• run away • |DEAN| - COMPLET...

By luluhemmo

7.6K 265 55

•D Ξ Δ N• Luna was in that point of her life, where she had nothing to live for anymore. her dad was dead, an... More



402 15 3
By luluhemmo


"At least they have donuts for breakfast." Was the first thing that came into my mind as I looked at the trays on the cafeteria.

I grabbed herself a chocolate donut and a bottle of water, and looked around to find somewhere she could sit in, when I spotted Brittany.

"Morning!" My friend smiled sweetly, and I smiled back.

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood today!

"You and Dean huh? Sorry I didn't comment on it before but I just couldn't talk to just you, you're always with him! You have to remember your friends when you're in a relationship, you know?" Britt said, while rolling her eyes.

"Where's Jess!" I asked, and Britt shrugged.

"I heard she's spending some days at her parent's house but she didn't even say bye!" She crossed her arms over her chest, and made an angry face.

Then, I felt a body sit next to me and a hand intertwine with mine.

I turned to him and kissed him in the cheek.

"I can't believe you guys are actually together. Please tell me how this happened. I'm your friend. I deserve to know..." she trailed off, waiting for us to continue.

"It just happened, I don't know." I answered while D tried to chew a big ass bite of donut.

"Dean, you shouldn't be eating this kind of stuff it's bad for y-" she stopped herself when she looked at me.

He glared at her, and didn't turn to look at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, my hands automatically making their way up to my face to inspect if there was in fact anything in my face.

"You're fine. Brittany is being annoying, that's all." He said, while taking my one of my hands away from my face and intertwining his fingers with mine again.

"Well don't be mean to her... and Britt, can't he eat donuts?" I said chuckling, and both of them refused to look at me, not finding this situation the least amusing.

"What? did I say something wrong?" I said, feeling my anxiety levels go up. I probably fucked something up again.

Maybe I said something I shouldn't have said? But what...?

"Dean. You know what I think about all this." Brittany finally talked, looking straight at Dean, then stood up and left.

What? Why did she just leave like that?
Was this had something to do with her bipolar disorder or something?

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at Dean, when he took his hand off my hand and cover his face in frustration.

"Everything's fine!" He said, plastering on a big smile, and then giving me an awkward bear hug while laughing.

"But why was she acting this way out of a sudden?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"I don't know... it must be related to her bipolar disorder..." he trailed off, his eyes leaving mine as he spoke.


"Well anyway.. what are we going to do today?" I decided to drop the subject and just do something fun. Hospitals are so boring.

"Actually... I was thinking on taking you somewhere..." He smiled at me, that smile I loved so much.

I rolled my eyes playfully and he raised his eyebrows at my response.

"What? You already know where I'm taking you?"

"Not really..." I laughed and now he was the one to roll his eyes.

"Then why did you roll your eyes?" He tugged a stray of hair behind my ear.

"Because that means it's a date." I stated like it was obvious.

Seriously, we had been having this... fling... for almost two months now. When was he going to pop the question?

"So what?" He clearly was not getting it. Haha.

"To go on a date, don't we have to be dating?" I swear I can't make it more clear than this.

"Who made that rule?" And then, he looked behind me, the corner of his mouth twitched... he was holding in a laugh!

"Dean!" I half yelled, getting annoyed at him. He left out the laughter he was holding in, and oh my gosh, this boy is such a dork.

I playfully hit him in the chest, and he lifted his hands up to where I had previously touched him. pretending to be in pain.

He growned, and I just chuckled at him before gettig closer and circling my arms around his neck.

"You're quite funny aren't you? Knowing exactly what I'm thinking and just making fun of it..." My head left his shoulder as I turned to face him.

"Sorry Luny," he just chuckled and my eyes widened at the nickname.

Luny? What the hell is this boy on?

I laughed at my own thoughts.

"Luny?" I kept on laughing as he stared at me, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yeah. Luny." He cupped my face with his hands, looking at me as if I was a pet.

"May I ask where did you get that from?" As asked, my voice muffled by my cheeks as he kept on squeezing my face.

"Because you are cute and names that end with the letter 'y' are cute." He said, his mouth in the most adorable pout.

"Okay okay okay. But when are we leaving?" I forgot about the whole 'we have to be dating' thing, excited to see what he had prepared.

