Taming My KitKat (Phakit) (Mi...

By BL4lifeu

93.8K 5.4K 1.5K

"This is my 1st warning to you shorty~ Try not to get past the third *smirk* " - Pha "Senior or Junior i'll n... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
*2 Moons cover*
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Bad news
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 31

2.1K 116 81
By BL4lifeu

(Total 4871 words of bullshit) 



" Okay everybody get in! It's time. Ai'Nai go through the check list again. We don't want to miss anything. And Ai'Pha you ca-....where's Ai'Pha?"

P'Jude shrugged. " Haven't seen him all morning"

"What about Ai'Forth? He must know"

" He's not here either"

P'Sun groaned reaching for his phone. This is why he doesn't like to involve in shit like these. He dialed to both simultaneously but no luck it was either busy or switched off.

" Fuck! It's getting late, we've to be there by ten"

" But the photo shoot won't be starting until three"

" Idiot we've to check in, get a tour around the resort, talk with the manager, freshen up, take lunch , get some rest, set up the locations for the shoot, get the freshmen ready you want me to go on?"

Other held up his hands in defense. "Hey I'm not the one being late"

" P'Forth can i come too na? Please please please pleeeaaase~"

" I-I don't know nong. Why don't you ask Ai'Pha?"

Yo huffed cutely crossing his arms. " That jerk won't let me. He'll say I'm a nuisance cause now I've a sprained ankle.

Forth smiled fondly at the latter. " He's just being protective N'Yo. Besides what if your ankle gets worse? You need a proper rest"

Yo whined like a kicked puppy pouting his lips knowing very well Forth won't be able to say no. There's only half an hour left and if Yo don't succeed, he won't be able to see his P'Ming for a whole week. Forth looked at the pouty face and then at his watch. His heart melted when Yo tugged at his shirt blinking the doe eyes.

" ehm.. okay I'll talk to Ai'Pha but promise me you'll be careful"

Yo nod his head enthusiastically his imaginary tale wagging furiously. P'Forth was always a softy for cute things and Yo knew that damn well too.

 Outside the faculty two mini vans were parked ready to depart any time. It was meant for the senior moons and stars since the main bus was reserved for the freshmen and Mr.Tern. Forth carefully placed Yo in the back seat and ruffled his hair. When he turned around Beam was there clutching to his suite case eyes casting downwards. Forth's heart filled with joy because he half expected Beam to refuse and stay behind.

" N'Beam you came!"

The latter glared and put his luggage in the back not caring the way Forth came to his aid almost immediately smiling like a retard. Even though Beam didn't want to admit it would be a lie if he said he didn't feel kinda warm by the taller's gestures. After Kit's disappearance he was all alone (once again) and it was the shittiest feeling he ever felt. With no people to either care for him or defend him, he had a hard time gathering the courage to finally flee away from home and his abusive father. After those 18 months P'Forth was the only one who tried to warm up to him. First he thought the jerk was feeling guilty and seeking redemption. But by the time he was proved it was pure and genuine all along. Forth turned to him flashing that dashing smile instantly making him blush a little. What the hell?

" I'm so glad you are here N'Beam. I was worried you won't show up"

Beam cleared his throat looking away giving out an audible hmm. There was a brief silence between them until Forth decided to talk.

" Aren't you excited? They say the resort is beautiful because it's right next to the beach"

" Not really"

" Today there'll be a BBQ party too"

" Whatever"

" While others are occupied in the photo shoot we can have fun on the beach all day. Isn't that great?"

" What do you mean we?"

Younger snapped his head with a judging look making Forth regret his choose of words.

" Uh..t-the gang of senior moons of course. B-but you also can join...if you want to"

He said somewhat sheepishly wishing Beam wouldn't get mad again. Suddenly his phone started to ring breaking the tension.



