A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.3K 457 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


322 17 8
By Thecalendar15

The electrifying Norwegian wind sipped through everyone's skin, sending chills to the tip of their fingers, white mist escaping their pale lips. The city in slumber started to become livelier than it seems. The sun shown its gleaming light, spreading warmth that soothes the coldness. A magnificent city... a beautiful place to live in.

A young man stood tall within the sidewalk; with his pale yet perfect complexion, he stood out upon the crowd. With a neat and lean physique, he quite has an athletic and fit body structure. Blue striking eyes. Thin nose. A smile that shows his pearl teeth. And what it made it truly absurd, his hair... his hair, like a freshly fallen snow.



The man payed a glance at his watch, his mouth gaped-

"Oh." He groaned. "No, no, no."

Before even anyone can notice, he rapidly scoffed off and crossed the pedestrian lane that had flashed green; traveling to the other side of the road. He sharply turned on his right, entering directly a narrow path until he reached the end. Walking. Walking. He can feel the weight from his back. Achy. Stiff. He woken up in the wrong side of the bed this morning.

The man turned to a right curve and another pedestrian lane showed. He constantly crossed the path, reaching the other side which marvelous man-made buildings can be seen. Different from ordinary ones, too unique and fascinating.

He hurriedly went inside the parameters, students in groups, talking and chatting about matters. Gigantic towering buildings, like that of Romanian era, it covered the entire land. Shade of white and smooth colors gently pricks the eye of anyone who could see it. With square rock flooring in different varieties of design, it completely showed off the etiquette and high standards of the university.

He trampled inside the main lobby and hundreds of the population stood before his very eyes.


University of Norway.

He continued and made his way out of the crowd, he could feel plenty of eyes on him but didn't have the urge to look back. He didn't have the time. He took up the grandiose staircase, his feet stumbling through the marbled tiles, never minding using the elevator. Passing through the hallway, he directly went to the stack of metal lockers, his in the middle portion. His hands scrolled in numbers.


It opened.

He retrieved some of his college book that he will be using in the start of the day, pen and papers to jot down notes. He stopped. Whispers lingering through his eardrum. Different tones... voices. His gaze swiped left and saw a group of five students, feeding up to morning stories.


He closed the locker, nearly startling anyone around him.


He breeze walked, finally arriving at a room, near the far end of the hallway. His gaze traveled to the four corners. The class will be nearly completed, some students will be late at the moment, but not him. Not this day. He voluntarily sat on the left end row where he is obviously assigned.

Before even having the time to register everything, he glanced beside and-

"Good Morning." Hans greeted in a wide smile. "Frost." Nearing his way.

Jack didn't answered in his first attempt, busily fixing his things up. Until it took minutes before he can finally strike back.

He chuckled.

And smirked.

"Well," Jack shrugged his shoulders. "Hello to you too."

Hans is not the person you would like to befriend with in the very first place, with his arrogance and silver tongue. Capable of manipulating one's trust and attachment. But all his known characteristics, he has a quirky and fun side. The handsome side of his. Jack is a friend. But not entirely.

"Did you hear the news already?" The man with an auburn hair asked attentively, raising his eyebrows, being too interested at the moment.

"'News'? You mean gossips." Jack corrected, staring with his icy blue orbs.

He's too fed up with such useless and pointless local gossips, circling repeatedly around the campus area. Being changed into unavailing information, too different from the original ones. Being turned into absurd forms of communication. Jack laughed at the thought. Hm. Feasted by hundreds and thousands of thirsty mouths.

"There will be a newcomer catching with us this week." Hans added, not confined with what Jack had said earlier.

The young man nodded, uninterested.

"Nothing new." He plainly stated, not looking back.

Hans smiled foolishly at the sight of the man in front of him. He circled around, focusing into every Jack's movement, like a predator who would look at its prey. Hans tapped his shoulder. Rubbed it smoothly and stopped. Jack, still not too caught up to look back. He stilled. Waited. Waited.

Hans neared his ears, small freckles covered his nose-

And whispered.

"It's not just anyone, Jack." He stated. "It's Elsa's cousin."

He corrected then gave a final disturbing smirk, ends of his lips curved up. Then, he left the whole scenario hanging.

Jack smirked. His gaze directly at Han's back, following to where ever he goes. His brow in a knot. He had no idea what he meant by that. A newcomer.

Everyday, the university accepts transferring student from different country and states, so it wouldn't be that much. And it's Elsa's cousin. Jack frowned. Han's voice creeps through his being. Like being threatened for something wrong he had done.

Jack shrugged.

Another deliberated and high ranked family. Honestly, that doesn't get into his nerves. He don't want to give so much fuss about it and had no plan on doing so. Hans had been playing all along, that is what he is known for. A game player. Silver tongue. Trickster. Well-accounted with this kind of strategies and mishaps. He always has something in his intangible mind.

Hans always has.

The day went along fine, with college books, calculation, critical thinking and mind blowing discussions; all is what Jack had expected it to be. He finds it fun and quite marvelous.

"Alright." The instructor heaved. "Class dismiss. See you tomorrow."

The whole class stood up and readied, finally heading through the door, exiting the main room. Jack waited patiently but something caught his eyes. Too vicious and full of greed. Han's green eyes with a mischievous smirk painted in his lips, staring directly at him. He eyed and watched him as they finally reached the outdoors. Jack remained calm and attentive, but despite all, before he could counter the attack, Hans already shifted into his right leaving him burdened. And quite intrigued.

Jack massaged his temples while walking near the lockers.