"In.." he took a glance at the clock in the wall, then continued. "One hour and a half."

"Well that sucks. What are we going to do until there?" I scratched my hair, looking at him.

He didn't respond, so I looked at his direction and he had the creepiest, funniest face I had ever seen on him.

And then, I realized what he was thinking.

Seriously Dean?

"Is it really what I'm thinking?" I asked, still not believing his words.

Instead of responding, he just grabbed my hand and led me quickly to his room, closing the door after we got in. I turned the key, knowing it was exactly what I had in mind.

He didn't even wait a second before crashing his lips on mine.

It took me a few seconds to respond, and when I finally did, he groaned lowly.

I felt the room get hotter by the second as he kept on kissing me passionately. I was pressed to the door, and his hands slowly lifted my shirt just enough to see my belly.

His lips moved to my neck, and my head immediately fell backwards, as his hands traveled through the exposed skin on my stomach.

His kisses slowly made his way up to my jawline, then to my mouth again.

"I thought it was obvious." He said, his mouth leaving mine. We were both panting for air, I could hear my heart beating against my chest, as his right hand cupped my cheek, his thumb gently stroking it.

"What?" my voice was barely audible.

"You and me." He smiled, and I wanted to kiss him again.

"You and me what..?" I trailed off, wanting him to continue.

"We are dating." His leaned down and started kissing me again, but I pulled back.

"What? But you have to ask.. like.. Luna do you want to be my girlfriend? You know?" I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Is there a rule or something?"

"Should I ask then? Dean do you-" he cut me off, his mouth against mine as we kissed once again.

"I didn't ask you because I thought it was obvious Luny.." he pecked my lips, again. "Don't you see you make me go all caveman? Look at our lips!" He chuckled, and I noticed the redness that surrounded all around his mouth. "I'm crazy about you."

I melted at his words, and his eyes sparkled, focused on mine.

We started kissing again but this time it was a different kind of kiss. It was slow, gentle. His hands now encircled my waist, and we slowly walked over to his bed.

As we deepened the kiss, my heart filled with something I couldn't tell what it exactly was. Like a overwhelming warmth, I couldn't really explain.

But as I was figuring out what that feeling was, a loud sirene came from somewhere, and pulled away.

Dean's phone was ringing loudly, vibrating like crazy on the wooden table.

"Already?" Dean said. Then he looked at me, his eyes filled with amusement. He showed me the time. Woah.

"This is a great way to pass time huh?" He said, smiling creepily.

I threw one of the pillows on his face as I got up to look at myself in the mirror, and check if I was at least looking presentable.

The first thing I noticed was my neck. Holy Mother.

"Dean? Are you an animal or something?" I said, shocked, while my eyes kept on scanning my neck over and over.

My neck was practically purple.

"Sorry Luny. I can't control myself at those moments.." he scratched his neck, a slight smile visible on his lips.

I quickly grabbed my makeup purse from the drawer on my bed stand, and grabbed the concealer.

I put a lot of the small bottle's content on my hand, and applied it all over my neck.

The weight seemed to get off my shoulders as I saw that what I had done worked, the hickeys weren't as visible as before.

I put my hair to the front, trying to hide it more.

I turned around annoyed, the rolled my eyes at the face he was making.

"Okay princess let's go." I just kept on staring at him. He was unbelievable. Unbelievably adorable. But unbelievably annoying as well "You look fine!" He completed as he took in my angry face.

"Okay. Let's go boyfriend." He stopped in his tracks as he heard the word, the smiled sweetly, like a little kid.

"Hell yeah," he said, approvingly. He turned to give me a light kiss on the cheek, before we made our way to the front door.


The whole taxi drive was spent in silence, as I held Dean's hand in my lap, and he rested his head on my shoulder.

I kept on making little circles on his palm, while he was looking at it like it was really interesting.

"So can you at least give me a hint on where we're going?" I finally asked. It was pretty funny how he gave the directions to the lady who was driving: he whispered in her ear.

What a kid.

"You'll see. Chill Luny. And keep doing that," he said, referring to me making random drawings on his palm.

I just chuckled and did as he asked, then I felt him turn his head and leaving a kiss on my neck.

I looked out the window and squealed in excitement as I realized where we were going: a fair!