" Hel-"


" Calm down Ai'Sun we are about to head out. Ai'Pha still haven't arrived"

" Tell that goof we've to be there by 10. You know there's lot more to do when we g- hold on.... you gotta be kidding me! Are you telling me this now? What do you mean he isn't here? Check the bathrooms! no? Ask N'Kim then. She might know, they are partners.... Ai'Forth you there?"

" Yeah "

" Is N'Beam with you right now?"

" Uh huh"

" Ask him if he has seen N'Cop this morning"

Forth lowered his phone turning to Beam only to see a mix of sad and anger on the latter's face. Before he could ask anything he beat him to it.

" No"

The first thing that came to his mind was 'did he find out?'.

" Well?"

P'Sun grumbled impatiently from the other end.

" Umm no. he said he didn't. Why? Is he missing?"

" Who's missing?" Pha came out of no where with a frown adorning his handsome features. Beam wordlessly got in to the van sparing one last glance at them.

"Ai'Pha did you tell N'Cop we are leaving today? Because he isn't in the bus"

Pha cursed messing his hair. He should have known that Kit would do something stubborn like this.

" Hey where are you going?" Forth shouted at the retreating figure sprinting towards the dorms.

" You guys go! I'll take him to the bus!"

Forth sighed. " Ai'Pha said they'll catch up. We are leaving then"

He hung up and get in to the driving seat starting the engine.

" Hey you guys have a spare seat? Our van is full"

Yo beamed when Ming jumped to the back seat where he was sitting. couldn't this day get any better?

"Oh N'Yo you're going too? "

Other responded to him by laying his head on the taller's lap grinning like a kid who got presents for Christmas.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Kit dropped his phone startled due to loud banging on his door.

" Shorty open the door!

' Shia! It's the giant!'

*Thud! Thud!*

" I know you are in there!"

He bit his lip in panic. In fact he clearly knew the reason behind the senior's outburst but hey, he didn't ask to be in the stupid competition. He was forced. So he has every right to reject!


" Don't let me repeat kid!"

Pha's voice got a notch higher and the banging got even louder. Holding his breath Kit meekly picked up a chair and gently placed it upon the door in case the taller barged in with force. He heard a loud sigh and shuffling sound of a pair of feet.


"Phew" Kit exhaled and braced himself on the chair feeling relieved. His phone had a crack on it and it didn't seem to function.

" Oh?" He tapped on in few times and held it near his ear. No sound at all. Kit kicked his legs whining. This is all of than damn P'Pha's fault. He peeked through the key hole and found that no one was there. Maybe the taller has finally given up?

The door emitted a quiet creek as Kit poked his head outside grabbing on to the door handle for dear life. Pha was gigantic and he knew he won't be able to stop the giant from barging in even if he tried. A sigh of relief escaped from his lips when the empty hallway greeted him, the deep dimples making it's way on the chubby cheeks.

Kit closed the door carefully locking it reaching for the near by chair. He suddenly squeaked in surprise when an unknown force held him throwing over the shoulder.

" Told you not to underestimate me"

" Put me down! Put me down! "

" Too late for that shorty~"

Pha said smugly opening the door without any effort carrying an endlessly protesting grumpy kitten out of the room. Kit thrashed hitting the taller's back with small fists where he only could reach due to the awkward position.

" Jerk! Moron! Y-you Stupid giant! Put me down!!!"

" Or what? You'll peel me like a grape?"

Pha teased while Kit whimpered helplessly tears threatening to fall due to humiliation. He could only wish there won't be anyone to witness his misery. But alas!

" Omg isn't that P'Pha?"

" Who is he carrying like that?"

Kit panicked more kicking his legs.

" Stop moving!"

But it didn't seem to alarm the smaller. All he could see was the moving ground and hear the constant shuttering noises.

" I said stop moving!"

Pha growled fastening his pace. They were already late and Kit's squirming didn't help it at all. He harshly slapped the other's butt resulting the wiggling mess to be stupefied.

When they finally came to the right place Pha put the smaller down but held one of the wrists in a tight grip in case he tried to escape again. Fortunately Kit was a bit stunned due to the sudden assault he received on his butt so didn't struggle as much as before.

