for the death of the former Alpha and her parents that died trying to protect her. Alyssa Silvers is t... More

Chapter 1:Screw You
Chapter 2:One Hell of A Situation
Chapter 3: Do You Know How It Feels?!
Chapter 4: Peanut Butter Cookies
Chapter 5: I Found My Family
Chapter 6: You're A Magical Unicorn
Chapter 7:Timothy
Chapter 8:Alyssa 2.0
Chapter 9:Back To This Hellhole
Chapter 10:The Singing Of A Dying Walrus
Chapter 11:Bitch Was Going To Pay
Chapter 12:Containment Earrings
Chapter 13: How About Friends?
Chapter 14:Young and Beautiful
Chapter 15: The Betrayal
Chapter 16: You'll get what you deserve
Chapter 17: Mine
Chapter 18: Losing
Chapter 19: Where?
Chapter 20: Back
The Hiatus
Chapter 21: Welcome
Chapter 22 : 2-0
Chapter 23 : Hi... Again
Chapter 24: Memories
Chapter 25: ME
Chapter 27: Broken
Chapter 28: Oblivion
Chapter 29: My Final Goodbye

Chapter 26: Home

6.1K 156 2
By Little_Red_317

Yellow! I'm back<3
Enjoy the chapter!


Wilson's P.O.V.~

We don't have much time.

My father, no, that title was like acid on my tongue.

Anyways, our time was running out, he is supposed to arrive at the base in a few days.

Those few rouges that survived and ran off wouldn't dare to call Peter, they knew they'd die for letting the girls escape. They're probably running for the hills with their tail between their legs.

We needed to be ready, for his arrival.

He was never empathic but he was a smart fucking bastard.


Alyssa's P.O.V.~

Nathan and the boys were coming up with a plan to take down Peter, the girls had been taking me to places to see if I would remember anything. Apparently, they have a guest coming to see if he can help me remember anything.

I wonder if this dude is some thousand-years-old elder or some shit.

That would be hilarious.


Startled, I look up. Maci was waving her hand in my face like a madman, I raise my eyebrow at her.

"I was calling for you like six times," she said in matter so factly manner, "you just started to giggle to yourself like that's not creepy."

"So what was so funny?" Cassandra asks.

"Well I was thinking about the guest you said you would bring and I just thought it'd be hilarious if you brought some thousand-year-old elder or some shit."

Maci and Abigail burst into a hysterical laughter.

"Tt-t-thousand-year o-old man!"

"Yea, like subtract nine hundred ninety-five!"

I looked at them confused and quickly start to do the math.

Let's see carry the one, and make that a five and-

I could feel my eyes bulge out of their sockets, "He's five!"

They don't even answer me they just keep laughing their asses off.

"What the hell is a five-year-old going to do for me?!"

Maci coughs trying to stop her from laughing.

"Well, hopefully, a lot more than you think," she breathes out calming herself down, with Abigail easing off as well.

"Okay, whatever you say, Doctor," scoffing at Maci.

Silence filled the room and I stared down at my hands, trying to imagine a five-year-old or anything to help me connect my memory back.

"Hey, did Sapphire come back yet?" Cassandra inquired.


"Do you feel anything?" this time it was Olivia that asked.


"How about a spark or something with Nathan?"

I rolled my eyes at Abigail, "You guys ask me these questions every day, no every three hours, I'll tell you when I feel something."

I sighed, sinking back into the couch.

They begin to talk to each other as I began to doze off, thirty minutes later I jolt up from my seat as I hear a car approaching.

I get up to look out the window, but there was no car in sight.

"Umm guys? Do you hear that?"

They look up at me and shake their heads no. I tilt my head to the side confused, there was definitely a vehicle coming.

"Well, I hear a car or a van coming in this direction."

They stared at me wide-eyed, making me fidget underneath their gaze. I could hear the boys coming out of the office and approaching the stairs.

"Okay, so why are you all staring at Aly like she's a piece of meat?" Greg quizzed as he jogged down the stairs ahead of the rest of the guys.

"She heard a car, but we can't hear it," Maci mumbled.

Her eyes were trying to figure out why, but clearly, because my situation was... unique, she had her work cut out for her.

She continued to ramble as Nathan came down and rubbed my shoulder, which I hadn't realized were scrunched up from feeling nervous.

His touch was soothing and nice, I could feel a light buzz but nothing like the electrifying current, the girls told me about. I sighed and leaned against a wall.


Okay, what the hell.

The wall I leaned on now had a huge crack in it from where I was standing. I looked at Nathan, my eyes pleading for an answer because I know I didn't gain that much weight since I was starved in the dungeon.

"Holy shit, I didn't think this would happen so soon," Maci said, alarmed.

"What would happen?"

"Our powers, you're a white wolf that comes with a side of everything," she turns to Nathan, "you've got to get those enchantment earrings."

He just nodded and headed back up the stairs, and I hear the car stop and now I was pretty sure everyone else heard it too.

"Hurry up!" Abigail calls.

"Yeah, you don't want Aly to crush your son, right?" James calls out, chuckling.

I glare at him, "What do you mean son?"