"Excuse me youngsters, it will be 30 dollars and 70 cents!" She stood out her hand to receive the money.

Before I could do/say anything, Dean shook his head and took out the money from his wallet.

I would have to pay for something later, I made a mind note to myself.

While he gave the money to the driver, she smiled at us.

"Can I say something? I am really envious of your young love. I hope you can stay this happy." Her words were so honest that I couldn't help but smile back.

I looked over at D and he was looking down at his lap, was something wrong?

"D you okay?" I asked while putting a hand on his chin and making him look at me.

"Yeah let's go. Thanks lady." He said, and we both left the car.

It seemed like a perfect day to go to a fair. The sky was blue, no cloud in sight. It was just all blue.

Th faint upbeat music could be heard all around, as well as some kids screaming.

Dean took the tickets out of his pockets and showed the woman, and she let us in.

He grabbed my hand, and I looked around amazed.

There were so many rides. There were a few roller coasters, a carousel, bumper cars, a ferris wheel, and of course, a lot of little fun games like those you get a water gun, aim at a specific point and try to make the toy go up the fastest.

"You seemed entertained." He woke me up from my thoughts, then gave me a side smile.

I just grabbed his hand and we made our way to the roller coaster's entrance. I think we waited something around 10 minutes, but it was okay, since Dean hugged me from behind the whole time and placed light kissed on my head.

I asked the condutor if we could seat on the first row, and when he said yes, We both ran and sat down.

At first, I put my hands up as if I weren't the least scared, I mean, why would I right? I already tried to kill myself, I'm not afraid of anything. However when the ride started, I felt a huge urge to hold onto the secure bar, and seeing this, Dean chuckled lightly.

I think he noticed. He noticed, and much to my own surprise, that maybe I actually wanted to live.

And I did the first thing that came to my mind. I laughed. I kept on laughing the whole ride, even when we turned upside down. And all my adorable boyfriend did was laugh at me.

Okay guys there's a clear difference in a person who's laughing with you and a person who's laughing at you.

"Let's never do that again.." He said, while putting his hand on his head.

"You okay?" I chuckled at him in pain, while he gave himself taps on his head to see if the pain would go away.

"Stop hitting yourself hm? Let's eat something!"

He stopped what he was doing and just looked at me, a smile playing on his lips.

We entered the first restaurant we saw, and that was a vintage looking one. It was all themed of the 50's, even the waitresses were wearing matching vintage uniforms.

The chairs and tables were all pink, the floor was black and white and the whole restaurant walls were pastel blue.

So Tumblr. I thought.

"Two hamburgs and two milkshakes?" He suggested and I nodded.

"But only one milkshake though..." i looked at him hoping he wouldn't catch on to what i was thinking.

But apparently he did, since he started laughing like a madman. He got closer And squeezed my cheeks, something I noticed he loved to do.

"You are adorable." He said, then turned around to go get out food.

I sat down on one of the booths, and not much later, he arrived with two hamburger boxes and a strawberry milkshake.

He just chucked at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

I saw as he started eating. He sure looked hungry, we was eating it like it was his first time eating a hamburger.

"You hungry huh!" I said as I chewed my own.

"I just haven't eaten one in a long time," he shrugged, then leaned in to take a sip of the milkshake.

This was my chance.

I leaned in as well. He stopped sipping when he noticed what I had done, but continued as he looked into my eyes, his filled with amusement.


"Ah my head is spinning," he said, as we left another ride.

I just turned to him and kissed his forehead.

"Okay baby now I kissed it, it's going to get well." I said sarcastically, laughing at how he felt dizzy after every ride.

"Baby?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, my baby." I put my hand ul and stroked his head, leaving his hair all messy.

He pretended to be mad but then I kissed him and it all went back to normal.

"Time to go home don't you think?" He put a strand of hair that hanging loosely behind my ear.

I looked up to the beautiful sunset over us, and stared at it in awe. I love sunsets so much. And today, the sky was purple-ish/pink-ish colour, making me smile.

This was definitely related to my dad. I like to think that every time the sunset is my favorite colour, it's his doing up there.

I lowered my head to look at D and he was already staring at me. I just chuckled at him, and he gave me a no teeth smile. His eyes seemed to carry such emotion, I wasn't able to figure out what it was.

"Yes let's go," I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled like a little kid.

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