" Shit!"

Pha cursed when he realized both of the vans were long gone. His phone was no option because it was out of battery. Without even giving a warning he tugged the other by the wrist and ran out of the main gate whilst Kit's yelling. Poor corgi had a hard time catching up with taller's long limbs and was soon out of breath.

" What the fuck?"

Pha was hoping to see the big ass bus parked in the parking lot but nothing was there. Did they seriously leave them behind?

Kit was too tired to give a damn and was too busy plotting the perfect plan to kill the asshole in front of him. Pha messed up his hair and looked everywhere in distress.

" Give me your phone"

" Why should i?"

" Just give it already. Mine isn't working"

Kit scoffed. " Guess what genius! Your gracious arrival caused a crack on my screen earlier!"

Great! No way to contact others. No way to go back. No way to get to the resort. nothing ~


"Hey did we forget anything?"

" Nah"


Pha paced right and left like he has gone mad. On the other hand Kit was glad that the trip was canceled. He stood up wearing a goofy grin dusting his pants ready to head back to his dorm (which was miles away). But Pha seemed to have different plans in his mind.

" Not so fast!"

" Aww! Where the hell are you taking me?"

Pha dragged him to the middle of the parking lot stopping right before a familiar bike. (Forth's little scooty to be exact)

" W-wait don't tell me-"

Pha grabbed one of the helmets and put it on the blabbering Kit, taking another for himself.

" Get on!"

" No way ! I don't w-"

" Don't make me repeat Get on now!"

Kit huffed and carefully sat behind the taller trying to make space in between.

" This is practically kidnappin-"

Pha raced the bike all of a sudden making Kit yelp and plant his front flush against Pha's broad back, his hands instinctively securing around the taller's waist. A triumph grin appeared on Pha's lips. Not giving Kit any chance to back away he sped off the vehicle whilst Kit's shrieks.


" N'Yo wake up. Let's buy some snacks"

Yo whined snuggling more in to the warmth radiating from Ming. After 2 hours long continuous driving Forth decided it's best to stop for a snack and take a rest. Beam hopped off the van and stretched his limbs. His T-shirt riled up showing his pale skin above the waist. Forth gulped and willed his eyes to look away feeling funny in his gut.

Yo had his permanent seat on Ming's back cause it was more easy than using clutches. His grin was wide as Ming insisted on feeding him.

" Hey Ai'Forth where's Ai'Pha?" Ming said after a while noticing the absence of his cousin. The other van was already full so there's no way Pha is in there.

" Ah he told us to leave first. We've to get there first and ready things for the photo shoot"

" Why would he do that?"

Ming stopped feeding the younger and said with an accusing tone.

" He went back to fetch N'Cop. He might have overslept or something. But no worries Ai'Pha said he'll catch up with the rest. They must be already in the bus by now"

Ming had somewhat troubled look on his face but it soon faded away when Yo tugged his hand motioning him to continue the feeding.


" S-slow down!!!!"

" Whaat? I can't hear you~"

" I s-said slow down!!! You are g-going to get both of us k-killed!"

Pha took it as a cue to speed up more resulting Kit to helplessly cling on to his shirt. A massive truck horned right beside Kit's ear speeding off to the opposite direction, nearly knocking the consciousness away from the shivering mess. And it was the final blow.

" P-please s-stop it ... P'.. P'Pha i-I can't!"

Kit's small frame started to tremble and Pha felt his shirt getting wet with younger's uncontrollably falling tears. He quickly pulled off regretting the teasing immediately. He just wanted to scare the other for a bit.

" Hey hey are you okay?"

Kit hiccuped and tighten the grip more making Pha unable to move, tears of shame and fear fell down uncontrollably like a cascade wetting the thin material. Pha felt guilty for taking the joke so far. He tried to turn and console the other but Kit didn't let him not wanting P'Pha to see him being a cry baby.

