Character Profiles 🌈

By AliceInChains21

756 31 290

These are updated profiles of my own original characters. The universe is shared with @strike_over_roses See... More

Kylie, The Red Huntress
Suki, Cupid's Love Child
Onyx, Rainbow Princess
Hades, Lord of the Garden
Ashley, The Mischievous Rebel
Goyo, Runaway Prince
Suzuki, The Little Paper Doll
Lola, The Carefree Hippie
Akihiko, The Passionate Photographer
Shou, Bare Boned Diva
Morgan, Miss Sunshine
Jx, Warm-Hearted Scientist
Gavin, The Lovestruck Skater Boy
Fj, Fucking Jenna
Celeste, Little bird
Iris, The Activist
Oscar, The Haughty Elf
Aspen, The Two-Faced Crow
Marcus, The Heterochromatic Pianist
Rolu, Ripped at the Seams
Monty, Patient #254
Rye, The Thrill Seeker
Kairi, The Lion Heiress
Ruby, The Pianist's Daughter
Ollie, Little Butterfly

Ozzie, The Emotional Intellectual

19 3 17
By AliceInChains21

"If you fail, reevaluate everything and try again."

Basic Information:
Full name: Ozzie Sakayume
Title: The Emotional Intellectual
Nicknames: Minx, Devil hound, shortie, kid
Age: unknown, but he looks 14.
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Physical Aspects:
Ethnicity: His mother was part angel and human while his father was a wolf. He took on both traits, therefore, he is part angel and part wolf.
Hair: Messy gray hair
Eyes: dark gray
Skintone: light tan
Physical build/fitness: Small, but QUITE built under the layers of clothes he has. He has a six pack and very strong arms and legs. His height and attire makes him look frail, but he's got the whole package.
Posture: Sassy or childish. He's either leaning on one foot or dragging his feet like a kid. In battle though, he is combat ready with straight posture.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Voice: snarky or sarcastic sounding most of the time. In the higher range, but very smooth.
Outfit #1- black tank top with grey jacket. Loose grey tie and black studded collar. Black jeans and black studded belt. Loops hanging from pants stylishly. Black tie up boots that go up to the mid calf.
Outfit #2- Grey kitty cat hoodie with a black t underneath. Ironically, wears a cross necklace underneath hoodie. Black cargo pants or black skinny jeans. Black boots as always.

Personality Information:
Character keywords: bossy, know-it-all, logical, planner, vengeful, cocky, sassy, emotional, childish, minx, compassionate, caring, determined, stubborn
Virtues: logical, planner, determined compassionate
Flaws: emotional, childish, vengeful, bossy, stubborn
Tragic flaw: vengeful, stubborn
Self or Others: Self
Joys: "toys", hoodies, chocolate milk, guns, skating, books, animals, solitude, sweets, chokers, studded belts, onesies, bubble baths
Fears: ???
Hobbies: going to the zoo, eavesdropping, playing chess, reading, admiring hot people, skating, drinking hot chocolate by the fire, snuggling, taking a bath, sex
Coping mechanisms: He tends to isolate himself and cry or throw himself onto other men. He just needs to forget and it is the only way for him to do it without getting drunk.
Optimist, pessimist or realist: Realist
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INFJ
Ideal relationship: Somebody he can hold intellectual conversations with while still being intimate. He treasures intimacy in words and actions. Both hold secrets and sweetness.
"Let's just say...I'm not a good boy."
"It's all about the technique."
"Don't look down on me."
"Oh, don't be so delusional."
"Everything can be broken. Just one shove in the wrong place, and poof. It shatters."
"Labels are just an excuse to push someone away."
"The bird's nest has to empty at some point."
"All I want is love, but that's the only thing I never get."
Nervous habits: *shuffles back and forth on his feet* *bites lip* *mumbles*

Misdirection- He can send a bullet and then make it disappear and then reappear from a different direction.
Gravity circles- he can use them to make platforms and bounce off of them or to walk up walls.
Send back- Last minute defense mechanism where he can send away anything that comes near him.
Canon- he can send himself or others flying into the air with a magic symbol. Can be used to gain height or to throw off his opponent.
Ribbons- in the wake of where he travels during battle there is blue translucent ribbons for about 10 seconds. If you run into any of these ribbons you could get paralyzed.
Electric Cartwheel- when he cartwheels he sends blue waves of electricity.
Headshot of emotion- this activates Blue Rito. It causes the person to be so overwhelmed with inner thoughts that they pass out or they see the reality of their actions and are unable to fight.
Specialty: dodging, agility, misdirection
Weapons: twin blade guns where on one side it's a fun and on the other side it's a dagger. He can also use a thin silver scythe that is good for quick, light attacks.
Brief fighting description: He is long range to sudden close range fighter. He attempts to misdirect his opponent before getting in close to do damage. He also keeps himself well guarded, especially with his send back and ribbons. In order to breech his defenses you have to beat him at his own game of misdirection.