He immediately shuts up, and Joseph smacks him upside his head. I whipped my head around at look at Abigail, letting everything connect.

The guest was my damn son.

"Holy shi-"

The door bursts open and I swing my head around, to see a little boy. He eagerly looked at each of the adults, and his adorable green eyes land on me.

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't blink.

He's my son.

I couldn't even feel Nathan put in the earrings in my ears, probably making them bleed because some my piercings were closed.

That's my son.

He was like lightning, he bounded towards me and I was too scared to even hold my hands up to welcome him.

But the second he gripped my legs like he was holding onto life, it felt right.


His body shook as he cried against my legs and I just smiled at looked down at him, hesitantly combing my hand through his light brown hair.

Nathan pecks my cheek and then turns my head giving me a slow loving kiss. I pull away and smiled at him, he smiled back. The Maci came running in screaming,"HELP ALY, JAMES IS GOING TO KILL MEEEEE!"

I sigh as she hides behind my body, as an angry James appeared, Nate immediately burst out into laughter and I cover my mouth as I took in his appearance. Maci and I were prank queens, Abigail would join but she wasn't as good as us, Maci admitted defeat when it came to pranking so that made me the goddess of pranks. I have to admit she got him good. He had a Hitler mustache drawn on his face and dicks on each cheek, a monocle and on his forehead, it said 'LEADER OF THE CHICKEN COUP'. His hair had an egg yolk dripping off onto his face, and he was wearing a bra, not just any bra, a neon pink bra. How did she even get that on him!?


I grabbed my hidden cookie stash and walked up to him. I opened the box and said,"I'll give you twelve cookies if you agree not to kill her." His complete demeanor changed in a flash, nodded his head eagerly, and I smiled at him, he grabbed twelve cookies and began eating them.

"That's it your not going to kill me?" Maci asks from behind the kitchen counter.

"Yep," he says with a mouthful of cookies, "but I only accept cookies made by my little sister, not some cheap factory concoction that tastes like shit."

I laugh as he walks away going back to his room. I finished making dinner laying it out for everyone to eat. I was going to begin eating when the lights shut off and then candles began to light up. Then Greg appears with a cake in his hands and the candles lit, I begin to hear multiple voices in the room and they begin to sing.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Alyssa
Happy birthday to you

Are you 1
Are you 2
Are you-"

Then a voice screamed,"Let's get this shit over with we know she's 16," I laughed knowing it was Maci everyone else laughed as well.

I blew out the candles while wiping my tears away, my wish already came true though I wished for acceptance and I had already got it. We ate the cake and other werewolves brought food and the held a party.

I shake my head, trying to disrupt the memory.

We were walking hand-in-hand then we heard a shrill scream burst through the air. We both stripped and shifted and ran towards the sound, we found a dead she-wolf and a rouge covered in blood. We both didn't hesitate we killed the man, Nate gripped on the rouge's thwart while I clawed at his stomach.

I heard a soft crying, I followed it to a tree a couple feet away from the scene. It was a young boy he looked around the age of three and he was crying in his hands. He looks at me then pushes himself up on to the tree, looking scared for his life. I sat in front of him placing my head on my paws. He slowly approached me and then he patted my fur and snuggled close to my stomach.


It felt warm.

I was on the couch, no I was on Nathan's lap and I was nestled close to his chest and Timothy was squeezing my arm tight, with his mighty five-year-old strength.

I silently chuckled at the twenty-year-old acting like the five-year-old. Nate's grip loosened and I felt his chin move so he could look at me.

I guess my shaking gave it away.

Hi, I mouthed to him.

He smiles and mouths back, Hi.

My grin gets wider as I jerk my head to ask him about Timothy, who was trying to be a bigger strong kid, crying silently against my arm.


Nate rolls his eyes and whispers, "He hates me, and missed you."

I rolled my eyes back in response, and begin to pull my hand away from the sweet little angel, whose nails needed a trim.

I could hear him suck in a quick breath and he swung his head around and stared back at me. His little pout turned upside down until he was beaming right back at me, lunging at me and squishing me under his weight.

I laughed out loud as he tried to wrap his arms around me, the little man failed, but I wasn't going to leave him. I hugged him back squeezing him.

I stand up letting him climb onto my feet as I shifted from side to side.

"Hi, Timothy."

He doesn't look up but mumbles against my shirt. I hum in patience, waiting for a coherent response.

"Hi, mommy," it was barely audible, but it was there.

As I picked him up he wrapped his legs and arms around me, snuggling his head into space between my neck and shoulder.

Nathan just smiles as he pushes himself off the couch, he sakes his head and held his arms open.

He was about to pull me close but he electrocutes me. Well, it felt weird and different, it made butterflies in my stomach, it made me feel warm and safe, and it felt like it was a supposed to be there.

He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Mate pull."

I'm home.

"Who just said that?" I looked around the room.

The voice just laughed, It's me, Sapphire and I am home.




Here's a new chapter, sorry for the wait. Life is just a shitstorm, I thought I was done with one mess and another just pops up.

Hopefully, I can finally get back to updating quickly, as this story is almost done soooooo... just wait.

Hehehe, laters.

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