" N'Kit hey hey. It's okay we are off the road now. I'm sorry I took it so far okay? C'mon open your eyes it's over"

Pha took the small hands in his own and rubbed soothing circles on them. They stayed like that for ten minutes until Kit loosened his grip and backed away sniffling.

" D-don't"

He said softly before Pha could turn around. Shame was eating him alive and he wasn't sure he'll be able to face the taller anytime soon. His trembling fingers made their way to Pha's back only to fist the hem of the shirt with both of his hands avoiding any contact as much as possible.

" L-let's go"

Pha sighed and bit back retorting. He could see the reddened eyes through the side mirror and he felt awful. No matter how hard the latter tried to act tough he was the same old nerdy cute Kid with a fragile heart. Pha couldn't believe how did he even dare to hurt Kit in the past. Why did he try to deny those feelings in the first place?

Pha carefully drove the bike taking note of the soft pattern of breathing on his back. After the little ruckus earlier Kit's head lolled on to Pha's back few times before the latter fully slumped on it falling asleep. He chuckled and turned his head to see the mop of red brown locks peeking above his shoulder. Pha sneakily took the small hands up to his front locking them around his waist once again. Kit snuggled closer in his sleep enjoying the only warmth he could get resulting a dopey grin to appear on Pha's face. Smaller's heart beat synced with his own making him feel all warm and giddy inside, like the first time falling in love. Maybe that was it. He was falling in love with Kit all over again.


" Ai'Ming what's troubling you? You've been like that for hours" Forth said looking at the rare mirror.

" I don't know Ai'Forth I feel like something is off"

" What do you mean?"

Both Beam and Yo were fast asleep on their respective seats. Ming wordlessly reached for his phone calling Ai'Sun.

" Hello ! What is it?"

" Ai'Sun where are you guys are now?"

" Ah we stopped for a small break. We have a three hour drive tho ,what about you ?"

" We're almost there. So did Ai'Pha and N'Cop catch up with you guys on time?"

" What do you mean? I thought they were already in the mini van!"

Ming looked at equally panic faced Forth widening his eyes.

" B-but they were supposed to get in to the bus!"

Forth abruptly hit the breaks and fumbled with his phone. He could hear Ai'Sun cursing nonstop from the other end of the line.

" Shit! That means we left them behind?"

" Hold on Ai'Forth is calling Ai'Pha"

Forth groaned when it said unreachable.

" Try N'Cop!"

" No use! Ai'Nai already tried. How the hell are we going to find them now???"

No one had the answer for that.


A sudden bump on the road woke up Kit from his slumber. First thing he noted was the white material he was bracing and the soothing warmth.

" Sorry did I wake you up?"

It took him five seconds to gather up his bearings and sit still straight, his ears tinting with red. His hands went back once again to clutch a corner of Pha's shirt.

" Are you tired? Shall we stop and take a bite? Your stomach kept growling for about half an hour"

As on cue it growled again louder and Kit flushed a shade darker. To be honest his butt was hurting like hell being in that same position for hours. After all it was his first time. They stopped at a small restaurant near by. Pha noticed the way Kit keep fidgeting on the seat and couldn't help but laugh.

" What?" Smaller asked annoyed.

" First time on a bike?"

Kit glared trying hard to keep his butt away from the wooden chair.

" Spoiled rich kid"

Pha chuckled and went through the menu. He was half expecting for a comeback but furrowed his eyes when the younger's eyes kept looking somewhere behind him with great enthusiasm. He also turned his head to see what the commercial was about and immediately saw green when he noticed a pretty girl playing with her phone.

" What would you like?"

He asked a bit sternly cause Kit's full attention was now on the girl instead of him.

" Anything is fine"

Kit dismissed him and leaned to the left to take a better angle. Pha moved his chair to the right blocking the view which earned him an annoyed look. This time Kit leaned to the right only to have Pha moving to the left again cock blocking his fun. He tsked and snatched the menu from the taller's hand.

