Under My Demon's Command

By BK1019

439K 13.7K 894

"Where I'm from, the fires are hot." He grasped my ass tightly. His mouth was close to my ear. "Nothing but e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 Part 1

Chapter 37 Part 2

9.8K 302 104
By BK1019

      Waking up once more in Eurynomus's room. I was bounded. Looking down, I was in a red see through outfit. Certain areas covered, with gold earrings on and a small golden crown. I tried getting loose, nothing. A clock went off, demons cheered, souls screamed. The door slammed open. The devil escorting Eurynomus into his room. He was blindfolded. The devil smirked at me. "Okay son, take it off." Eurynomus slowly removed it. His eyes met mine. I felt so naked and nervous. He slowly smiled. "But father, what about-"

He placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's your birthday, she's what you wanted, just say you're good. I'll leave you to...whatever it is your darkened soul decides to do." Looking over at me, I tried breaking free again. Acting scared. Eurynomus came over to me. His hand touched my leg, I pulled away. He smirked at the devil. "I think I have a few things in mind." Running his claw down my leg. The devil laughed as he left us alone. Eurynomus locked the door. I didn't even know what to do. He came back over to me and whispered. "Pretend your scared and start screaming. He'll leave after that."

I nodded. "What do you want from me?" He took the rope off my feet and hands. Once I was free, I ran away from him. He got serious. "Natalie, come here."

"No! Leave me alone!" I screamed. He came over to me, pulling me close to his chest. "He's gone." He whispered. He kissed me in full passion. I couldn't help but feel needy. Eurynomus smirked at me. "This outfit, so sexy." Grinding himself on me. "Let me take you Isabel." Lifting me up, threw me on the bed. Clawing on top of me, he changed into a human. His hands grasped my hands. "If I mark you again, there's going to be some changes."

I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "You might have to stay here with me, forever." I touched his cheek. "You may never see earth again." I kissed him. It didn't matter. I just wanted to be with him. The look in his eyes said it all, then they became dark. My body froze in place. Satisfied, he took off the red outfit. He undressed himself, my breath became heavier. He shoved himself inside me and went roughly. I couldn't breath, couldn't move. My lungs felt like they were going to collapse. Eurynomus was out of control. My hands held onto the bed for dear life. My body was going to climax. I screamed loudly at the last thrust. A bright light sparked the entire room up. Feeling helpless, I laid on the bed silently. Eurynomus got close to my ear. "Isabel?" I could only nod. "Did I hurt you?" Shaking my head. His eyes looked worried. "Say something." My hand gently touched his cheek. He pulled it away. "I don't know what got over me. I feel terrible that-"

Covering his mouth, "It's okay. I'm not in pain. Just more into shock." He kissed me gently.

"I'm a animal. I went very rough with you. I can see your thoughts again." His eyes looked away. Squeezing his hand, I wanted to reassure him that I wanted the same thing as him. His eyes looked deep into mine. "Please forgive me." I kissed him sweetly. He held my face. Biting his bottom lip, taking in a deep breath. "It's okay Eurynomus."

Suddenly, fire shot up in the middle of the floor. I quickly put on his shirt. Eurynomus turned into a demon. The devil stood there, raging mad. "YOU TRICKED ME!"

I sat on the edge of the bed. The devil pointed his finger at Eurynomus. "You knew!"

"Yes father, as a result, you have no say now. I marked her again." It didn't stop there. The devil tossed Eurynomus across the room. "I've tried doing things my way, now I will take matters into my own hands." His hands raised up, a huge fireball began to form. He gazed over at me. I didn't know what to do. He began to aim it at me. This was how I was going to die. Wind blew across the room. Sith showed up. The devil was even more pissed. "THIS WAS YOUR DOING!" My body was shaking.

Sith didn't flinch. "You know damn well it was. And let's be honest, this has happened before. Eurynomus fell in love with another girl. Her name was Melody. The year was 1978. Eurynomus was out doing your biding, when the soul became the girl. He didn't have the heart to eat her, instead he gave her life. She lived for about a year before discovering he never did the job. So, you got in the way and forced him to kill her. She screamed until she died. Eurynomus was disgusted with himself and you. Forcing himself to become the heartless demon you very much enjoyed. Isabella was just a victim. Wanting the desire to sleep with her. But once he marked her and began to know her more. His heart began to show again. You didn't want a repeat, plus demons are heartless. Not everyone is you and I'm against your actions. You should mind your own damn business what your son does with a human girl. She hasn't exposed hell or anything."

The devil dropped the fireball. He was thinking about what he was saying! Eurynomus got up and came over to me. His arms wrapped securely around my body.

The devil smirked wickedly at Eurynomus. "She hasn't said a word, and she won't." Sith was still on his toes. The devil sighed. "Son, you must perform my tasks. Your duties as a demon don't end. She's nothing but your whore."