"Gah." He moaned. "That guy is creeping the hell out of me."

While scuffling through his belongings, leaving his books for tomorrow and keeping his notes in hand, Jack stopped and-

"Heyah Frost!" The man growled beneath his husky and broad voice. "Glad to see you today."

The white haired boy turned over his shoulder, almost inches apart with the man in front.

"Hm." He nodded and smirked. "We've seen each other like few hours ago so... glad to see you too."

Kristoff almost laughed but failed to. Tall for his age. Muscular. Fair skin. With light freckles onto his nose. Blond hair. Light brown eyes. Too muscly compared to Jack's lean and fit physique.

He had been Jack's friend for the longest he could remember. Not that kind of best of friends, but a great companion of his throughout school days. He is a lot more defined than that of Hans. He smiles a lot. Laughs a lot. And talks a lot.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Jack started, browsing the hallway with his icy blue orbs. "A quarrel between you and Anna, maybe?" His gaze fixated into Kristoff's.

The man laughed and grinned with his lips.

"No." Kristoff stopped. "What makes you think of that?"

Jack chuckled beneath his breath.

"You're too clingy sometimes and when that happens, there's something that had gotten between the two of you." He cleared his throat. "I-I mean, you'd got to ask advice or what nuts." He leaned onto the metal lockers, coldness sipping through his clothing.

"Not today." Kristoff smiled. "She's with her sister. And I'll be accompanying her to walk home, I heard Elsa had been very busy lately and I think she's going to stay here a little longer."

Jack eyes snapped, staring at his friend's explanation. He nodded. His head down.

"Is that so?" He asked. The sound of her name suddenly shifted and moved him.

"Hm." Kristoff nodded. And silence. "I'll be going then."

He bid goodbye, going through the end of the hallway where Anna is at the moment. Jack watched his friend's back before it finally disappeared within his line of sight. Jack's face furrowed. His lips in a straight line. He closed his locker and headed the opposite way, went through the stairs and arrived at the main lobby.

He skidded for a walk and ready to turn left but he saw something within the horizon, Jack stopped within his trails, his thoughts fighting over. Choosing between two options. His feet failed him, he trance towards a young lady in blue coat with her hair in a perfect french braid.

Platinum blond hair.

"Let me help you." His voice is low yet calm. His pale white hands trailing through the scattered papers and folders within the cold tiled-flooring.

Elsa, busy picking up over the fallen paper works, skidded for a stop once she heard a voice. A man's voice. She glanced upwards and saw his face in seriousness, not meeting hers. Silhouette covering half of Jack's face but Elsa can entirely see him.

"Oh. No, no." She insisted. "I can handle it, Jack." She continued fixing through the dissembled papers of her.

Jack scanned her for some time. A chuckle escaped his lips.

"Well," He breathed. "I can't just leave you here in this kind of state. And besides, I'm helping you already." He initiated.

Elsa bore over his, almost smiled but never did. She nodded, her platinum hair touching her shoulder. She is pale as Jack or white as they'll ever be, both have blue striking cold eyes and hair that can be mistakenly identified as the same shade of color, but is not.

"Okay then." Elsa stood within her heels. "Thank you for your kind generosity." Jack, on the other hand, followed, handling her piles of papers in his hands.

"Welcome." Jack beamed. "You must be very busy at the moment. Look at those!"

Elsa laughed softly. "Yes, I am."

And then an unexplained gap hindered between them. Silence. They both stood tall, waiting for someone to break the ice and-

"I- uh, I must be going then." Elsa enunciated, completely holding the papers in both hands. Her eyes as blue as his. "For the last time, thank you Jack." She softy stated before finally turning her back at him.

Jack nodded smoothly and finds himself outside, with gigantic letters embedded at the highest portion of the building, 'University of Norway' it stated, with their defining logo at both ends.

He's been living in Norway for almost his entire life. Because of its cold and undying temperature his self suits of. He will never leave this place. It left a remarkable space in his heart, at least. The memories he made here is not that easy to be replaced by something shallow compared to what had made him smile for a short period of time. Jack knows it. He loves this place. The people he cared of and take cared of his. The friends and bonds he made in this university. It will never be the same again.

Jack stopped and gazed over his shoulder, staring at her as she walks away. Her beauty and kindness never failed him. Her platinum blond hair. Her sparkling strong blue eyes. Her pale complexion.


He won't leave Norway.

Now that he has a reason to stay.


Hiccup stared through the letters, taller and higher beyond his line of sight. His gazed upwards. His forest green eyes quivered at majesty. He was fascinated of it. Finally, his here. This University where he could start all along, to prove to everyone his innate abilities and adjourn intellect. For his parents.

His eyes traveled around but never hold unto the boy beside him, looking back to stare someone or to leave his self at peace, meters apart. Jack stood at the same position, a smile creeps into his thin lips, bringing out his pearl teeth and glances away. Never having doubts to look at both sides.

They never knew, both of them standing within the same ground. So close yet so far.

With their fate tied around various possibilities and pending circumstances, will they ever meet once again?

Four teenagers within their worlds, living in harmony and peace. Once their worlds collide; they will find their strengths and weaknesses. Being entangled within riddles and puzzles.

Will they read between lines and spaces?


Will they end up in the most hideous and unending crimes of tragedy?

Because after all...

Magic comes with a price.


Tada! I've updated two chapters in a row XD

This chapter, I've showed up the minor characters that will help the characterization of the main four characters. And I've showed up their forming bonds and friendship. 

What do you think will happen next? XD

Read. Vote. Comment.

Thank you! :)

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