" One burgur and a coke"

" You don't know where are we going right?"

" Of course I do. Why would you say that?"

" We are passing that same lake for the 7th time" Kit rolled his eyes checking his wrist watch.

4.45 p.m

They were all alone in a high way with no life form in sight.

" Why there's nobody on the road except us?" Pha thought checking either side. It was getting dark and he had no idea where they were. He was answered for the question earlier when they came to a dead end. the road was blocked from there and it said 'Under Construction'.

Pha bit back a groan wishing there would be enough petrol to take them further. Kit peeked his head from the taller's shoulder and immediately panicked.

" What? No! I knew it! You have no clue where we are! Jesus others also don't know where we are! there's no enough petrol either! We are doomed! n-no I AM DOO-"

Pha tugged the pair of lips together successfully shutting the blabbering down.

" It's not the end of the world N'Kit. I'll get us out of here alright? And don't worry we still have the spare tank"

Kit glared and soothed the slightly throbbing lips swatting other's hand harshly. He wandered what others might be doing right now. Haven't they still noticed their absence? Maybe they are searching for them. He hoped they are.

Kit shivered when the chilly breeze contacted his thin clothing. Well he wasn't hoping to go on a field trip when he dressed up for his class this morning. He was so tempted to snuggle up because it was unbearably freezing. He had no idea about the time either. It was pitch black everywhere except for the light eliminating from the head lights of the scooty and it wasn't enough to take a good look at his wrist watch.

Pha had a hard time concentrating on the bumpy road with poor vision. He was dead tired but the chilly breeze willed his eyes fully open. They left the high way half an hour go turning to a small road which leads them to a creepy looking forest. If he was sure he can get both of them out earlier, say 30% now it has shrunk to 0.00001%.

They only got a high wind blowing sound as a warning before heavy water droplets crashed on to them high speed.

They were officially fucked.

" This is all your fault! I knew I should have bailed you when I had the time!"

Kit argued his teeth chattering non stop as he rocked back and forth to gain some heat. The rain was pouring so hard soaking them from head to toe leaving no space untouched. Pha groaned raking his wet bangs only to have them flattened by the continuous raining. The scooty was flat on ground where they crashed on to a tree five minutes ago.

Forth is going to kill me!

He tugged endlessly complaining Kit by the wrist dragging somewhere they could have some shelter.

" There's no way they are going to find us out now! I'm going to be stuck in this creepy woods forever. And worse with you! Ahh I don't want to-"

" Quiet down will you?? Or should I shut your mouth myself?"

Kit instantly became quiet by the threat. By now he knows better than to test P'Pha's patience. Fortunately they managed to get in to some old shack by the time. A loud crack of thunder followed by a lightning had them jump startled. Pha took out his phone and sighed tossing it on the ground. At least they have some shelter above their heads for the time being. Hopefully others would find them before they froze to death.

Kit's teeth started to chatter again as he kept blowing air on his hands. 

He flinched when Pha took his (Forth's jacket) off and started to unbutton his white shirt.

" W-what are y-you d-doing???"

Pha swiftly took out his dry shirt showing his fine set of muscles putting it away and tugged Kit's drenched T shirt from either sides making him shriek bloody murder.


Pha wordlessly caught the thin wrists and locking them above, easily taking the material off much to Kit's horror. As soon as the cloth was gone Kit covered his chest in a defensive manner scooting away from smirking Pha till his back met the cold wall.

" D-don't c-come any c-closer! O-or i-I'll...I-I'll-"

" You'll what? Scream? "

Pha taunted crawling on all fours towards the trembling mess.

" Go ahead~ There's no one except us in these wood anyway"

He said smugly hovering over the smaller male and breathing very close to his neck. Kit gulped loudly shivering from both fear and cold with no shirt on, helplessly under equally shirtless Pha.