Eurynomus rolled his eyes. "She's my girlfriend. You can either accept that or never speak to me." He looked displeased. It was really hard for him to grasp the fact that we were dating. Sith rolled his eyes. "Can you leave them alone? He marked her again. What more will it take for you to stop messing with his life? If you continue down this path, only death will come to your son." His eyes met mine. I shook a little. Eurynomus kissed my head. The devil shrugged silently. "One false move-"

"She's going to be a good girl." Eurynomus spoke up. His hand squeezed my sides. I knew what he meant. The devil disappeared as quickly as he came. Sith smiled. I looked up at Eurynomus. "Thank you." He kissed me. Sith waved his hand. "Nothing really. So, she needs to spend the night here. Just to make sure he's cooled off before going back to earth." He left as well. Eurynomus yanked me into his lap. I was naked under his shirt. He kissed my neck. "Mm Bella. I could go for round two." My mind was racing. This was really happening. Us, here. I couldn't even believe it myself. He kissed my cheek. "Bella, you're driving me nuts with your thoughts. Just relax." My vision became blurry suddenly. I shook my head serval times. It wasn't going away. Everything around me was fading. Voices came flying at me. Faster it seemed. It couldn't be controlled. Feeling like I was thrown off the roller coaster, just floating. Just slowly falling..........

My eyes opened to bright lights. I was in a room. People were surrounding me. I couldn't focus on everyone. One face stood out. I couldn't forget it no matter how hard I tried. "Eurynomus." I murmured. The man came closer to me. Everything was clearing out. A nurse stood at the bed. Another man and a doctor. "Isabella? Can you hear me? This is Dr. Michael." Holding my head in my hands, I was trying to figure out what just happened. The man on my bed squeezed my hand. "I thought you'd never come back."

Sitting up, I knew no one. A girl came in. I smiled. "Carrie." She held her mouth, in tears. She rushed over and hugged me. The nurse came over to check me. Dr. Michael stood next to me. "They've been waiting for you. Seems like forever to them. How are you feeling?"

My eyes met his. "Who are the guys?" He shined a light in my eyes. "Her eyes are dilated. Just give her a moment to relax."

Carrie held my face. "That's Sam." Pointing to the man at the end of the bed. My eyes widened. I was looking at a dead man walking. How did this happen? She looked at the man sitting next to me. "That's Erin, your boyfriend." Blinking a couple times, I was looking at Eurynomus. The demon prince I fell in love with. Struggled to be with. I pushed her away. "But...Sam died. He was dragged into hell by chains. But then he came back and-"

"Did you dream this up while you were in a coma?" Dr. Michael spoke up. My mind was racing. Coma? I never slipped out of it? None of this made sense. He saw my expression. "It's okay. Some people believe they came from another world after waking up. You dreamt up an entire world for yourself. None of the people here have changed."

Erin pulled my hands together. "Bella, everything is going to be okay."

I looked at him. "I'm not crazy. It did happen." He kissed my forehead. He was trying to calm me down. I didn't know what to do. The nurse left the room. Sam leaned on the edge. "You hurt your finger. Well actually, you cut it. The infection got worse. The exams and stuff made you forget about it. Well, you ended up passing out in the middle of the college yard. You slipped into a coma after you fell down a flight of stairs. It was really bad."

Carrie sniffled. "At least you came back to us. I really did miss my best friend."

I sighed deeply. None of this was making sense. How did I know this was real? "How long was I gone for?"

Everyone got quiet for a moment. Erin spoke up. "Two years about." I was gone for so long. "They said it would take years. But you were showing brain activity. You almost died at one point. They had to bring you back." I remembered Eurynomus coming to my aid after the devil talked to me. The words came clear as day. "You're so close to death baby. So weak." Dr. Michael clapped his hands. "Okay. This is becoming overwhelming. One person needs to stay for now."

Sam nodded. "I'll come by tomorrow." He walked out silently.

Carrie looked at Erin. "You stay tonight. I'll come by early tomorrow." He was going to object but then got quiet. Carried hugged me before leaving. The dr left with them. Erin looked at me. "I-"

"I'm sorry." I spoke up. He was confused. "I didn't mean to be away for so long."

He shook his head. "Don't be sorry Isabel. You don't know how much I've missed you since you were gone. I thought you would never come back to me. I prayed that God would return you soon. I couldn't live with the thought of losing you. I fought off so many demons and-"

"I know Eurynomus." I spoke out.

He raised his eyebrow. "Who's Eurypmy?"

I shook my head. He wasn't going to understand. "You. You were a demon prince that I fought to be with." The demon prince that I missed. I'm sure this guy is nice and all. But he could never replace Eurynomus. The way he treated me was beyond how any normal man would. He smirked at me. I couldn't figure out what that face was for. Something changed in him. Like a different tune began to play once everyone left. "Let's just keep that to ourselves. Okay Bella?" His eyes began to glow yellow. I held my mouth. His hand turned into a claw. "Now we can be together without any interruptions." I suddenly knew what just happened. He fixed it, in a way I couldn't possibly understand. A way the devil would finally leave us alone. But I knew for sure, none of it, was ever a dream.


**This is the end! Thank you everyone who supported this story from the beginning!! ***

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