Rose the space warrior

By dylanrenz1993

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Sequel to Eric's space adventure that stars Rose and take's place 5 years later. More

Part 1 Five years later
Part 2 The hunt for Abby
Part 3 back to space again
Part 4 The Man named Z
Part 5 Sandiaga
Part 6 A costly mistake
Part 7 The End Of Sandiaga
Part 8 I'll be In your heart
Part 9 An Old Face
Part 10 Madam Yuma's Slave Camp
Part 11 An Angry Cat
Part 12 Escape
Part 13 Greg's Farwell
Part 14 Rose's New Arm
Part 15 ERIC!?!?!
Part 16 Abby End
Part 17 A Time To Relax
Part 18 It's Back
Part 19 Asmara
Part 21 Reunion
Part 22 I can't be your father
Part 23 The Masked Person
Part 24 No Home
Part 25 Rude Awakening
Part 26 He's Back
Part 27 The Truth Get's Out
Part 28 Valerie Walls
Part 29 A Gut Feeling
Part 30 Valerie Vs Rose
Part 31 Forgiven
Part 32 Back to Space
Part 33 Prisiner
Part 34 The End
Part 35 epilogue 30 Years Later

Part 20 Rose's Awakens

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By dylanrenz1993

                                                                                    Z's Pov

I was sitting by Rose's bed side with Eric and Noah when the doctor walked In and looked at me.

Sir you should go home will tell you when she's wake's up. The Doctor Said

I sighed.

Doctor do you think she'll ever wake up doc? Eric Asked The Doctor

I don't know she's In a deep coma and we have no idea when she'll wake up. The Doctor Said

I left the hospital and walked down the street and sat down on a park bench.

This Is all my fault I could have done something. I Thought to myself

I started to cry and got up and punched the wall.

You seem angry what's on your mind ? Someone asked Me

I turned to see a teenage girl with long brown hair and white eyes.

Nothing's wrong mam. I Said

Then why are you punching the wall ? She Asked Me

I looked at her and saw her eyes.

Are you blind ? I Asked Her

She nodded.

Yep I got Into a fight with a thug and he cut my eyes with a knife and well you see what happened. She Said

Wow so how did you know I was punching the wall ? I Asked Her

She chuckled.

Well you know what they say happens when you go blind. She Said

Oh so all your other senses have been enhanced. I Said

Yep my name's Jamie by the way. Jamie Said

Well It's nice to meet you Jamie. I Said

Hey wanna hang out sometime ? Jamie Asked Me

I don't know I'm going thru some hard things now. I Said

Really wanna tell me or am I asking to much. Jamie Said

Ok I'll tell you I guess. I Said

                                                       Rose's Pov

I looking around floating In a void when I saw Gwen.

Gwen what are you doing here am I dead or something ? I Asked Gwen

Gwen chuckled.

Nope your not dead you just resting. Gwen Said

Resting when will I wake up ? I Asked Gwen

Don't worry you'll wake up soon when your ready. Gwen Said

Oh well ok. I Said

Suddenly we where In a park and I looked around shocked.

What the hell happened ? I Asked Gwen

It's a dream we can do anything silly. Gwen Said

I followed Gwen threw the Park and over to a big tree.

Wow that tree Is huge. I Said

Gwen ignored me and sat down under the tree and patted the spot next to her and I sat down and looked at her.

You have to stop Asmara. Gwen Said

My eyes went wide.

Who do you plan on me doing that she almost killed me. I Said

You have to find a way If you don't she'll take over the universe and every one will be her slave. Gwen Said

I started to cry.

Gwen you don't under stand I can't beat her If I try I'll get killed and she might kill. I Stopped myself

Gwen looked at me confused.

She might kill who ? Gwen Asked Me

She might kill Noah and more Importantly Z. I Said

You seem to love the boy don't you. Gwen Said

I blushed and looked down.

Y...Yeah I do so what about It. I Said

Nothing I'm happy for you. Gwen Said

I smiled at Gwen and she smiled at me.

Oh and by the way tell Eric I miss him. Gwen Said

Wait how do you know. I Suddenly woke up In a hospital bed and looked around and a nurse walked In and looked at me.

Rose your awake how do you feel ? The Nurse Asked Me

I feel like crap. I Said

That understandable considering you've been In an coma for the past four weeks. The Nurse Said

My eyes went wide.

What I've got to go find my friends. I Said

I tried to stand up but feel over and the nurse ran over and helped me back Into the bed.

Sorry Rose but you'll have to go thru therapy before you can walk. The Nurse Said

I glared at the Nurse.

I don't have the fucking time Nurse I've got to find my friends now. I Said

Well you'll just have to wait there on a supply run anyways. The Nurse Said

What really when will they be back. I Said

A week I think. The Nurse Said

Then I'll have to relearn to walk before they get back. I Said with determination

Yeah good luck with that It'll take you a few months to learn to walk again. The Nurse Said

ha I'm much better then your average human. I Said

                                                                     Noah's Pov  

We where on are ship when I looked at Z.

Why did you bring The other girl on board. I Said

What Jamie she's fine She needed something to do. Z Said

I sighed you could have at least told me before you brought her on board. I Said

Yeah well It's to late now. Z Said

Jamie and Eric walked In the meeting room and I looked at them.

So Eric you really remember everything now ? I Asked Eric

Yeah like I said after the orb blew up I must have landed on the planet so hard that I got amnesia and I started roaming the planet until I found that old village In the cave and stayed there until my daughter Rose found me. Eric Said

Yeah It's wrong that your calling her your daughter now. I Said

Eric glared at me.

And Why's that ? Eric Asked Me

Your younger then her now that why It ant right. I Said

Well I don't care she's still my daughter whether you like It or not. Eric Said

I sighed.

Fine I ant fighting with you. I Said

Jamie walked up and studded next to me and smiled at me.

Sir can I ask you something ? Jamie Asked Me

Don't call me sir and go ahead. I Said

Jamie blushed and looked down.

W...Well I was wonder If you would want to hang out when we get back ? Jamie Asked Me

Yeah sure sound fun. I Said 

Jamie smiled.

Thank you sir. Jamie Said

Don't call me Sir. I Said

Sorry si..I mean Noah. Jamie Said

Jamie walked out and Z smirked at me and I raised an eye brow.

What with that smirk ? I Asked Z

Nothing It's just that Jamie's seems to have taken a liking to you. Z Said

I blushed.

W...What are you talking about she's just being nice Is all. I Said

Whatever you say Noah. Z said

Z walked out of the room and I looked out the window Into space.

I can't wait for the supply run to be over. I thought to myself

                                                             End Of Chapter   

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