Family wealth: When he was a child he was in the lower side of the middle class. His dad had a basic job that paid decent and his mom took on multiple part time jobs. Currently, he is poor. He never pays his rent and if he does, it is never on time. He has gotten kicked out of a lot of apartment complexes.
Family friends: Leroy's family and Dx's family
Immediate family:
Mother- Crimson Taiyōkō, a smart girl who dislikes confrontations and can never stand up for herself. She has been pushed around time and time again, but she is finally learning the value of her name.
Father- Hanji Sakayume, a man who always believed that dreams came true. He believed it to a point where he became pushy to his wife. They divorced and he is now remarried to a younger woman who holds same beliefs as him.
Chance Sakayume- an opinionated man like his father who just wanted to make his family proud and protect his little brother.
Ex Wife- Radley Reed (Boo), an eccentric girl who brought out the kid inside of Ozzie.
Children- Logan Sakayume
Nieces- Dianna Sakayume, Nyx Sakayume
Nephew- Thorn Sakayume
Current friends: Siobhan, Arrow, Charlie, Radley, Eto, Derin
Current acquaintances: David, Beau, Zane, Kassidy, DJ, Gemini, Leroy, Kora
Current enemies: Nobody in particular. It's more an inner turmoil thing.

General History:
"My childhood was a blur. I just remember being home alone often and I would make stick figures as friends to play with. My father and mother would always be working and my elder brother was at Avian Academy. So I guess you could say I was lonely. However, I was surely loved. My mother would sing me lullabies if she was around when I went to bed and my father would always let me sit on his lap. I had loving parents. They just weren't around enough. One day, we found out my brother Chance had cancer. It was one that the doctor's hadn't seen before so they could not say how long he had to live. That's when my brother got overprotective of me and cold towards the world. If he knew that the unique cancer he has was easily curable, then maybe he wouldn't have acted like this. But, he did. We all assumed the worst. Because of this, my parents switched all their attention to chance and left me out to dry. I understood why, but it still hurt. That's why I went to Avian Academy as soon as I could so I could change my life. And indeed I did. I was top of my class from the get go and I had tons of potential. After just being in Avian Academy for 4 years they thought I could graduate. During all this my brother Chance came to despise me and my parents sided with him saying I was "moving too fast." And that I should "stick with people my age" instead of trying to grow up. They all annoyed me so I cut them out of my life. But because I needed permission to graduate early, I had to wait until I was 18. So I trained more and I never went back home during the holidays. I did not want to be with people who held me back. Even if they had the best intentions. Furthermore, I thought my continuation in schooling would be boring and inconsequential. And it was for awhile. Until I turned the age of 16. That final year in Avian Academy had to be the worst. There was a group of kidnappings that took most of my friends and left my remaining friend group in shambles. After hearing about the tragedy, my family finally broke and let me graduate. They didn't want me to stay in a place that brought such bad memories. Sadly, my happiness was short lived because a little over a year and a half afterwards...I was kidnapped myself. I was put in a game against and with my friends for years. It's too complicated to explain, but it really tested the limits of my friendship with some people. It strengthened my friendship with a girl named Radley and tore away the one I had with Gemini. When we were finally released from the game I didn't know what to do. But I really liked Radley so I decided to marry her. (Description of my love life will be after this. I didn't mention Derin yet because he would derail this whole thing.) I had a kid and lived near my brother, who I had made amends with. However, I was soon torn a part from my kid when I was sucked into the land of Oz. My wife followed me in, leaving our kid behind. To this day I want to scream at her for following me. She should have just took care of Logan, but she was stupid and followed along. Anyway, I had weird adventures in the Land of Oz, but had to leave after I became heartbroken and crazy. Radley and I found a way out, but no place to go. It was decades and decades later. Radley and I divorced while we were in the land of Oz so we decided we could see other people. Radley still followed me around as I saw man after man. I got an apartment here and there where I could, but all I could do was odd jobs to make some money. Thankfully, two people named DJ and Kassidy gave me better odd jobs and better sources to find them so I could not be homeless. I get along with them whenever I run into them. Then suddenly, I was found by Derin and some other old friends. They pulled me back into socializing, drama, and eventually the sin war. I helped, but only because I never wanted to see my friends get hurt again..."
Living arrangements: An apartment here and there
Hometown: Glenn Woods
Current town of residence: Narian, School Dorms
Previous residences: Apartments in Almia, house near Narian Castle
Education level: pre k-10 (however, his knowledge goes beyond that.)
Romantic Life: He instantly fell for a mischievous hunter  named Derin. He was never dull and always brought something new to the table. After his one-sided love was never returned, he fell into a small depression. His next love interest, Radley Reed, brought him out of it. She was a wild card who wasn't afraid to put herself out there. He had Logan with her and lived a peaceful existence until he was taken to the land of Oz by force. Radley followed Ozzie, neglecting to think of Logan, and became lost in the land of Oz. During this, she saved Ozzie from a horrible relationship with the Wicked witch of the west. Afterwards, they had a falling out and decided they were no longer suited for each other. They still traveled together because of their loneliness and lack of friends. However, Ozzie found a group he could bond with that had some of his old friends in it. Radley felt alienated, but still stuck next to Ozzie. Finally, Ozzie reunited with Derin. Sadly, Derin still wasn't willing to get into a relationship with him. It hurt Ozzie a lot and Radley felt bad so she set Ozzie up with a guy named Eto. Ozzie got along very well with eto and dated him for awhile. However, eto and Ozzie decided that they would be better as friends. Furthermore, Derin was now around Ozzie more than ever and he was not sure whether to let Derin back in or not. He was scared and didn't want to be thrown away again like he was before. Therefore, Ozzie decided he would not fall for Derin again unless Derin confessed to him first.

Goals—Ultimate and In-Story:
Short-term goals in-story: help his friends out
Long-term goal in-story: figure out who he loves
Childhood goals: become strong and independent, make a life of his own
Life-long goals: Find true love and be happy
Romantic goals: Derin, Radley, eto? Who does he love the most? Or should he focus on loving himself first?
Family goals: Rekindle his relationship with his son
Revenge goals: People who have fucked with his friends

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