The Penalty Box

By Madddie_boooo

189K 3.4K 256

"Why do you play hockey?" He asked with a sense of urgency to his voice," Callahan why do you play hockey?" S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
The story behind The Penalty Box plus a thank you from me

Chapter 55

1.7K 47 5
By Madddie_boooo


"Alright boys, I've got good news, really good news, and really really good news," I told them as they all grabbed water.

"Lay it on us," Ty said, smiling rather proudly at the C on his jersey.

"For starters, we're leaving for Canada next week," The boys all cheered, they had been looking forward to this," And onto the better parts, we all have tickets to the Hurricanes game tonight, best seats in the house. Make sure you thank Coty when you see him."

"And the rest of it?" Alex, one of our defensemen, asked.

"Oh yeah, the best bit," I said nonchalantly," Coach Peters has not only arranged for us to share the ice with the Canes will we're in Winnipeg, but he's also arranged for the Jets to join us."

"Wait, so we'll be playing with NHL players?" Ty asked.

I shrugged,"That's what I've been told," I replied," Now go, practice is over. Just make sure you guys are here and ready to go by five tonight."


"You don't have to call me before every game you know," I told Coty, setting the phone down and putting him on speakerphone," I'll see you in a few hours anyway."

"But maybe I just like hearing your voice," he replied," Besides, do I need an excuse to call my amazing girlfriend?"

"Maybe not," I replied," The boys said they'd all  wear their jerseys, since you asked them too."

"And what are you wearing?"

"Oh no, we're not going down that road bud," I laughed," I'll see you in a few hours."

"I love you," He reminded me.

"I love you too," I replied," Be careful okay? Keep your head off the ice, please."

"I'll do my best."


The guys and I sat behind the home bench. They were loving every minute of the game. The Penguins were back in town, which was pretty interesting considering Coty used to play for them.

"Alright boys," The Rink Manager said walking in front of us," Ready?"

The guys were supposed to take the ice in between periods for a game. They'd been told to bring their skates and leave them at the tunnel.

"Have fun," I told Tyler.

"Oh no, you're coming too Coach!" He said pulling me up.

"So, I was going to wait until later," I said slowly," But I talked to your social worker. I know you haven't been happy with your foster parents, so I put in an application. All that's left  is for you to say yes."

He was lacing up his skates by the time he looked back up at me," You want to foster me?"

"Foster, maybe one day adopt," I shrugged," Depending on how much you still like us."


"Tonight we welcome The Carolina Lightning youth hockey team, and their head coach Callahan Smith."

The cameras turned to us, a rag tag team," And tonight we have a special surprise for their coach."

My head snapped to the boys, only a couple of them had skates on, but they all had a massive smile on their faces.

"Do you trust us?" Ty asked.

"I don't know, I feel like this is where a horror movie starts," I laughed,"But I guess."

"Grab my arm," He told me," Dolton and I will lead you."

I was about to question when one of them blindfolded me. I swear these boy will literally be the death of me. I stumbled a little when my feet hit the ice.

I gripped Ty and Dolton's arms," Where are you guys taking me exactly?"

"Center ice," Ty replied.

I shook my head and kept carefully taking one step after another. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what they were planning. They both stopped pretty abruptly.

"You can take off the blindfold now," Ty said before he skated away.

I lifted off the blindfold and was met by Coty, who stood only a few inches from me. He'd told me that he was going to be doing an interview in between the periods.

"Hi," I whispered," What are you doing?"

He smiled and and got down on one knee. I didn't even notice the little box in his hand until now.

"Callahan, first off I love you, more than almost anything. I love the way you laugh while watching tv, or the way you insist on having five different types of chips in the house at all times. I love the way you fight for your team, no matter what. I love the way you love your family, so fiercely that you'd do absolutely anything for them," He told me," I love watching you grow as a coach, and as a person. I love waking up to you, and knowing that you're going to be the last person I see before I fall asleep at night. And I love all of the memories that we've created together. And I want to make so many more. So Callahan Jacqueline Smith, will you marry me?"

My hands were shaking. For a moment I'd forgotten that we were in an arena, with thousands of people watching us. I'd forgotten about everything. All I could think about was him, and us.

"Yes," I whispered," Yes oh my god yes!"

He laughed and got off his knee," Thank god, I thought you were going to say no for a minute."

I pulled him down to kiss me. My fiancée. I was going to marry Coty. My head was fuzzy, but in the best way. I watched as he slipped the ring onto my finger.  I laughed a little as he kissed me again.

"We should probably get off the ice so they can zam it," He told me with the biggest smile.

I laughed as he took my hand and pulled me. He skated backwards, tugging me along as he went. We used to do this all of the time. But we hadn't in years.

We hit solid ground, and I wrapped my arms around him. The boys started cheering, as did everyone else.

"You knew about this?" I asked shoving Tyler.

"Who do you think helped him plan it?" Ty laughed," Oh and I figured we might as well go two for two, so if you guys would like to foster me, then the answer is yes."

I grabbed Ty and hugged him, something I never would've thought I'd be doing. He mumbled something as he hugged me back, I never did realize he was saying thank you.

"Babe, I gotta go," Coty said touching my shoulder," I'll see you guys after the game. Celebratory pizza?"

I nodded and told the guys to head back to our seats. I was grinning like an idiot for the rest of the night. I was going to get married.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not going to call you mom or anything," Ty clarified.

"I think if a sixteen year old called me mom I might die," I laughed," Just think of me more as the fun aunt."

"Yeah, sure," He laughed.

"Hey, be nice to me," I scolded, trying not to laugh," I'm not only your coach, but now as soon as the paperwork clears, I'm your foster mom too."

"Yeah yeah," he said waving me off.

I smiled, I couldn't help it. Everything had changed. And yet everything was still the same.

"By the way, the boys and I want to make a Natties run this year," Ty mentioned casually," That is, if you're up for it."

"Oh Ty," I laughed looking over at him,"You have no idea."

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