 Countless number of water droplets fell on his face every time Pha moved spreading goosebumps all over his body. Their eyes locked for a moment and Kit felt his panic rising. Pha's smirk faded away as his eyes fell on to Kit's glassy orbs and then to the quivering lips. Kit closed his eyes tight when the other's face inched closer and gasped loudly when something cool touched his chest.

" You are so wet. Here take this we don't want our new moon to get sick again"

Pha smirked and get off his body handing him his dry shirt. Kit blinked few times and looked at his own wet T-shirt lying on his body and at the taller's face, immediately blushing beet root red.

" W-what about y-you?" He asked meekly draping the white shirt which was too big for him, his eyes looking anywhere but Pha.

" I'm fine"

He said looking away his heart beating wildly inside. Though he was just teasing the other earlier he didn't think he would almost lost his control like that. Almost. Kit wasn't muscled like him and his skin tone was much paler than his. The red brown locks were now completely plastered on his forehead and the water droplets continuously rooted down from his face to the milky neck which was barely covered by the large shirt. The tips of the small fingers peeked out of the sleeves giving him a complete innocent child like aura but making him look sexy and totally fuckable at the same time.

" What the? Not now Phana! You need to have a fucking boner in a situation like this?"

None of them talked for a while and quietly listened to the heavily pouring rain. Pha draped the jacket over both of them taking Kit's small hands rubbing and blowing warm air to make them cozy as much as possible.

" W-what are you doing?"

Kit tried to take the hands back stuttering feeling butterflies in his stomach.

" Hold on"

Pha said blowing more air on them. He looked up meeting other's eyes which held confusion and pain.

" N'Kit do you remember the first day we met?" He chuckled and continued. " I know what you're thinking. But it's not the basketball match" Kit furrowed his eyebrows. " I still remember that short kid who took my ball in his head and fell down breaking the big glasses. Destiny is funny isn't it? I met you again in my middle school years, then again in high school. But when I blew up my chance last time I never thought I'll meet you ever again..... Kit look at me"

Pha pleaded when Kit averted his eyes away biting his lower lip. He gently cupped other's face slowly turning it to him. " Kit listen I know I'm a jerk. Call me anything you want. Hit me if you want. I'm not gonna stop you because I know I deserve it. But please believe me, even if I didn't know what I felt for you back then I swear they were genuine and real" His own eyes teared up when tears escaped from Kit's long lashes wetting his cheeks uncontrollably. This time he didn't even held them in. He just stared at Pha blankly his hands resting on his sides.

" All my life I've been studying about every anatomy of each and every body part but I never understood about my own heart Kit"

He gently took one of the small hands and rested on his beating heart resting his forehead on Kit's staring at the puffy eyes.

" Can you feel my heart beating for you Kit? This is real me. The idiot who took almost all of his life time to figure about his own feelings. I'm not perfect as they say. I don't know how to show my feelings so I always end up acting like an asshole. But I'm trying...I'm trying so hard to prove you that I love you"

Kit's heart clenched at Pha's sincere words and more and more tears escaped from his already reddened eyes. He has lost count how many times he had shed tears because of Pha.

 His hand stopped the taller from leaning down to his lips and Pha shrunk his shoulders letting out a sigh burying his head on Kit's neck.

" I'm willing to wait for you Kit. I'll wait till you say you feel the same for me too. I'll make you fall in love with me all over again....j-just give me a chance"

He retreated cupping Kit's face with both of his hands and leaning in and placing his lips on other's forehead in a loving kiss closing his eyes.


What the fuck i just wrote????? Sorry it's my first time. And these days i'm investigating smutty fics cause i have no idea how to write it. This chapter was supposed to be funny but i ended up writing something sooo not me~

Enjoy! Vote and comment~

Happy belated birthday Copgi~ 

Ah i wish i could find the full video of his show T^T. Kimcopbas were so sweet in a group hug. Hahahaha it's so cute how Bas openly kiss Copter out of the blue and grin like a innocent bunny. Bascop skin ship has taken a toll these days...


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